The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 06, 1921, Image 5

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Items of Local Interest > ni ^THURSDAY, JAM ARY 6. 1921 , \V< * W ^ Mv V-voi-^tt HimLs is on the ,-ick Di V ^ -? list this week. ? * Dr. anil Mrs. H. A. Ackerman are da :n town this week. wj of Miss Imo Fulton left on Tuesday j afternoon for Florence. , V ' Mr. George A. McElveen spent na Wednesday in Charleston on business, to vi. Miss Elizabeth Kellani spent several as days here last week with Mrs. A. C. Hinds. Miss Effii* Ramsey of Dillon was j the guest this week of Miss Helen Mc-! <?oweli. tr . da Miss Milton Stackley has resigned jej her duties at the McLeod Infirmary ^ at Florence. ? # ? it Miss Claudia Jones has returned to Coker College. Hartsville, where sh^ a is a student. S( Misses Lizzie Gordon. Bertie Wil- JI son, Nora Kinder, have returned to Rock Hill to take up their work at S; Winthrop College. T< M Miss Elma Hinds has returned to SO Moultrie, Ga. She is a teacheer in the J High School there. ^ . ? * * er We are glad to report that Mrs. J. di C. Kelley is doing nicely since her FI operation on Monday. M *, CI Miss Madge Blakley left Monday ^ morning^ resume her studies at S* Mary's School, Raleigh. K Miss Serena Lee returned to her studies at Converse College, Spartanburg, on Tuesday morning. ? ^ Mr. Woodham, of Hartsville, has R been visiting his sister Mrs. LeRoy CI Pavre for the Dast week., G * f bi Mr. M. L. McCleary has coved to ^ town with his family and occupy the ? home of Dr. Claude McCabe. T Mr. Henry Harper from Anderson ? spent several days this week at the home of Rev. E. A. McDowell. B. Jt Mr. and Mrs. Henry Britton spent g Christmas in Orangeburg with the tr > * latter's mother, Mrs. C. D. Kertj hn. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Watsou, of St. Matthews, spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. 0. Britton. If w | Miss Lydia Green has returned to ^ her home in Columbia after having spent a week here with Mrs. W. L. Taylor. ? ^ Misses Annie Frierson, Elizabeth ? Stackley, Mandaline Kinder, Azlee w McKnight have returned to Columbia College. bi li Mr. Williams of Moult ie. C-.. who ^ has been visiting friends here for the g past week left for his home on Sun day night. hj th Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Frierson have moved into town and are now occupying one of Mr. Silverman's cottages 1 on Mill street. ai ai Mrs. L. W. Gilland and childrer "< returned from Charleston Sunday af- ir ' ternoon after spending the holidays lij with relatives. Miss Margaret Warren who has been visiting Miss Maraion McFadden for | the past wee* has returned to her { home in ATendale. f Miss Mary Sue Mc&night returned J|to Branchville Sunday morning after h< spending the holidays with her moth- tc [ " er in this community. bt ^ Miss Annie Frierson entertained ^ a number of the younger set on Thurs- ^ day evening last, Every one present K had a jolly good time. cc (III IT>] George Miller and Dewey Van \ Keuren have returned to their duties ?* | in the U. S. Navy after spending a ^ two weeks furlough at home. m School opened here on Monday E morning. All of the teachers came in lii on Sunday r.'ght after a two weeks It visit at their respective homes. si of Dr. and Mrs. li. McQueen Montgom- n( ery and little McQueen, Jr., a~e at home after r. visit during the holi i* in days at Mrs. Montgomery's home in ^ Orangeburg. I * Miss Helen McDowell expected to se --- - ? ID & leave on Aionaay morning tasi iu i1 Dillon, but received a message that B school would not open until Mndoay ?* : Jan. 10 on account of an epedemic of ? I mumps. sa H M | Mr. D. Silverman spent Wed:.esday th I in Lake City. Mr. Silverman played to I for the Tomlinson-Ilurch weddinu fii I which took place in the Mew Baptist ar BB^Church in Lake City on Wednesday, cu B ^evening. m I ^Miss Winkle Glenn, of Titusville. ^ i vJJa., who has been visiting Miss Ma- jJ B rian McFadden during the holidays, ^ P? left on Tuesday morning for Ashley ft' Hall School, Charleston to resum ? her vo ft - work in that school. L_ Mr. Louis Stackley entertaned a imbcr of lis friends on Now Years ght with a six o'clock dinner. Mrs. ackley prepared and served a do- < jhtful course dinner. Those present!' are: Messrs. Louis Stackley. R. K.j< allace. J. F. Scott. K. C. Burgees. ' i'. E. T. Kelley. * * * Mrs. Tena Nelson returned several .ys ago from Anderson where she j is called on account of the illness ; her mother, Mrs. Margaret Balster. , ite last week a telegram sent lien- ] is made to read that Mrs. Babter ,d died Thursday, but this was due an error in transmission. Late adces report Mrs. IJalstor's condition favorable. < o Christmas Dance Thursaav i Thursdaay evening last, the King- ' ee Dance Club gave a Christmas ince in the dining room of the He'- 1 ban Hotel. Th<' dining room was autifullv decorated with Christmas ' trlands. Metz' orchestra furnished 1 e music. The chaperones were: Mr. and Mr:. V. Singleton; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. :ott; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Prosscr and rs. LeRov Lee. Those present were: Mrs. Tom liters, Misses Jennie Saltars, Leila jrrel, Winnie Davis; Salters, S. C. ! isses Leone Williams, Helen Johnn; Lake City; Miss Carpenter Greenlie; Miss Louise Hayncsworth, Fol ice; Miss Margaret Warren, Allenile; Miss Winklee Glenn. Titusville. la.; Miss Louise Snow, Henry; Miss arv Rhem. Rhems; Miss Allen, riarleston; Misses Madge Blakelcy. ;rena Lee, Misses Hemingway, Hemgway,; Marion McFadden, Carolyn cFadden, H:v Hinds, Elma Hinds, ingstree. Messrs. C. W. Boswell, McK. Mcullough, Salters; Alea Davis Hatch, nder^on; Rosa Georgetown; D. D. hem, Rhem; John J. Snow, Henry; hester* Blake, Charleston; Charlie reen, Alvin McElveen, Sheldon; Wil ir | I iCU OViWTtJj U|/*AV(T f aurie Askins, Lake City; Woodham, artsville; Williams, Moultrie, Ga.; ee Flowers. Zeno and Sam Montgoery, Bill r-yr'n, George Miller, Dewr Van Kucren, Alex and Charlie lakeley, Joe Vause, Everett Hinds, ick and Manley McCollough, Mcride McFadden. Dr. May, of Kingsee. o J. D. Britton Takes Office Mr. J. D. Britton on Tuesday reived his commission as Clerk of the ourt of WTilliamsburg County and itered fully upon the duties and reKmsibilities of the office, succeding s father, Mr. H. 0. Britton, who has inducted the office with marked suc:ss and great satisfaction to his conituents for the past fourteen year% ivmg been elected to the office in K)6 to succeed S. McB. Seott appoint1 to fill the unexpired term of Mr. . C. Whitehead. Mr. Britton, like Sheriff Graham id become a familar personage at le Court House. His friends a.^e leion and they will miss him. The of- . ce of Clerk of the Courts however, re in good and experienced hands id those who have business at the Tlerk's office" will fine the present icumbent always courteous and ob?ing. FARMERS HOLD MEETING i o Determine Plans for next year? Officers Elected The largest meeting of farmers held ire in several years was that which ok place at tike court house Monday x>n. The auditorium of the old lilding was filled to its capacity with )th white and colored tillers of the >il, among them being the rep:sentative farmers of the county and ivering every section of its x.rritor\\ he meetfrig was charactized by seme : those present as the most itipormt held since the days succeeding le war between the states. The eeting was presided over by Mr. H. . . Montgomery president of t?:e Wilimsburg County Cotcon Association, s object was to determine, if posble upon rone plan for the welfare the farmers in the crisis that is >\v facing them and to decide upon iture activities relative to#the rrisg of cotton and tobacco. The old 1 ficers of the local association were elected with the exception of the Cretan,' who was unable to serve. . onald Montgomery \.r.s unanimously . iosen as the i ew secretary ar.u the fice of treasurer was merged into . .at of secretary, and a minimum ;la*y of $300 a year be allowed Mr. ! ontgomery. It was the of ose present to curtail the cotto 1 and bacco crop this year, in view of 1 nancial conditions, the boll weevil id other more or less deterring cir- . imstances. Excellent talks were ade by Mr. F. W. Fairey, cashier of J e Bank of Kingstree, Hon. E. C. pps, cashier cf the Bank of Wilimsburg and the Hon. J. C. Graham, r. Fairey thought it would wise ?t to plant any cotton at all this | a r. ! "i' i J. I'. Friersoi^ailor Sheriff Gamble has appointed as hi< | leputy and jailer, Mr. J. P. Friorson, who succeeds Mr. W. J. Cockficld. | :ieputy and jailor for former Sheriff | Graham. o I Hinds?Williams. 1 Mr. C. M. Hinds announces the up- | proaching marriage of his daughter, | Mi?s Hallie, to Mr. Homer Willtams, g 3l Moultrie, Ga. The wedding to take | place here in February. ? , ? IS Death of H. B. Lee I Mr. Henry B. Lee, affectionately | aalleci "Uncle Henry" by his friends, ? father of our townsman LeRoy Lee, Esq., died unexpectedly at his home | near Cowards, in Florence County | sometime Tuesday night. He was | found dead in bed Wednesday morn- ^ ing, and it is supposed that he died | ibout -1:00 a. m. from heart trouble. j Mr. Lee had been in apparently good I health and had written his son here | that he expected to visit Kingstree g this week. s Mr. Lee was 68 years of age and " was regarded as one of the best citi nf Viic ppmmnnitv. Hp is sur rived by his wife, who, before mar- ^ riage was Miss Lynch, and eight chil- ~ dren, four sons and four daughters. . The sons are Dr. Covington Lee, of i } Florence, Aaron Lee of Oklahoma; H John Lee of Florence County and Le- J Hoy Lee, Esq., of Kingstrce. \Ve were ij unable to obtain the names of the four ^ daughters, all of whom arc mcrrie.d. '* Funeral and interment will tak- J place at 2 o'clock this afternoon. o ? ' Mrs. Kirton Entertains. . . I ? On Friday evening of last week Mrs. ? D. J. Kirton very pleasantly enter- I tained a number of her young friends | at her home at Cades. The guests ? arrived at 8:00 o'clock, and assembled ! in the reception room, and hall, where J various contests were engaged in. Af- < ter the contests, refreshments were ! served. Those enjoying Mrs. Kirton's j hospitality were: Misses Estelle Shu- < ber, of Moncks Corner, kattie Thornas of Kings tree, Velma Thomas, ' Messrs. Archie Wilkins, Joe Vause, < Lucien Kinder, J. V. Epps, R. L. ! Coleman, Winslow and L. H. Cromer, J Mrs. Etta Graham, Mr. and Mrs. V. ? G. Arnette and Mr. and Mrs D. J. Kirton. \ ANOTHER CUT IN MEAT PRICES. J At the Millers Market and Cold Stor- < are Plant. ! Pork Hams from 40c to 35c Pork Chops from 40c to 35c Pork Shoulders fjrom 35c to 30c Pork Ribs from 35c to 30c Hog- Heads from 20c to 15c i L*c doth H.v da. A Freini> surgeon h?s recommendeti the French Academy of Medicine to advocate teaching school children to make equal use of both hands. The County Record Is $1.50 j year in advance CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ! ? ?,? n " I J-iU51 S'i'JtAlfiU UK SIUIjM? k Christmas Eve night or Christmas morning from R. 0. McClary, one E grayish brown setter bitch, answers E to name of "Gyp"- Reward if re- ? turned to Burgess & Jacobs, Kings- I tree, S. C. ltp C i COLLARDS?For sale, Mrs. Edwin Epos, East Main St. Phone No.280a. . l-6-2tp FOR SALE?Cabbage plants? all varieties $1.50 per M.. Cabbage $1.50 per crate, turnips $1.75 per hundred. All F. 0. B. Meggets, S. C., large supply, let me have your order. Albert R. Moseley, Jr., Salter^ Depot, S. C. 1-tp. PORK HOGS FOR SALE?Ap-' to D. E. McCutchen, Nesmith, S. C. l-6-2tp EGGS FOR SALE?Rhode Island Reds $2.00 per setting of 15. Single " Comb Black Minorcas, $2.00. Single f Comb Anconas $1.50. Brown Leg horns $1.50. White Leghorns $1.50. g S. W. Mimms. Kingstrc^, S. C. l-6-13tp FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENTTwo furnished rooms, with hot and J cold bath in house nicely located. | apply to L. S. Dennis, Kingstree. gj 12-30-tf. I FOR SALE?one pen of fine Barred 11 Rocks. Cockrel and lour pullets. * $12 will buy them. Apply Record ? Office. || ROOMS FOR RENT? Apply to P. S. 5 Courtney, Kingstree. 2t | A FEW HOMES, mercantile buildings p and farm lands at the right urices. I See M. H. Plowden, Kingstree. S. C. | 12-2-tf. I FURNISHED ROOM for rent. Ap- f ply to Mrs. R. M. Hare, Mill street, c 12-2-tf. ; $ ? FOR RENT?One modem seven-room * dwelling on School 'street. Kings- | tree. Applv to David Silverman, a ll-18-tf. | FOR SALE CHEAP?One Saw Mill | Outfit complete, with 7 mules, 3 B carts, 2 wagons, one 1-ton and one 2 2-ton truck. For sale cheap. Write ? wire or see S. F. Epps, Kingstree, g S. C. 10-7-tfc. I [f anybody ? Caa ;*sure it, j * Wm. W. Boddie can. ^ b c s b b " 'vnnmr:ji v z* j ' MONEY TO LEND j | If you need Money, why wait -- See Us I I Hold your cotton, but not unless it is protected by | 1 Insurance ? the risk is too great. I W1 E represent the STRONGEST INSURANCE COMPANIES in the country, Fire, Tonado, Hail, Etc. We | have a SPECIAL FARM POLICY which is very attractive. ! Jf COME and SEE US or Call | (Sll N Phones 239 or 117 I Home Land & Insurance Company ' B. A. BROWN - - - - C. J. THOMPSON, Mgr. I I D aA?? ?On I iifflrnnnl PT r? rr Pll VI o Eiro InCllMTirP fVl i\cyr csc rmrig i\u^ ai xnsuiaucc v^v^., uivtipwui a^u^., i/iaiv, a m- mauiunw 1 Greensboro, N. C., Palmetto Bond & Mortgage Co., Lake City, S. C. Si Hi ;i : i :IT-i Bi 11111111111 n*iinh iii 111 nniii 1111nti*miiu11i1nit< i n n m h ii n 11 h n ;, :"Best Place : tn Bllll>. 10 BUy k;:^aoRcy? :: peao^^h :i | SASH and DOORS ; builders supply cal1 and let us talk 0ver ! company i 11| ; KINGSTREE, S. C NuMllllHHtHIMHHtMIMIIHHHI'tHMI 1 1 ? H I 1 ! ! ! < ! ? W4HHH llllllllt? 1 . b I Some Others | I Always buy Ikry<?**w. Buy where | | from the ' Hkyj&gr - They Can | I Same Old \\Hil ' Get the | | Place ' *BEST | \ I 1 WM. W. BODDIE, Agent ? f "The Best Insurance Service." ? - ?3 S KING5TREE. S. C. Sj | SNAPS! SNAPS! SNAPS! I I All of our patrons and friends of Williamsburg County are cordially in" f| I vited to come around and see us before all are gone. p' I Snans! 5c Snans! FS <flL A V ???? V -? * * w vmw aw ?W? WW J ?I ? W Then give our stock of [Good Merchandise] of NEW up to the minute | goods a good inspection. | We take this opportunity to thank our friends for their patronage the S | past year and it will give us pleasure tp serve you again. | C. H. MILLER & CO. j I * ? ^ inTiftii'iin I . i iBiPitfrrfi i 111 I