Slip (County tSrniri W. F. Tolley & L. H. Cromer, Jr. Publishers. SUBSCRIPTION RATES STRICTL1 IN VDVANCE Single copv. one year $1.5 Single copy, six months 7 Single copv, three months 5 TELEPHONE NO. 8 Obituaries, Tributes of Respecl Resolutions of Thanks, Cards o Thanks and all other reading notices not News, will be charged for at th rate of two cents a word for each in sertion. All communications must be sign ed by the writter, not for publicatio unless desired, but to protect thi newspaper. All unsigned communica tions are a waste of time, paper an postage on the part of the writer. ADVERTISING RATES Legal Advertisements, $1.00 pe inch first insertion. 50 cents Der incl each subsequent insertion. Rates on long term display adver tisements very reasonable. For rate apply to this office. In remitting checks or mone> or ders make payable to THE COUNTY RECORD Foreign Advertising Representmtive THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION THURSDAY. JANUARY 6, 1921 GEO. J. GRAHAM QUITS OFFICE On Tuesday Mr. George J. Grahan stepped down and out of the sheriff', office at the Court House to give wc; to his successor, Mr. H. S. Gamble wh? received his commission as sheriff o the' County Tuesday. Mr. Graham was elected to offce ii 1899 and entered upon the duties o: Sheriff in January 1900. He has there fore held the office for twenty year so faithfully and so well that the citi zens of Williamsburg county are no only grateful to him for his service but look upon his tenure of office wit! pleasureable pride. Had he ran for reelection he coul< have continued in office but on accoun , 1 ucisua^ vi ia^v ^v?. Misses Ressie and Annie William- 1 ~ son. of Columbia spent Christmas at home with their parents. ?"Rose I?ud" o Honor Roll for Union School j 1 First Grade?J. P. Baxlcy, David > Sanders, highly distinguished. Ted- , ) dy Williams, Jamie Munncrlyn, Dud- i f ley Cook, Loyal Carrav/ay, M: v Bnx- 1 ley, Herman Sessions, Opal Fe tors, \ i Itly Cribb, James White. j f Second Grade?Oliver Wilder, high- 1 - ly distinguished. John Lawreio Alt- ' s man, Liston Cribb, Grace .Muirerlyn. - Allie Baxley, Junius Baxley. t Third Grade?Alec Owens, John s Fenters, Kirk Avent, John Wesley Dui Rant, highly distinguished. Fourth Grade?Ethel Tanner, Lucilc 1 Wilson, Annie Baxley, Kate William.-, t Bethel Rhem. I,aurice Rhem, Jr., Ro/ Owens. Fifth Grade?Margie Altman Addie e Cribb, Ruth Cribb, Edna May Powell, - Edaphell Richaftcon, John S. Rhem, - Allen Johnson, Wallace Tart. Sixth Grade?Josie Carraway, Virs ginia Munnerlyn, Manning Thomas, f Capers Williams. b Seventh Grade?Mary Louise Mun/ nerlyn, Jettie Wilder, Davis Williams, b Emma Britton. Eighth Grade?Fulton Strong, 1 f Francos Snow ! i Ninth Grade?Nell Wilson, Louise j - Cribb, Louise Carrr.way, Anni Car- i e raway. < Tenth Grade?Etta Tart. Roland 1 Carraway. . , Eleventh Grade?Mae William.":, Rufus Cribb, Gertrude Haddock. f ? Prolific Egg Producer. An oyster produces 4(4'>,000 eggs annually, but of these only 400 or lesa r reach maturity. f ?-f??==5--???f i : ; Kill That < CASCARA k FOR Colds, Coughs ^ojv Neglected Colds Take no chances. Keep this standard Breaks up a cold in I - Grippe in 3 days?Ex< s Quinine in this form does not affect f Laxative?No Opiate in Hill's. ; ALL DR 1 l??? i Notice to Col 1 * i-2tSS ? -? ; NEXT YEAR an To my Patrons and Friends: This is to let you know that j I have made a reduction in ' prices on Coffins and Caskets from $2.50 to $10.00 and also a reduction on Hearse scrvinn's from $2.50 to $5.00 DCr trip according to distance. : I Will Furni h My Hearse I All CASH On As high as you want to go. I al down as low as $25.00 or *35.00 ar Hearse under $?(?.' AL1 I thank my patrons for past f fo - * ' Matronage. Yours W. P. R< Undertaker and F Phone 250 Card of Thanks ! OTKf 1 take this method of extending my sincere appreciation to the people of j| Kingstree and vicinity for the libera1 p patronage accorded me while in busi- P ness here. I have turned my business 1 over to Messrs Wingate and Hunter. B and trust they will continue to give P you satisfactory service as 1 have jf tried to do for the past three years. p ltp G. H. DALLAS. ~ s NOTICE ? Owing to the construction work B that is going on the causeway across ft Black river on road from Kingstree |j to Manning it is necessary to block jg firwA tA fimA 'I'hn f1 / nil- 9 wia>n LiKjiu wiuic w Miiiv* *??v -w- ^ ty will not assume any responsibility for any damages that might occur to j travelers in passing over this caus? way until said work is completed. It ? is hoped this work will l>e finished M within the next 15 days. & J. M. MARTIN, y County Engineer. SALE OK BONDS a SANTEE BRIDGE DISTRICT. COMPOSED IF COUNTIES '* I pu ADieeTOV I-VPITT CV ivn B v^nniiijiiOi vii) i ' i A *+ WTUJAM^RG, SOGTH CAROLINA The Board of Commissioners of Santee Bridge District offers lor sale, to the highest bidder, Two Hundred Thousand ($200,000.00) Dollars '~>f the total authorized issue of Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000) bond of said District, the proceeds of which are to be applied to the payment of the cost oi constructing a bridge across the Santee river and the approaches to such bridge, between the 1 counties of Berkeley and Williams- E burg, near Murray's Ferry, as pro- i vided by the Act of the General As- I sembly of the State of South Caro- I lina, entitled "An Act to Incor >orate E the Santee Bridge District," approved I the 10th of March, 1920. Bonds are I issued under the provision of said Act B which exempts same from all City, B County, Municipal and school taxe< in B this State and makes said bonds I general obligations of the Santee B Bridge District and pledges th g and credit of the District for their E prompt payment. Said Bonds are B coupbn bonds of the denomination of E Cne Thousand ($1,000) Dollars each, E maturing serially and bearing six (69J-) F jemi-annual interest payable to bearer | but may be issued with the privilege to the holder of having them registered as princiDal. Sealed bids each accompanied with a certified check for Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars must > be filed not later than Tuesday, February 1st, 1921, at 12 o'clock noon, at which time same will be opened. Deliver or address bids to W. King McDowell, chairman, c[o Exchange Banking and Trust Company, 39 Broad St.. Unarleston, S. C. Right is reserved to reject any and all bids. All Bonds dated January 3, 1921, and under ! terms of aforesaid Act no bid can be considered for less than par and ac- J crued interest to date of delivery. W. K. Mc DOWELL, ? Chairman. I w. k. Mcdowell, l-6-2t ' Secretary. 2 The County Record 1b the only E newspaper published in Williamsburg | County. fCold With | I tk. I } QUININE j jfe* , I La brippe are Dangerous , f remedy handy for the first sneeze. 83 24 hoars ? Relieves 5$ rellent for Headache ? the head?Cascaxa is best Tonic "I STS SELL IT j I! ored People f d NEW RULES | :DCC U7.*iL || f ALL TTllil ders of $50 and Upwards ? so carry a cheap line of Coffins e id ?40.00, hut I don't furnish Free avors and thank you in ce | B to please. E OGERS j uneral Director S m Kingstree, S. C. e ?? ?.u Desperat^^ f House ?r Partment ' I DOUBLE UP \ j Save the Situation! % 1 lOU'RE worried, perhaps, \ i i: i ^cmr?Because you can i nnu an i K? apartment or a house of the I right size and kind at a price I you feel you can afford to % pay. There are two ways of solving this perplexing problem: Take" a smaller place at a lower rental or share a larger one 1 with some other family?friends or rel- I atives?and divide the rent. I In either case you'll find a Bed Daven- I port indispensible. It will save a room. ! Coal too. It will serve as a couch, or J as a seat?for several during the day. It I f opens easily into a full length and full width comfortable Bed at night. Your BED DAVENPORT need not. be an odd piece, either. We can sell yo u Bed Davenports with Chairs to match in ideal living room suits, beau- * tiful and stylish, economical and con MAKE ROOMS DO 1 venient. DOUBLE DUTY UNTIL HOMES c, i g Styles to suit every taste; A OP MORE plentiful Prices that fit every purse. ? Kingstree Furniture Co. I v S. J. DEERY* President I amammmmmmmmmmmmmmaaamftmwtmrnmau wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJi i : / .. ... , ' I - IV-. i,