The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, June 17, 1920, Image 8

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Chr County ISworft 1 W. F. Tolley & L. H. Cromer, Jr. Publishers. t ( Entered at the postoffice at Kingstree, S. C. a.? second class matter. } SUBSCRIPTION RATES STRICTLY ] IN ADVANCE Single copy one year_ SI.50 1 Single copy, six months 75 ' Single copy, three months 50 ! TELEPHONE NO. 83. , - 1 Obituaries. Tributes of Respect, Resolutions of Thanks. Card of Thanks and all other reading notices, not News, will be charged for at the rate of one cent a word for each in- i eertion. Hot suppers notices. j All communications must be signed by the writer, not for publication unless desired, but to protect this < newspaper. All unsigned communica- < tions are a waste of time paper and < postage on the part of the writer. ADVERTISING RATES ( Advertisements to be run in Spe cial or "Want" column one cent a word each issue, minimum price 25 cents, payable strictly in advance. < Legal advertisements, $1.00 per :nch first insertion, 50 cents per inch each subsequent insertion. Rates on long term display advertisements very reasonable. For < rates apply at this office. I In remitting checks or money orders make payable to THE COUNTY RECORD. J THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1920. 1 SUBSCRIPTION CONTEST ?? } The County Record is offering an- j other opportunity in the form of a i "Subscription Contest," for the young < ladies of Williamsburg County to win ; a car, this time a Ford Touring Car, < with self-starter and such other mod- ' era appliances as the 1920 model is i equipped. ' < The contest will be in charge of Mrs. j Will M. Hundley, and there will be < several other valuable prizes distributed at the end of the contest, in addition to which will be given special j money prizes from time to time dur- i ing the life of the contest?in all, amounting to a money \4alue of up- ; ward's of $1100.00. 1 In behalf of Mrs. Hundley, we be- \ speak success for the campaign and < the ladies who may become contest- i ants. She is a Southern lady of high i character and pleasing personality, j We guarantee a fair and square deal I to each and evryone who may engage i in the campaign under her charge. ] A full list of prizes and other infor- J mation concerning the contest will be < found elsewhere in this paper. i o??? ' News Around Rome. i Rome, June 15.?W. Carey Rollins spent Sunday in McBee. Messrs. J. J. Snow and D. O. Rhem, ( Jr., and Miss Louise Snow attended 1 Clemson College commencement. 1 J. J. Snow, Jr. is home from Clem- 1 son College where he was graduated ( last week. ( Mrs. G. K. Way and daughter Har- j * riet are visitine Mrs. Way's mother at Floydale, Dillon county. Miss Mary Laura Huggins enter- ( tained the young folks of the commu- * nity last Wednesday evening at the f home of her aunt, Mrs. L, B. Johnson. 1 The following Union High School 1 teachers hav? gone to their respec- 1 tive homes for vacation: Miss Vernon 1 Williams, Asheville, N. C.; Misses t Jean Hollis and Martha McFadden, Richburg; Prof. D. H. Dantzler, Par- ^ ler; Miss Halene Clarke will attend Winthrop Summer School before going to her home in Elberton. Georgia. } Misses Etta Tart and Emmie Snow \ are attending the Epworth League J Conference at Columbia College. From \ there Miss Snow will go to Rock Hill, p where she will atend the Winthrop Summer School. Mr. D. I. Wilson, Mrs. Beulah Dinkins, Miss Nell Wilson and D. I. Wil- ' soiv Jr. motored to Manning Satur- s day to spend a few days with the 1 family of Judge John S. Wilson. Rev. G. K. Way and Prof. D. H. ' Dantzler visited Myrtle Beach last c week. . Miss Teresa Register after spend- r ing several days with her cousins, 0 Misses Louise and Gertrude Haddock, v returned to her home in Greelyville. s Mrs. A. B. Hemingway, Jr., and lit- * let dajghter Margaret have returned ? to their home in Kidgeland after a = month's stay at the home of Mr. and 1 Mrs. A. B. Hemingway, Sr. s Winfred Godwin is home from the 2 University of South Carolina to spend ? vacation. ' Miss Mary Rhem entertained the ? young people of the community with * an informal dance at her home Thursday evening. Messrs. Thomas and Plowden, of Georgetown, spent Sunday in the community. Mr. W. T. Turbeville attended the District Conference at McClelandville last week. o Daily Thought. Not what has happened to myself today, but what has happened to others i through me?that should be my < thought. 11145 IN PRIZES TO BE S GIVEN AWAY :hese 125,000 Extra Vote Coupons a candidate is perrmitted to win. " From Tuesday, July 20th, 2 p. m., a lutil Tuesday, July 27th, 2 p. m., there I ivill be given a coupon good for c 100,000 Extra Votes, in addition to t the regular vote schedule, to each t candidate turning in ten (10) yearly c subscriptions, or the equivalent there- t )f. during the week's extension. c There is NO LIMIT to the number-of { these 50,000 Extra Vote Coupons a c ,'andidate is permitted to win. Dur- s ng the last four days the regular vote schedule will be in effect. < Free Assistance t The County Record stands ready to c issist EVERY CANDIDATE in any v .vay possible during this race. All . vill be treated fair and above-board, y ind NO FAVORITES WILL BE J MADE. There will be no "doubling c ip," combining, or "pooling of votes," >r any shady business tolerated at any time. A fair field, a free race, and 10 favorites, will make this a campaign that will be of interest to every- jody, and decidedly profitable to those I ivho participate in ik. THERE ARE MO LOSERS?REMEMBER THIS, "or The County Record offers YOU an ipportunity to win a prize in a list j vorth $1,145, and at the same time 5 GUARANTEES that ALL will get c SOMETHING?a prize or a cash com- J nission. f Write, Phone o CaLL. If there is anything you do not un- * lerstand about this subscription con- j *st, call at The County Record office j ind get a personal explanation of the j )lan. Or telephone, or write to The * Campaign Manger, The County Rec- , >rd. BUT DO IT NOW. Remember ;he campaign is very SHORT. Make 6 ill checks 01'money orders payable to The County Record. Once more, we :an't imprerss too strongly on you he great advantage to be gained by c jetting an early start, while the five >ig "Opportunity Period Coupons can I >e won by you. For the first period s the BIGGEST and BEST VOTE OF- . ?ER of the ENTIRE CONTEST for } he SAME AMOUNT of CASH SUB- I sCRIPAION BUSINESS. Send in I four nomination TODAY. NOW! n o ( Cecil Salmon, the 17 year old son of ^ dr. and Mrs. W. R. Salmon, of Con- ^ vay was drowned at Myrtle Beach 2 Sunday. The body was recoveerd t vithin a few hours after its disap- " learance. n o 4, I" Governor Cooper Saturday offered i reward of $200 for the apprehen- 1 ion, delivery and conviction of the )arty or parties who nearly three nonths ago killed Edwin White, promnent citizen of the Centenary section >f Marion county, and weighted the M >ody in the waters of Little Pee Dee " iver. May 26, nine weeks after the M rime had been committed, the body vas found by a fishing party. A itrong wire had been wound around he body and to the wire had been ittached about 50 or 60 pounds of crap iron. One bullet had been fired' ' nto the stomach. Mr. White had tarted to the school house, which is ibout one'mile from his home, to aslist his brother in the erection of a ombstone. He never showed up that * ^1- T..OC- i uternoon, ana naming iuiuiu ieard of him until the body was taken rom the river. o Read Meaning of Word "Bioie.Almost any child that has attended a religious school knows that the word Bible means book, but It really means "books," as the collection bound with- ? In one volume is a library of books written during more than 20 centn- rles. 1 o * netting a Hand. Second-story men are In demnnd at ] dinners?providing their first stories make a hit.?Cartoons Magazine. 'j v subscriptions, or the equivalent there- t of. There is NO LIMIT to the number of these 100,000 Extra Vote Cou- t pons a candidate is permitted to win. c From Tuesday, July 27th, 2 p. m., 1 until Tuesday, Aug. 3rd, 2 p. m., s there will be given a coupon good for \ 30,000 Extra Votes, in addition to the { regular vote schedule, to each candi- ( Jate turning in ten (10) yearly subscriptions, or the equivalent thereof. There is NO LIMIT to the number of these 80,000 Extra Vote Coupons a candidate is permitted to win. From Tuesday, August 3rd, 2 p. m., ' until the END of the contest, Satur- < iay, August 7th, 2 p. m., the Regular s vote schedule will be in effect. Reserve Kight lo r.xiena tampaign. , The publisher reserves the right to ( extend the closing date of this cam- j paign from Saturday, August 7th, 2 ( p. m., until Saturday, 'August 14th, 2 j p. m., notice of such extension and \ the day and hour of closing to be < ?iven all candidates NOT LATER 1 :han July 20th. Extra Vote During Extension. j In case the contest is extended one <. veek, an Extra Vote Coupon, good * for 50,000 Extra Votes, in addition to 1 the regular vote, will be given to each ' candidate turning in ten (10) yearly e ENATOR HARDING NOMINATED (Continued from page one.) md he would not permit them to imk>se upon the younger lads. In the intentions which inevitably arise on he playground, he early developed hose traits of leadersrhip and conization which have been characteris,ic of him ever since. "He attended the village school unil fourtreen years of age, when he rntered the Ohio Central College of Iberia, from which he was graduated, ;tanding high in scholarship; and it vas there, as editor of the college japer, that he first displayed a talent or journalism. Like most aspiring ^V^IIUIIUCU VII pagcv, vviuiuu JL/ NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that pursuint to an order of the County Board >f Education of Williamsburg County, State of South Carolina, the undersigned, as Trustees of Wilson Joint district No. 24 in Williamsburg; No. 17 in Georgetown county and State iforesaid will hold and conduct an dection at Union school house, in said school district on Saturday, the 26th lay of June, 1920, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters and dectors of said joint school dis;rirct residing therein, the question )f levying and collecting an annual ax of four (4) additional mills >n the property in said joint school districe, which tax shall x; used to supplement the taxes now oilected in said joint school disrict for school purposes; that for ;he purpose of said election the soils will be opened at 8 o' lock in the forenoon and clos'd at eight o' clock in the afternoon; hat at said election only qualified ;lectors who return real or personal )roperty for taxation and who exhibit ax receipts and registration cenn:ates as required in general election^ ;hall be allowed to vote, and each elec:or favoring the proposed levy shall :ast a ballot containing the word 'YES" printed or written thereon and ach elector opposed to said levy shall ast a ballot containing the word "NO" vritten or printed thereon, and the indersigned shall act as managers of ;aid election, and the same will be leld and conducted in the manner pre;cribed by Section 1742 of the Code >f Laws of South Carolina, Volume I, 1912. I J. D. MUNNERLYN, I B. B. CHANDLER, D. D. RHEM, Trustees Wilson Joint School Disirirct No. 24 6-17-2t. S'OTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING TO DISSOLVE CORPORATION Notice is hereby given that a meetng of the stockholders of the Bethel 5aw, Gin & Grist Mill Company, a orporation duly chartered and created inder the laws of the State of South Carolina, will be held on the 19th day >f July, 1920, at twelve o'clock noon, n the office of J. W. Stewart, Magisrate, Kingstree, S. C., R. F. D. No. 2, 'or the purpose of considering the iquidation and dissolution of said iethel Saw, Gin, & Grist Mill Com)any, the winding up of its affairs, ind the surrender of its charter. Dated at Kingstree, S.C R. F. D. <io. 2, this 16th day of June, 1920. J. W. STEWART, - - -? ?-?- Ci Lk.lJa* i-17-5t. Uwner ana soie oiwiuiwut.. CITATION NOTICE. 5TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg. 5y P. M. Brockinton, Esquire, Probate Judge. Whereas, E. P. Pitts and W. E. ^esesne made suit to me, to grant hem Letters of Administration of the Cstate of and effects of Sallie A. logan, These are therefore to cite and adlonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of the said Sallie A. Hogan, eceased, that they be and appear beore me in the Court of Probate, to e held at Kingstree, S. C., on the 8th day of June next after publicaion thereof, at 11 o'clock in the foreloon, to show cause, if any they have, /hy the said Administration should ot be granted. Geven under my Hand, this 15th ay of June, Anno Domini, 1920. Published on the 17th day of June, 920, in The County Record. P. M. BROCKINTON, -17-2t. Probate Judge. To Be Remembered. learning:, undigested by thougLi, is ibor lost. | Sam Browns Cafe I i For Colered People Opposite Poet-Office in Rear of Barber Shop. j YOUR PATRONAGE INVITED I was bora in Williamsburg j I County and have been in the J I restaurant business 14 years j | and defy anyone to take better j care of your needs when you are I hungry. So don't forget SAM BROWN DURING THE TOBACCO SEASON 6-17-3tp. B. M. Picquet, Jr. CONTRACTOR FOR Plumbing, Tinning and Sheet Metal Work. 6-i7-5tP >hon? 246 146 K. Malm St. j an The onnortunitv f ON YOUR OU B PfSflUHHORK! ? With 24 Selec a Own Cho< fg t*iat our stoc'c3 ^ 5 1.1 ished, after an extraor ?are in a position to make : _ in any of the desired finisf 5 PATHE PHONOG, 5 RECORDS are ackno3 SUPREME by music lovers g NOW OFFERED I S CONVENIENT TERN 25 this wonderful instrument of all. Every instrument Six (6) Exclusive ; ^ A JEWELLE1 T5 1?No Needle* on > jewelled Katne. X B wean out. 2 ? Guaranteed Long* TOTAL 3 ?Plays All Makes . COST 4?Always Ready to ] as soon becsiu ^itia wSSSBBmmm \ \i ; < * Kingstree Academy Street, Next to 1 ? or you to own righi Phoiiogi rou have been planj txt ' i11 't> tk ro /_ / 1m jlejyivio?\y :tions?12-85c. Rec Dsing J lave been replendinary season, we =* prompt deliveries ywt RAPHS AND wledgcd to be MMR i and tone experts. JPON MOST IS, which place within the reach fully guaranteed. At i fvavaiitnges m 3 PATHE i to Change Sapphire Ball never tr Life of Records. -yr? of Records | | md playi them better. J UJ Path* 1 aa foo ?Ep on a record. Supreme in Tone 6?The ie of the fmmou* Path* enables you tire Ball. the tonal vol the coats no more than the ORDINARY to do it?DO IT?DON'T wait any I Model* fyuoo to #1,000.00. pEALHR'S NAK > ? , A W e nave just succ a carload of Brui Chairs. Half of th been sold. Better g Mosquito Canopie and styles of beds, spring back styles. A big stock of Kil various styles and g Now showing the stock of Rugs we ha grades and sizes. I Big line of Refri prices. Sizes from ! ranacitv. See them 1 1 [foot'-.- r />-?? c.v J .ingmj ^sm/I i Furniture .?Sttoffice, KD yy| t now that raph aing to get rithin reason) / ords of Your 5? * ^ > ' O ' ?Jl So. 7 u : Pathe Contrclla to increase or decrease [uine at wuL ' ' PHONOGRAPR Don't anger, come in today; Other y eeded in securing nby Guaranteed pm have already ;et yours now! v is to fit all sizes Both pull and ichen Cabinets in rades. largest and best II ve ever had. All j hices right. | gerators at 1918 I 20 to 200 pounds | before you buy. ! r SI ? CjT'tM wish if Ro'J Doon Co., * STGSTREE, S. C.