| Just * Car load Rock Liirn Car load Sash an< ' Car load genui] Car load Hy Car load A Car load Places W W m. IKingstree Hampton Street, I There's N I GA i| ' By putting it |v terletushavey< p Spring Suit, yoi Smine and Sum I Our stock is good things for 3 prices are based chases made mai And don't fo we sell is subjec of money. Bentschnei Corner Kir CHARLESTON 4-l-3m > TH HI *, Y.OU ma Thornl and hi of wood tl "The Thor the best ai us show y proof A Will Kin| X * 4kJ' ' % Arrived e, I Doors (white pine) ne Red Cedar Shingles, drated Lime, cine Cement blaster, Portland Cement. ; EIGHT at . Hardware Co., . Kingstree, S. C. othing To Be j INED I off any longer. Bet )ur order now for your ?| ir New Hat#dnd your || rrier Furnishings. g /erflowing with all the jg rour Spring outfit, and I on advantageous pur- g ay months ago. . | rget that everything 1 t to exchage or refund ^ ' & Visanska, I ig and Hazel Sts. i s: c. I ! 1 ! ORNH 'AGO* ke no mistake when ; lilL Made of tough t ckory. It has twice lat grows under softe 1 -"11 _ A. i.1 t iiiiui is nui mc iuwcs id in the end the che ou the wagon that is i liamsburg Live Stocl Jstree, 4 % 5 In I THE EVLC INHERE 1 JL mind atx From the ve quite proper in Light Sixi J It appeals e * the new A that true ec values for tl By this we < is, in any se is emphasize [ as by the laj i received in ] i | Because of r \ motor, this i sanding me j . body design | comfort thai I PATGK- PET] i s, W. L. PA ? ????????? ' ' < ILL IS % * you buy the lighland oak the strenerth r conditions, t priced, but :apest." Let dmost wear% It Co., s. c. WMD | 1 <" : . ... 't k&s&S .^V^HHH I flpHBBiHEBIBHHHl 'j^^SSi] j|^F==: - > ? != mm / >j ^Jr/ /K >ST T3E3LUTI1 las never been any doubt in :>ut the fivcpassenger Paige ( ry first it has been acknowie iy?as setting a new standar es. specially to those who hav merican habit of thrift?w onomy consists in getting tl ye least money. do not mean that the Paige nse of the term, a cheap car. d not so much by its conaerv nge measure of comfort and i return for the sum invested ? loteworthy developments in five'pas?toger Paige is a c chanical excellence. And iti has endowed it with a.rooi t are truly exceptional. To IT MOTOR CA Manufacturers of Pai &NTEE AUTOIV YNE, M'g'r. WANT TO TRY TURNER HfcRE. I jfreenville Officers Desire His Return I ^ at Once Greenville, April 30?Sheriff Wilis this afternoon requested Governor hooper to take up the matter with the Governor of Virginia of getting Joe rurner, held in Lynchburg, Virginia, charged with the murder of on offi; j ^ Th ' I o] On' EVEN cool! ; i morels clothes Then i } Insteac the Ov y permar Plate g fort bu make t< It * Tout H k . . GREE Greet? # . UL C3R IN the public jlenbrooL dged?and d of values e acquired f ho believe r \ tie greatest \ o ^B| Titive price j satisfaction i chaasuand a?b,*k ? pf outs advanced . , ? the but Uk mmess and your enjoy R COMPANY, D E' ge Motor Cars and Motor Trudy ' 10TIVE COMP HINGSTREl i cor there and also charged with murdering two policemen in Greenville i last October, back to Greenville for trial. The Governor promised to do i so immediately. j Because of a technicality, it. is be- : lieved that it will be difficult to im- 1 pose a sentence to the electric chair on Turner in the Virginia case and for that reason the officers are anx- i e Good S f This Sed y 200 Pounds Heavier Than the Touring Car. Triplex Springs with Comfort of Heavy C SUMMER EVENINGS son Dust sometimes blows?or rain, more chances with weather. A , especially women's clothes, sn't it good sense to buy a Se< t 1 of a collapsible top which you r erland Four-Door Sedan provii tent top with greater coolness ;lass windows give you control o: t never cut off your vision. Trip During easy. Light weight providi ring, $985; Roadster, $985: Coupe, $1525; Se< PricM I. . b. ToiWo, subject to changa without m LYVILLE LIVE STO ' ill*, \ i mill lift f r Vs. (Enic. # -1' 'i t ' 'h 1 mi ; -iT 1/ ) ./;;:'r--| demand for the Paige far esceeding our utmost i efforts, a prompt dodsisabte. Or dm pictrrd just mo much more of t ; ^ iring season assured for ment. ' tai : I TR O IT, Michigan, ANY L, SO. CAR. i| *v3m ious to have him brought here j ' H 4 "1 I Mm 1 i enSe 1 [an | . Ride* on B I letimes are jjl You drive ||| nd summer (I soil easily. 9 dan?Now? H lever lower, 9 des a thick 9 in hot sun. 9 f your com- 9 ilex Springy 9 2s economy. j9 In. $1575 9 * H CK CO., 9