THE BEST INSI ? AGAINS1 Prominent Educator Be tha Is a Sure Dr. R. M. Brame, discoverer of Brarae's Vapomentha Salve, has a letter from C. C. Wright, Superintendent of the Wilkes County, N. C., public Schools, in which he says: "We have used, Brame's .Vapomentha Salve for nearly all the ills for which it is prescribed and have always secured satisfactory results. If used in time it has never failed to break up colds, usually the forerunner of Grippe, Influenza and pneumonia. "I speak from personal observation. I believe if this preparation is used in time it will prevent the develop ment of pneumonia in every instance, if used according to directions." ? These strong statements are fully 1 justified by the remarkable recov- i eries that follow. Brame's Vapomentha Salve is applied freely over the 1 chest and throat and inserted in each i nostril. Brame's Vapomentha Salve ;. I A COMPLETE LINE , 1 Experienced servi | night. ; KINGSTREEE HARD I Phone 35, 48,19,122, ' We Lead MBAI seaevEte6Ss?HwnpB*?i?i I THE CASH L. S. DENNIj Can save you money c Groceries, Meats, K Coffee, Fruits anc i We have on hand now a ? of Cow Peas that ti * $5.00 the bushc ^ I are scarce. I The Cal | Phone No. 120 JRANCE r INFLUENZA Jieves that Vapomer Preventive. penetrates the pores of the skin, r lieving congestion, at the same tir healing vapors arise and are breat ed through the mouth and nose, loc eninc the nlechm and causing t patient to breathe freely. Its absolu reliability is evidenced by dozens unsolicited testimonials. Brame's V pomentha Salve will relieve pneum nia, influenza, grippe, pleurisy, bro chitis, whooping cough, catarrh, ast ma, tonsilitis, hay fever and inflai mation of the skin. Vapomentha is applied external! and it will not stain the clothes, other salves do. No home should ev be without it. Buy it from your dej er or direct from the Brame Drug C North Wilkesboro, N. C. A small be tie costs 30^.; a much larger or containing six times as much, $1.20 Advertisement. 'A?7 I OF MACHINERY! | Cngines, Gas Engines, Steam 2 Igers, Trimmers, Lath Mills, 2 Mills, Wood Saws, Pumps. i ill sizes and types of secondf on your requirements. y Company, id Machinery, NEWBERN, N. C. d CASKETS issortment of coffins, select from. We had quipment, one of the or hearses obtainable, se, why not phone or )d one. It don't cost neral designs furnishces rendered day or WARE COMPANY, Kingstree, S. C. Others Follow. [ STORE, S, Manager, in Heavy and Fancy ice, Grits, Sugar, 1 Canned Goods \ tbout 50 or 60 bushels ve are offering at d. Seed peas Buy early. h Store, Kingsti^fls. C. vmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I ? __ Furc l" 240-242 King! ene h? Won he te of TAF t FOU h- Models you n" ing the* very fashions, as Taffetas wi er. nics, plaitings jj" Georgettes, ,t- three-quarter ie> Navy, Copen, Foulards an ~ Satin and Tafi i Mod I REDUCED i i 36 inch Stripe 36 inch Pajan Furchgott's sj 10-4. Pepperel Princess Bed TTckm?i'Hfr>ViPf1 T XXVlllkJl/X VIVXAVVt -AI Linen Fringe( Ivory Dorine ] Ladies' Silk G double tip f: Ladies' Silk F] Patent Leathe Make FURCI Your Charles! illlllilffllli IShin rr li I ? I s E Everybody, it: V ^ tries to have sometl 35 for Easter. *3 IF THE BH IjS will look over our I m find things that wi IEfi way of Easter Hats E Hats for Ladies, M E very reasonably fro y up to $5.00 and $1( - ^ trimmed Hats. A1 call and look at. ou TTofo anrl vrm will f ^ JJLUtO UUU J VIA ?. ^ gerating. % BEAUTIFUL A beautiful line < K dies in Silk Poplins tiful line of ladies' s ft We boast of shoi ^ lines of Children's I I ra town. Just call an Pw ii KINGSTREI M 1 hgott's ?? k. Charleston, S. C. A SALE nen's Spring Di =$25.00= FETA, GEORGETTE, S-i LARDS AND C0MBINA1 will fall instantly in love / essence of the Spring mot th short sleeves, new cut r i. Colors: Brown, Taupe, ! beautifully beaded and emb and long sleeves. Colors Taupe, and Brown, id combinations of Georgel teta. ey Refunded if Not Satisfa 'RICES ON FOLLOWING FOR Postage Paid'on Mail Ord< id Percale Shirtings, the y aa Check, yard. )ecial Middy Twill, 36 inch Sheeting, yard Sheets, 81x90, crochet patt Mercerized Table Cloths, 54 1 Doilies, 15x15, dozen Boxes, in Jade, Gold, Coral i rloves, HalPs make, two-bu in or?*T?c hlflplr nr whit.p 1X1^ VX MXMVAft, v a ft AAA . v v ibre Hose, black, white or b] r Belts, 1-2 inch, the latest the ne\' ton Home I are simply e: [333333333^^^333 Waists, Skirts, Cloaks, Etc. 1 nished upon re( ??? ? f?+!+:+:+!+:+!+!+:+M-!S5a leUpl matters not how humble, hing new and Spring-like f lSTER shopper faster Offerings the}' will 11 open their eyes in the 5. A large line of Easter isses and Children priced m 50c for Children's Hats ).00 for Ladies' beautiful 1 we ask you to do is to r beautiful line of Eater ind that we are not exagEASTER DRESSES of Easter Dresses for Laand Voiles. Also a beaukirts, middies and waists. iving one of the prettiest Presses to be found in the d look them over. 17 I Lit J1 i i -M f 'esses kTIN, 'IONS with?embodyie in Woman's t leeks, frills, tuNavy, Copen. roidered; short, : White, Flesh, ;t.e and Taffeta, ctory. ONE WEEK. srs ard. r 33c 29c , yard 45c $1.00 erns $2.25 x81, $2.75 $1.98 and White.. 69c tton length 95c ronz .. .. $1.00 vogue 34c V FASHIONS icquisite in Dresses, Dresses, Suits, Sport ? Lny information furluest. ForEi YES, THE 1 Yes, we have some ni< the Men. Beautiful li and Neckties, a beautifi and Bovs. Also an exe * A LARGE LIN When it comes to Sh with us. We boast of c; lines of Shoes sold in t we mean Craddock-Tei Shoes for Ladies, Mer have a big line of these Cuts for Men, Ladies ; want you to look them < OUR DRY department is replete Easter.: white and cc goods of all kinds, silks; every body shine up fo enkins SOUTH S J Guernsey Sale at Darlington <^K m The Southeastern Guernsey Breed- ? ers' association held its first annual -i s^le of purebred Guernsey cattle at i Darlington, Saturday, March 20th. Thirty-two registered Guernseys were sold for an average of $425.00 per head. The highest priced animal was an eight-months-old heifer which sold for $1250 to K. M. James, Darlington. Only four head of the thirty-two sold were purchased by parties outside of CamIK rornlinn Ho rlinrr+rvn AniiTlHf j "??MI 6- C breeders consigned 16 head to the sale and the farmers of that county pur* ' chased 18 head at the sale. Eight farmers of Darlington county who'had never owned purebred Guernseys, purchased one or more animals. In connection with the sale the Darl h ington Purebred association held a show of Guernsey cattle at which 68 animals were exhibited. The prizes were awarded by Prof. W. H. Howell of the University of Georgia, Athens, Ga. At noon the association furnished a free lunch to the 400 farmers present. "This sale and show", says J. P. LaMaster, Extension Service Dairy Husbandman, who helped the Darlington Purebred association with the details of the show, "was a marked success and certainly stimulated the desire for better cattle in that part of the State." Nearly fifty thousand employees of Chicago packing companies -will be thrown out of work if the workers of s the Union Stock Yards and Transit Company, who went on strike Saturday at midnight, remain out, packing ' company officials say. "We have enough livestock on hand for today," 'j said an official of Armour and Company. "After that we must gradually close down if the strike continues and a week will see all departments of the plant closed." 0 For satisfactory Shoe Repairing see j C. H. MILLER. " " 3-lS-tf. Q .1 8etting a Bad Precedent VTaKa waa playing In the yard ait her mother told her it waa time tm come In and prepare for bed. "I don't want to go to bad yet,* pleaded Vlalta. "It's early yet; let her play a little longer," Interceded Grandmother. ^ "No." her mother said firmly, "aha must come In now." Ylalta came up the steps aa slowly as pocrible. "Oh, mamma," aha estcUlmed angrily, "why don't ffm ofcer your mother!" iniiimminmiimii IT1 Sfitifi fififififlTitllkflTil uu aster | *EN, TOQ! I [?e Easter offerings for ft ne of Shirts, Collars Sf ll line of Hats for Men eptional line of Pants, ft I # E OF SHOES ? ~ oes, they are a hobby ft arrving one of the best ft ft he Southern States? ft ?ry7s Red Bell Brand ft i and Children. We 4 SUinps in stnrtlc in Low B ~ ~ WM and Children and we Eg >ver for Easter. GOODS f with nice things for ? I 1 TT *1 . ^ I..*!. QE uoreci vones, wiuie m and dress goods. Let ?3 r Easter. S ??i on, | CAROLINA. I :+:+!+:+:+H-!+m-H-H-?J?+H