0 Spring 1 OUR LADIES' I * I ' NOW REPLETE WT I APPAREL. I OUR SHOWING WOULD AfAKB ONI GENIUS HAD SPRI BERS OP WINTER OUR STORE. EVERYTHING I WE INVITE YOU T< ft ' Silverman's , t Kingstree, Sr% ' '. ? ? H 1 A "C II r It is no ex pur new " been a se both the n mobile sho Its fame h to state, cii occupies ar of leaders! passenger < In our Ion facturers, v a model tb its way to Everyone, in the "GI ing and de the utmost Designed i |! PAIQE'DE Si - - &3ikkA?S&L. 0 Ready-to IEADY-TO-WEAE DEPi TH THE SEASON'S MOSr OP COATS, COAT SUITS 71 tttvkit a q ttp 1? a stttflt 11 rrjiiju xiu JLX a.1 xxMi *? \ ?JNG LIKE A PHOENIX F AND FOUND AN ABIDI I B NEW, STYLISH AN 0 CALL AND SEE FOR Y 9 I / > Department > ?rv ff r f ^ pm ? if jy( fcjt fll BB ? -' i < eature of aggeration to say that sho Glenbrook" model has ne\> nsational feature of pasj ational and local auto- acc ws. sen as traveled from state ty to city, and it now i unchallenged position dp in the field of five" ^ j :ars. fng g experience as mam, Ab 10 have never produced , * 11 *** tat has so quickly won public favor. ' r resi apparently, recognizes ^ lenbrook" an engineersigning achievement of ^ : importance. ^ J in +\\o Paiortf> vaJ lllVi UUXIU JULi uixv/ a - - - f TROIT MOTOR CAR CQ] iANTEE AUTOMOTIVI L. PANE,Manag'er, ' i-^o y+ . ' 'Ji* *? / V UK ii i* 2 J k ?4xr ^ u.r_ __ _ ?0 Hear 0 # URTMENT IS r UP-TO-DATE - AND DRESSES sPS CREATIVE 'ROM THE EMNG PLACE IN * * D BEAUTIFUL OURSELF. j I : Store, I South Carolina. I II the She * j _ ps?and powerea v v six'cylinder motorses every standard h( epted as the^best in ger motor cars. t "Glenbrook" is nov fastest selling cars lerican market and the ncreasing with each day. ready our production i been sorely taxed and c ing delivery will und lilt in an oversold c mpare it with any five j that the market aff ermine whether it is td, the greatest dollar'! lue in the light six fie .^PANY,. DETROIT, i COMPANY, KINGSTRCE, S. C. t liifrSt>hfj . . ,* xA. , CITATION NOTICE i STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg, .By P. M. Brockinton, Esq., Probate i Judge. , ; * Whereas, Mrs. E. S. Cooper made ! suit to me to grant W. J. Cooper Letters of Administration of the Estate of and Effects of W. R. Cooper. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of the said W. R. Cooper, deceased, that they be and appear before me in the Court of Probate, , to be held at Kihgstree, S. C., on the ! 3rd day of April next, after publicaj tion thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, | why the said Administration should i not be granted. I Given under my hand this 22nd day ! of March, Anno Domini, 1920. i Published on the 25th day of March J1920, in The County Record. I P. M. BROCKINTON, 13-25-2tp Probate Judge. CITATION NOTICE | STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg. I By P. Si. Brockinton, Esq., Probate I Judge. * Whereas, S. P. Cooper made suit to ! me to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of A. M. Gordon. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and Creditors of the said A. M. Gordon, deceased, that they be and appear before me in the Court of Probate, to be held at Kingstree, S. C., on the Bth day of April next, after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand this 20th day of March, Anno Domini, 1920. Published on the 25th day of March, 3920, in The County Record. P. M. BROCKINTON, S-25-2t. Probate Judge. CITATION NOTICE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, County of Williamsburg. By P. M. Brockinton, Esq., Probate Judge. Caw, T VifoVi maHa suit: to TT XlUiCOC Witt V ?4*VM U.V.V.V me to grant her Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of R. B; Fitch. These are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and Creditors of the said R. B. Fitfch, I deceased, that they be and appear before me in the Court of Probate, to be held at Kingstree, S. C., on the 5th day of April next after publication thereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, ' to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand, this 20th day of March, Anno Domini, 1920. Published on the 25th day of March, 1920, in The County Record. > P. M. BROCKINTON, 3-25-21 Probate Judge. tws I r *-* )#g| rith our 1) ?it sw H rretofore M five'pas' uffl i one of on the ly] : demand H succeed^ | * | v=\ schedule j | )rdersfor oubtedly I /-I m 1 .1 UllUltlUli. m passenger I ords and ? i not, infor'dollar 1 Michigan H ' i. .* ' NOTICE OF APPLICATION F( FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given, that t undersigned will apply to the Hon< able P. M. Brockinton, Judge of P] bate of Williamsburg County, at 1 office in -Kingstree, S. C., on Mond? the 26th day of April, 1920, at o'clock noon, for his final dischar and lasers dismissory as administi tor of the Estate of W. A. Marsh? deceased, and at said time a full ; counting will be made. R. C. MARSHALL, Administrator of W. A. Marshall, < ceased. March 24, 1920. 3-25NOTICE OF APPLICATION FC FINAL DISCHARGE Notice is hereby given that on t 10th day of April, 1920, I will api to P. M. Brockinton, Probate Judj of Williamsburg County, for Letfc Dismissorv as Administrator of t estate of W. J. Marshall, deceased J. C. MARSHALL, Administrator of the estate of W. Marshall, deceased. March 8, 1920. 3-11-, IN THE PRESENT DAY PROB ARE TIMES WHEN OUR BE OF BENEFIT. IT IS THE PURPOSE OF 1 PEOPLE AS POSSIBLE. WHETHER YOUR PROBLEM CAN BE OF SERVICE \ WE WELCOME YOU GL i i HQaHQS H. A. MILI WILL F 30 Cents per pound f Cents; Half Grown ?/Mini4 QViirt iifl vn |/UUUU. MU?|> MM w . check by return ma ' FRESH BEEF, P< !, Leave Orders With Highest Gash Price H. A. KINGSTREE, I No Man Km The Future W WHAT THE FUTURE Ii I BUT THE WISE, THRIFTY M BLE HARD TIMES BY BANIi ESTABLISHING RELATIONS STITUTION. WE OFFER OUR FACIL PROMOTION OF YOUR BUSUS IF YOU ARE-NOT ALRELA * FOUD PER CENT P BANK OF OLDEST BANK IN W D. C. SCOTT, President, JNO. MLELLEY, Vice-Pres. F. W^^IRY, Cashier, {& )R NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE he Notice is hereby given that on the >r- 26th day of April, 1920, I will apply ro- to P. M. Brockinton, Jpdge of Pro- Jq lis bate of Williamsburg County, for Letly, ters Dismissory as Administrator of 12 the Estate of John M. Ross, deceased, ge DR. E. T. KELLEY, ra- 3-25-5t. Administrator, til, iC- NOTICE OF AFFL1CAI1UW run , FINAL DISCHARGE V ie- Notice is hereby given that on the 26th day of April, 1920, I will apply 5t. to P. M. Brockinton, Probate Judge, for Letters Dismissory as Adminis'K trator of the Estate of Jane L. Hanna, deceased. F. A. HANNA, he 3- 25-5t. Administrator. >ly "1~ ~~ je( Three new Ford touring cars, ;ro equipped with self-starter and electrie lights for sale by L D. RODGERS Black Valentine Beans, the best for marketing ?by the bag at, Nesmith5t. Flowers Company, Kingstree, S. C. . 4 X .r.Vj-.'.i.jr? . LEMS, AS THEY CO&IE UP, THESE ADVICE, SERVICE OR HELP MAY [ HIS BANK TO HELP AS MANY f 1 \ ' [ BE LARGE OR SMALL, IF WE VE WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT g ADLY. e Peoples' Market ER, Proprietor 'AY YOU I or fat Hens, Boosters, 20 Chickens, 30 Cents per ur chickens. Will send il. 4 QBE AND SAUSAGE / Us for Dressed Chicken " ss Paid for Cow Hides MILLER. SO. CAR. >ws What las In* Store S GOING TO BE NO ONE KNOWS. | AN IS HEDGING AGAINST POSSI- t LING HIS SURPLUS MONEY, AND j WITH A STRONG FINANCIAL INITIES FOR THE PROTECTION AND j [NESS. GET ACQUAINTED WITH j DY A CUSTOMER OF THIS BANK. j AID ON TIME DEPOSITS. KINGSTREE ? 1LLIAMSBURG COUNTY R. D. MILLS, Asa't., Cashier, BOYLE SINGLETON, Bookkeeper. MRS. J. C. KELLY, Bookkeeper, *