The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 16, 1919, Image 13

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SPECIAL ji M r * We are showing a variety of good j. values in Ladies Waists, coinprising s Wash Voiles. Crepe de Chine, and k Georgette. Also a recent arrival of ( ^ t on^ f Whitp f!?invas> ^ slippers. We are strong on Ladies trimmed Hats. Just received a large shipment j ^ all the Shades, Colors and Shapes, ^ip to the latest styles for street and * dress. ^ ' Children's Dresses a Specialty, ail r sizes in Serviceable Gingham and j' Poplins. r-^ Remember that the Earle and Wil- ( son Shirt and Collars can be found t ) here. $ r No better Overalls, than the Coast j Line Brand. We are well supplied on } this line. t NOTE?We are making the Price j ?Colgates all rouncl Toilet Soap, at t 10< the cake. z Sealfix Union Undersuits for men j at $1.50, all sizes?also a good value r " ' * AA - in men's Union suits at $i.v/v. a 2-piece undersuiis at $1.00 and $2.00 f per suit At JeiJrinson's W. E. JENKINSPN. 1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1919. V 1 i Items of Local Interest: Mr. W. M. O'Bryan of Heinemann. j was noted in town Tuesday. ^ Mrs. LeRoy Lee and Mrs. J. W. ( Swittenburg were in Sumter Tuesday. The iron fence in front of the 1 court house is being treated to a new coat of black paint. t Mr. T. A. Bateman of Greelyville, ( - has been temporarily appointed chief c police for Kingstree. 11 i > We are sorry to learn that Mrs. ^ D. A. Phillips is confined to her bed this week from indisposition. Hon. P. H Stoll who has been spending a fortnight at Glenn Springs is expected hone next Tuesday. 1 Miss Estehr Sauer who is spending the winte - here with Mrs. H. A. Miller was on the sick list last week. * * Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Miller have re turned irom a visit w rcmwvco ? ? Georgia, making the' round trip in < 4 Mr. Miller's new Buick. Y - Miss Mary Sue McKnight returned to Rain, Sunday to take up her duties as principle of Rains school, after spending a few days with her mother in North Kingstree. 1 Mr. F. M. Stutts, of Jacksonville, j Fla., is spending a few days with re- j latives in town while enroute to ] Laurens, where he will be married j on the 22nd. < All our merchants are well supplied with attractive stocks- of fall goods. The advertising colums of The Record will tell you where to buy. 1 t We are pleased to report that Mr. Walter Steele, who underwent an , operation at the Kelley jSanitorium several weeks ago is so far improved as to be able to be out again. Mayor Shuler who has recently taken in hands the municipal reins, supported by a new board of aldermen, is getting matters lined up in a | manner that promises well for our L pretty little city. The new pipe organ recently pur- ' chased by the congregation for the Methodist church has arrived and is now being installed. The big pipes 1 will be supplied with air by the use 1 of a water motor. I We are r equested to announce that ] the Rev. E. A. McDowell and others , will conduct a special service at Beth- , any Baptist church, near Hemingway , at 8 o'clock, (sun time) next Sunday night, to which everybody is invited This community had a few days relief from the hot wave that has prevailed, but yesterday the mercury had climbed back to its former heights and moppiug perspiration is again in order. A light shower of rain fell yesterday afternoon. The Rev. J. G. Herndon, who has i' been absent on leave for some time j j hpif last week and occupied j his pulpit at the Presbyterian church j' Sunday. Mrs. Herndon is at the ? Johns-Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, , V? where she recently underwent a sur- j gical operation. ' We are requested to announce that < the Rev. Mr. Jos. Walker will con- < duct services in the Episcopal church j here next Sunday evening. The Rev. Mr. Bull will hold morning and even- ] ing^ervices at the Episcopal church ] here on Sunday, October 26. The < public is cordially invited to attend j these services. Both -Mr. Walker and ; Mr. Bull are former Kingstree min- ] isters and a hearty welcome always awaits them here. Miss Minnie May Hughes of Cade; vicinity and Mr. J. S. Todd of Andrews were married at the Methodisl parsonage yesterday at 5:15 p. m. i>y Kcv. J. T. Fowler. They left or train 78 to spend a honeymoon ir S'orth Carolina. Their home will be it Andrews, where the groom is engaged in business. Several weeks a go Dr. LeRoy Itates purchased from Tom Kellahan he residence he occupies on Kelley street, and last week the adjoining iioperty, at present occupied by \Y. E. Xesmith \ as purchased form the ;ame owner by K. D. Mills. These ire ideal little homes, comparatively lew and modern in their arrangelient. The new owners are to be ongratulated upon there acquisition. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hardee Par..e ..lin,rtnn annniincc the en Ult U1 L/ai ivit) ? ragement of their daughter Edith -.ander, to Harvey E. Savely, of Washington, D. C., the marriage to ake place at an early date. Miss 5arrott has a number of friends in his community who will read this tnnouncement with interest. Miss ^arrott has been engaged in governnent work for a number of years ind has visited Kingstree in her oficial capacity. o Woman's Missionary Union Meeting The woman's Missionary union of he Baptist Southeast association held ts annual meeting at the Baptisl hurch here last Thursday and Frilav. A large and representative num>er of delegates were present and Tom all we can gather concerning he meeting it was one of the most lelightful in the history of the union Thursday night the Rev. Dr. Colenan of Charleston, spoke to a large ludience in the interest of the Bap;ist 75 Million campaign. Friday was devoted to the hearing >f reports and the general business >f the union. Luncheon was served it the church, and highly enjoyed by ;he visiting delegates and othei quests of the congregation. o To Be Married The County Record is in receipt of ;he following: Mrs. Sallie May Salters invites you. to be present at the marriags of her daughter Lillian Connor tn Mr. Samuel Gary Dilhrd >n Wednesday, the twenty-ninth ol October nineteen hundred and nineteen at six o'clock in the evening Union Presbyterian Church Salter, South Carolina The bride-to-be is one of the mosl popular and charming young ladies in this county, and her wedding promises to be the social event of the month in this community. The groom is a progressive young merchant ol Clinton. o To Be Married The following invitation has beer received by friends in Kingstree ol the contracting parties: Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Harding request your presence at the marriage of their daughter Marian Estelle to Mr. Eugene Melvin Hirsch at their home, Georgiana, Florida Saturday, October eighteenth nineteen hundred and nineteen at eleven o'clock At Home After October 29th Kingstree, S. C. Mr. Hirsch is a native of Kingstree, and well known throughout this section of the state as a traveling salesman. The bride elect is a native of South Carolina and a young lady of unusual charm and sweetness she removed to Florida some years ago with her father and has since resided there. o Don't be the one who is always late, Buy now you're Red Goose Shoes? They're great. KINGSTREE DRY GOOD'S CO, o Rural Carrier Examination The United States Civil Sen-ice Commission has announced an examination for the County of Williamsburg, South Carolina ,to be held it Lanes and Morrisville on November 1919 to fill the position of rural :arrier at Hemingway, Kingstreeand Morrisville and vacancies that may later occur on rural routes from othir postoffices in the above-mentioned :ounty. The examination will be apen only to male citizens who are actually domiciled in the territory of a post office in the county and who meet other requirements set forth in Form No. 1977. This form may be abtained from the offices mentioned above or from the United States Civil Sen-ice Commission at Washington, D. C. o Subscribe for The Record. KINGSTREE SCHOOL NOTES ' The Parent-Teacher association ' met in'the school auditorium Wed1 nesday afternoon. Officers for the 1 ensuing year were elected as follows: Mrs. E. A. McDowell, president; Mrs. Steele, vice-president; Miss Lydia Greene, secretary and treasurer; Mrs. W. L. Taylor, member of executive committee. An informal reception was held after the business meeting, when Mi's. W. S. Gilland sang two bedutiful solos. We were glad to have a visit from our trustee, Mr. L. W.Gilland on Monday morning of this week. The first grade having enrolled 65 pupils, the grade is now ordered closed hv the trustees and superin tendent. There are no accommodations for any more pupils, but those who desire may be put on a waiting ! list. Honor Roll GRADE I.?(advanced) Julia Montgomery, 96. GRADE II.?Virginia Fairey, 94; Edna Hanna, 93; Lucian Montgomery, 92; Willie Brockinton, 91 Archie, McDowell, 91. GRADE III.?Margaret F. Kelley, 97; Lewis Wallace, 96; Mary Arrowsmith, 95; Billy Fairey, 94; Urenna Fulton, 93. GRADE IV.?Margaret Burgess, , 96; Mildred Miller, 95; Carlyle Epps, 95; Mary Frances Montgomery, 94; James Arrowsmith, 94; Moultrie Mcintosh, 94. GRADE V.?Elizabeth Fairey, 97; Anna Grace Adams, 94; Rachel Dove, , 93; Philip Stoll, 93. ' GRADE VI.?Maiy Catherine Epps, 95; Jane Gilland, 94; Mae Burgess, 93; Elizabeth Swails, 92; Stella ; Wolfe, 92. GRADE VII.?James P. Cooper. 99; Sara Bradham, 96; Grace Kinder, 97; Genevieve Reddick. 93. GRADE VIII.?Daisy Mcintosh, 98; Ola Dubose 97; Theodosia Cooper, | 96; Ruby Joye, 96; Anna Laurie Singleton, 96; Mary Sue Harrington. 95; Julia Hall, 94. GRADE IX.?Margaret Montgomery, 96; Scott McElveen, 95. GRADE X.?Isabel Montgomery, 95; Doshia Sexton, 96. . GRADE XI.?Hubert Spigner, 96; Annie Frierson, 96. o My feet are as happy as they can be, Always?Red Goose Shoes for me. KINGSTREE DRY GOOD'S CO. u ' Town Council Issues Warning Attention of the public is called to the following ordinance: "1. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to sweep, place or scatter any waste papers, trash, , sweepings from stores or lots, litter, or garbage of any kind on the sideWalks or streets of the Town of k 1 Kingstree, unless such waste paper, trash, sweepings, litter, or garbage , shall have been collected and placed in a container in such manner that said paper, trash, litter, or garbage may not be scattered or blown about said streets. 11 "2. That any person violating any , provision of this ordinance and con| victed therefor shall be fined not j more than ten dollars or be imprison, ed for not more than ten days, in the discretion of the Mayor before whom the case may be tried." Attention is also called to the orj:??~ onrainct pvrpfvlinv the SDeed Uiuautr 05WUIUV 0 limit, and as to the proper driving 1 and parking of cars. The Policemen have been instructed by the Mayor and Aldermen to see that these ordinances are strictly enforced. 0 Colored Fair The Williamsburg Colored County , I Fair is advertised in this paper. The '1 big event will open on Armistice Day, ,j November 11. Dr. Jas. A. Mason and other leading colored citizens of the 1 community are hard at work with a , view to making their fair a credit to the county and to the race. o BUSINESS LOCALS Get that boy a Remington. 22 Repeater?start him right. 0 To cook perfectly and with the greatest economy of fuel and labor, get a Cole's Down Draft Range. 0 Kingstree Hardware Co., advertises Brunswick Auto tires in this paper , today. o Lap robes for Buggies and Automobiles at PEOPLE'S MERCANTILE COMPANY, Kingstree. o SINGER means Service Stability and Satisfaction. Only (59.20) cash as long as our supply last KINGSTREE FURNITURE COMPANY. o Buster Brown shoes for boys and girls, a fine line at PEOPLE'S MERCANTILE COMPANY, Kingstree. o Call for Remington U. M. C. shotshells?You'll get WETPROOF at no extra cost >. . * ' 'I Large residence, store Duuai; tenant houses and tobacco bams the Home place and tenant houses the McKnight tract.. Meet me Kingstree next Monday or addr W. P. COOPER. Columbia. S. C. 10-16-2tp. OPERATOR WANTED?You Lady at Kingstree Telephone Co pany. Good pay and short hours. J ply in person to R. M. HARE, M; ager. 10-9-1 LOST?One Hound Puppy, F months old, Black and Wihte, w light Tan head and little blaze face. Reward for return. E. N. 1 CANTS Kingstree, S. C. 10-9THE CUMBERLAND""GENER HOSPITAL of Fayetteville, N. offers to young ladies between ages of eighteen and thirty-five following course of training: th years practical and theoretical w which prepares for State Board aminations. Fail classes being foi ed now. Apply at once to Supei tendent of 'Nurses. 10-9-1J FARMS FOR RENT?Two horse farms to let on shares. G land, come and see me. T. B. GAUl Lake City, S. C. Rt No. 2 10-2FARM FOR SALE?Nice fa 135 acres, 85 acres under cultivati Five miles from Kingstree. G * 4 ~t- cfoK I nouse. tWO UUUclUCU uaius^ ovuu etc. Best tobacco land in Cour HOME LAND & INSURANCE C Xexsen Building, Kingstree S. C. 10-2-tfc. ? LOST?$5.00 reward for a la Black Hound dog with one eye ( Dog left my place Sunday afterno September 21. Extra large dog. J M. GRAHAM. Jr.. Cades. S. Star Route. 9-2otf< TEACHERS WANTED?Fifty one hundred requests from all clas South Carolina schools. If you w rural work, graded, High school principalship, salary $50 to $1 write us today for special enrollmt SOUTHERN TEACHER'S AGEN 9-25-4tp Columbia, S. C FOR SALE?One Dodge tour car, almost new and in fine conditi Apply to H. A. MILLER, Kingsti S. C. 9-18 MONEY TO LOAN?On f mortgage on real estate. Apply STOLL & OB'RYAN, Kingstree, C. 6-12 FOB SALE One. Bnick- Six,- Model- 191 New Tires and in Good Meehanie Condition First Cheek for $11( Gets this Bargain. Call at D. J. EPPS & SON, Hampton Ave. Kings tree, S. < o Rnv a Marhine with a remitat and your Sewing Machine troubi will be over; SINGER only (59.! cash. KIN CTREE FURNITURE ( o 666 has proven it will cor Malaria, Chills and Fever, Bil ious Fever, Colds and Lagrippe It kills the parasite that caus the fever. It is a. splendid laxa tive and general Tonic.?adv. o CORPORATORS NOTICE Pursuant to a commission issi by the Honorable W. Banks Do Secretary of State, dated Octobe 1919, naming the undersigned Board of Corporators, books Subscription of the capital stock thp Hemimrwav Drv Goods Compai Hemingway, S. C., will be opened the office of the Bank of Hemingw; in the town of Hemingway, county Williamsburg, State of South Ca lina, at 11 o'clock a. m., on Saturd 18th, day of October, 1919. The ca tal stock of said corporation will Twelve Thousand (12,000) Dolls divided into two hundred and foi (240) shares of the value of fil ($50.00) dollars each. D. G. HUGGINS, G. B. INGRAHAM, 10-16-lt Corporato o Red Goose Shoes bring lots of joy To every little girl and boy. KINGSTREE DRY GOOD'S C o The Central Methodist Ccurch Florence, was dedicated Sunds Bishop U. V. W. Darlington preat ing the sermon and conducting t dedicatory exercises. ' v 7 SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS FOR SALE?I will sell to highest bidder, Tuesday, October at 10 o'clock a. m., in front of i court house, one black mule, kno i as the Ed Myers mule, taken in i ! der mortgage. E. A. SNIPES 10-16 t a vn rep <5ii.r two lai j tracts of land near Indiantown chur , the Home place and the McKnij I place, each containing about < I thousand acres for sale as a \vh j or cut in tracts to suit purchas ^ l\ D. C's. HOLD ANNUAL MEET ? Elect Officers, and Pay Fitting Tribthe I ute to Retiring President ' The daughters of the Confederacy wn held their annual meeting at the atan_ j tractive new home of Mrs. D. P. .It Frierson. Thirteen members were ? i present, having motored out in three rge 1 cars. c^-1 A letter from Madame Bedeau, the >ht I mother of the little French boy adopt)ne j ed by the chapter had been translated ?'e i from the French by Mrs. T. S. Hem;ei * J ingway and was read by the presiJdent. The appreciation of this poor onl French woman for the attention ?n i shown her fatherless little son was in j touching in the extreme and her ess j quaint way of expressing herself I made the little French orphan seem | very real to his adopted mothers here ngj I in Kingstree. ,m- The election of officers resulted as ^.p- follows: Mrs. T. S. Hemingway, an- president; Mrs. R. K. Wallace, vicetf. president; tyrs. L. W. Gilland, recording secretary; Mrs. D. P. Frierson, corresponding secretary; Miss Agness Erckmann, treasurer; Mrs. W. T Tawlnr Hicfnrinn Miss Erkmann. iic-r 2tp re?istran After the election of officers, Miss AL Maude Logan presented to Miss C., Erckmann a beautiful U. D. C pin, a the gift from the chapter, in appreciate tion of the faithful and efficient work ree done by Miss Erkmann during the ork four years of her administration ex- Miss Logan^Voiced the sentiments of rm- every member of the chapter in the rin- following words: "I have been requested to present one to you in behalf of the Williamsburg ood Chapter, U. D. C., this slight token SE, as an expression of appreciation foi 5tp the loyal and splendid service which ? you have rendered this organization irm "Your administration has beer 10?! peculiarly distinguished in more ways ?? than one; first, that it covered the pe e>>' riod of the great world war, a timt 'n w^en> a-s never before in thfe world's ' *' history, the heart of woman has beer so strongly stirred by patriotic im pulses, and again you occupy the rge >ut. cf YOU CA ?| FORDSON i j for $750.00 F ~~ I that will do the work ( ""I engine; pull the plow to row to harrow it, grain < s. reaper to harvest it, wag k1 field and to the mill and h> tricity to cook the bread you to eat the bread. c. D. C. SCOTT, J ? 1 K1NGSTRCC, ion itcawiMi'ii a le'u ????? : __ ??20) ^? :o. of MONEY HOARDED IS ny. at MONEY DEPOSITED IN ay, BASIS FOR CREDITS OF J of AMOUNT ro" THESE CREDITS HELP 1 lay RY ON RECONSTRUCTION GROW FOOD. THE MANUFi ** ! TO PARRY ON ESSENTIAL B ?rsj rtyj BESIDES BEING ALWAY pty | YOUR FUNDS ARE SAFER PLOYED IF DEPOSITED WIT ?: - : * ***>: .->' >*Tv i.Vk unique distinction of being the only non-resident who has served a patriotic society of historic old Williamsburg in this particular capacity. "I can therefore say in allsincerety, that it affords us genuine pleas;ure and pride to preserve among the archives of this chapter a record of your unusual administration. It has been marked by intelligence of a high order, altruistic conception of patriotic duty, and womanly dignity. Your sound judgment and guiding spirit in the work of the Red Cross assigned your chapter shall not be fnrcrotten hv those women who were ? ?r .associated with you in the work, and who realize what you have accomplished. ' "The poet has said, "A thing of i beauty is a joy forever," and so I trust this little pin, an emblem of the United Daughters of the Confed; eracy, so attractive in design, and bearing the stamp of the dear flag we all love so well, may serve as a constant reminder of our apprecia tion of your loyal service. We are confident that one whose life work, from day to day, is of training and leadership and contact with the 1 psychology of human creatures, has laid the foundation for greater things in the future, which will affect the i | development and growth of this chapI ter, but j "God's plans, like the lillies pure un. 1 fold. j "We must not tear the close-cut leaves apart. Time will reveal the ii calyxes of gold. I "Thankful for the example you ; have set, the officers of this chapter, 1 who will take up the duties you have ' so nobly discharged, will follow the ' I admonition of the poet and "Go forth 11 to meet the shadowy future without " I fear." :i ?o? t Governor Cooper has offered are; ward of $100 for the apprehension and arrest of Joe Turner, the negro ? who shot and killed two police offi> cers in Greenville when they raided a i crap game there Sunday morning. Rewards have also been offered by ; fhe police commission of that city. m m Bin mwarnmxwm i wmmmmm N BUY A TRACTOR | '. 0. B. Factory >f a 20-horse stationary brake the land, the haririll to plant it and the on to haul it out of the home again, make elec- , I and light the home for R.# CO., Agents, SOUTH CAROLINA. mm- * ! !* ? : IV;:' K^REBM ? J k I L^ H ^L | J Iiil H IDLE AND USELESS. THE BANK BECOMES THE SEVERAL TIMES ITS OWN THE GOVERNMENT TO CARPLANS, THE FARMER TO ICTURER AND MERCHANT USINESS. S READY TO YOUR CALL, AND PATRIOTICALLY EMH US. ?luhlSftB89R IW6STREE. S.C^M^B .*, .' 4J? 'J ..r.tjj .-N& i f?e .. . ' ' ^