IgJ FRATERNIZING AT FIUME c I Food Allowed to Pas* Through to s D'Annunzi d Geneva, Sept 22.?Dispatches from ^ P Australian ana SerbiaD sources say Q B Italian regulars under Gen. Badoglio & have constructed a continuous line . Lof trenches around ?iume, while 1 ^^D'Annun^&'s forces have built de- 0 M feases a few hundred yards inside I the circle. S soldiers of the two sides are I ^ fraternizing, exchanging tobacco and ^ ^B refreshments, and officers from the H| two camps dine together. it is averred trainloads of food ^B have been allowed to piss the block- ; flfle line iaw uk civ/ a;u>i>?wvn. | officers, in the absence of authoritive a control. P Tritst, Thursdty, Sept 18.?Col. v Siciliani, who was sent into Fiume v K by Gen. Badoglio to cc tfer with Gm- n 9T- brieve D' Annansio, ti ed to induce h H the latter to keep only .olunteers and ij H allow soldiers of the regular army v, to return to .Itaty,- In order to pre- ii feat their rendering tiiemselves lia- n We to seven punishment. n P*Annan?k> refilled, saying only r B the presence of the Italian anny weald prevent the allies from Wn sUtring Flume a rebel city and bom- 0 bartiing it In fact, be added, the a I ships of the Allies, although they * Htod left the harbor, were not far t] ^BUray, and were ready to return. ? HB The French commano?r, according n to Col. Siciliani, has s tified D'An- g B nunrio that if the well-supplied 0 B stores, forming the base of the Fran- n B co-Serbian troops in th f Orient, were jt B touched, he would fire on the city. tl B Thus far there has been virtually fc, B no disorder in Fiume o: B BOOSTING THE FUND. B Layman Anderson Contributes $200,- v~ B ^ Towards 75 Million Campaign >SJ H r< B Greenville, Sept 25.?J. H. Ander- v |fl son, a prominent Bapti st Layman of "J B Knoxville, Tenn., has r.ade a dona- p B tion of $200,000 to the Baptist 75 ei B Million campaign, acceding to in- o< B formation received at state headquar- ei B ters here from Southern headquar- fi ten at Nashville. Of this amount, $150,000 was undesignated. In ad- si B dition to the $200,000, Mr. Anderson ai has given $50,000 to & new church 8t buildShg. B Several large donati ;is have re- H W cently been made by individuals to B m the campaign. Associated Press D II J, B. WALL HO H M I Some will be found ii broke for gerre been looking f< We Cat We can line give us a c f J II Hamptoi HL B: lispatches recently told of the gift ( >f $200,000 to the campaign by Jack-, on Barnett, a full-blood Creek In-! lian, of Marietta, Oklahoma, who j lad made a great deal of money dur- j ng the past few years in oil devel-1 pmen^s. The eagerness of several churches n South Carolina to begin actual anvassing for the Baptist 75 Million ampaign now instead of on the date et, November 30, and the fact that ome churches have already done so. as prompter! Dr. W J. McGlothlin, Itate organizer for the drive, to send n appeal to all organisers, directors nd pastoi-s in the various associaions and individual churches to use he intervening time between now ltd the date of the campaign in the roper work of instruction and prearation. "I feel sure that the campaign rould be over subscribed if started ow," said Dr. McGlothin at state eadquarters today, "but the leaders i the movement believe that this rork of instruction and preparation i very beneficial to the Baptist in lany ways, and is essential if every lember of the denomination is to deive the good we expect." Off to War Torn Countries Dr. Z. T. Cody, one of the editors f the Baptist Courier, has left for few York from which city he sails rithin a few days as a member of be commission from the Southern aptist Convention appointed to lake an investigation of the reliious needs of the war-torn countries f Europe. The commission is to sport to the convention next May s findings, and this report will be le convention's plans for work to e done in foreign fields with part f the $75,000,000 to be raised Noember 30 to December 7. Upon his departure from Green- Wi ille, Dr. Cody wired a parting mesige to Dr. L. R. Scarborough, disctor general of the drive, in Nashille, Tenn., in which he said in part: ag [ go in the confidence that our peo- liv le shall have raised more than sev- ha aty-five millions pre the journey is a rer, and that Southern Baptists will ?] at^r these appealing and inviting of elds promptly and adequately." ma The other members of this commis- wh on who are accompanying Dr. Cody sp< re: Dr. John F. Love, corresponding ( scretary of the Foreign Mission od oard, of Richmond, Va.; Dr. J. T.! liv enderson, secretary of the Southern' wo aptist Layman's Movement; and lay r. Everett Gill, missionary to Italy.'ere f N FR rse; mm ARI of the Bet / 3 this lot and we can i ral use. Call around )F in this shipment; 1 Supply Y y a nice line of High - - ? ? - v fl aH. We want your t . B. V i Avenue, since 1914 have been forced to n< high levels, measured in terms I money. But in certain lines?not 5 bly in the matter of salaries for pe s sons employed on what we ter s "salaries" as distinguished fro r "wages"?inequalities. exist becau the advances have not been sogre as in the case of commodities gene : ally. That a real evil exists he i no one can deny. But the wiser r medy, as we see it, it not to try force prices generally back to pr , war levels, but simply to level i PMENT 0 ND > TOD . J ?? iver Off ei ht. They are all g rou are almost sure vm j'.m s in Sad* d Harness, so when arrant it by giving j & Coi ' . 'r ?n* i i am i i imp ii ."-v;iV i* .. . .;. - >4^^ X. - - " .jr these unduly low places in economic topograpy?as well' as level down any unduly high prices occasioned by actual profiteering. We cannot ignore the financial results of the world war with its enormous issues, money issues, and general expansion of credit Six great European Powers, with the United States and Japan, for example, in five years increased their paper cir WE PLAY NO AT THIS ONE MAN'S TRADE IS Ji ER'S, AND THE PATRONAGE IMPORTANT OBJECTIVE. ON THIS UNDERSTAND! APPRECIATE, WANT YOUR E THAT WE WILL GO ANY RE A CURE IT. ; jHJLRPlW ^ house FX iW of ^^mmmT^m^^mmm^^mmm^m'^ a- ?' IT"| ENGRAVEDVISITINCCAJ SI WEDDING B ? . i *" j All kinds of Commercial THE CC r t : ,hbi-1' ?a wsmmmmmmmmm % CLARENCE A] IF V^TY TY JF1UL, i' 1 i'it .gii i - .j ? AY ed in Kingi ^ood sound animals ; to find just the -anim illes and If \ in the market for any /ou the most satisfactc mpany KINGSTREl culation from 6 billion dollars to 121 billion dollars. The result is that we have naturally conje to a new high level of prices, and we should accept higher prices as natural and seek to v adjust those that are out of line instead of trying to carry everything back toward pre-war levels.?Pro| gressive Farmer. . o Subscribe to The County Record. W?II u VA\VN-W> x 1 4?>,mm,?Ht**m~>m?~, JiJ'.Tfgr- J. - ' .. .. 4 r FAVORITES U ' STORE- ; UST AS GOOD' AS ANOTH! OF EITHER :IShOUE MOST J t NG YOU KNOW THAT WE [ARDWARE BUSINESS, AND I J30NABLE LENGTHS TO SEi u / ISSS5BBira|as3? ? RDS ~ 1 STATIONS | MNOUHCEMENIS, ETC. Printing neatly executed j HJNTY RECORD. X J I "> LSBROOK / * J > i , { \ fML,\5 zhr.< .? t , i j I > stree and are well n I ir/vn U/i?rA ry service. m . 7 ? Ely S. C. I * t