The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, May 29, 1919, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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H Insure Y During the L * Does it Pa) Don' V I Phone N< Cabbage Snake Y~ The cabbage snake is a slender, yellowish or whitish worm, several inches long and not thicker than the average sewing needle. It is sometimes found in heads of cabbage. They are not snakes but round worms, says Prof. A. F. Conradi, Entomologist. They belong to the group known as horse-hair snakes, though notching alive has ever developed from a horse hair. These so-called "cabbage snakes*' are parasites or insects, and escape from grasshoppers, or crickets on cabbage. This accounts for their occurence on cabbage; and when es ? * -/? i.1 1 ! / *i. caping irom me ooaies 01 iruu worms (codling moth larvae) in apples, then they are called "cabbage snakes" in apples. Tfhey are perfectly harmless. When you see one you can throw it out, but when you do not see it youneed not let it worry you. o Of some smokers it can be said that more they fume the less they fret. . 1 Why * /y, Suffer? ^ / Mrs. J. A. Cox, of Al- ^ / derson, W. Va., writes: / / "My daughter . . .suf- /\ /. fered terribly. She could r\ /\ not turn in bed ... the N /y doctors gave her up, and y /a we brought her home to y ya die. She had suffered so y ' y much at... time. Hav- y V ing heard of Cardui, we V Ta ffotltfnr h^r' CARDUI VA The Woman's Tonic y\ t 1^1 "la a few days, she be- n Si to Improve." Mrs. rA x continues, "and had / Ty% no trouble at... Cardui / I/I cured her, and we sine / WjM its praises everywhere. y ?Oi We receive many thou- y ?/J sands of similar letters y L/j every year, telling of the y r/| gooa Cardui has done for / lyi women who suffer from y lyl complaints so common to y kyl their sex. It should do y <r ^ our Growin D ATP IV1 & .ast Two Years t Through < rto Insure? t wait ur clouds For Furthe V. H. Kingstree I >. 85. House . With the adv i turns her thoughts t< I front porch to back, | New Shades v perhaps a new P one of the man; articles to be fan and varied stock < tides. Toilet S Floor Rugs and M ? < - - 1 ? ly aesigneo iur s Reed and Fibre stands, Dressers, 1 For Old Furniture and Common PITGAIRN SOLE-P Transform it into -t fir. l_ the Kicnness 01 vram will help you in giving j freshness that nothing i The Steele KIP INS a Tnha r.r.f a Hartfc $7.0C he Company I Our Agency th Ask Messrs ltll you boiling r Particulai WED iKiiranrp RpaI illVVU WUVV^ AftVKM Cleanin ent of summer the 9 house cleaning, rem floor by floor and roi trill be required, orch Rocker, or y useful, helpful ind in our large )f household arets, or Pitchers, [attings especialummer comfort, Rockers, WashPictures, Etc. iplaceWoodworkTry aGan of 'ROOF VARNISH. something new with iut or Mahogany. It f our home a clean, new else will. s Furniture iIGSTREE, SO. CAROLS I I ?UR^ > Against D >rd Policy. I Per t 'aid More Mone] ian it Received fr . H. N. Shepar see the I; up. Act ps See, Phon< CH, M Estate and Loan ig Time! good house keeper ivating the home from ?m by room. EfilF Givesyou J Next time you are down town, stop at the store, and we will show how easy you can make your furniture new-bright, at a very small cost 10c finishes a chair, 30c a table, 90c the floor of a fair-sized room, etc. You can do the work yourself with Pitc&irn Sole-Proof r?~i?j VUIVICU ? (U uwuw Come in 14 colors, including transparent and natural wood colors. No mixing to do?right shades for all kinds of wood ?fives a brilliant glossy finish, or can bis nibbed dolL With Sols-Proof graining as* you can finish anything in imitation of expensive woods. Pitcairn Sols-Proof varnlabee make thine* look new, sad wear loaew. Can bo caed oa ekalr*,t>Ste*,Sn*n. woodwork, badateada, radiator^ pletwi fraoaa# bric-a-brac, Basis? and hooM articlas of every dee?ri?tloo. top in the etoreneirt time ym endows towa. Company IA. .? V i . vng amage by I P100.00 y to Policy Hole om them. dandLD.Du >lack, mi NOW! e, or Write, ? anagei i Comply. CALL M. F. HeDei where you will alw? to be had in Mule; It gies and Harness. Come if you neec I will surprise y and in ] Fresh Car Loi M. F. a CO ac CO C/3 Y\tn cc a f ? < g 5 4l > ?? , I' ^ I I _ SSiBh S : E! > Jail with t y' " i / [' c\ f t lers Insured 1 ^ t ' nn-of Trio | iddy i !K-r < ? r ; y H iV i H 1 AT r s Stable | iys find the best >, Horses, bug1 anything and rou in quality price ad Coming. H Heller ^ | | 2 ? C* 3 a j, -' 'I S- O 5 =3 s < s Irjhbbk look ror wis?:wm:i the red bail wisftw tradl mark sm flpF" Modsm" H firearms 6 Ammunition M j|5^g * jifl