The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, May 15, 1919, Image 4

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?1jp (Emtntg Rprorb. V. TOLLEY & E. C. EPPS Publishers. Entered at the postoffice at Kingstree. S. C. as second class matter. TELEPHONE NO. 83. SUBSCRIPTION RATES STRICTLY IN ADVANCE Single copy one year $1.30 Single copy, six months 75 Single copy, three months 50 Obituaries. Tributes of Respect, Resolutions of Thanks, Card of Thanks and all other reading notices, not News, will be charged for at the - > -e? L rate 01 one cent a wuru iur cam insertion. Hot suppers notices. All communications must be signed by the writer, not for publication unless desired, but to protect this newspaper. All unsigned communications are a waste of time paper and postage on the part of the writer. ADVERTISING RATES _ Advertisements to be run in Special or "Want" column one cent a word each issue, minimum price 25 cents, payable strictly in advance. Legal advertisements, $1.00 per inch first insertion, 50 cents per inch each subsequent insertion. Rates on long term display advertisements very reasonable. For rates apply at this office. In remitting checks or money orders make payable to THE COUNTY RECORD. Thursday" may 15,1919. CHILDREN'S WEEK AT LANE Children's Week was observed at Lane during the week April 27 to May 4. Much credit is due Mrs. Edwin McDonald as leader, assisted : by the various committees, for the wonderful success achieved. On Wednesday evening the "Child's Division Conference," was held in the Methodist church, Mr. Deery, of Kingstree, gave a very instructive talk, which was very much enjoyed by those present, and we feel sure there has been and will be much good resulting therefrom. On Friday afternoon an icecream party was given to the children on the Methodist church lawn, and was enjoyed , by at least 100 children and many grown folks. Mrs. 6. E. McKnight, assisted by a large number of ladies served ice cream and cake to the children which added much - * ** ~v;i enjoyment to tne occasion, mc umdren played various games and all had a wonderfully good time. The pageant was presented on Sunday evening in the Methodist church. It was also a great success. The church was well filled by a veryappreciative audience. Most of the parts were taken by the children of the Sunday Schools, and they deserve much credit for the way in which the theme of the play brought out "The Rights of the Child." We are sure no one in the audience could but help appreciate their efforts, and we hope it will make them more determined than ever to assist in the development of the Christian education of children. The music was in charge of Mrs. Lois Cornette, Mrs. Edwin McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Rodgers, Mrs. Claude Shirer and Miss Alyce Connor, having trained the performers. * o NEWS FROM NESMITH Mrs. V. D. Harper and little daughter, Louise, were visitors in town this week. "Home Ties" presented in Andrews theatre, on last Saturday night, by the young people of Nesmith, was a decided success. The following parties motored to Georgetown last Thursday, Misses Ida Mae Seltzer, Lois Kesmith, Ethel Seybt, Victoria Thames, and Messrs. Riggsbee, McLean, McCullough and Rev. Thames. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Tallevast have rooms in the Baptist parsonage and have recently moved in. On Saturday, May 17 there will be a school picnic in school grove The public is invited. Monday night May 19, beginning at 9 o'clock, a play will be given entitled "A Southern Cinderilla." Tuesday night will be the closing exercises by the children. The following is the program. Welcome Song, and Address. Dialogue?"Feminine Bravery," Recitation. Dialogue-?" Sue's Beau to Dinner". Song.?"Barefoot Boy." Fan drill. Dialogue?"Bertha as Teacher." Song?"America, America." Pantomine?"Lead Kindly Light." Play?"Grown up F^lks." Recitation. Song?"Commencement." Dialogue?"No Peddlers Wanted." Flower drill. Song? "Home Going." Recitation. Pantomine?"Rock of Ages." Dialogue?"Dot Entertains." Tom Thumb Wedding. ^ - Song?"Good Bye." Every body is cordially invited to attend the exercises of both nights. o WANTED?An all around coun^ try printer. The County Record. I METHODIST CAMPAIGN t ! A Summons to All Methodists to Attend Church Next Sunday | j The hour has come?God's hour ^ and man's hour. Other churches are also planning to observe ,this hour but on a smaller scale, but the world I is challenged to observe the dignity j of the observance of Methodism ! which at once celebrates a hundred j years of organized missionary effort i and the close of the world's war. < Before peace was planned we were ; preparing to share in the campaign j to follow the great war by a worthy ! campaign with Christ as our lead- | < ?? I ? 1.1--JI L ! er 10 extend nis Kingdom inruugn- | out a sorrowing world. It was to be a campaign of thanksgiving, of J consecration, of reenforcement, of . reconstruction. It implied the fol- , lowing up the plowshare of war with the seed basket and the sickle of peace. Every mission field at home and abroad made its askings in the light at once of its needs and of its opportunities. With the New j Testament now in six hundred lan guages we feel that the time is ripe ! for our church to send out fivehun- r dred additional missionaries in the j next five years. What heroes they j follow, fit though few, in the great c mission fields which have been pioneered. Our conquering Lord has c opened the world to us to occupy in s His name, has guarded the seas, t has shortened the distances until t now the world has become a great j neighborhood where the watchman ? can see eye to eye. ^ Let the campaign which opens on s May 18th be ushered in by a great Church-going Sunday that shall fill ? all our churches, both with crowds t of worshiper's and the spirit of * faith and prayer. It is our Lord who j summons us to meet Him in the place of worship. Let ours be the church's answer to His gracious call h for service. He is mobilizing His t array. Let the foundations of hell r r P is a?' ItM B A BigSe/A S B| Hundreds of soft dri where sell Mint Cola ^B of people demand it means to ask for m< now and join the Mi I THE MINT I SALISBURY, N. C., I Blood wine B E KINGSTRI remble under the footfalls of th< losts of the Lord as the cry goes uj to Heaven, the Lord of hosts is wit] is, the God of Jacob is our refuge rnmommTELU OF GREAT CHANGI PASSES WORD ALONG. SEAMSTRESS DESCRIBES ILL AND CHANGE TANLAC MADE Says She Decided To Take Tana I Because She Heard So Much About It "Tanlac is a fine medicine fo itomach trouble and it is a goo< jeneral tonic, too, and 1 am glad b ecommend it as such to anyone, said Miss Lena Burns, of Greer, ? 2., in a statement endorseing Tan ac. "I was troubled with nervous tess and weak spells before I tool Tanlac. I am a seamstress and mj vork is very trying and it brough ne these troubles. Indigestion alsc roublcd me a lot and my appetit< tad left me. I certainly was rur town in health and feeling badly. "I finally decided to take a course >f some medicine, and I had hearc o much about Tanlac I decided tc ake it. The Tanlac helped those lervous spells right away and soor had good nerves. My appetite ame back and I gained a greal leal in strength and weight. I gol o I could sleep well, too." tMnrliainA ic J. U1C liKMlU liJVUJVlliv , ?K old By Kingstree Drug Co., Kingsree, Farmer's Drug Co., Memingt*ay; S. S. Aronson, Lanes; R. P. linnant, Suttons; W. D. Bryan Iryan. o One of New York's leading hotels as three Chinese waitresses in naive costume serving in the teaoom. ?rl>ecausemt ^ovo/iie I because thousands [. io rry it once >re. Try a bottle HH nt Cola Boosters. COLA CO. H DISTRIBUTERS |H| ottling Co. :e, s. c, Ibrua J | - The Guaranty is *? s Hi ; o I COME IN . OUR LW I Rugs and Linoleums & < Kingstree Fi Academy Street, Next COLORED SCHOOL CLOSES MAY 20 The ninth annual commencement exercises of the Cooper Academy, the progressive colored school iocated near Cades, will be held May 15-20, and for the occasion the ? - ?1 -* *?-_ ?1?-1 1 principals ui mc miiwi n???v i?*u printed a neat 24 page catalogue, invitations and programs of daily exercises. White friends of the school are invited to witness the closing exercises. The trustees and patrons of the Cooper Academy hope to inaugurate extensive improvements in the school next, session, and also there is a movement to erect a new and larger building. o Rub My-Tism is a powerful antiseptic; it kills the poison | caused from infected cuts, cures old sores, tetter, etc.?adv. o SUMTER SUFFERS FIRE LOSS Flames Cause Fifty Thousand Dollar Loss I Sumter, May 13.?The Penn Sumi ter Lumber Company suffered serii <nis loss by fire Monday night the i damages to the plant having been estimated at $50,000. Near midnight the watchman discovered a fire in the dust house and the fire continued to burn until four o'clock in the morning. The alarm was turned in and the fire department worked i steadily, by two having the fire under control. How it originated is not known. One portion of the plant consisting of the saw mill, the fuel house and the derrick house has been entirely destroyed. The loss is practically covered by the insurance, but the injury to the plant will put it out of business for probably six month. o 666 quickly relieves Constipation, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite and Headaches, due to Torpid Liver.?adv. o Miss Hilda Wynne of the British Red Cross won eight different medals during the war. o We are proud of the confidence doctors, druggists and the public have in 666 Chill and , Fever Tonic.?adv. A BY CH ;ed Chairs You / ive Heard About 9 They are'Made in ( pi Kiugstree Excli jf N we cannot r? fij Chairs to highly. M They are the j? money will buy 'I facturers stand \ I hind every BRU1 buy from us, gn (1 ery one to be as V money back AND SEE ML OF mm mattings Congoleums Door to Post Office J HBMIHHBMBBHBBBBnBDBQKBS BWltl I 1 nni ?* * ?* tw%v%n m 1 Ht 2>UfKtMA Victor Talkin Is acknowledged. In buying ye The Victroia helps learn ail .he itev da Perfect nv .sic fo dancing-?i Practising u de dies xondi tc rnasiei ai> the nev. dances, : is /oil v a TI:er^ arc Vic;*--:, and /rctrolas iroi dem cnstrJe th ,m for you 'tf: anytime an< The Vi( We are th VICTROLA in South Car the distribute section for t Steinway ???????????? Write Us foi SEIGLING MUSIC CHARLESTON, S. C. / i AIRS J ( 111 Know ojJ Jj >% . "'il ? \ i y* ieorgia and Sold in isively by Us. / ^ xommend these! | best Chairs the i and the manu- I vith us and be- fl MffiY Chair you | | laranteeing ev represented or | J , m I] 553ln||fl5 lJ| I) 11 Vjl CY OF THE I g Machine ur Machine get the.bcst, ncex ^ right n y ur otfn home, tion y: -u are soon able sid eiyoy them as oft^n n $10 to $200 and we'll glxfi/ i tell you our easy tctw, ctrola ie largest dealers AIJma AA/1 uiiua anu >rs in this he Piano r Prices. p HOUSE, Inc., FLORENCE, S. C. I I ==^^l