The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, May 08, 1919, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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"jT\R. Caldwell's ! proved more any other laxative I have ( members of my family commend it highly." (From a letter to Dr. C: Mr. Charles Fenske, 5( Philadelphi: Dr. Calc Qvrnn 1 KSJ JL J The Perfect Sold by Druggists 50 cts. (2S A combination of simpl pepsin that acts in an eas as safe for children as it on the strongest constiti can be obtained free of Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 458 Monticello, Illinois. METHODIST CENTENARY A PECULIAR SIGNiFK HAVING bean assured that preparations have been made for them, there are s?rowir.< indications that large numbers of colored people from j the South will attend the Methodist j Centenary at Columbus, Ohio. June J 20 to July 13. This event, which is J calculated to bring the Methodist Church South and the Methodist Church North togeihor in a degree of co-opcration without precedent since 1847, has a peculiar significance for the Negro because the first home missionary of the Methodist Church was a Mulatto, bv name John Stewart. who began his work of evangelization among the Wyandot Indians, near what is now Upper Sandusky, in the state of Ohio. In their enormous plans, the Meth-' ' n" 'i' : .. . ^CENE OF A VILL On* of the Many Feature* of tha Celabr odlsts of the two churches hare ere-. ated a special department to show ^'he work of the Negro in evangelizato Provide for bis entertain>MD( ^ Columbus This department is in c4wrl? R- K yjliiam, pastor of ?? haul's A. &. K. Church, .Columbus. ?aiT?h?irroan of tbs African Centenary* J)ureM. Among Africans Of prominence who will be in Columbus to take part in the Centenary proceedings are: Bishop Alexander Camphor of Mon rovia. Africa: Bishop Issah Scott of Nashville. Tenn.; Dr W. A. 0. Hughes, leld secretary of the Board of Home Missions; Drs. F. S. Delaney of the Cincinnati-Maysvilie district, and A. M. Jones, leld secretaries ?f <Ae Board of Sunday Schools; Dr. W. S. Sherrill. field secretary ef the Bonn! of Foreign Missions; Dr. J. H. C. Cogglns. field secretary of the ~ SVPCRVISOil (CONTLNUEPFgO CH Matthews. Roads and brie W MO'Bryan Campbell's swa J S Frierson Roads J.... C G McGee do Dr J F Haseldan Chaingang. Gurry Murry. Roads Walter David do J Manson Brown .. do .... H N Sheppard .. Bridges R S Eaddy .. Lumber Rev W R Pritchett Roads J Z Hanna Indiantown ca G H Lovett Roads . L S Dennis 25 feet metal c Oscar L Dennis . ... Lumber Sam Shaw (col'd) Roads and brie S B Poston.... Rationing true FL Powell Chaingang.. . G H Stancill . . Damages to hi West Bartell and hands Roads . D E Evans. .... do B E McKnight. . Roads and bri W H Carr Putting in cuh J G Altaian . . .. .. Roads .. JS Wheeler .. . .. . .Roads and bri Mosee Lee. Roads W T Evans do Conclusion of quarter ending March Syrup Pepsin has satisfactory than :ver used. The other also use it and we relldwell written by\ >05 N.5th Street, I ?. Pa- / Iwell's Ppnsin Laxative ; Everywhere ;) $1.00 e laxative herbs with y, natural way, and-is is positively effective ition. A trial bottle charge by writing to i Washington Street, ' celebration has :ance for the negro I Ereednian's Aid Society: Bishop O. A. Carter, presiding over the A. M. K. Church of Tennessee; !<r. K. W. S. | Hammond, editor of church literature. Rushville. Indiana; i)r. J. \\\ Robinson: Dr. G. R. Bryant and Dr K. M. Carroll of Chicago: Dr. R. E. Jones, editor of the Southwestern Christian Advocate: Dr. W. .V. Brooks of New York: number of college presidents and district superintendents as well as a host of well educated, intelligent men and women, lay representatives of the varied fields of African Methodist Church activities. Columbus boasts of eight African .Methodist Churches, a new Y. M. C. A. building valued at $100,000; two community social center houses, one on the tax duplicate for $25,000, the . j^iiimi?in jj^ .AGE IN AFRICA. African Exhibit at the Centenary atlon. other for fW.OOb; a Y. W. C. A. war community center: a theater and a movie house, and two rood betels. A thoroughly organised African Centenary Committee ii actively engaged in perfecting plane for the participation of nearly 2,MO negroes in various forms ef the celebration ac tirities. This committee includes district superintendents and the pastors and laymembers of the Columbus churches, who havo eharft of tho oalistmsnt of Africans for pageant and musical sorrico and sosnrinf of accommodations for tho Centenary visitors. Already a chorus of colored singers, two colored bonds, one of men. the other of women, and eight college guartets, are pledged and in training. In addition 300 Negroes will take part in the pageants and assist in the demonstration exhibits. t*S REPORT. MPAQEgEVEN) Iges ?? imp ? V 5 00 " .. 18 00 6 50 - 9 00 33 60 . 14 00 20 00 47 82 9 25 useway . 23 25 .. . . ... ... 5 50 ulvert .. .. 25 00 5 90 iges 7 50 k crew .. 16 40 14 93 arse?bridge . ... 10 00 ... . 20 00 5 50 dges 8 82 rert . 4 50 7 00, dges 19 72! 4 00 12 50 31, 1919. J N Hammett, County Supervisor. I E i iiiij I HH^pi nl JHH 1 ?tvlan!ucCl? i Ti#,*ra,aw ; $25-$30-j mwamm?mummmam | ^Each grade th* same p"cr ** ! King: ! I | For Your Protection-Read | Wage Earners Are Being Robbed o < Dishonest men are tempting \ | J * people to exchange their Lib- < < erty Bonds and invest their < > | \ hard-earned savings in "get- < * * rich-quick" schemes that J \ \ I promise big returns but are ' > < worthless. , > 0 Hold Fast to Your Liberty ** * * Bonds < > 1 I Dont' exchange them for any- ' J < thing. Don't sell them unless' < > \ I absolutely necessary. Keep * [ < them in a safe place or hare i? o them registered ffreel in *[ < * your name. < i o If in Doubt, Consult Nearest \\ Bank or Undersigned ?i < Before selling or exchanging \ [ J' your Liberty Bonds <> < Beware o* the Man J [ {1 Who temp's you to part with < < your Liberty Bonr?3. they are \, the safest and beat invest *1 < ment in the world. o CARTER GLASS. i I Secretary, United States Treas < > wry Department. <' < * Washington. D. C ! t Schedule Of Arrival And Departure Of Trains At Kingstree sotun uouna No. 83 11:07 a. m. No. 79 11:28 a. m. No. 47* 6:57 p. m. No. 89 9:20 p. m. North Bound No. 80 . 7:16 a. m. No. 46* 11:28 a. m. No 78 6:11 p. m. * Daily Except Sunday jJlX KINGSTREE lodge, No. 46 A. F.M. meets the second Thursday night in each month Visiting brethren are cordially invited. B. E. Clarkson, W. M. W. W. Holiday, Sec. 2-27-lv Legal Blanks for sale at this office rthes ^ Sold in . ndjCOer* stree Dr &/>e Store < UNDER! A? Undertakers' Sopplii Coffins an With or Withotit Prompt service rendered i done on short notice. Tele FLOWERS F 1 represent two floral house; (and funeral designs on short i P. S. CO1 The People H. A. Mill Fresh Beef, Por LEAVE UKJ I DRESSED We are paying 22^c< Chickens in any qn ing cash for ' ; THE PEOPLE ! H. A, MILLEI ' || , , | ' : Dressed f on the Ho THE well-dre: part of his advance. His clothes I pearsonality aero Stvlenlus ar( 1/ JL by a unique met! of great volume. Styleplus CI01 men who know tl money and good In fabrics, st\ and durable qi Clothes are a mos A wide rang* models for your s Snap for the Appropriate fnrp mpn VUi. V AlA V*AI The right si physique. Make your Visit this Stylepl Kingstree by y Good a/ Quality rAKING ra> es of All Kinds, d Caskets Hearse Service. day or night Embalming phone numbers 91 and 17. URNISKED. 5 and can furnish cut flowers notice. [2-7-6m URTNEY. i's Market ler, Prop. k and Sausage. DERS FOR CHICKEN *nts per pound for lantity. Also payCow Hides. '8 MARKET t, Proprietor. i or Action I me Front^ ssed man has i battle won in help to put his ss. ? manufactured hod?concentration thes are worn by i le value of their | appearance. de, workmanship j lality Styleplus i t attractive buy. j 3 in fabrics and selection. young fellows. 1 'l : \ models for maize to fit every dollars produce! us Store today, j I I I s Co. A ; < i ' 1 Registration Notice. The office of the Supervisor of Be?tstration will be opeu on the let Moo- , , Ja7 in each month for the parpose of registering any person who is qualiied a? follows : ' Who shall have been a resident of the State for two years, and of tlM county one year, and Of the po!linf precinct in which the elector offers to vote four months before the .day of , election, and shall have paid, six < months before, any (Mill tax then dne and payable, and who can both read . and write any section of the constitn cion of 1896 submitted to mm oy ins Supervisors of Registration, or who can sbow that he owns, and has paid all taxes collectible on during' tin * present year, property in this Stata ' assessed at three hundred dollars or more. B E Clarkson, r lt?rk of Board. Two-Manual Reed Organs have a sweetness and delicacy of tone that make theai superior to all others. They have a great variety of registration and a volume sufficient for schools, chapels, lodges, etc. It is a well-known fact that Estey Reed Organs are far better than any small, cheap pipe organ made. You will be convinced if you will call here and (I listen to an Estey. ' ^ P. A. Alsbrook, Agent * MEAT PRICES REDUCED From this date my prices on fresh beef will be reduced as follows: Choice steak 35c per pound Roast beef 30c per pound Stew beef 25c per pound Soup meet 10c per pound H. A. MILLER. i j j