The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, May 01, 1919, Image 5

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EASTER BARGAIN Just arrived, a beautiful line of;' Ladies street hats for Easter, at very I popular prices. ! , Just received a beautiful line of gent's hats for Easter. Panama hats from $2.50 to $5.00. Gent's nice straw ? hats 50 cents to $3.00. ( .Men's Mexican Panama hats for i IRield wear at the old price,?only 25 ( cents for a hat that will last all the! J Summer. ' Yar wide Bleach Homespun 20, 25, and 30 cents the yard. *' Yard wide Sea Island Homespun i 20 and 25 cents the yard. Sea Island Homespun 27 inches j wide, 15 cents the yard. jl Apron Ginghams, 15 cents the 1 yard. Dress Ginghams, best. 25 and 35 t *' J J cents tne yarn. ^ Ladies new silk skirts and waists f at prices to please you. A new line of Gent's new Easter: ? suits, $18.00 to $36.00 the suit i c Gent's new Easter neckwear 35 to (t 50 cents. ' * Great Line of Shoes 1 want to impress upon you that ^ we now have a new line of low cut1 j shoes for Men, Ladies, and Children c that ought to command your atten- J tion. ! j The famous Red Bell a&raddock v Terry guaranteed line is here on our 3 shelves. ? We want to .tell you that we have s the goods on our shelves and with- j t out making any big noise about it we name the lowest prices for cash. [ v W. E. JENKINSON. 8 o THURSDAY MAY 1. 1919 p _ s TO ADVERTISERS h The only newspaper published in o Williamsburg County through which s advertisers can reach the people to e the best advantage is The County Record. Its circulation is 3.000 copies j each week. j" Items of Local Interest i O t! Mrs. Edwin Hirsch, has returned a from a visit to relatives in Colum- P bia. . I Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Speigner of j Charleston, were in Kingstree this' week. Mr. Eddie Carroway of Georgetown, spent Monday in town with o friends. ^ Philip H. Arrowsmith, Esq., ofjS Florence, had professional business jr in the civil court here this week, i j, P We are glad to see Mr. W. C. o ? ? ^ 1? I Cbuborn out again alter a weeas ? confinement to his room by sickness. P The first meeting of the new a county commissioners will be held Sl in the office of Supervisor Ham- ^ met next Tuesday. Miss George Johnson of Conway, d and Miss Sarah McMillan, were guests of Mrs. L. Roy Cates, last week end. ?Miss Amanda Edwards, district demonstration agent with head-; quarters at Latta, was a welcome j visitor to Kingstree this week. j B Mr. F. J. Wolff, whose illness has (J, been mentioned in these columns a from time to time continues quite j, ill at his home on West Main street Mr. Robert W. Fulton, who has j been critically ill for some weeks is; improving at the Kelley Hospital., ?W? +/\ eit iin nnH pvprpisp in 1 AC AO auiv wv oi? ? f.' ? a rolling chair. An entertainment will be given at the Trio graded school tomorrow j ^ night at 8:30 o'clock, D. L. Pierce,'? reader and soloist, of Richmond, I f1 Va., will be a feature of the pro-' sram. \t ' A store room on Academy street I is being overhauled and put in readin ess for occupancy by Mr. Wein- (l burg of Manning, who will open an | up-to-date grocery business there as soon as the repair work is com-i pfete. j 1 The Confederate Veterans of Wil-1 * liamsburg county are invited o a dinner to be given in Kingstree under the auspices of Williamsburg | 1 chapter, U. D. C. Saturday, May 10.! at 2 o'clock. Place to be announced j later. Mr. J. D. DuBose and family, of f Cades, R. F. D. 1, (Hebron section) j whose home was recently destroyed by fire, are very grateful to the Red 1 j Cross and auxiliaries and friends j ? occictan^d r-fnHererl in the : shape of donations sent them Dr. Sam Gilliland, the popular' prescription clerk of the Kingstree Drug Co., has gone to his home at! Fountain Inn and if he follows the direction of his phisician he will remain in bed for at least thirty days I to recuperate his broken health. ( A telephone message from Sumter yesterday afternoon to Mrs. M. A. Shuler stated that the little son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Lewis was - seriously ill. Mrs. Nettles, Mrs. i B Lewis' mother left for Sumter on the evening train. A phone message ?is morning states that there is 1' > improvement in the child's conjition. Mrs. Shuler will go to Sumter today. Knights E. L. Hirsch and H. U. j Kinder, acting as conductors took to Charleston Tuesday night for initiation into the higher mysteries of Free Masonary th e following "victims" W. T. Wilkins, J. D. Britton, T. E. Baggett, Dave Silverman, Memory Kellahan, W. K. Mcintosh, I J. B. Clarkson, Joe King, Clarence t Alsbrook, and Eugene Hirsch. The party is expected to return "soon". &L. ? Mr. and Mi's. T. E. Arrowsmith < -pent last Thursday with relatives n Georgetown. Miss Alice Ward, Misses Hazzara 2 ind Mr. Ward of Georgetown spent,' Wednesday in town. t M iss Marian McFadden has re- ] ] urned from Georgetown, where she , j .pent last week end with Miss Ruth [ Tarraway. Miss Ruby Fowler, of Lander j1 College is spending the week here * vith her parents. Rev. and Mrs. | * rowler. j ^ Miss Henry Louise Johnson and j Hiss Annie Davis of Greelyville, j < tpent Monday with, Miss Dollie i ^ HcFadden. As published last week the Rev. c Hr. Herndon, was duly installed as 'astor of the Presbyterian church 2 lere last Sunday. ^ c Maior Capers James of Summeron, was in town Tuesday. Major c fames has been stationed in the' v iVest Indies and is now home on a|r urlough. i Miss Louise Epps entertained ^t 1 i fish stew at Dukes Lake on Tues- f lay evening, quite a number of (a own folk enjoyed the noted, "Epps r ish stew". J c Cards hhve been issue<l, by the Afee Nee dance club, for a May lance, to be given at the Kellahan ! lotel tomorrow night. Schilmakers irchestra will furnish the music. |d Messrs. Swittenburg and Mont- i romery of the High School faculty 0 vent to Timmonsville Wednesday i s iftemoon to attend the debate. An- ^ lie Frierson and Hampden Mont-|C pomery represented the Kingstree 11 chool and were successful over j. hier competitors. c Following the cool, unseasonable t reather of last week, moderate t ummer temperature has been the j1 rder this week with a bountiful v ain Tuesday night. Wednesday was d artly cloudy and warm and light t howers fell early this morning. The a eason is just now all that could be ^ fnr hv farmers for setting s vrvx* # ut tobacco. Garden truck, con- o iderable retarded by the cool weath I r last week, is coming: out hand- tl omely. h The Methodist CivicCenter Centeary meeting for Kingstree district 'ill be held in Kingstree at the lethodist church Wednesday May th. They have on the program Dr. ieal, of Nashville, Tenn., a very ? trong speaker, also other speakers F f prominence. Those in charge of ? fje meeting expect a full attendence i nd a great meeting. The Centenary trogram of the Methodist church 0 ; one of world importance. ^ o Civil Court in Session The spring term of the court of ^ ommon pleas convened here Mon- p ay morning. Judge Townsand, preiding. L. E. Wood, Esq., court Stenog-1 apher was at his desk as usual, ut has to use crutches, as a result f an automobile accident in Sum- n sr some weeks ago. He was accom- n anied on this trip by his wife. S There were a number of cases of li minor nature on the docket for L ettlement, and these are being isposed of with alacrety. Court will probably adjoprn to-! ay. Court will adjourn today. o Mrs. Radford Passes Away jr< Mrs. Sallie Radford, wife of J. a I. Radford died at her home on H fill street about 9 o'clock last 11< ight. Palagra is said to be the|" ause of death. The deceased had i een ill about three weeks. i tl o 'b |d Sunday School Convention j & y Morning Session Following is the program for dis- i 01 rict number four Sunday School ~ onvention at Mouzons school house, t" aturday May 3rd, 1919. R. C. Mc- n llveen, President ; . 0:00?Prayer and Praise Service.;*' Led by S. J. Deery. ? 0:15?The Home, Its Relation to ' ? the Sunday School. By Thos.' ^ McCutchen. Is 0:40?Practical Suggestions /or;0 Variety in tfte ^Sunday P School Program. By R. D. Webb. * 1:05?Song. P 1:19?"The Banner Sunday School" How it builds up the Sunday a School. By W. E. ^Jesmith. , 1:40?Marking up Each Sunday d School on the District Chart a By R. C. McElveen, District " President. ? 1:55?Giving out School Statist*cal Blanks to be filled out tJ and returned in the after- a noon. * 2:05?Miscellaneous business. Appointment of Promoter Com- c Adjournment for JJ Dinner. ^ Basket Dinner On The Groun<1 .( Afternoon Session 1:45?Prayer and Praise Service. Led by R. D. Webb. c 2:00?Making the Elementary a Work More Efficient. By Mrs. L W. Gilland. P 2:25?The Teacher's Work. By Prof. M. F. Montgomery. | 2:50?Shall we make ours a Gold Star District? By Everybody. '1:00?Our Young People?their Needs, and How to meet then). By Mrs. D. P. Frierson. 2:25?Why the Organized Class? f Rv M A. Shuler. [ :J:45?Collecting statistical reports. I4" Reports of Committees. 0 Time and Place of Next 0 Meeting. g 4:00?Adjournment. " 666 has proven it will cure Malaria, Chills and Fever, Bilious Fever, Colds and Lagrippe. It kills the parasite that cause the fever. It is a splendid laxative and general Tonic.?adv. .'hildren's Week Being Observed On Sunday afternoon, April 27, i mass meeting was held at the dapti.^t church as the first event in P1 he observance of childrens week, P5 Excellent talks were made by Revs. , derndon and Fowler, Mr. M. F. i?1 Montgomery and Mrs. L. W. Giland. On Monday and Tuesday the vis- * tation committees, with Mrs. A. C. Swails as chairman, visited every lome in Kingstree where there are 0 hildren who are not attending any ~ Sunday School. Many parents have >romised to send their children to . Sunday School more regularly, and 8' nany new babies have been placed ipon the cradle rolls of the various hurches. , On Friday afternoon at 5 o'clock P' i party will be given on the court muse snuare to which all white jP hildren of Kingstree are invited. 5*' On Sunday night May 4, at 8:30 J 'clock an interesting pageant will rill be given at the school audito- ? ium in which the parts will all be (laved by Sunday School pupils, rhe public is earnestly urged to be (resent, and to lend their interest q, ind incouragement toward the pro- . notion of the religious education , f our children. ? o War Tank Here Monday se C3l The war tank arrived here Monlay morning and attracted much .ttention among the old and young. ?_ t demonstration was given at 3 'clock in the afternoon, when the treets were filled with people, a p0 ;reat many coming in from the A1 ountry. Court was recessed during CI he time the tank was being exhib- H< ted. Judge Townsend addressed the rowd from the machine, which was aken into the court house yard; m< hen it went out to the river, where g-j ts wonderful pliability and power -ras demonstrated by going through ^ ense forest, tearing down young rees and shrubs, jumping ditches to nd climbing steep embankments, j jj. Whenever the tank came to a stand- 0f till children thronged around and i m( ver the machine in great numbers. | su t was a curiosity to the people of qj his communnity, as was evidenced 1 o_< v th? cvnwH that stood around it j J ?^ - ? rom its arrival till its departure. o I sp Parent-Teachers Meeting J j^c ?~~ : p The following program will bo j ^ endered at the meeting of the Pa- j """ ent- Teachers association next I | londay afternoon: I Piano Solo?Elizabeth Swails Talk Defective Children?Miss 15c Green. j do Vocal Solo?Louise Epps. Jwc Roufed Table Discussion?On \ Kc help Children Should Receive, in I 1 Lesson Preparation?Led by ; CC Miss Wood ham. - S. This is the last meeting of the! ~ .ssociation and all are urged to be j N resent o WATTS JEWELRY STORE 1 . an Just received a beautiful assorttent of Ivor}- tiped, silk Parasols, ?* lin proof. Ladies Bracelet Watches, * terling Silver Beauty Cases, fine ne of Diamonds, Sterling Photo w ockets. Come and see my fine stock. Yours to please, F. J. WATT'S. P. S. Bibles and Testaments. Jj*( o i Death Of Williamsburg Lady ac1 th< Mrs. Emma McCutchen Cooper, Qa elict of the late G. S. Cooper of Iniantown, Williamsburg county died ^i( t the home of her son-in-law, Mr. ja [ugh McLaurin at Wedgefield, Sum- j en ;r county, on the night of April zi, ag l the 79th year of ner age. ^ Emma McCutchen was born in ^h, le Indiantown section of Williams- 0f urg county in the year 1840, the cja aughter of Hugh McCutchen and co, lary McConnell his wife, while et a young woman she married G. . Cooper, also of Indiantown. Five: tiildren blessed this union. Mrs. boper resided at Indiantown until le death of her husband, when she ? loved to Sumter. The burial services were held in le historic cemetery of Indiantown resbyterian church; the Rev, Mr, 'ritchett officiating, assisted by the He iev. Mr. Hammetu of Blackstock, a tai on-in-law of Mrs. Cooper, at one da 'clock Tuesday afternoon in the sig resence of a large concourse of Be arrowing relatives and friends.. st< iephews of the deceased acted as Lo allbearers. th< The floral offerings were many Co nd beautiful. W Mrs. Cooper is survived by two lin aughters, Mrs. Hugh McLaurin th< nd Miss Bennie Cooper of Wedge- *1 eld, and a sister, Mrs. W. W. Fras- Fi r of Oswega, Sumter county. Mrs. to looper had a large connection va hroughout Williamsburg, Sumter do nd Lee counties; they with many riends mourn her loss All her life Mrs. Cooper was a onsistent member of the Presbyteian church and ever exemplified lie teachings of her Lord and Master. "Blessed in the sight of he Lord ? the death of his saints." Undertaker P. S. Courtney took harge of the body upon its arrival Cc t Kingstree. m< (Clarendon, Sumterand Lee pa- po ers please copy). o auicklv relieves Constipa- ^ tion, Biliousness, Loss of Appe- wc tite an3 Headaches, due to Tor- 8h pid Liver.?adv. ^ o County Commission *rs .Meeting The newly Commissioned Board of bounty Commissioners are requestd to meet in the Supervisors office n the 1st Tuesday in May, at 10 i'clock A. M. for a permanent or:anization, and to consider such natters as shall be brought before 'ou. Bring vour Commissions. ' J. N. HAMMET, y? Supervisor. 0 5Rub-My-Tism is a great pain killer. It relieves pain and soreness caused by Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, etc.?adv. sh Colored Revival Going On The big evangelistic revival which ention was made of some time ago r this newspaper in a communica>n from the Rev. Richard Carroll, ider of he colored race in South irolina, has opened up and will be nducted in the opera house until warehouse can be gotten ready. :v. Carroll will be here tonight id will participate in the services r a few days. A strong colored angelist will conduct the services, e is assisted by a choir leader. This is an unusual event in relious circles for the colored people the county which has been made ssible by the cooperation and inrest manefested by the white peoe through a committee composed these gentlemen: Rev. E. A. Mcjwell, W. E. Nesmith, S. J. Deery, ugene Montgomery, E. C. Epps, B. Gamble, P. S. Courtney, Geo. McElveen. SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS FOUND?One gold cuff button. *mer may have same by calling this office and paying for this L 5-1-lt. FOR SALE?One Harley-Davis otor cycle. In good condition. Will 11 cheap to quick purchaser for sh. Have two, one more than I ed. J. P. GIBBONS, Salters Det, S. C. R. 1. 4-24-3tp. FOR SALE?One large McCrea jfrigorator. Ice capacity 400 und; suitable for store or market. ; a bargain for cash. See H. C. tAWFORD, nekt door to Kellahan >tel, Kingstree, S. C. 4-3-tf. MONEY TO LOAN?On first jrtgage on real estate. Apply to, 'OLL & O'BRYAN, Kingstree, C. 3-27-4tc. WANTED?Attention of Farmers the Bemis Tobacco Transplanter, lis Wonderful machine does work 15 laborers?Saves time and >ney ?Place orders at once to inre delivery. Address. CARTER STRIBUTING CO. Lake City.S.C. >7-5t. FOR SALE?Eggs from my lendid, prize winning Barred cks; thirteen eggs for $2.00. T. ARROWSMITH, Kingstree, S. r. 2 HOUR KODAK FINISHING All rolls developed 10c; packs 20s up; prints 2 l-2c-4oenlarging 35c up. Specialists?we nothing but kodak finishing. All >rk guaranteed to please. Eastman daks. Films. Supplies. COLUMBIA PHOTO FINISHING 1, 1111 Taylor Street, Columbia, C. 3-27tf. OTICE OF COUNTY PENSION BOARD Confederate soldier's and sailors d widows of confederate soldier's d sailors, who have not already d their names placed upon the nsion Roll arerequested to apar at the Court House, Kingstree, C., on the 10th and 12th days of iy, 1919 and enroll. See Act of 1919. Soldier's or sailor's, residents of ; State for 5 years who served in i confederate armv or navy or to in the State militia performed tive service and did not desert 2 service of the State of South .rolina or of the confederate ates, or the widows of such sola's who, were married prior to nuary, 1890 shall be entitled to rollment, if she has attained the e of sixty years, who was living th him as his faithful wife at 2 time of his death. Compensation such soldiers and sailors shall be issified and fixed by Sate board of tnmission. A. W. FLAGLER, GEO. J. GRAHAM. H. 0. BRITTON, P. M. BROCKINTON, Clerk of Board. CORPORATORS NOTICE Pursuant to a commission issued morable W. Banks Dove, Secrery of State, bearing date the 28th y of April 1919, naming he underfed a Board of Corporators, oks of subscription to the capital >ck of the Security Building and an Association will be opened at s office of the Mallard Lumber mpany at Greelyville, County of illiamsburg. State of South C&roa, at 1 o'clock P. M., on Saturday e 3rd day of May, 1919. The capistock of said Corporation will be ftv Thousand Dollars, divided in Five Hundred shares of the par In* of One Hundred (S100.00) liars each. April 30h, 191% J. B ALSBROOKS, T. W. BOYLE. G. W. GREENE, Board of Corporators. NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that the unty Board 'of Education will ?et Monday, May 12, for the purse of electing an attendance offi r for the schools or tne county. ie salary is $1200.00 a year and >rk beginning June 1. Applications ould be sent to the County Superpendent of Education. J. G. McCULLOUGH. Acting Supt. Education. TRESPASS NOTICE All parties are hereby warned ainst hunting, fishing, cutting or .uling wood from or trespassing any manner upon lands of the idersigned, in Suttons township i SouQi side of Santee public road, olators of this notice will be dealt th according to law. l-4tp. S. R. WALTERS. o The chiropodist believes in tight oes?for others. 9 ' THE SUPREMAC Victor Talking is acknowledj buying your i get the best? ti a uc; y iv We are the VICTROLA in South Carol the distributor section for th< Steinway H WmtA T la fnr 1 ?? IHW V/ U twa I i SEIGLING MUSIC N CHARLESTON, S. C. - F Refreshi i Jairip BlooIv? ENGRAVED VIS1TINC CARDS WEDDING INVITA' ANNO! All kinds of Commercial Printi THE COUN1 i Y OF THE ' J Machine jed. In % nachine '! i ^ rtrola ===== - | 1 largest 'i dealers Una and s in this I B .. . ' j *f;>A Piano c s ===== - L IltCd, IOIISE, Inc., 1 LORENCL S. C. . iff !J5rwAere I I' H hful Beverage i the palate I ins the brain I he nerves 9 H rates the body 9 is fatigue 9 abit'forming 9 lay?you'll like I founts and in I nt Cola Co., I 5BURY, N. C. I milBUTERS ' 9 n , r_ me bol to m ?stree, S. C I rioNS JNCEMENTS, ETC. og neatly executed rY RECORD.