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WeVe? ew Victoi i . nrL _ ; Det- i ne wai isn't simply s them it for th< >b." are one \ ? laffner & :s are anol and The Vk irity. vestmen ectly est; they i - ^ y last ment?y serv- help satis\ Depart Hart Schaffner & M< i? - 1 ^ Can't Finish" to start something; a t to finish it. The :r, but paying the bil jot to finish the job. ? n i. ry Donas r taught us econon aving money, but s[ ; right things. Thesi of the right things; a: , "V /T iYLarx tner :tory Bonds are a g< t, too; they pay gooi ' are backed by our 'our money "back: an Finish the job! ment St urx clothes : KINGSTREI 9 ^E;Xv3? nd now i fightIs isn't. ly; not >ending ? bonds nd Dod ind intergovern id they ore ./ L, s. c. I \ / Bolshevism Tottering Advising Hungarians not to make the mistake Russian Bolshevists have made, 'Lenine asks the Paris peace conference for terms upon , which Russia may regain recogni, tion and standing among nations. , His armies surrendered to the UkI rainians, Ttrotzky undertakes last ; desperate moves in the Archangel [ district arid in Siberia, while enjoying momentary success in the Ural 1 region. Thus evedence multiplies that Bolshevism is tottering, even in its strongholds. Bolshevism fail because it is class autocracy, and the world is now committed to democracy; because in destroying accumulated wealth it makes no provision for future production beyond the bare necessities of its dependents; because in tearing down the very institutions which have given society its security, opportunity and development, it fails to supply others adequately meeting human wants under which society may safely build for the future. Bolshevism is a blight upon every thing it touches. In this country Bolshevism is losing ground. Its appeal is to ignorance, and not to intelligence. Americans are the most intelligent people on earth. Rejected here, it is losing its appeal elsewhere. ITie people of these United States exert unconsciously, perhaps, a tremendous influence on the people of other countries, and their rejection of Bolshevism is a tremendous factor in the decline of this devilish ism. o A Call To Baptist Making a final appeal to the Baptists of the South to give their financial sunoort in the million dollar campaign being waged by the home mission board of the Southern Baptist Convention, Dr. D. B. Gray, * of Atlanta, corresponding secretary and executive head of the board, has sent to Baptist ministers all over the South the folowing statement: "The fiscal year of the Southern Baptist home mission board ends on April 30. Tomorrow is the last Sunday of the financial campaign. We need a million dollars to close the year free of debt. To do this we must have the combined help of our people, rich and poor. Men of means must give as they have given in other great drives and the masses of the people must have a hand in the task. 'We have had the greatest year of our history in results achieved in the work of evangelism among our soldiers, among the Indians, foreigners and negroes in Cuba and Panama, in muontain missions and schools and in church extension. The crisis is serious, but with our forces united in sacrificial giving victory is certain. We can then face the imperative demands of the new year with courage and confidence." The final report of the home mission board will be made to the Southern Baptist Convention which meets in Atlanta May 14-21. ?: o "Gentleman From Hell" Small Ann's mother had been disturbed to hear her using the word "devil". "My dear," said she, "that is a word we do not use in polite society, and I never want to hear you say it again. She noticed that her admonition was carefully heeded. Then on Sunday evening, about two weeks later, the mother inquired wnat uie aay? lesson had been about "Why mother," was Ann's answer / "it was about when our Lord was tempted by the?bjWby?the?gen-' tleman that keeps hell!" o Mrs. J. C. Bailey of the Cedar Creek section near Andrews died Monday night of last week. She had been in ill health for some time though her death came as al shock to the community. She was a devoted Christian woman, and held in high esteem by all who knew her. The body was laid to rest at Gourde's Chapel Wednesday afteranon at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Bailey is survived by five children and ten grandchildren. f ?????????????? DOCTORS PREFER 1 ! CALOTABS FOR | A LAZY LIVER i .Wonderful How Bright And Cheerful The World Looks After Taking The New Nausealess Calomel | Have you tned tne new nausealess calomel that makes calomel taking a pleasure? If you have, 70U appreciate the wonderful virtues of calomel when robbed of all its unpleasant and nauseating effects, j Calotabs is the sensation of the year in the drug trade. Pharmacists > regard is as a perfect remedy for the liver, its effect in biliousness, constipation and indigestion is most delightful. The next time your liver needs a thorough cleansing try Calotabs. One tablet at bedtime with a swallow of water, that's all. No taste, no nausea, no salts, no griping. You wake up in the morning feeling fine, with your system thoroughly cleansed and a hearty appetite for breakfast. Eat what you please?no danger of salivation. Calotabs are never sold in bulk; for your protection they are sold only in original, sealed packages, price thirty-five cents. Your druggist will gladly refund your money if you do not find them effective and delightful.?(adv.) H * \ . Jk