EASTER BARGAIN Just arrived, a beautiful line of Ladies street hats for Easter, at very! popular prices. j Just received a beautiful line of gent's hats for Easter. Panama hats from $2.50 to $5.00. Gent's nice straw 50 cents to $3.00. iMen's Mexican Panama hats for field wear at the old price,?only 25 cents for a hat that will last all the Summer. Yar wide Bleach Homespun 20. i i. 25, and 30 cents the yard. Yard wide Sea Island Homespun: 20 and 25 cents the yard. [. Sea Island Homespun 27 inches!: wide, 15 cents the yard. Apron Ginghams. 15 cents the ( yard. Dress Ginghams, best. 25 and 35j; cents the yard. J( Ladies new silk skirts and waists , at npiws tr> nlpusp VOU. A new line of Gent's new Easter! suits, $18.00 to $35.00 the suit. '< Gent's new Easter neckwear 35 to j 50 cents. 1 Great Line of Shoes I want to impress upon you that 1 we now have a new line of low cut shoes for Men, Ladies, and Children that ought to command your atten- * tion. ( The famous Red Bell ^raddock ; Terry guaranteed line is here on our 1 shelves. j We want to tell you that we have , ^ the goods on our shelves and with- ] out making any big noise about it we name the lowest prices for cash. 1 W. E. JENKINSON. | W. E. JENKINSON. 1 xni'BQnAv ma urn 27. 1919. ! TO ADVERTISERS j The only newspaper published in < Williamsburg County through which 1 advertisers can reach the* people to 5 the best advantage is The County Record. Its circulation is 3.000 copies ' each week. ? ] Schedule Of Arrival And Departure ' Of Trains At Kingstree y South Bound ; No. 83 11:07 a. m. , No. 79 11:28 a. m. No. 47* 6:57 p. m. ' No. 89 9:20 p. m. 1 North Bound No. 80 7:16 a. m. No. 46* 11:28 a. m. No. 78 6:11 p. m. * Daily Except Sunday ' < Items of Local Interest! Mr. Ira A. Calhoun, spent Sunday in Florence. I F. L. Jones of Georgetown, was in town Sunday. Messrs. W. H. Can- and Joe King ; spent Sunday in Kingsburg. ] 31r. W. V. Taylor of Greelyville, ( was noted in town Tuesday. < 1 Mrs. Robert McLeod of Sumter , visited Mrs. L. J. Brockington Tues- j day. , Miss Bessie Ives spent the past < week end in Florence with her home 11 folk. Miss Pearl Marcus is visiting 3Iiss j J Esther Schwartzman in Charleston J this week. Messrs. Alex Blakeley, Archie and < Will Wilkins spent Sunday in 1 Georgetown. Mrs. J. B. Alsbrook of Greelyville, , is visiting her mother Mrs. P. A. Alsbrook this week. Mrs. Grant Yankuren had as her 1 guest during the past week end Miss : Ward, from Heinemann. 1 I Mr.Wallace Mcintosh of Florence spent Sundav in town with his brother, Mr L. R. Mcintosh. ( Miss Ruth Carroway of Georgetown was the attractive guest of < Miss Marian McFadden. during the i past week end. i The revival meeting conducted by the pastor, the Rev. J. T. Fowler, at the Methodist church came to a close Sunday night. Miss Ann Fulton went up to Flor- 1 ence on Monday to see her father, ) Mr. Robert Fulton, who is quite sick ; in McLeods Infirmary. Miss Annie Tolley returned to ' Kingstree Sunday morning, after having spent a very pleasant week in Georgetown with Mrs. W. N. Ja * coos. Miss Martie Boyle has returned from Sumter to resume her duties in the High School here. After a complete rest of two weeks. Miss Boyle is much improved. Mrs. E. G. Mouzon has gone to Kingstree to assist her cousin. Miss Martha Gordon, in getting started as community nurse of Williamsburg county.?Florence Times. ^ Mr. P. 0. Arrowsmith was oper aAgd upon Tuesday for apendicitis. V wis getting along nicely, we understand, at a hospital in Charleston where he was taken Monday. Mr. Joe King left yesterday morning for Kingsburg to attend the wading of his lister, Miss Capitola to Mr. David Livingston Moyd of Andrews. The wedding will take place tomorrow. We are sorry to note the extreme illness of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Faireys little baby boy from pneumonia. Several of their children are on the 3iek list and we all hope for their speedy recovery. Mr. W. K. Mcintosh was in Charleston yesterday on business. Mr. P. M. Bvrdic, we regret to learn, is quite ill at his home near j town. Mr. J. V. Carter, the DelCo Light, man, of Lake City was in Kingstree i yesterday enroute to Greelvville. The little child of Mr. and Mrs.' y>. K. Mcintosh, wlv> has been quite ^ for several days is improving, we are pleased to learn. Gentle showers this morning have | laid the dust and will be greatly beneficial to gardens. Colder weath-! er is predicted for tonight. Mr. and Mis. Gilbert W. Eppsandl littlo dnnchtrr Marv. have returned I to Ashville, X. C., after spending j several days with relatives here. [ Mr. Leroy Gates this week pur-, chased from the owner, Mr. David: Xixsen, the vacant lot on the south ' side of church street between Hampton avenue and Academy street. Dr. Gates expects to build on the property in the near future. The beginners recital given by, Miss Richardson and her music class , at the school auditorium last Satur-1 day afternoon was greatly Enjoyed by all present. The pupils deported themselves splendidly and their playing and singing was an excellent testimonial to the efficient and faithful work of their teacher. Mr. Xunn, who has recently taken i position as operator, at the A. C. L. depot here has with him an honjrable discharge from the United States Marine corpes. He was with this famous old organization in France and saw active service on the battle fronts at Chateau-Thierry, 1 where many of his comrades were killed by the huns. ** 11 r% Of MISS MUrjflUt J1UVIIC, a J^anvuv -v the Kelley Hospital from the Trio neighborhood, died there last Saturday night after a long illness. Miss Moore had been under treatment at Florence and other places and rerently underwent an operation, but nothing seemed to check her ailment. An infusion of blood was tried here and for a short time the young lady rallied and grew cheerful, but this i rondition soon lapsed into its pre- ; rious state and she passed away about 10 o'clock Saturday night. State constable Ikelberger of Char- 1 eston, in response to an urgent call Sy wire, from chief of police J. H. ' Epps, came to Kingstree some time ,ast week to look over the field for 1 'blind tigers", "boot leggers" and violators of the prohibition law. On Saturday night he proceeded to bag ota.sh. DAWHOO FEDTILIZKR 'OMPAN'V. Box 608. Charleston. S. 3-27-2t. WANTED?Attention of Farmers o the Bemis Tobacco Transplanter. This wonderful machine does work >f 15 laborers?Saves time and none*' ?Place orders at once to in;ure delivery. Address. CARTER )ISTRIBl"TING CO. Lake Citv.S. C. -27-5t. OR SALE?Pure Rhode Island Red Lggs. delivered, 15 for 32.25. E. E. Ivans, New Zion. S. C.. Route 1. FOR SALE?Several thousand eet of extra good rough lumber. IHAS. H. SINGLETON. Kingstree, ?. C. 2-20-tf. FOR SALE?Eggs from my plendid. prize winning Barred iocks; thirteen eggs for $2.00. T. I. ARROWSMITH, Kingstree, S. C.| FOR SALE?S. C. Rhode Island ted Eggs, 15 for $2.00. # also four ine Rhode Island Red cockrels for luick sale. J. H. EPPS. Kingstree, !. C. 2-20-1 f. FOR SALE?Pure Barred Rock ggs, E. B. Thompson strain. $1.50 ier 13. Pure White Leghorn eggs 1.50 and $5.00 per 15. S. W. MIMS, Ireelyville, S.C. R. 2. . 2;6-8tp. DWELLING HOUSE FOR SALE -One good six room dwelling houac [j town of Kingstree, desirably looted on one-acre lot. with f?ood necssary outbuildings, such as bam, tables, etc. Address P. O. Box 375 lingstree, S. C. 1-2-tf. | Ck HOUR KODAK FINISHING 1/ All rolls developed 10c; packs 1 20s up; prints 2 l-2c-4cc enlarging 35c up. Specialists?we o nothing but kodak finishing. All i ork guaranteed to please. Eastman ! [odaks. Films, Supplies. COLUMBIA PHOTO FINISHING1 !0. 1111 Taylor Street. Columbia,' I. C. 3-27tf. 1 i c. Special reduct in spite of th past three wet The people ha 1 their interest i I I DEPEW at a lower prici We are st big line of got to make room already arrivii ====== ! - ' j Don't C. RINGS! _zzzzzzz t i i ? \ma mm ? [I I YOU ARE CORD] 1 TO ATTE1 | SPRING 11 ! Thursday a !i March 2' | ( ! Rest 1 ' For the Convenience of ( j = I ft A full 1mA tV?A \i J I Dl 1UU J1HC KJL LUC 1! : | Spring I ! Ready-to-Wear | OF THE BE1] | THE NEV IHyman-Schnei GEORGETOWN, W. 0. W. INSURANCE GOES UP Increased to Meet Death Rate From Influenza Chicago, March 26.?More than a million members of the Modern Woodmen of America, the largest fraternal insurance organization in the country, had their rates increased today to meet the abnormal death losses resulting from the influenza epidemic, which caused a reduction in the beneficiary fund of the order from $12,000,000 to $700,000. On the present membership the increase is a flat advance of 50 per cent "and all new members joining hereafter will have to pay material ly increased rates. Even this increase is said to be not a strictly actuarial adesuate rate, I but it was as far as the membership could be induced to go at this time. The action was taken today at a special meeting of the head camp of the order, after three day's debate. Tuckc ion sale has been a e very bad weathe ;ks. Our sales have ve come to realize to come to my store DABLE MERCW e than it cost us in m ill offering great re( >ds that must be sob i for our summer & igDelay?Come Ti iUCK< REE - * % ' .. . [ALLY INVITED j ND OUR j OPENING nd Friday, 7 A 1Q f aiiu ao ^ ^oom )ut-of-Tovvn Customers, ewest Creations in I 7ashions and Millinery rTER KIND I / STORE, der Company j S. C. ! r- mm m ~ - " '-4 tok thorn to ahow job e oopr or aoad Motor the lata* Ucoo. poatpaid. Yearly a?b#erl?tlon ?2.00 to all porta of tha Coiled gutat iu pnwaaalnno Cap ado. oad Mexico. iM 9 * I i ?rs { great success I a t it I sr during tne ; ! been? heavy. I I that it is to 1 f?r iNDISE 1 ??????? | I any instances. j ! luctions on a I I out in order j ock which is [ o-dav! er, - s. c.