The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, January 31, 1918, Image 5

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IW. E. JENHNSON Wants Your Atttenion. j ' Shoes Shoes Shoes I I want you to know that I have a stock of Shoes of all kinds on < nCid that I am anxious to sell for i the cash. Men's Plow and Work , Shoes, Ladies' Heavy Shoes, Ladies' Fine Dress Shoes, Children's School ? - - t (Shoes that will stand hard wear, in short. I have the Shoes you need, and I need the money. Overalls?Work Pants I want you to know that I have a large line of Overalls of all kinds. Work Pants from $1.50 up. Staple Dry Goods I want you to know that I have a nice line of staple Dry Goods that needs selling. Ginghams 15c to 25c I the yard. Check and Plaid Home- j spuns 15c to 25c yd. Brown Home- ] spuns 10c, 15c and 20c the yard. Notions?Toilet Articles , 1 want you to know that I have a ] nice line of small Notions of all u:?1? d;?c. Ko^hIps. Hairpins. Toi KlllUd ? x ma, ?? t let Articles-Talcum Powder, Soaps and Dental Supplies. Come and see us. We are anxious to see you. J W. E. JENK1NS0N ] j Items of Local Interest.< { ( Cotton was selling on the local 1 market at 29?c; seed at $71 per 1 1? ton, or $73 in car lots. J Mr E H Thomas of Lake City was a 1 caller at our office today. j Mr E L Montgomery of Cowards 1 spent Sunday in town. J Hon Jno D Cappelmanof Charles- 1 i ton spent Monday in Kingstree on j professional business. Union services will be held at the Presbyterian church Sunday night. n ^ ^ will nroaph XVf V u I nni lliuu nui (/X.KV.I. J Miss Cornelia Cockfield of John- s sonville has been made athletics ed- ( itor of Chicora college annual. t Mr and Mrs J B Alsbrookof Gree- { lyville and Mr A W Mcintosh of Florence were in Kingstree this week. ( Mr P C Becton has been elected i president of the Law association of ( the University of South Carolina. s Special attention is called to the k notice in this paper by County Food Administrator J D O'Bryan. It is important. Heyward Brockinton has been chosen orderly critic of the Euphra- ' dian society of the University of 1 South Carolina. 1 Miss Lottie Naomi Blakely and Mr C P Ogburn, both of Trio, were f married by Probate Judge P M j Brockinton at his office here yester1 Saturday will be ground hog day. f Let us hope the little animal will not i see his shadow, which, according to < an old tradition, will indicate that 1 winter is past. 1 Mr and Mrs P B Thorn and Miss ( Selma Thorn were summoned to 1 Hemingway this week by the illness of Miss Rubie Thorn, who is suffer- . ing with pneumonia. Rev Dr Walter Mitchell will preach K and celebrate the holy communion at the Episcopal church here Sunday at 11 a. m. He will also officiate at e Bovd school at 3:30 p. m. I .1 We regret to learn this morning ' that the condition of Mr Thomas McCutchen, whose illness with pneu- ; monia was announced in these col- J umns last week, is not at all encour- v aging. Dr Walter H Harper of New York , and Messrs M B Thomas of Colum- | bia and Sam P Stackley of Branchville are in Kingstree today for examination by the local board for army service. i Miss Cora Sprott, who has been stenographer for Mr George A McEl- ( cunnrpil n simiar nnsition V CLII, UUU cvvv* vv. M W. ... r with the Gallivan Construction Co at J Charleston and entered upon her new j duties today. 1 t Wilmot Scott Allen.oldest child of ( t Mr and Mrs M L Allen, is ill with j I pneumonia. The little fellow is be- I injr tenderly cared for by his mother 1 and Miss Bruce Hamilton, trained nurse,and is getting along as well as could be expected. G C Bristol, veterinary surgeon, ] who has had considerable experience in the service of the United States ( government in the care of horses \ being transported to Europe,"and , who lectured here on several occa- i sions.has located here to practice his . profession. ( Mrs W H Welch and sister. Miss ' Charlotte Winslow, were summoned i by telegram Saturnay to the bedside i of their father, Mr Robt J Winslow, who was in a critical condition at his home in Hobbsville. N C, and died at 3 o'clock that afternoon, bef?*e his children arrived. r Teachers' Meeting Saturday. About forty teachers were present at the meeting of the association held in the school auditorium here Saturday, representing schools in oearly every section of the county, rhe meeting, which those present ilain^ to be the best ever held by the issdfktion, was opened with prayer! *" tt ?i i oy K6V U 1 narmou, wnu nisu ujauc in interesting: talk. A special and most intesting feature of the program was the dramatic reading by several of the first frade pupils of the Kingstreeschool, conducted by Miss Agness Erckmann Mr Montgomery, principal of the ichool here, grave an interesting talk relative to the organization and the rooperation of teachers. Miss Erckmann was chosen delefate to the State Teachers' conven;ion, which meets at Columbia on March 15. A delightful musical program was endered at the meeting by Miss Sdith Sturgiss and Mrs L WGilland. Algie King Dead. Algie King, eldest son of Mr and Mrs H H King, died at the home of lis parents on West Main street at 1:05 o'clock Monday afternoon of ast week, aged 23 years. The young nan had been in bad health for more j :han a year. He recovered somewhat luring the summer and was able to ?o about, and friends thougpt him >n the road to complete recovery, )ut in October he was again confined ;o his bed and graduallygrew worse intil death came. The remains were :aken to Bethune Tuesday for internent. Mr and Mrs W |H Carr, Mr and Mrs P S Courtney. Revs D A Philips and G T Harmon and Mrs Dell Sedgwick were among those accomjanying the body. # ?-* ? Pay Your Y M C A Pledge. The treasurer of the Y M C A var fund in this county, Mr Geo A McElveen, urgently requests all who signed pledges of contribution to ;his purpose to come forward with *ie money. Fifty per cent of the imount pledged became due some ;ime ago, but in a great majority of rases the matter has been apparenty overlooked. The local treasurer s being called upon by the national )fficers for money and the matter should not longer be neglected by :hose who signed pledges and have lot paid the amount promised. Important Notice to Merchants. The following telegram has just leen received and I beg to call the ittention of every "merchant in Wiliamsburg county to same: The President's proclamation requiring sale of equal weights of iubstitute with wheat flour is the aw and went into force Monday morning. It must be strictly obeyed; no exceptions are allowed. Contracts for flour afford no excuse, but aggravate conditions. Prohibits merchants from Ailing such contracts inless pound for pound of substitutes is sold at the same time. This irder applies to all sales, whether to wholesalers, retailers or consumers. J D O'Bryan, Food Adm, Wmsburg County. ECmgstree, January 30, 1918. Death of Miss Jane Salters. Miss Jane M Salters, age 78, pass-J " ?lonf ni<vUt of fii away quicuj iaoi ui^uv av uvi pome at Salters. She was a daughter of the deceased Capt John A Salters, and is survived by two sisters, Mrs Sarah Gordon and Mrs W B McCullough. For fourteen years jhe was an invalid, and, although she was a great sufferer, her life was an ?xample of Christian piety and cheerfulness. She is mourned by a lost of relatives and friends. We are glad to learn that the population of Kingstree will soon be inCreased by three. Dr E E Montgomery, who has been located in Charleston for quite a while, was prospecting here last week and he pas decided to cast his lot with us. tie, with his wife and little child, will occupy Dr A M Snider's home )n Railroad avenue, and Dr Montgomery will assist himin the practice of his profession, which he has seen prevailed upon to resume. ANNOUNCEMENT. The Kellahan Warehouse, which, ast year, was operated by the firm jf Johnson-Mills Co, will be open iuring the coming season under the management of Johnson-Nesmith Co, Mr W E Nesmith, of Kingstree, becoming a partner. This new firm needs no introduction to the tobac:o growers of the county, whose patronage is solicited only upon a guarantee of fair and square dealing. adv ToniiOM' ">0 IQlfc UUIIUP.J/ ? V 4V/. Break your Cold or La Grippe with a few doses of 666. 'MR J O HARRELL 1 RILLED BY TRAIN A TRAGIC ACCIDENT OCCURRED NEAR LANES MONDAY?STUCK BY PASSENGER TRAIN 78. Mr J Q Harrell, roadm;ister for the Atlantic Coast Line railroad between Charleston and Florence, was; instantly killed late Monday evening near I^anes by train 78, the local passenger train from Charleston to Florence. Mr rfarreli, with a negro helper, was riding toward Kingstree on the motor car, and owing to the thick smoke from burning debris along the track did not become aware of the approach of the train until it was almost upon him. The negro helper who was on the truck with Mr Harrell, with his face toward the train, told Mr Harrell of its approach, but the roadmaster, thinking he could reach Lines ahead of the train, paid no heed. He might have saved his life, had he jumped from the motor car as his negro helper did, who escaped unhurt. Mr Harrell was about45 years old. He entered the service of the A C L as section hand when quite a young man and worked himself up to roadmaster. He was l>orn in the Cades section and for years Lis been a familiar personage at this place as he passed up and down the road. He formerly lived at Florence, but recently moved his family to Lanes. He was a member of Walnut Camp, \\ oodmen of the World, fie leaves a widow and several children. Mr Harrell was very popuplar with the men under him and with other employees with whom he came in contact, and was held in high esteem by the officials of the road. Rub-My-Tism ? Antiseptic, relieves Rheumatism,Sprains, Neuralgia, etc. The Story of a Dime. I am just a slick old dime. Once I was shiny and new. I had nine sisters, and we were all given to a boy on his birthday. He looked at us a long while, then decided to put me in his small bank. I was very happy. But one day he came and put me in his purse with a nickel and a penny, and started to church. But on his way he traded me for an ice cream cone, some fruit and candy. I was then used to buy a cigar, and my heart was heavy when I dropped into a cash register. Put soon I was needed for change, and found myself with nine other dimes. I held my breath. I was chosen again, this time by a little girl tfor her small bank. I lay quite still for a long, long time, but by and by was put on a train and carried to New York. From there I was sent across the ocean to France and Belgium by the American Red Cross to help the little starving children there. Stella Louise Wolfe. Buicks?We now have a few different models of this car in stock. Any one desiring to purchase a Buick call on us at once. Sumter Sales Co. 1-17-tf Notice to the Public! Please remember that I have a fine stock of everything that should be kept in a first calls Jewelry Store. ?v> rt am/1 n/\A ?v*?? nf/vaL auu acc in/ SLULIV uciuic yuU buy. Yours to please, 1-24-tf F J Watts, Jeweler. Everythin in Latest AGRICULTUR STALK CUT1 LIME SPREA1 FERTILIZER 1 PLOWS and J HARROWS, E Big line House ware and Bui Paints, &c. Agents for Piedn I Kingstree Hare I ? Mrs R D Goerry Borried at Clyo. Clyo, Ga, January 22:?The remains of Mrs R D Guerry, who died Friday in Savannah, were brought here and interred in Laurel Hill cemetery. A large number of rela; tives and friends attended the funeral I services, which were conducted by | Rev T I Nease, assisted by Rev T W Shealey. The deceased was a member of the Order of the Eastern Star and the members had funeral j ceremonies at the grave. I Mrs Guerry was the wife of Dr j Dave Guerry; a native of this coun| ty, but four years ago they moved j to Clyo, Ga, where Dr Guerry has been successfully practicing medicine. mi? * 11 ? ?~ J U W??n flnor. ine unless emu ucavu m unsum ry came as a great shock to her friends and relatives, who believed her to be in the best of health until summoned to her beside to find her seriously ill. After making the trip, by automobile, from Clyo to Savannah. a distance of thirty miles, Mrs Guerry developed a case of lobar pneumonia and after an illness of one week, passed away. She is surj vived by her husband and six small children, her mother, three brothers and four sisters, one of whom is j Mrs Fred P Guerry, of this county. SPECIAL NOTICES For Sale?Dwelling house and large lot with outbuildings in North Kingstree. Home of Dr (' D Jacobs, now in army. Property will be sold at a bargain. Apply to or address A! H Jacobs, Kingstree, S C. 1-31-tf Farmers?Buy good farm land at low prices. Own your own farm. I have several small tracts for sale on very good terms. Plant this year. Come to see me or write at once. HaRRY L Green, Georgetown, S C. l-31-2tp For Sale?One good,gentle mare, in fine condition, good for driving or work purposes; 10 years old. Cheap to quick buyer. F S Brockinton, Nesmith, S C. ltp Lost?January 10, at Gourdin, openface gold watch with initials RHPto WDR inside case. Reward if returned to W D Rich, M D, Gourdin, S C. l-24-2t For Sale?Eight-room house and lot adjoining property of David M Nexsen on Main street; lot 108 feet wide by 289 feet deep. Apply to S B McGill, Kingstree, S C. 1-24-tf For Sale ? One double-barrel 20gauge Ithaca bird gun. Cheap for cash to quick buyer. Dr W L Taylor, Kingstree, S C. 1-24-tf Buicks?We have a few different 3 * B 2? Antr Ann moaeis 01 mis cur in nuj wut desiring to purchase a Buick call on us at once. Sumter Sales Co. 1-17-tf Men Wanted.?We have positions open that afford splendid opportunities for promotion for several young or middle age white men with sufficient education^ read and write plainly and with dispatch. Must be energetic,loyal, and willing to work. D W Alderman & Sons Co, Alcolu, S C. l-17-4t For Sale ?Good 6-room dwelling house located on three lots at Nesmith, S C. Dwelling new and modern. Good artesian well in yard. For particulars write or apply to B D Gamble, Nesmith, SC. _ l-17-4tp Notice of Application for Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the 9th day of March, A D 1918, at 12 o'clock noon, I will apply to P M Brockinton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for |Letters Dismissory as Administratrix of the Estate of J M Cook, deceased. Mrs E J Cook, l-31-5t Administratrix. | i or Farm O me ? ? : Improved AL IMPLEMENTS ERS )ERS DISTRIBUTERS >L0W GEAR TC. Furnishing Hardilders' Hardware, A ufnmnkilpc twit L f&uivmwuvwt Iware Company 9 RED1 Your Table All you have to your groceries anc 9f uHr gJPF ence, quality do the rest for yoi for hundreds of ot M. H. J/ ???? For All Seasons j Y re( T. E. B^K Prices Down ?, We ought to be raising our rest of the people, but WE I selling at the very close marg since we opened up. It is th< to buy here, where prices ar< down. Remember our stock of Staj is always complete and we off is possible to give. We have recentlyunloaded of Hay, a car of Horse a quantities of other provisions. THE CASf ODOM <SL DKNNIS Phone 120. Acat Kingstree, Sou L. S. DENNIS, We've got th ELECTRICAL GC \ You Ineed.-/ A.\ nii'l y / , OUR BATTERIES ARE FREJ "JUICE" A LONG TIME. WE'VE GOT A BIG LINE OF AFTER SEEING THE PICTURE TO REMEMBER THAT WE H. ALSO THAT ON ELECTRICAL ELSE WE SELL WE MAKE THE OUR GOODS ARE BEST. THE^ ; King' Hardwai The Popular Ha JClE ; Expense. i do is to buy I cured meats at re. Our expericoupled with and price, will 1, as it is doing ;hers. VCOBS J All Occasions I ou Will Find Here a Nice Line of ft Jewelry, Watches it Glass, Silverware iported Hand-Painted China, &c., &c. Our Repair Department. Bring" Tme " your broken jcks, Jewelry and Specta!S. Repairs made.same'day reived. ? 3 G ET T. IE Cash Store. prices, along with the IKE NOT. We are still ins we have been making rrefore to YOUR interest e down and always stay pie and Fancy Groceries er you the best seryice it a car of Rice, a car nd Mule Feed and -i- -r I STORE I, Proprietors lemy and Mill Sts. ith Carolina Manager ose ^// ,h 6 \ ?=- (hardware business) SH AND WILL HOLD THE ELECTRICAL GOODS. AND ABOVE YOU ARE BOUND AVE THEM. REMEMBER GOODS AND EVERYTHING i - PRICE" LOW AND THAT r STAND THE TEST. e Company. rdware Store. /