The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, December 20, 1917, Image 6

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jj Com i J We hi holiday goods. , i will drop in ai Leather < Pocket books, bil hand bags, purses am ties, army kits, etc, foi ^ Ivory G Combs, brushes, i nail files, shoe button hair dressers, picture i brush holders, snaving traveling outfits and tc TOYS FOR CI Pianos for the little \ keys, glass owls and ei varied assortment of 01 ties for little folks. GLASS N0\ We have also a smal Glass, a new novelty, desk sets, clocks, lette openers and calendars, Wp wish 1 (in holiday goo anything we 1 King&r< IS BEST MEDICINE SHE HAS EVER TRIED SAYS TANLAC CERTAINLY DID HELP HER WONDERFULLY. USED MANY REMEDIES. Before She Took Teniae, Mrs Walker of Anderson, Says She Never | Did Feel Well. "Tanlacis the best medicine I have ever taken, and I certainly have taken a lot of medicine," said Mrs .T C Walker, of 30 Henderson St, Anderson, in a statement she gave May 23. "Tanlac certainly did help me wonderfully. I took it for a generally run down condition, for I was always so weak and tired and 1 never did feel well. I really felt completely broken down, and * i ' ? -i ; . .. I in the mornings l wouia xeei ju*i as badly as when I went to bed, for I did not sleep well. I had no appetite and I scarcely had strength to do my work. "But the Tanlac did me more good than any other medicine I have ever taken. It soon had me feeling strong. I got so I could sleep well and my appetite came back and 1 began to feel so fine. The Tanlac did a lot to build up and strengthen my entire system." Tanlac, the master medicine, ip sold by Kingstree Drug Co, Kings tree; Mallard Lumber uo, ureeiyviUe; Farmers' Drug Co, Hemingway; S S Aronson, Lane; R P Hinnant, Suttons; W D Bryan, Bryan. No Alcohol In This You may wisely hesitate to take medicine containing alcohol Scientists agree that alcohol is injurious. It is particularly harmful to growing girls and boys. Of the remedies for Ever and stomach troubles, Granger Liver Regulator is recognized as a standard preparation, free from poisonous drugs like calomel and it contains no alcohol. This medicine has been on the market for years. It is the "stand-by" in thousands of homes thruout the country. It is freely used by all the family whenever one cf them feels headachy or in need of a physic. Granger Liver Medicine is purely vegetable, and it may be taken without fear of griping or any other unpleasant after effects. Price, 25c for large box. Ask your druggist for it and refuse all substitutes. nunit\ of A id the interest of < Such a nice Iin< [id inspect our ass Goods C 1 folds, ladies' Every 1 leather novel- ed this to < r the soldiers. ever showi , - inch bowls looas dishes?a11 dual salt a nirrors, buffers, large and ers, puff boxes, syrup pitcl frames, tooth and many brush holders, service. )ilet sets. IIILDREN ?E; y\r\s, 16 and 20, ner sets, v, ephants, and a line of real :her small novel- when you : denieres? Kingstree. /ELTIES j bull dogs a tues and cl 1 line of Black gar cases. in ink stands, r stands, letter :o say we can't be ds, see us first, ar tave, whether you ie Drug C< The Democratic executive committee of Sumter county has decided not to call a primary to fill the vacancies in the House of Representatives from that county caused by the resignations of Hons WTiMcCutchei and A K Sanders,as thert will be but one more session of the Legislature before the regular election. Sumtei ?-Uaita knf Ana Panra. will, llicrciuic, IIOVC UUW VUW 1M. pi w sentative when the General Assembly convenes in January. Every poun hulls swell to twice tne pound of ? AC Phi! LIN" also doubles after being et cent roughage, the original not V/i pounds. Therefore, a pound of Bucl as far as a pound of old s you only have to feed ^4 give the same food value hulls. Other A Buckeye Hulls cost much less per ton than old style hulls. Buckeye Hulls allow better assimilation of other food. Mr. Ben Faulk, Dothan, Ala., prefers Buckeye Hulls to like them as well, they are cows, and they go farther, two sacks of the old style. To secure the best result* and to dei thoroughly twelve hours be for* wetting them down night and momini tins cannot be done, wet down at ! feed the hulls dry, use only half as i Book of Mix Gives the right formula for ever South. Tells hew much to feed tening; for work. Describes Buc using them properly. Send for y Dept. k The Buckeye Atlanta Birmingham Gre < Aagatta Charlotte Jaa r Intere: imeria )ur community in i has never been in Af^mant u/liirh rm l/l illlVIll) TT 11IV11 VUI ?ut Glass thing new; we have just addour line, and have the best i in Kingstree. Four and six , nappies in any size, sweet styles; celery dishes, indivind pepper sets, candle sticks, small vases; electric lamps, lers, sugar and cream holders other articles of beauty and MUIIME CHINA ,ve it! Tea pots and sets, din-1 ases and bowls; in fact a big, Nippon china. You will know ; see it. Flower pots and jar- i the nicest, vou ever saw in Statuary of men of note, mri cats, Liberty electric staocks, tobacco holders and cit French Brier Pipes! gin to enumerate t id then get the oth i purchase or not. 3mpany The plant of the British-American I Tobacco Co at Norfolk, Va, was de stroyed by fire Sunday night, entail j ing a loss of $500,000. It is believed II that the fire was of incendiary origin J The home of Marion Williams J at Manning was burned Saturday ! morning, the origin of the fire being I?, mi_ : J tin unKDOWl], xne rcsiucuu: ui uuu Charlton DuRant, adjoining, was in imminent peri] hut was saved. d goes much ther mm a wg.1 hulls contains^about ^ roughage and "Ti?lr ftk Ir^- /vIvMif i/ tvMinrl f- auvui /4 |A/uiiu ^ of lint. After being eaten, j , the old style weight, or \yi pounds. A I f Hun *EYF DNSEED W LLS k TLESS iten but as they are 100 per I pound becomes 2 pounds? teye Hulls goes a third again style hulls. In other words, pound of Buckeye Hulls to as a full pound of old style dvantages No trash or dust. Sacked?easy to handle. They mix well with other forage. They take less space in the barn. 9 old style hutts because cows cheaper, they agree with the one sack lasting as long as elop the ensilage odor, wet the haOa ; feeding. It is easy to do this by I for the next feeding. If at any time least thirty minutes. If you prefer to much by bulk as of old style hulls. ed Feeds Free y combination of feeds used in the for maintenance, for milk, for fatkeye Hulls and gives directions for our copy to the nearest mill. Cotton Oil Co, Dept. K tnwood'. Little Rock Memphit k son Macon Selma st is the IV in Liberty view in buying a well-ass i Kingstree before, and yo nsists of: Miscellaneous - Brass electric lamps, comb and brush sets in ebony; toilet sets for ladies and gents; brushes, any kind and Srice from $1 to $5; nice combs for laies and gents; infants'sets in colored ivory, pink, white and blue; military sets in ivory and ebony. Stationery The nicest for Christmas gifts. j._ : r rrr_ a?o - i^aDineis ranging irorn <oc 10 $o, any color, white, green, pink, blue, lavender j and straw?a big line. Perfumery Djerkiss line in nice sets; Azurea, Floramave, Mary Garden, Richard Hudnut's line; Colgate's and Paul Reigers cologne in nice Christmas packages, prices from 50c to $5. Hudnuts and Col- j gates combined package, suitable fori nice Christmas gifts: toilet waters of; all odors and sizes. he nice things we have, t er fellow's price. We are Come to see us. Kingi I = Christma i WE have e member o pecially for th< different artic ceptable Christ are not going | winded &atem< merits or the h ic pftnrlr full nl V21WU A%?U W1 it emptied be: we are making trick. Come ea C.TC Main St., KINGSTREE, W - lew Basis j, 7 orted line of Christmas u will be convinced if you iYm?cRnilc ) Christmas and new year cards and baskets, all kinds; wrapping paper and twine. ? Candies I We have the same Kerns' line we [ have always carried, it can't be beat. ! In boxes from one pound to five, and in baskets, leather bags and fancy shaped packages, for the holiday trade especially. I Kodaks 8, Supplies Our line of Eastman kodaks is complete. Vest pocket kodaks, folding Brownies and Premos, from $1 to $15. ' ; "If it's not an Eastman it's not a kodak;" remember this when purchasing yours; and get the best, it doesn't cost any more. tilt if vntf u;?int anvtfiinnr I /Ut II J VU TT Ulll UIIJ always glad to show you ftree, So. Car. ? i s Bargains! , >< verything for every f the family, and esi ladies-hundreds of les suitable for actmas presents. We to make any longents regarding their )w prices. Our &ore i them, and we want fore Christmas, and the price turn the rly and get the be&. , ?_ rCKER Near Depot. 1 South Carolina III I