The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 29, 1917, Image 4

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?be (fmmty iKrrnrb. u.' P I rvx IT r FPPS TT . i ? I VUUf m w w. w. ? Publishers. Thursday Nov. 29. 1917. j Mr Welch Leaves Record It is with much regret that we tell, our readers and friends that Mr W H Welch, who joined the Record's! staff in July, has found it necessary j to resign, due solelv to the increase,1 of business with the Kingstree Insu-1 ranee, Real Estate & Loan Company, i of which he is a stockholder and manager. Mr Welch is a high-toned gentle- j tleman, a capable and efficient man in whatever service he may engage, and for this reason we regFet his1 ? . 1 withdrawal from the Keeord. . Today, Thanksgiving Day, is being generally observed in Kingstree by i merchants, bankers.and professional men. Regardless of the saving pr p- j aganda, and the stiff price charged : for turkey,this old bird of paramount; i prestage among the feathered tribe ' will grace many a Kingstree table j today, and on the side will be the j usual cranberry sauce and succulent I c?lery. "Take, eat ye and be thankful." but don't forget thy neighbor or someone nearby who may not be ; so fortunate in the possession of the season's bounty. Long staple cotton sold for 45 cents on the Hartsville market this week. Banks Aver of Florence is en route to France, where he will enter the , aeronautic service. An aeroplane factory conducted almost entirely by women is now in , operation in England. 1 Winston-Salem. N C. has realized ? over $6,000,000 from tobacco this year, more than for any two previ- j< ous seasons. Many Florence county boys have undertaken the cultivation of wheat. A prize of $100 has been offered for the largest yield. Rev Dr Walter Mitchell has been j appointen on the educational com- ] mittee of the South Carolina Sun day-school institute. | Two football teams composed of ' Florence school boys played a game in that city Friday afternoon, realiz- | tlrt fnr tha rolipf nf Rp], I UJK auvut ?piv IVI HIV ?vi?v* V* v gian children. The Southern Cotton Oil mill at Newberry has shut down for want of coal. A sugar famine has also struck that city, none having been obtainable for about two weeks. An interstate association has been formed to urge the giving of savings certificates for Christmas presents. Ex-Mayor R G Rhett of Charleston is the South Carolina member. Dr W M Riggs,president of Clemson college, has been appointed a member of the executive committee of the National Association of Agricultural College# an<3 Experiment Stations. ! The Comptroller of the Currency j has published an honor roll of twenty-four reserve cities in which there j has not been a national bank failure; since 1881. Charleston and Savan-1 nah a'-e in the last. The Methodists of Bishopville during the recent session of conference raised over $ 10.000 to pay otf the indebtedness on their church, I and the splendid new edifice, costing $50,000, was dedicated Sunday. Mrs Davis, wife of Capt A C Da-' vis. died at her home near Manning j Saturday, after a long illness. Only , recently l apt Davis obtained his dis-1 charge from the I'nited States army j on account of his wife's illness. The Clyde Steamship line has petitioned the Interstate Commerce. Commission for authority tuincrease' rates on iron,steel.grain, grain prod-i ucts.&c.between Charleston, Georgetown. Jacksonville and North Atlantic ports. Mr Edgar C Dickson, elected last year to be Clerk <>f the court fori Clarendon county, died at his home 1 in Manning last Friday after a short | iiiness from cholera morbus. The deceased is survived by his wife and four children. Dr M K Mobley has arrived in j France, where he is engaged in base hospital work. He was formerly | health officer of Florence and married Miss Annie Lee McNeill, a; granddaughter of Mrs H B Browne, iate of Kingstree. j The Railroad Commission has re- i fused the petition of freight clerks j to close their offices for the recep- j tion of freight an hour earlier than at present. This order refers to I transfer p >ints and affects Florence,, Columbia.Charleston, Greenville and I Spartanburg. I I WIL L YO Thousands of thoughtless peo A cough follows; they get rundown Sickness can be prevented easiei v ill give your system the benefit of < scorn fi jjj you will find your whole system strenj and throat and enrich your powerful concentrated nouris : Dor.'t neglect taking Scott\ The imported Norwegian cod livei /v refiaed in onr own American laloratork Scott & Bo*: Statement ul the Condition of The Bank ol Hemingway, h LOCATED AT ti Hemingway, S. C. ! o At the Close of Business Nov 20. 1917. j Resources Loans an?l Discounts, $ 44,3"7 05 Overdrafts 1,998 08 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank 980 00 Furniture and Fixtures. 899 15 a Banking Mouse 3,055 02 Other Real Kstate Owned, ? 4,922 27 Due from Banks and Bankers, 30.534 09 Currency 17,124 00 p 40 00 Silver and Other Minor Coin. 2,G42 12 Checks and. Ca*h Items 28.657 32 t Total, $135,160 00 I I TART! ITIF^ Capital Stock Paid In, * 15.0O0 Oh I Surplus Fund. 2,800 00 ! Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxe? Paid. 3,529 29 Due to Banks and Bankers,. 9.507 19 Individual Deposits: n Subject to Chk, $78,579 14 * Savings Deps. 21,555 97 ? TimeCerDp... 3,18186 L Cashier's Chks, .. 1.006 55 a - 104,323 52 j Total $135,160 00 f STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, I v county of williamsburg, \ Before me came D G Huggins, Cash-' v ierof the above named bank,who,being 117 duly sworn, says that the above and p foregoing statement is a true condition ' v >f said bank, as shown bv the books oi 1 Mid bank W C HEMINGWAY. Sworn to and subscribed before me i this 27th day of November, 1917. S G B Ingraham. [L S] A Notary Public for South Carolina. Correct?A ttkst : H Edward Eaddy, J M G Eaddy, J R Newman, Directors. 1 d rha Quinine That Does Not Affect the Head Because o( its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA- ! I HVE BROMO QUININE is betterthan ordinary , J Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor 1 inking in head. Remember the lull name and look for the signature ol E. w. GROVE. 30c. Christmas Reader, come to Watl Christmas Presents in Jew tion. Fine line of Ivory Sets, Sterling Silver, Umbrellas, Military Rings Soldiets, Novelties of All of Cut Glass and Many ( Largest, Finest Line oi Come and see mv stock F. W, I TOYI. A A MM I f^piHIS advertisement it I * 1 King&ree and Willi MBI that Santa Claus Has His Heart B 1?IV but once since 1910, when emy street to my present street,where his quarters ar his assortment of Christmas folks is larger and more vai Don't be fooled into ti scarce. Come to my slore it is &ill Santa Claus' headc | B. F. PA SE ONE? i i pie neglect colds every winter, then stubborn sickness sets in. ' r than it can be cured and if you a few bottles of (JPl jthened. It will fortify your lungs : blood against rheumatism. It is j ihment without alcohol or opiates, j i - oommanoo today* oil always used in Scott'. Fmnliioo is now | s which guarantees it free from impurities. i ir. Bloomficld. N. J. 17-17 j Fresh Fish! So far as possible I will have on and for the trade fresh and salt; ater fish Wednesdays and Fridays f each week. 11-1-tf S F Ei'ps. Seed Oats! Seed Oats! Red Rust-Proof Seed Oats at lowst price for cash. Bring your wagon ml carry back a load of Seed Oats, j 9-27-tf Odo.m & Dennis, j Get your Bagging and Ties from eople's Mercantile Co. 10-4-tf j ? ??- l Iwn Your Electric Lighting Plant! After much work 1 have been ble to secure the exclusive ageny for the Western Electric Farm -ighting Plants in Williamsburg nd Georgetown Counties?The est made by the largest manuacturing firm in the world. We rill install you a plant that you nil be proud of, and that will lake the home and farm a more lea:?nt place to live. A plant 'ith an engine that can be used r>r other things. II Plants Sold Guaranteed to i Give Satisfaction. If you know a man who needs light refer him to us'. . H. MILLER, Sales Agent, KINGSTREE, S. C. Jewelrv 1 r is' Jewelry Store for elry of every descripGold and Silver Handle and Traveling Sets tor Kinds, Large Selection Hher Nice Articles. f Jewelry in County . Yours to please, A.TTS. i I ! -I | AND! ! ; 5 to let the people of amsburg county know ;Not Changed { quarters he moved from Acadlocation on Ea& Main e larger and better and ; toys, etc., for the little ried than ever before, he belief that toys are and be convinced that luarters. TRICK. I TO the woman wnose kitchen is sier Kitchen Cabinet will be tht en. It will be the never-to-be 40 Work-Reducing v. One Hoosier feature is the Shak is four times faster than most sifte light and fluffy. Another is the revolving rack of They keep your sptces ever-ready tight. The table top is made of Porcelin ience. No scrubbing of wood tha dirt No tacking of oilcloth?the easily' cleaned as a china plate. Any one of Hoosier'i 40 labor-sa\ uable. But assembled and handily i pose a wonderful working machine N. B.?All Hoosier Cz A Christ ' as a household gi will enjoy and ai don't you do like ment of these w records to select in music. There Other < fe "'br li- JSi i:| 3W W W Vi ce Chairs, guaranty faction or money handle many 1 ? niciKes ui Lyiicms. Bedroom S EBlHgl [ } Kingsb Phone 167. her pride the Hooi pride of her kitch- | OLI -forgotten gift. j Hoosier i Features | Experts i most used er Flour Sifter. It j Space thi ts, and makes flour Hoosier. 1 21 per cent six glass Spice Jars. ; Work-Sp for use and yet air- 1 and deep?i pi. >n. another conven- < ? t collects dust and i Don't wi Porceliron top is as There is a -TTX safe?plac( /ingjfeatnres is val- delivery on arranged, they com- ! sire. rrio I [ terms may ibinets Will Be Advance tmas Gif i'~ jij|j| | i 4 jj jj M ^ z jj Columbia ft that every m )preciate 365 daj wise? We hav onderful machii from, embracin is nothing nicer GtffSug ocking Chairs. The largest as rtment ever dis ayed in Kingstrer e specialize in th< lebrated Brumbj ed to give satis refunded. W< other desirabk Try them. aits. Bedroom I Sin Mahogany and Walnut; sgj are beauties, large stock o Library Tabl ree Furn Anflw'c I riuuivi o Christmas iurprise? loosier Kitchen Cabinet ientifically Planned. has placed 400 articles all within arm's have scientifically planned them, so the things will be nearest at hand, at is wasted in many cabinets is utilized in 'he Oversize Base of Hoosier "Beanty" has more room for pots and pans, ace around the Sliding Table Top is wide uncluttered by clumsy partitions. ce Your Order Now. lit until the last day to place your order, possibility of disappointment if you do. Be ? your order with us now. We will make the i Christmas morning or whenever you dees range from $17.75 to $42.50, and easy be arranged. d $2.50 on January 1, 1913. t of Merit. p Instead of buym ing individual I . gifts for members of the family, a p number of our % customers are I pooling the money !"they would spend i in this way and ? putting it into a Grafonola ember of the family in the year. Why e a beautiful assortles and a big line of g the best and latest 1 for a Christmas gift gCdliUilOi - j Library Tables. they <;a bllr f fine 1 jj es. r lture uo., lit 111-113 Academy St = 1 i