' 1 (Cnuntg iKernrii. W. F. TOLLEY & E. C. EPPS Publishers. Thursday Odl. IS. 1917. AN IMPORTANT MEETING HERE TOMORROW. ?MR. SNELL WILL DISCUSS FOOD CONSERVATION AND THE NEW LIBERTY BONDS. Mr Geo AMcElveen has addressed the following letter to prominent citizens in various sections of the county. The letter is self-explanatory: Mr A V Snell. State Organizer for Food Administration.will hold a meeting in Kingstree, S C. on Friday, October 19th, at noon, to lay definite plans and methods for organization for October food conservation and liberty bond campaigns. Every community is urged to attend this meeting with a large representative body, and this letter is written you for the purpose of having you give this meeting the greatest publicity possible, and arouse enthusiasm throughout the county. Mr Snell will be present at this meeting to emphasize the great im portance or this matier ana its great need will be forcefully stressed. Let me urge upon you your most enthusiastic co-operation in getting this campaign launched for through , ' the effectiveness of this organization, we will be able to do a great National service. Flease be active within the next day or two, and interview as many citizens as possible, and have them be present at this meeting Friday. Yours truly, Geo A McElveen, Acting Co Ch'm'n. Kincrstree. October 16. 1917. At the above mentioned meeting \ tomorrow it is proprosed to effect a permanent organization in the in- j terest of the sale of liberty bonds in this county, also an organization to i push the food conservation move-' ment in the 'county. Every patriotic citizen is urged to attend. Mr Snell is a fine speaker and will interest you, so be sure and come out to hear him and help the cause. Booths of Antiques. Other fairs throughout the State have added to their exhibits old relics and articles used by soldiers during the Revolution and Civil wars, such as. canteens, guns, swords, horns, bayonets, etc. Also articles in use daring the same period and even further back, such as broaches, necklaces, watches, etc, together with'articles of clothing, wedding dresses for women, wedding suits for men, dresses worn on some special occasion, men's suits or vests worn at some special function, hand made or hand wove vests and dresses. baby shoes, caps and dresses. In this booth is also exhibited old embroidery, knitting, tatting, crocheting and bead work, some of it more than fifty years old. Again old heirlooms, such as cupboards, bedsteads, dressers, etc. Mady fa?rs have asked for articles, 9UUI a*) BiSlUUIilg WIICU3 LKJl V.UUVU, spinning wheels for flax, balances made tor weighing medicine, work baskets used fifty years or more ago, thimbles, scissors, hand carved ^ bread strays, hand carved wooden spoons, hand carved picture frames. In fact, articles are asked for in this department of any old relics in use fifty to seventy-five years ago. It is impossible to name all the articles that may be in possession of the families of some of our people ir. the county. How ever, any article of interest to any one and which is fifty years old or more, the older the better, and mure interesting may be brought for exhibit. Its the purpose of our association to add this booth of antiques in our administration building this year, ? and we wish the people.owning these oki articles of Revolution or Civil war, or of heirlooms or other ar ticies of interest to this generation, would bring each and every one of them and place them in this exhibit, hi each case, write a history of the article, either pinning it to the back or tying it on, telling all about it ; and to whom it now belongs, and any thing of interest. All articles ^ will be well taken care of and properly guarded, and any person or * persons who will place on exhibit 1 any of the above articles, will please communicate with Miss Eunice Harper, Kingstree, who will have charge of this booth, stating what you expect to exhibit so that ample provision can be made for all articles of this class. t r?i thof amnnor the py 1 ITCI Lei taiu buwb u?.vun hibits in our building nothing will be of more interest than those of this character, .and 1 hope that the people of this county possessing any of the above articles will contribute them for the benefit of the fair association . Geo A McElveen. Secy. k. V SO. RY. ENGINEER ALMOST HELPLESS i GREENVILLE MAN SAYS VITONA MADE NEW MAN OF HIM? GAINED 15 POUNDS. 11 1 ft P ic tlin hnnip nf ' V I VV.U t 11U 9 ?J V, tC VMV V. one of the happiest men in the State today, and Captain C C Blackman is now telling his many friends it is all due to the recovery of his health i by the use of the marvelous new medicine, Vitona. Captain Black- j man, who resides at 840 Washing- ( ton street, is a locomotive engineer, runs fast passenger train No 38, , New York to New Orleans Special. ' between Greenville and Atlanta, 1 and is undoubtedly one of the i>est 1 known and most popular railroad men in South Carolina. It was in a recent conversation with .1 W Bullock and Bartow B Henry, that Captain Blackman related his exjierienee with Vitona and made the following statement which lie authorized published for the benefit of others: "When I learned aU>ut Vitona and decided to try it, I had been suffering with sciatic rheumatism for five years. At times my leaders felt like they were tied in knots and the pain in my hips was awful. After sitting down for awhile I couldn't get up without help and for weeks I couldn't reach my feet to put on and take off nay shoes. I could hardly crawl tnto the cab of my engine and when I did get in it was an effort for me to work the throttle. I lost weight and strength continually. Nothing I would eat agreed with me and I had terrible pains in the pit of my stomach. I was so weak and crippled up that I had to hobble around on a cane and was continually losing time from my work. When I got to the ends of my runs I could hardly make it home. I was so nervous and tacked with pain 1 could hardly sleep and I tell you life was more of a burden than of pleasure. 'My condition seemed to be getting worse all the time and nothing seemed to reach my case to help me until I began taking Vitona. A few days' use of this medicine proved it to be just what my system needed, my leaders became pliant and I could stoop down and get about easily. It is the only medicine that I gave me any relief and since talking ' a few U?ttles I never suffer from ? rheumatism and don't lose any more time from my work. I can now hop into my cab like a boy and handle my old engine as well as I could when I tirst.got my run. My appetite is tine, I can eat anything I want and enjoy it. and I have also gained fifteen pounds besides. No sir, I have no more use for my walking stick now, my pain and nervousness are gone. I sleep like a log and feel like a new man. Yitona is undoubtedly the finest medicine on earth and I would go out of way any time to tell suffering people aliout it.'' Yitona is now being sotd in Kingstree exclusively by Kingstree Drug Co. Also at Lane by S S Aronson; at Brvan, \Y D Bryan; at Hemingway, Farmers' Drug Co. Bank clearings in Charleston last week were $4,500,000, an igcrease of $1,800,000 over the same time last year. i a / When you are in Kingstree don't fail to visit the big Furniture Store next to postoffice. 9-6-tf Kingstree Furniture Co. If you are in the market for a Sewing Machine, get the best?the New Home?from People's Mercantile Co. 10-4-tf Have you seen the Piedmont Au- j tomobile? Made in the South; made j for the South, and good, like the j South. 9-27 Kingstree Hardware Co, Agts j See . With Our Advertisers. Read big ad of Williamsburg's biggest and best fair. Read ad of Georgetown fair and make your preparations to attend. See Gamble & Jacobs' optician Wednesday if you have eye trouble. Mr M F Heller can give you bargains in horses, mules and Oxford buggies. Coal bills are a large part of your living expense?reduce them by using Cole's Hot Blast heaters. The People's Mercantile Co specializes on Glove-grip shoes and Kabo corsets in its change of ad this week Mr Ira A t.alhoun will loan from 51,000 to $10,000 on Williamsburg county real estate on easy terms and at a low rate of interest. res? In Amo One to Ten Tin or Improved P II Williamsbu There Will Be No Brokeragi The Interest Rate Terms of Loans Ea IRA A. Cj District Manager Southeas Wee Nee Bank Build lO-lA-tf VISIT Georgeto Novembei All Your Friends I Splendid List LARGEST < ? for the Em BIG ATTRy 1 HOCO ?W The Next V OPTK Will E WEDNESDA' u ? 9 He is a man of special train gladly examine your eyes and We are glad to offer his ser tomers and Give His Work Our g0~See him on above date Dgny kind. GAMBLE & 10= Mr W E Jenkinson is offering ladies' ready-to-wear at a big discount for a few days only. He is also offering staple dry goods at bargain prices. The three bank3 here offer the public an opportunity to buy Liberty bonds on easy terms. They urge everyone to invest in this splendid security. How does a fine auto for $725 strike you? That is all the Briscoe car costs, fully equipped. The Georgetown Motor Co will be glad to demonstrate its many points of superiority to you. Mr C Tucker has received the fine dry goods he recently .purchased at Laurinburg. N C, and is selling it so cheap that soon it will all be gone. Call at his store today. Ssl unls of lusand Dollars Y-? 'eal Estate yj rg' County. e or Commission Charge. Is Low and the ,sy and Attractive ^LHOUN tern Lite Insurance Co., j ing, Kingstree, S. C. THE wn Fair! r 7, 8, 9. Will Be There. [ of Premiums CARNIVAL tire Week. \CTIONS! risit of Our CI AN le On Y, OCT. 24. M ing and experience and will O advise you. vices to our friends and cusPersonal Guarantee. if you need optical work of " c JACOBS. J V t ' (Dur UTotto: Better ort>s Cess ZTToney NOFAS. I 1 j jtfi r J^F\il H J I* I 1 *''* ? \ lr selection, they won't last 7.50, $75.00, $85.00 and >rds. urniture Co. to Postoffice. Phone 167. U 1 H LAKULIINA. jfuel sea roars as though in ghoulish / i ?_J V._ iL. a Deacon 01 nope, nnu wucu mc ats upon you and the horrible pit of iccount is your SUREST beacon of ird it a thousand times. But are you ie ? Are you actually laying a solid THINK THIS OVER. vINGSTREE. SW YOUR . LONG STAPLE COTTON TO WHALEY & RIVERS Cotton Factors CHARLESTON, - S. C. Consignments Handled on Commission HH9 v ?^^pllgMBM|ISfl^Z^^H