The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 04, 1917, Image 1

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Skifijc founts lieconX rS=| f ^ VOL. XXXII. KIXGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4,1917. NO. 31 ! ANOTHER AIR I RAID ON LONDON.! ' STRONGEST SO FAR ATTEMPTED-THE METROPOLIS AND COAST TOWNS BOMBARDED. London, October 1:?The strongest air attack yet attempted on London and the coast towns by the Germans was carried out tonight by - four groups of hostile airplanes. Some of the machines got through to London and bombed the southwestern district. A terrific barrage was sent up! from the defense guns and the roar of battle lasted intermittently for two and a half hours. The Germans bombed coast towns j as they passed over and proceeded i toward London. Two of the groups j succeeded in getting a number* of i machines through the sky barrage. Numerous bombs were dropped on the Southwestern district, which is j thickly populated with the homes of i Al? - "! Ka MASRP!!. ! Uie upyei auu uk The fire from the defending guns' was longer and louder than ever be- j fore. A rain of shrapnel fell in all i ?- - k. " section! of the town and the streets were virtually deserted save for a few police. The weather was perfect for air k operations. >as there was a bright * full moon, with no clouds or wind, i The people of London expected a raid and were waiting for signals. , Soon after 7 o'clock motors of the f volunteer corps sped through the streets blowing their sirens and dis{playing an illuminated notice, "take cover," The telephone ex^anges notified their subscribers and other 'fneasures were put into execution to W~ inform the populace of the impending: air raid. Many theaters are continuing their performances notwithstanding the raids. At the conclusion of the perIformance in one of the leading London theaters tonight, the manager came to the stage and invited the audience and stage hands to vote upon continuing the night performances All voted in favor of carrv : ins: them on as usual. { Field Marshal Lord French, coml P mander-in-chief of the home forces > issued the following report dealinj [ with tonight's raid: j "A group of hostile airplane; crossed the Essex coast at 7 o'clocl ? this evening and proceeded acros: f Essex toward London. "This group of machines was fol lowed at about a quarter of ai Tb' best siee " vg used in maki Oar . * I I YOU WILL NOT LOSE CHOP WITH OUR AXES AN! SHARP AND WON'T "NICJ SKILFULLY TEMPERED: 1 Success. 't OUR METHODS "NAIL" OUR STORE: WE'VE GOT 1 . AN HONEST PRICE; AN HARDWARE'S THE BEST a ttjjH King Hardv P* hour's interval by a second group, which pursued the same course. "The first attack on London was delivered from the northeast about 7:45 p. m. Most of the raiders were turned back, but one or more of the machines penetrated the defenses and dropped bombs in the southwestern district. "About 8:15 p. m. the second group of raiders attempted to cross the defenses at various points in Northeast and North London, but without success, until shortly after 9 o'clock, when a few of the ma chines passed across London and bombs were again dropped in the1 southwestern district. "Meanwhile a third group of enemy machines crossed the Essex coast about 8:50 o'clock and proceeded to-! ward London, which was approach- j ed shortly before 10 o'clock. They, did not penetrate further than the northeast outskirts of London, wheresome bombs are reported to have b^en dropped. McLEOD SUCCEEDS STOLL. Suater Man Named for Solicitor of the 1 Third Circuit Columbia, October 3:?Governor j .Vlaning announced today that he j ; hacappointed Frank A McLeod of . I Surter as solicitor for the third cir- j | cuitto succeed P H Stoll, who re-1 ' signd to accept appointment in the judg advocate general's department ' withthe rank of major. Animals in Fire. Met animals are afraid of fire, 1 and vll fly from it in terror. To ! otherthere is a fascination about a j fiameand they will walk into it, j , even >ough tortured by the heat, obsers a writer in ?the United Presbterian. A Irse in a burning stable goes I mad vth fear, but a dog is as cool in a ft as at any time. He keeps his no down to the floor, where j the aiis poorest, and sets himself j calmljo finding his way out. Cats; in fire cry piteously. They hide ! their fces from the light and crouch . | in conrs. When their rescuer lifts! ! them ey are as a rule quite docile ' and ibdued, never biting or, | scratchg. Bircseem to be hypnotized by i fire, ai keep perfectly still; even the locpeious parrot in a fire has r nothinto say. Cows, like dogs,' do j not she alarm. They are easy to j j iead foh and often find their way ! out theselves. 1 . 3 Oklalna Red Rust-proof Seed Oats I at Peo?'s Mercantile Co's. 10-4-tf j Get >ur Bagging and Ties from ! i PeopleMercantile Co. 10-4-tf j ' I YOUR EMPER" WHEN YOU D HATC1TS: THEY WILL STAY j I." ALLF OUR TOOLS ARE j mic * crrnrt of BUSINESVHEN YOU COME TO rHE GOS;WE SELL THEM AT D OUR ?OLS AND ALL OUR \ND STA THE TEST. mreDompany. Hardare Store. | 1 NOBODY ESCAPES i TAX COLLECTOR.; WAR TAX MEASURE ,4CATCHES" EVERYBODY FROM CRADLE TO THE GRAVE. Washineton. October 2: ? The $2,700,000,000 war tax bill, which is nn fnr final antinn in thp House. "catches" almost everybody from the cradle to the grave. and, for good measure, levies a few new taxes on the heirs. Baby's first dash of talcum powder f will, under the two per cent manufacturer's tax on cosmetics, help Uncle Sam to carry on the war, and after death, the federal collectors will be on hand to get the inheritance tax, at advances on the pres- j ent rate of from one per cent on $50,000 to ten per cent on $100,000.: Between birth and death most of man's activities wcfuld be taxed, j voting a proxy at a meeting of a; cemetery association being one of' the few specifically exempted. Those who have profited most by the war, tne recipients or enormous i excess war profits, will pay the most to help carry it on. Almost half the total amount of the bill, or about $1,110,000. 000, is to be col-! lected from them. The person who writes a postal; card will be caught, for cards will I sell for two cents each by the provisions of the bill. Letters will be three. One will be taxed when he! I goes to a moving picture show, if the admission is over five cents, onetenth of the cost of the ticket. That rate wjll affect all who attend amusements, from the man in the gallery to the one in the box. A host ot stamp taxes, designed to raise $30,000,000, also will get tha, man with little money in many ways.! His greatest consolation is that the consumption taxes, which would have made him pay on coffee, tea and sugar, were stricken from the bill. The man of moderate means, as well as the wealthy, is affected by j the income tax section. Normal rates have been doubled and exemptions lowered to $1,000 for single persons and $2,000 for married ones. Surtaxes, for incomes above $5,000, ranged from one to fifty per cent, the maximum applying to incomes -? AI A/IA AAA rrt!- a.; ' over $i,uvu,vw. inis secuuu is capected to raise $600,000,000. Included in the taxes imposed on manufacturers are levies of onequarter of a cent a foot on motion picture films, two per cent on the j sale price of chewing gum and three ! per cent on automobiles, musical in-1 strumentsand jewelry. Even drown-, ing one's tax troubles in drink or sending them up in smoke will cost more, for the levies on all kinds of i drinks and tobacco soar The new | rate on whiskey is $2.10 per gallon, j and beer $2.50 a barrel. Wine taxes j will be about doubled, and even j grape juice will be taxed a cent a' gallon. A person cannot escape taxes by travel. Eight per cent is assessed on passenger tickets, and steamer tickets also pay a tax. Some confusion and misinterpret-! ation has arisen o\it of the wording of the section imposing stamp taxes on negotiable instruments which has uteu miscuusirueu iu iiicbu uibl a tax has been placed on bank checks. The item says: "Drafts or checks payable otherwise than at sight or! on demand." etc, two cents fsr eachj $100. The official interpretation of this action is that as a check is pay- j able at sight, and on demand, it' therefore, is excluded from tax. Notice to Teachers. The County Teachers' examination! will be held in the court house at Kingstree on Saturday, October 6.1 The examination will begin at 9 a.' m. and close at 4 p. m. 9-27-2t J V McElveen Co Supt of Education. / Buy Your and you share the Profit-Sharing C It is worth your v I COFFINS m CASKETSj Kingi Next to Discharged from Military Service. The following named men who were drawn in the first increment J of 480 men and examined by the ' local board have been discharged for one reason or another from military service. I Anthony Chandler, Kingstree, Rt Andrew Thomas, Gordon i George W Flowers, Hemingway Elliott Williams Greelyville Jesse Scott, Kingstree, Rt 1 1 Matthew Cooper, Bloomingvale . Wade Murry, Greelyville Willie B Lawrence, Greelyville Reddick Williams, Morrisville < James Mack, Salters Simons Roberson. Greelyville I Bishop Burgess, New Zion, Rt 1 Robert H Guess, Salters Lewis D Rodgers, Hemingway j Walter R BrockinUnv Nesmith I Algie L King, Kingstree Flay Caesar, Hemingway < Henry Scott, Bryan i Walter H Harper, Kingstree Robert Richardson, Greelyville ' Henry McKnight, " ' Allerson Lee Alston. Gordon R D Terry, Greelyville I James L Allen, " Julian Coker, Cades M B Thomas. Columbia < Robert Lee Flowers, Trio Gordon M Taylor, Kingstree, Rt 1 Soloman McGill, Suttons < William P Boyd, Trio : Edley Foy, Cades Jas Black well Gordon, Andrews, Rt 2 1 Cephus McCown. Bloomingvale John McCutchen, Fowler Alvin L. Chandler, Gourdin I Benjamin Frierson, Andrews Peter Mitchum, Lanes Harris Muldrow, Cades, Rt 1 1 Thomas PressleyL Nesmith , Boyd McKnight Smith, (Jades Kichard Evans, New Zion, Rt 1 < Willie Watson, Bloomingvale Levy Covert, Lanes Albert R Moseley, Jr, Salters ] Henry Patrick Feagin, Lake City ! ( Lewis DeWitt Anderson, " " Sam P Stackley, Kingstree i Daniel Burgess, Lake City Lawrence Gamble, Trio Loyise Brandt, Kingstfee, Rt 2 Clarence A Floyd, Vox William A Powell, Andrews Nelson Burrows, Cades Willie Powell, Vox Samuel Marion Kennedy, Cades, Rt E VV Yates, Jr, Winnsboro j A K Cockfield, Excelton | Henry Daniels, Cades William Nesmith, Trio Wesley Holliday, Greelyville Joe Newton, Suttons Augusta Hiram, Vox Sam Dukes, Bloomingvale^ Willinm W Rrnwn, Hominirwav Thomas McCrea. kingstree, Rt 1 Prince Tisdale, Trio David Covert, Bryan Early DeWitt, Lake City, Rt 2 Lawrence Player, Andrews Jack Cooper, Kingstree George J ames, Cades Edgar Gamble, Greelyville John Brockinton, Bryan Arthur Franklin Johnson. Trio James F Morris, Greelyville Edward Keels, " Joseph Gregory Eaddy, Vox Pratt Ghloson, Lake City Joseph A Mason, Kingstree William Calvin Johnson, Trio S L Gilliland. Kingstree Abraham Smith, Bryan Peter Carter, Greelyville Calvin McDonald, " Daniel Wesley .Walters, Suttons Arthur Staggers, Henry Wesley Mabry, Salters James P Mallard, Greelyville Menard Godwin, Cades Joe Player, Andrews Theodore Papedokas, Kingstree Motte Coards. Salters James Eaddy Frierson. Greelygille John G Foxwortb, Cades James W Burgess, " William Thomas Altman, Vox David Seals Cribb, Morrisville Arthur Moseley, Salters Sam Chandler, Gourdin Bailey R Powell, Johnsonville Wm Jonas Casselman, Andrews, Rt 1 Sanders Coards, Salters Sam Wilson, Kingstree Albert K Kegister, Trio Adam Paul McElveen, Morrisville Jasper C Davis, Hemingway, Rt 1 Dudley G McCrea, Kingstree, Rt 1 Robert N Lawrence, Brvan Albert John Waldron, Hemingway Samuel S Cooper, Suttons J Z McClary, Kingstree William Martin Parker, New Zion, Rt S S Kinder, Kingstree, Rt 2 Wesley Wright, Suttons If you are in the market fpr a Sewing Machine, get the best?the New Home?from People's Mercantile Co. 10-4-tf i i HARDWARE profits with us. oupons on all < /hile to investigat* stree Hardware tHe KellaHan War V Appeal for Food Conservation.^ Columbia, Oct 2?There are 8928 families in Williamsburg county, rhe United States government is calling upon each and every one of these families to aid in winning the war by saving food. Every family?meaning men, women and children, white md black?is urged to conserve the food supply, because the last ounce nay win the war. * During the week of October 21 to ?8 a crpRt nationwide camnaicm is to oe launched by Herbert Hoover, national food administrator, when all Americans will be asked to join in the food saving movement. Hundreds and thousands of workers will oe in the field to sign up those who want to support the government, rhere is nothing compulsory about the movement; it is simply a patrij Dtic appeal to every man that loves democracy. The minimum number of pledges ?xpected from Williamsburg county is 4,000. The campaign manager for the county will have many assistants in the field, and an effort will be made to reach every home. Beautiful window cards, showing that the family is a member of the food administration, will be present ed to those signing the pledge cards. Get behind the government and help win the war. One slice of bread saved a day means just that much more food for the boys who are being sent to battle for democracy in Europe. S A Myers of Scranton was instantly killed by a tree falling upon him while cutting timber near Cowards Monday afternoon. He was a highly esteemed citizen of Florence county. A widow and one daughter snrvivp him A part of Colleton county is seeking annexation to Bamberg. The man. wit began by puttin his first > earnm?s\$kVi in the v% Bank. Jf* / ^ ^ / n ALL STARTED WITH THE I COUNT GREW UNTIL HE WAS C VENIENCE OF PAYING HIS BILl TO KEEP HIS ACCOUNTS STRA1 WORRY. HAPPINESS WASTHE AND GROW. ALL OF A SUDDEI WITH WEALTH. YOU CAN GROW RICH, TOO. I NEY YOU HAVE IN YOUR POCKf AND KEEP ON ADDING TO IT. PUT YOUR MONl WE PAY 1 PER CENTTNTERI Loams Made on Cotton Ware Farmers & Mercha ARSOI,rjTET,V SAFF" Authorized by Federal Reserre Board to Act as ' from US 1 How? We issue " .' J Cash Purchases ^ 1 3. Come and see * i >* wm iCo. | We lead Others follow 11 ; ehouse. J PEE DEE FAIR Will f BE GREAT SUCCESS PREPARATION'S FOR EVENT ARE GOING FORWARD SATISFACTORILY. Preparations for holding the Pee $ Dee fair in Florence are going forward satisfactorily, aud there is every indication that the fair will be an unqualified success. People all over this great section are feeling so much better than thqy have for the past three years, on \ account of better crops and better prices; that they are taking more interest in outside affairs, and even though the Pee Dee fair is more than a month off, there is already a lot of talk about it. As the fair ( covers the entire Pee Dee, this interest is general. The attendance will be a record breaker, and the exhibits * will surpass any heretofore shown. Great advancement has been made in agriculture and in the live stock industry, and progress in these lines will be demonstrated by the exhibits. ^ Then the women have accomplished wonders, and the women's department is certainly going to shine. Tho nrrnnnrla will lua nut in thp very best of shape. There will be plenty of water, the lack of which has been something of a handicap before, the city mains having been extended to the grounds. The amusement feature will be art that fun loving folk can desire. The premium list is now in the hands of the printers and will be mailed out as J soon as printed. It carries over three thousand dollars in awards. Rnmember our motto, "Better goods for less money." We guarantee our prices. 8-6-tf Kingstree Furniture Co. i K money gOg 5onvc of FIRST DEPOSIT. HIS BANK ACrtUCADTOQI C TUCkl TUtf /"All vpii vmnuuL.* i iibil i rib Wiv .3 WITH CHECKS ENABLED HIM GHTAND SAVED HIM TIME AND : RESULT OF SEEING IT PILE UP H HE REALIZED HE WAS A MAN F YOU WILL ONLY PUT THE MO:T RIGHT NOW INTO THE BANK DOIT. :Y IN OUR BANK. EST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. hotme Receipts at 6 par cent* nts National Bank, LAKE CITY. S. C Administrator, Executor, Trustee and Registrar. ^ ' '