The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 27, 1917, Image 8

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Get IV Candidly, w cnod sense than our customers, y speedily convinc Now, we are novices in the di we made every s our shelves with goods that are g< store and look o\ For Ladies A nice assortment of j. and serges, made up in 1 These are very attractive prices we are offering th< House or \ We have a well selected 1 dren's wash dresses an( very serviceable. Ladies'and Misses' C Sport Coal A nice line of Muslir ladies and school girls. Remember, we are i KABO CORSETS. Ladies' and Our line of Ladies' Shoe: this county who is trying to < serviceable, stylish shoes thai lieve they are excellent value a? KJiir uiui petitor to underprice us < deliveries a day: 10:00 ; fOUNDATIC |lsfriL'i|UM 'EQUAL fpAIRtreatmentIinterev TO ALL B safety! personal J lATTEHTIOH carefuuenterprisi LOANS] 'SERVICE The progressive managemi fact that it is founded on i stones, some of which the art b to treat all classes alike y SAFETY. We try to lend money on and extend financial service ten of this territory. We are glad to WE WILL BE PLEASI BANK OF K Pays 23c a u'^onih for Perf eet Health j ^ For 15 years. E. A. Little, Be:?sacr, | AiU, ilUS puiu +- J\- U 11 V.U.I w M. ?r?. . _ feet health. P.ead what h^ says: "I t ? add :r.y en !<?r??*n?rr.t <?f Granrer Liver Rerulator. I h tv? n? t u?? d any oth*r medicine for fifteen yrar*. V -.'-r it ie the beat for all liver romrlainfe. r.nd vr .1 cor* any can* of indigestion kr. wn. W'tn'I f rrrc *c t*ke your Grander Liver KoguUt r the I'nrram-Pfctton Drug Co, wan baying it by tLed 3to. N r It u b 11 they buy it by the grot*. I u + or.e I x t&ch UvLth aod would Dot be * :ihoct a for thing." ! Granger Liver Regulator ; ia strictly vegetar.le. non-alcoholic prep*- I ration, and is highly recommended for sick I headache, indigestion, biliousness and all I stomach and liver complaints. Your drug- I gist can supply you?25c a box. B * Grander Medicine Co.. Cfcsttasooia. Teas. I 11= 'I No. 666 Thia ia a prescription prepared especially or MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. Five or aix dotes will break any case, and i taken tben as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel nnd does not gripe or sicken. 25- j *>. loreC e do not know hoi the above six wor ah tnnnr if If xrt vru miv n JL*. j x e you. ! not low-rating an y goods business; election with an e; , or that was likely 3od enough for an; rer our big stock, j and Misses. ready-to-wear dresses in sil beautiful and stylish desigr and will not last long at t im at. Vash Dresses ,ot of ladies', misses' and ch 1 middy blouses. Cheap ai oat Suits and LongCoa s and Sweaters i Underwear, and Hosiery f sole agents for the celebrat Misses' Shoes. s should interest every woman economize. We have a line of gc twe are proud of, because we 1 s. jci y i/cpa on our groceries. We buy a. m. and 5:00 p. m. f hs'stonies ksyjoxss iwfCt'l?{apLut L I' ?* CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT NG | JAPEGUARD5 2NT of this bank is prond of the certain STRONG FOUNDATION list has drawn here. Onr endeavor vith banking EFFICIENCY and all DESERVING ENTERPRISES of ALL KINDS to the business do business here. ;d to serve you. INGSTREE. SHIP YOUR LONG STAPLE COTTON TO WHALEY & RIVERS tonon factors CHARLESTON, - S. C. Consignments Handled on Commission rOOdS, iv to write a truthfi < ee as. we oner you e: )u are not a cu&on y other people's goo we have studied th< ye single to their ne< r to become old and! yone, and we cordial jet prices and be con ks Profit sharing he with every put S our Store-Ad ts lope of valua ?It wiO interest ed New Home Sewing Mac 3? these famous machines whit KJO . i i i 5e. terms at tne oia prices, rsei advances. There's no bette irtment j,"1 nearly every staple in car lol EOPLE'S ?? - mm - - J _ r? _ine raiser s r In Ambassador "MY FOUR YEAR Proves that America Was F Kaiser's Intrigue This story, the Most Sen War Began, is being printed <&)t a It began Sunday, Septe: six weeks. Don't miss it. Special Two Months' Subsci First Instalment of Ambass; Amazing Recital of World V THE NEWS AP Chariest DOMES OF WASHINGTON. Exquisite Beauty of the One on th? Library of Congress. Washington possesses an unusual umber of domed buildings. The student or lover of architecturefinds here not only a great many but a, gr<-at variety of domes. It is extraordinary that examples of all the domes of the favorite schools of architecture are grouped within the limits of this city. And such examples as they are! One of them alone would be sufficient domical adornment for even the nation's capital. Needless to say, the capitol dome is Washington's dome par excellence. Its size alone gives it pre-eminence, and its beauty ranks it among the great domes of the world. The framework of this domo is of iron and weighs nearly 9,000,000 pounds. The keynote of its impress!veness is its massiveness. Its curving sides, encircling rows of columns, varishaped windows and graceful segmental ornamentations will always i be only adjuncts to its impressive I feature?its size. In height the | capitol dome reaches 287 feet into the air; its greatest diameter is 135 I feet. Washington's most beautiful dome surmounts the library of congress. This has a diameter of 100 feet, making it almost as large as that of the capitol, but offhand one would certainly say that it is a much smaller dome. This is due to its shape. The library dome is an Italian renaissance type and is a flat- j tened spherical vault. It is built of | stucco applied to a framework of J . 1 1 t t / Pay L nl advertisement tha sadly what we date ler, a trial order c ds nor criticising thi ; interests of ourj ids. We did not bi shopworn. We boii ly invite every read< vinced. coupons given chase made at I' nr [ for our cataible premiums. ,t you. T1 hinpc ^ave J118* re" m 'DiDCS ceived a new lot of .j. ih we are offering on easy fj tterget one before the price :r machine made. hobby, becaose we and every it tor ourselves we buy only th fs and get the advantage of MERCAN lots Revealed- i Gerard's Story j S EM GERMANY" orced Into the War by tile and Treachery. ?-- 1 J ?.v,. SctUUIlcH l~ uuiiawtu uiuvv uiv in it& (Conner. mber 16, and will run about Send ONE DOLLAR for a ription. Beginning with the idor Gerard's Thrilling and Var Events. Address sTD COURIER, on, S. C. ' iron and steel, filled in with terra cotta. The domed root is sneatnea with copper, and over this is laid the coating of gold leaf, twentythree carats fine. As far as ornamentation goes, this dome is the most exquisite in the United States. The interior frails are superbly painted and adorned with arabesques. The National museum possesses a domfe neither huge nor extremely ornate, yet it is one of the most pleasing domes to the architectural eye that is found in the city. It il.A flio Ponthflnn I recalls iiic uumc uu jl uuvuvvu | at Rome. In the matter of contour ! I they are quite similar. | This dome surmounts the hall J which connects the three main divisions of the museum exhibit?the geological, ethnological and zoological. It is constructed of tile, covered on the exterior with a fine quality of slate. Each row of this slate, from the outer edge of the dome to the eye at the top had to be exactly cut to fit the spaces. At the same time the museum was being built, the astronomers at the observatory were called in consultation with the architects to calculate the measurements for the ' different pieces, as very intricate1 mathematical computations were necessary.?Washington Star. Whenever Yon Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Ton;c because it contains the well known tonic pro^rties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood aiii Guilds up the Whole System. 50 cents _ / ess Mo t will appeal more sti : in the headline. If : >r a shopping visit to sir business methods, ratrons and in buying ly a great lot of "jun ght serviceable good it of this advertiseme For the Men a We have a complete stock of 1 [JALITY SHOES for men, the i r comfort, quality and neatnes ie of work snoes that can't be ice. Mens and Boys' Suits / [so a good assortment of work ; rs, socks, neckwear, etc, for me Hats, Hats, ie famous Stetson Brand?Not en's top-pieces. right's Spring Needle Und The best line of Undervear V body else like good things to e< ie best for onr customers aid wc lower prices. Phone usan on TILE COM I YOUR CRlDH AT M. F. HE] Just received-Car o Wagons, tw cars ol lot of Harass. A Good Bggy for The Best-ihe Oxford fi*m Hi llAUitJS II"1 v.wvv.u' M F. HE Ring<ree, 4-20-17 rpA.F. SFRl TO SOI XhBank will store in its v; CJfRGE, Jewelry, Dee< Polios, Mortgages, Bonds, Cei otfrvaluable papers belongin ingito camp or into active se % will be glad to render a lT nower. Cheeks mav hf in? r.~ ?7m ? ? . j ~ft/our credit in Savings D< and insurance premiums a* at this Bank. Wee Nee ] tlingstree, - . | ' \ .. . ' ney! rnnnrlv fn vnui* M LUUgiJ IV J VU1 you are one of I our store will ^ We are not ; our fall &ock ik" ju& to fill Is, good goods, mt to visit our nd Boys the well known KTNO shoes that are famous is. We also have a beat for quality and i and Pants. and dress shirts, coln and boys. Hats! hing better made in lerwear for Men on the market. it In order to get i never allow a comder. We make two 1PANY J 1 r IS GOOD LLER'S. i f Mules, car of ' f Buggies and a ? # - - $75 00 ' ) -for - 85 00 , | I) to $300.00. _____________________ -i LLER - s.c. /ICE DIERS! I ,| aults FREE OF J Is, Wills, Insurance * tificates of Stock or g to any soldier gorvice. * x ny other assistance i mailed to us direct epartment or othermay be made pay- : V- -1 Rank . - s c. j^j