The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 23, 1917, Image 4

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She (Emutty tKcrnrh. W. F. TOLLEY & E. C. EPFS Publishers. TELEPHONE NO. 83 SUBbCRlPTION' RATE: One copy, one year $1 25 One copy, six months 75 One copy, three months 50 One copy, one year in advance? 1 t)0 Thursday, Aug. 23, 1917. ?^^am^^I Will You Help Us. A few weeks ago we mailed cards to a large number of our subscribers notifying them that their sub- i scription to The County Record had . already expired or was about to expire and requested each to call and make renewal. We knew that most of those to whom notices were sent were selling tobacco, getting a good price for it and would want to pay up. We are not very well pleased with the result so far, as not more than 20 per cent of our readers have i responded to the notices sent out. therefore their names must and will be stricken from our mailing lists within the next week or two. To those who are several years in arrears, we must say that being old subscribers, many of them having taken the Record since it was started thirty odd years ago, that we must have what is due us now. We have carried you on our list, for the reason that you were an old subscriber and felt that you wanted the paper continued. We knew of the misfortunes that have befallen you the past three years and reasoned that it would be ingratitude on our part to discontinue the paper to an old j and faithful subscriber when he was in hard luck and failed to pay up? simply because he couldn't. This case doesn't hold good with the ma- ; jority of you at this time, and is a , final word before discontinuing the narvnv ira ocl/ V/-.11 t/-, aofflo im ^apcx , v>v aou j vu wv w>v Mind you. paper, ink, and in fact everything used in the production of The Record during the time it has been going to you regulaaly without pay, has cost us from 100 to 300 per cent more than it cost us before the war began,and yet there is no abatement in these enormous increases in, sight,and we need the money that is justly due us to carry on our busi, ness and keep the old Record?the peoples paper?going. Only, this week we have had an additional expense that was like a stiff blow on the solar plexus. We had to buy and install a new engine, for we can't operate without power, ... and our old engine gave way?worn out from usage. Come across, friends, with what you owe us. If you can't bring it to our office, then send it?we will appreciate it. Who's Selling Intoxicants in Kingstree? Complaint was made to us some time ago that a certtain man from the country goes home drunk everytime he comes to Kingstree. Other instances have been called to our attention which cause us to conclude that intoxicating drinks, in some form, are being dealt out to people here illegally. This thing ought to ?A f * * ~ wn/WMAffA/] f k?f TTTn Slop. 11 IS LU UC ICgtCbtCU viioL nc , have any citizens in this town? white or black?who have such utter disregard for the law as to be guilty of doing such a dirty crime. We ought to have enough respect for the moral welfare of the young manhood of the community to refuse to stoop to such a thing. We hate tn that the law is beinfiT violated in this respect; but it is true nevertheless. If any person or persons, business concern, corporation or whosoever the violator may be, has no more self-respect or interest in the welfare of the young manhood of the town and county, we hope that the authorities will get busy and bring such offenders to justice. Kingstree has the reputation for the enforcement of law. We have a ; good police force.who do everything j they can for the welfare of the town but if this thing is not. stopped, we ; shall soon lose our good reputation, j So we Ihope the proper authorities will get busy, catch the guilty party i or parties and bring them to justice 1 and to a term on the chaingang, i i \ \ BELIEVES IT BETTER THAN ANY OTHER USED MRS. McALISTER. OF GREENVILLE, MAKES INTERESTING STATEMENT. 1 Daughter Aided Much. Troubles Gone. ^ Her Daughter "Is Back at Work Now," She Says. 4'Tanl:u* is a good medicine, and r . -I. i i ? r : ? . ,.?i i' i am gian 10 ni \ 1 mum u or letter than any other remedy Ijj have ever used,'' declared Mrs .1 T ; MeAlister, of No i* Bryant St, Brandon, Greenville,lin a statement she gave June 2. "My daughter took 1 Tanlae Itecause she was suffering from a badly weakened condition, , and she was so siek she was just , able to l>e out of bed. Her appetite had left her and she didn't eat anything at all hardly. All the time ' she eomp'ained of pains in her side and of headaches. "But the .Tanlac soon had her strong and well and she went hack i to work and is working regularly now. It gave lier a good appetite ' and built up her entire system. 1 Her strength increased rapidly after she began taking Tanlac, and now she never complains of those 1 pains in her side nor of headaches." \ Tanlac, the master medicine, is 1 sold by Kingstree Drug Co, Kings tree; Mallard Lumber Co, Greelyville; Farmers' Drug Co, Hemingway; S S Aronson, Lane; R P Hin- ( nant, Suttons; W D Bryan, Bryan. For several weeks past The Record has been late in getting out on account of a contrary old gasoline engine. This week it is late because of having to install a new kerosene engine. The combination of difficulties has pretty sorely tried our patience. With Our Advertisers. The Cash Store is the place to get your groceries. See ad. Read statements of Bank of Hem-1 ingway and F & M Bank. Lake City. Nelson's warehouse has a letter of thanks to its host of patrons in , this issue. I T E Baggett, jeweler, otters his j i entire stock at auction. Sales daily j at 3 and 7:30 p. m. ! The Siegling Music House invites; ! your attention to its splendid line of i pianos and phonographs. i J M Truluck will sell 30 head of | 1 horses and mules at auction at Hemingway Friday, August 31. I The Truluck-Cook Co has received a carload of horses and mules and j can furnish just what you need. G M Anderson, boll weevil expert, says he does not think this pest will i ; make its appearance in South Caro- j 115? t--' r>i? :* una oeiure ^unsunas, n men. Registration Notice. Notice is hereby given that the books of registration for the town of Kingstree, South Carolina, are now open in the office of the Kingstree Hardware Company on Hampton avenue of said town for the registration of all voters and qualified electors within the limits of said town of Kingstree, S C, who, under the laws of the State, have the right to become qualified voters for and in the municipal election of officers to be held within the limits of said town of Kingstree, S C, on the twenty-fifth (25thi dav of SeDtember. 1917. All applicants for such municipal I registration must, when applying for a I certificate of registration, present his | certificate of registration from the Board or Supervisor of Registration for the county, entitling him to vote at the poling precinct within said town, and must offer proof of his residence within the limits of the town for four months and the payment of all taxes assessed against him due and collectible for the previous fiscal year. C C Burgess, Supervisor of Municipal Registration for tne Town of Kingstree, S C. Kingstree, S C, June 21, 1917. 7-5-tf jl FREE SEI TO SC This Bank will store in i CHARGE, Jewelry, I Policies, Mortgages, Bonds other valuable papers belo Iing into camp or into acti\ We will be glad to rendi in our power, Checks ma for your credit in Saving wise, and insurance premi able at this Bank. Wee Nec Kingstree, ' CANOIDATES* UAHSS. \ ? J. *; :'i .''. <i<.. . <-:>;. ? t: FOR MAY' 'R. Friends and citizens of the town of King;tree hereby present the name .of L W (iillami. Est], as a candidate for the otiiee of Mayor of Kingstree in the primary election to be held Tuesday, August 28, 1917. for alderman. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election as a member of the Board of Aldermen for the town of Kingstree, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. W F Tolley. , I hereby announce myself a candidate for Alderman of the town of Kingstree. ' t e Arrowsmith. | I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Alderman }f the town of Kingstree. Harry Britton. I hereby announce my candidacy for election to office of Alderman for the town of Kingstree, subject to the rules of the primary. C J Thompson. I am a candidate for re-election to the office of Alderman of the town of Kingstree and pledge myself to abide by the rules of the Democratic pri-1 rriary. H A miller. for commissioner I hereby announce my candidacy for -i--i.:?A- *.! re-eiecuuii tu uic uuiue ui v/uiiiuussiuijci , of Public Works of the town of Kings-, tree. South Carolina, pledging myself j to abide the result of the primary. LeRoy Lee. Acting upon the recommendation of the State board of pardons, T S Sease, trial judge; all of the jurors who tried the case and hundreds of citizens of Laurens county Governor Manning Monday granted a full pardon to Joseph G Sullivan. He was convicted at the September term, 1914, on the charge of manslaughter and was sentenced to a term of six years. On May 12, 1914, Joseph G Sullivan shot and killed John M Cannon, a member of the Laurens county bar. Just received, car Stoves, Ranges, Wash pots, &c. These goods were bought in January, therefore we can j save you money. All Stoves and Ranges guaranteed to give entire ? n i O it SHUSiacuuu. Kingstree Furniture Co. GILBERT H, McCLAM KINGSTREE, S. C. CONTRACTOR FOR HOUSE PAINTIN6, DEC0RATIN6, AUTO PAINTIN6 AND UPHOLSTERY WORK, j Headquarters at King Hardware Co.'s, | 8-i3-3mp Insurance! When you want Insurance of any kind, call on us. We write life Fire live Stock Plate Glass Accident and Health Bonding a Specialty We are the largest and most experienced, agency in Williamsburg county, and are in a position to give you ^ MAMin AA 1 (uie west oci vitc. Kingsfree Ins., Real Estate & Loan Co., Agts., PHONE 85, KIN6STREE, 8. C. I I VICE >LDIERS! . I ts vaults FREE OF Deeds, Wills, Insurance ^Certificates of Stock or I nging to any soldier gore service. er any other assistance ! tr ho mailod fn ns direct I *J MV s Department or otherurns may be made pay? Bank, s. c. I ; CHair I Ill iceable at the ask for them, good as any \ other dealers i tion. The Brur are the best. Our line of ?Chairs|r from 50c KINGSTRI Phone 107. Ill CHE The most Complet inder valve in he Demountable Km Shield. Oil and Passenger Body. PRIC Oi WINYA Distributors foi s M oriel D Ei PRIC 's! CHa p REMEMBER, " sole agent: 1 county for the c< I Brumby Chair, anteeitto give satisfaction or your money. C trial at our risk also have oth lines of Chairs 11UI 5 uai ttiiivvui are made of go< rial and will pr< prices we | and are as U landled by ij n this secrihv Chairs angesin price ZE FURNITUF -113 Academy St., Next t :vrole Aodel 490 ^ ^ ? ;ely Equipped Car at the price. Foi ad Motor. Electric Starter and I is. One man Top. Ventilating Water Circulating Pumps. Roomj IE $635 F .0. B. FACTORY ther Models $935 and $1385 H MOTOR COMPANY * Georgetown and Williamsburg Co untie . ?. MERCER, Manager ght Cylinder, 120 Inch Wheel Base E $1385 F. O. B. FACTORY R .irsi t we are ^ s in this ilebrated Wo mint*. 11 TV/ ? UU1 ~ absolute refund Jive it a C.We er good that are They 3d mateDve serv- ^ 11? i L?, 1 o Postoffice I T lr Cyljights. Wind J r Five M 1 I > __r A