The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 09, 1917, Image 6

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Moore's X Roads Items Moore's X Roads. Augusl S;?Mrs' J J Scurry of Georgetown is visiting; her mother. Mrs H W Moore. Miss Kathlepn Harrot from I)ar-. lington is the guest of Miss Ruth Wilson. Mrs J J Moore, little Wilhelmina and Christeen visited relatives and friends in Lake City last week. Mr and Mrs Knight, and little Vnicrht .Ir mntnrpd over from Sum-1 merton Tuesday, and spent the night with the former's brothers, j: Mr and Mrs Dave DuBose from the Hebron section spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs J E Coker. Most all the farmers around here are curing, their last tobacco this week. I thi?k they are very glad that tobacco crops do not last very . long. Miss Harris from Florence came down Monday to see her sister. Mrs L W Moore. Mrs Mills and Mrs McCrea have returned to their homes in Wadesfcoro, N C, after visiting their parents, Mr and Mrs J T Deberry. Mr and Mrs B C Cook spent the week end with friends in the New Zion section. Mr and Mrs J A Cook have returned home from a visit to Georgetown. *f C. tt e nupe ov, i w, A man who Is a pretty close observer remarked the other day that tobacco would bring still higher prices next year. He based his prediction on the fact that almost worldwide prohibition would greatly stimulate the consumption of the weed \and his advice to the people is to prepare to double their tobacco acreage next year. This is pretty good reasoning, and we believe this gentleman is more than half right.?Dillon Herald. Mr. Coker a Good Farmer. Editor County Record: Please allow me space in your columns to congratulate the people of Williamsburg county, and especially the friends of relatives of Mr C B Coker, who has made his home at Andrews. He is a splendid farmer and I fcrel sure that he has, by his ability ui such, added 1,000 bushels of corn to our community,not to mention his prospects for a bountiful money crop of tobacco and cotton. F Moore. Andrews, July 29. i k Sympa X I 1 T in tnese i out to the lad the spanking ] We have m; deal of maneu within reach some spankin $1.50. We hi patterns that n t tome in We have ji C?llr0 UllIVO ClllVt in g j "Fern" Something NeKingstrec Doctor Says Nuxatt Increase Stren People la many instances?Persons have suf- (! fered untold agony for years doctoring > for aerrous weakness, stomach, liver or kidney disease or some other ailment when their real trouble was lack of iron In the blod.?How to tell. New York. N. Y.?In a recent discourse l >r. K. Sa.n r. a ftoston physician : i who has siudicd widely both in this country and in great European medical, i institutions, said: "If you were to make I : an actual blood test on all people who! are ill you would probably be greatly astonished at the exceedingly large! : number who lack iron and who are ill : for no other reason than the lack of Ji iron. The moment iron Is supplied all , i their multitude of dangerous symptoms j disappear. Without iron the blood at j once loses the power to change food i ; into living tissue, and therefore noth-; : ing you cat does you any good; you i don't get the strength out of it. Your I food merely passes through your sys- \ tem like corn through a mill with the ! rollers so wide apart that the mill can't ! i grind. As a result of this continuous j : blood and nerve starvation, people be-11 come generally weakened, nervous and] all run down and frequently develop all sorts of conditions. Orle Is too thin; I another is burdened with unhealthy fat: | some arc so weak they can hardly, walk; some think they have dyspepsia, kidney or liver trouble; some can't t j _i _.l. , a ,wl I Ml'' P in III^IIl, Wlllt'is ai C nivv j/J lUiu | tired all day. some fussy and irritable! j i gome shinny and bloodJess, put all lack physical p.'Vor and endilrftnce. In such I cases. il is worse than foolishness to 1 take stimulatlng medicines or narcotic j drugs. which only whip up your fagging i vital po\.ers for the moment, maybe at I the expense of your life later on. No ' matter what any one tells you. if you ! ore not strong and well you owe it to , yourself to make the following test: See i ?r =?? ? r? -?? - 1 - ? TheB lOl. 1L D 'i i ILft ID* rdiu I Choice Beef, 1 Mutton a THE PEOPLE H, A, MILLER i I my ann i 3. C. L. times our sy whose Pants are ge parts. anaged, therefore,1 vering, to price our of everybody and g good pants at $1. ive a fine assortmen will match up with Anil lit Ik Shi 4AUM MV% W W ist received a si Taffetas in all tl shades and patf and "Feramore" w Every Week?$1.1 t\ n 1 t ; LIry foods I The Store of Quality id Iron Will gth of Delicate 100 ?/0 in Ten Days how* long you ?-an work or how far you can walk without incoming circa. .>? *! lake two five-grain tablets of ordinary Xuxated Iron throe times per day After meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see for yourself how mueh you have gained. I have seen dozens of nervous, run-down people who were ailing all the time double, and even triple, their strength and endurance and entirely get rid of their symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles in from ten to fourteen days' time simply by aklng iron in the proper form, and this, after they had in some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. You can talk as you please about all the wonders wrought by new remedies, but when you come down to hard facts there Is nothing like good old Iron to put color In your cheeks and good sound, healthy flesh on vour bones. It is also a great nerve and stomach strengthener and the best blood builder in the world. The only trouble was that the old forms of Inorganic iron, like tincture of iron, iron acetate, etc.. often ruined people's teeth, upset their stomachs and wers not assimilated, and for these reasons they frequently did more harm than conit Rut with the discovery of the newer forms of organic iron all this has been overcome. Nuxated Iron, for example. is pleasant to take, does not injure the teeth and is almost immediately beneficial. VOTE?The manufacturers of Nuxated Iron bare inch unbounded confidence In its potoicy that they kuthorlze the announcement that they will forfeit (100.00 to any Charitable Institution Lf they cannot lake any man or woman under sixty who lacks rtm and Increase their strength 100 per cent, or iter In four weeks' Ume. provided they have no Mftoua organic trouble. Also they will refund you? mmey In any case In which Nuxated Iron doe? not at least double your strength In ten days' time. It is dispensed In this city by all good druggist*. Milt Ml est Market Price Paid or Cow Hides. 3ork, Sausage lid Veal. !'8 MARKET !, Proprietor. Cants! mpathy goes itting thin at with a great Boys' Pants are showing 00, $1.25 and it in nice new anv suit. ^ ow You lipment of lie leadterns Waists DO and $2.00 iomoany a ?r * Reco: V IIi I 1 UUgll, Hodges Average 2S Moi STAR LA The Hoi \ K1VNL when in need of Auto Supplies of; can get them at t Auto Supply &l _ L. T, THOM Opposite Farmi Velvet Be Trv a sack of it and be %/ food for stock. We have a fresh shiprr Grits and Rice. Hay and S Our stock of Staple G and our prices are based c profit, because we sell for a ' THE CAS ODOM (EL DENN Phone 1^0. Ac; :L. S. DENNI! The Marlboro Cotton mills of Bennettsville in the past year earned i ! $540,000, or more than 50% on the 1 capital stock. I rdBre Prices for =AT= & Edmo / 1.10 for 57,( iday, August :OME TO THI WARED KF CITY S Ith VI j *ra ne of Hit mberT Tires, Tubes and all kinds, you can he new Accessory Store | Hercules Ford Tires I 30x -3 - $ 7.95 130x3 1-2 - - 10.45 fPSON Proo.. ' ? - "7 r 7 ?rs' Supply Co. :an Meal. convinced that it is fine lent of Corn, Meal, tocK Feed rroceries is complete, in the smallest margin of ish. H STORE IS, Proprietors iHatiiv and Tfill Sts. 5, Manager Gen E M Law, the only surviving major general of the Southern Confederacy, is visiting at Darlington, lis native town. akers Mmm ivnwvvv =========== ' i ndson's. \ a a n l juu rounas t6. joilSE, c.. jh Prices. ' I Dr. D. Zed Rowell Dental Surgeon Kelly Building; First Room in Front Andrews, - South Carolina DR. ROBERTTMcCABT , DENTIST, KINGSTREE, S. C Office in Nexsen Building, 3 doors from d DIiama TO I l L nunc 10. M.D. NESMITH, DENTIST, Lake City, S. C W. L. TAYLOR DENTIST, < Offic# In Nexien Building 1 KINGSTREE, - S. C. 5-21-tf. 1866 1917 A. M. SNIDER. - SURGEON DENTIST. Office at Residence, Railroad Avenue. J. DeS. Gilland Attorney-at-Law Second Floor Masonic Temple Florence, S. G General pracucioner in all State and Federal Courts. Benj. M-'NNES, M. R.C. V. S. B. Kater MclNNES, M. D., V. M. D VETERINARIANS. One of us will be at Kingstree the first Monday in each month, at Heller's Stables. 9-28-tf " KINGSTREE wSlit'Lo(lge' N0,46 A. F.M. meets Thursday before full moon each J month. Visiting brethren are cordially invited. S P Harper, W M. J D Britton, Sec. 2-27-lv INDU1 miriXil The Third Monday Visiting chopper* roi Yi ilally invited to com* vT?^ir0>y np and sit on a stamp or hang about on ?be P H Stoll, \ J M Brown, Clerk. Con.Com*jg Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Vour druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case cf Itching, Blind, Bleedingor Protruding Pile* in 6to 14 day*. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c A , /