y \ v-* CRY~~OF~A MOUNTAIN "LION. H la Wild and Waird, Lika tha Scraam of a Tarrified Woman. The mountain lion, next to the iaguar, is the largest of the cat tribe native to America. In various parts of its range it is also known as the panther, congar and puma. It is a slender bodied ani mal, with a small head and a long, round tail, with a total length varying from seven to nine feet and u weight of from about 50 to 200 pounds. No other American mammal has a range equal to that of the mountain lion. It originally inhabited both North and South America, from southern Quebec and Vancouver island to Patagonia, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts. The mountain lion, while powerful enough to be dangerous to man, is in reality extremely timid. Owing to its being a potentially dangerous animal, the popular conception of it is that of a fearsome beast, whose savage exploits are celebrated in the folk lore of our frontier. As a matter of fact, few wild animals are less dangerous', although there are authentic accounts of wanton attacks upon people, just as there are authentic instances of buck deer and moose becoming aggressive. It has a wild, weird cry. popularly supposed to resemble the scream of a terrified woman, which is thrillingly impressive when the shades of evening are throwing a mysterious gloom over the forests. Although inoffensive as to people, this cat is such a fierce and relentless enemy ol' large game and live stock that it is everywhere an outlaw. It often kills calves, but is especially fond of young horses. In many range districts of the western states and on the table land of '? Mexico, owing to the depredations of this animal, it is impossible to raise horses.?E. W. Nelson in National Geographic Magazine. Ibsen and Art. As a voung man Ibsen was bv no means certain of his vocation. Until * il 1 i i i v oe was iniriy-iwo ne Deuevea aimself to be born for painting. In fact, a fairly large exhibition might be got together of the canvases painted by Ibsen in the days of his early manhood and scattered now through the farmhouses and coun^ try villas of Norway. He remained all his life profoundly interested in art, and his judgments of ancient and renaissance art in Italy are always original. Of Raphael he said: "Raphael's art has never warmed me. Ilis beings belong to the garden of Eden \ before the fall."?London Mail. ; A Very Polite Letter. The politest intimation ever addressed was probably that of the governor of the Bombay prison to the man about to be hanged. The execution was fixed for 1 o'clock, and the governor was to 6ail for England on leave two hours later. But the time for the boat's sailing was changed from 3 o'clock to midJ Tl uav. x xie gu>a uur cijuai iu iuc occasion. He addressed an official communication to the convict as follows: "The governor presents his compliments to Mr. X. and desires to know whether it would suit his convenience equally well to be hanged at 10 a. m. instead of 1 p. m. ?" ?London Chronicle. Thumb* and Mechanics. rTwo men got into an argument the other day over the expansion of steam in a cylinder. "Why," said one, "you don't knew anything about machinery and the principles of mechanics. Your thumbs arc not shaped right." He then went on to explain that a man with long, thin thumbs did not have a mechan^ ical turn, while those with thick thumbs, broad at the end6, were ^^^^^^^^latural born machinists. "I never in nhvcintmnmv " hp ^r-j?&-? ? in thumbs."?Ex-y Artificial cotton is made in Ger[| ^^any from the wood of the fir tree, H| ^^wich is reduced to thin shavings. r.ese are washed, then steamed for .n hours, after which they are treated with a strong solution of so dium lve and then heated under r?eat pressure for thirty-six hours. Hie wood is then said to be changed o pure cellulose. To give the maerial greater resisting power castor il and gelatin are added, after hich it is ready to be spun into iread and reeled. His Mexican Commission. "Yes, he's a very merry wag. The H| last time be went to Mexico his wife H^P asked him to bring back some of the WT embroidery work for which the country is famous. When he reachH ed home he handed her a box con taining half a dozen human teeth. V J "Mercy," she cried, "what's this ?" '* "Mexican drawn work," he tripI pinelv replied. ? Cleveland Plain . ' Dealer. L % Ill I I I ! i Save Th Hours oul Every F< Your Hoi Work by i % 4 VJ'UAAI fbrm-a-Tni ?35( ROiB. Chicaf % ( Work on the Central Baptist church of Darlington has been started. The building will be a commodious brick structure. II S? TN buyii I A things yi If you co v satisfied. H you will A Car in A T* Stratiore VA Fairfield |i Linwwu !j Braoklar J Dartmcx | Limousii I TwnO I Paige-E MOTO C. ALS Every minute wasted IfAfik inefficient hauling ai real money. Horsei . p four times as long to r OT ^ take you wh k Vil Form -a-Trucks in yc Three to four miles an hoa with a ron load. Smith F UF U1 ? slow, time wasting walk of h to fcarteen miles an hour oi And it costs no more to bn than it does to buy a good work of hauling a ton load, requires all-day service eve r t ? you must have at least two U Sing The sturdy, efficient, untirin takes time out for rest, nev< works steadily day in and d hits high speed, always movi and at lower cost than any can buy. J Records of service obtained f roa CH users show a ton mile cost of li Smith Form-a-Truck ever salt covered 20,009 miles and cost t W Get a Smith Form-a-Truck, at Overland, Buick. Chevrolet or excessive hauling and delivery i W roi your uauuug piuuicuiv up to learn just how jruch money a that you are now putting itiO 1 THOMAS McCUl KINGSTREE, - HIIMMIMIIIIII ""i|.ri'"a The congregation of the First Baptist church of Florence has pre- i sented the pastor, Rev Dr F H Mar- ; in orifVi on anfnnnnhllo Z1IZI1I1ZZZ L Mbst Beautiful Carin/lmei ng a motor car there are two very imp to be considered?your Pride and your mpromise on either one, you will never bx If you look for a nicely balanced combii unquestionably find it in "The Most Be; merica." 1 **Si I seven-passenger - - $1495 f. o. b. Dei "Si .-47" sevqrs-passeger - - $1375f. o. b. Dei I "Six-39" five-passenger - $1175 f. a. b. Dei tda "Six-51" four-passenger $1695 f. o. b. Del >r "Six-19" 2 or 3 passenbtr $1175 f. o. b. Dei * "Six-51" seven-passenger $2750 f. o. b. Dei Six-51" seven-passenger $2300 f. o. b. Dei "Six-39" five-passenger ? $1775 f. o. b. Del kr "Six-51" seven-passenger $2750 f. a b. Del Detroit Motor Car Co., Detroit, h R SALES CO., - Sumter, IBROOK, Local Agt, Kingstree, S, on the road by slow, | ad delivery costs you 3 i take from three to j i cover the ground as i ten you install Smith 3 >ur service. 3 r is the best horses can do | 9 orm-a-Truck replaces the ? ' orses with a speed of from ten 1 ider every condition of work. y a Smith Form - a-Truck \ pair of horses equal to the i If your hauling or delivery 1 ry working day of the year, teams for every wagon. j gSmith Form-a-Truck never | * ;r has to lay off the ]ob. It 1 ay out, always maintaining ng its load quickly, easily, j other form of service you > | * l over^, 000 Smith Form-a-Tn?ck ] en than 8 cents. And the first '? I has been in service four years, inly vo : a repairs tacn it to any Ford, Dodge Bros., ? Maxwell chassis and end your ; ? costs : to us It doesn't cost yon a cent ; / we can put back into your pocket ! Dorset CHEN, Agent, - SO. CAR. i The amount of income tax paid in the United Slates during the fiscal year now closing is $330,565,628. . South Carolina's part is $5 47,649. i ica I | ortant I j / I A "FAMILY MEDICINE In Her Mother's Home, Says Thii Georgia Lady, Regarding Black" Draught Relief From Headache, Malaria, Chills, Etc. Ringgold, Ga.? Mrs. Chas. Gaston, of this place, writes: "I am a user of Thedford's Black-Draught; In fact, It was one of our family medicines A.1bq In my mother's home, when 1 was a child. When any of us children complained of headache, usually caused by constipation, she gave uj a dose of Black-Draught, which would rectify the trouble. Often in the BnHnff v* wnnld Vinvn malaria and chills, or troubles of this kind, we would take Black-Draught pretty regular until ths liver "acted well, and we would soon be up and around again. We would not be without It, for it certainly hag saved us lots ol doctor bills. Just a dose of BlackDraught when not so well saves a lot of days In bed." Thedford's Black-Draught has been In use for many years In the treatment of stomach, liver and bowel troubles, and the popularity which it now enjoys is proof of its merit If your liver Is ret doing Its duty, you will suffer from >ueh disagreeable symptoms as headache, biliousness, constipation, indigestion, etc., and unless something 13 done, serious trouble may result. Thedford's Black-Draught has been found a valuable remedy for these troubles. It is purely Vegetable, and acts In a prompt and natural way, regulating the liver to its propex functions and cleansing the bowels ol inipuiitics. Try it. Insist on Thed fold's, the original and genuine. E 79 Irrlval of Passenger Trains a! Khiustree. The Atlantic Coast Line railroac las promulgated the following sched lie, which became effective Monday Hay 29, 191b: North Bound. Mo 80 7:25 a n 'No 46 - - 11:33 an Mo 78 - - 6:13 p n South Bound. ^No 83 10:40 a n Mo 79 - - - 11:03 a n 'No 47 - - - - 6:47 p n Mo 89 - - - 9:22 p n >Daily excent Sundav ^Stops on signal for Charleston, Savan nah and Jacksonville passengers. GLASSES! If you need Glasses, com( to me. Single and doubl< lenses fitted correctly at low est prices. Broken lenses du plicated. T. E. BAGGETT, Jewelei Undressed Lumber. I always have on hand a lot of un dressed lumber (board and framing) a my mill near Kingstree for sale at th< lowest price for good material. See o write me for further information, etc * . 11. lHJJLHjrjEi WHAT IS LAX-FOS LAX-FOS IS AN IMPROVED CASCARA A Digestive Laxative CATHARTIC AND LIVER TOMC f-A-r-Fos is not a Secret or Patent Medi< dine but is composed of the following rid-fashioned roots and herbs: CASCARA BARK BLUE FLAG ROOT RHUBARB ROOT BLAOK ROOT MAY APPLE ROOT SENNA LEAVES AND PEPSIN [n Lax- Fos the Cascaxa is improved bj he addition of these digestive ingredi :nts making it better than ordinary Cas :ara, and thus the combination acts no >nlv as a stimulating laxative and cathar :ic bat also as a digestive and liver tonic Syrup laxatives are weak, bnt Lax-Fo; xraibines strength with palatable,*aro natic taste and does not gripe or disturl ike stomach. One bottle will prow Uax-Fos is invaluable for Constipation indigestion or Torpid Liver. Price SOc I Professional Cards T| mbmhbvJh H MISS EULA HERRI ' Hj KINGSTREE. S. C. I 11 rained JNursW Prepared to answer emerge calls night or day. 'Phone 111 1 ! Dr. D. Zed Row< Ifl Dental Surgeon JHfl Kelly Building; First Room in Froc i Andrews, - South CaroH^[^J ITR. CLAUDE McCABEV Dental Surgeon, \ H Office in Iflrsch building, over King tree Drug Co's. 8-28-tf ; DR. ROBERT J. McCABE, utn nai, h ! KINGSTREE, S. (JH Office in Nex9en Building, 3 doors fronl'^^B Postoffice. Phone 78. M.D. NESMITHB dentist, . Lake City, * S. Cfl wTlTtaylor fl dentist; Offic* Id N.xa.a Bulldfk, 1 KINGSTREE. - S.vG. ., 1 1866 1916 , A. M. SNIDER,; SURGEON DENTIST. Office at Residence, Railroad Arense. , J. DeS. Gilland | Attorney-at-Law 1 Second Hour Masonic Temple ^ Florence, S. G General practitioner in all State and 1 Federal Courts. l i BenJ. M-'NNES, M. R. C. V. S. B. Kater MclNNES, M. D.. V. M. D VETERINARIANS. One of us will be at Kingstree the first Monday in each month, at HelI ler's Stables. 9-28-tf . KIMI5STBPC I .YAW rniiww i Lodger No. 46 I /^^^A.F.M. I meets Thursday before full moon eacb fl month. Visiting brethren are cordially fl invited. S P Harper, WM, fl J D Britton. Sec. 2-27-ly fl 1 MMHfl Vl (MVUI HIRINM M Visiting choppen coi I l.ally liiutfd tocom? P H STOLL, I J M Brown, Clerk. Con. Com. (Insurance! r. When you want Insurance of any kind, call on us. We write life fire l Live Stock Plate Glass Accident and Health n i* o i. Bonding a specialty We are the largest and ' most experienced agency in Williamsburg county, and are in a position to give you the best service. Kingsttee Ins., Real Estate & Loan Co., Agts., Dunne OR VIUCCTDCC e P r ^ muni. uu, ninudinii., ? ui | mmm??? ????? _ ". wT" Im purely I . vegetable preparation. non-alcoholic *? '-J sua acta pleasantly and effectively. 1 CoDoord. N. H.. Jan. IT. 191T I I we* rick lis Booth* Uitmr end the Doctor I told bo to fo to florid*. I |ot tome Untnfrr fl Ll??? Sotmlotor la florid* a*d It did me food. jfl I broafht four bozet home with me end u jw I *B feeliea a greet deal better. (Sipted) S. J. howleod Sold by all drunrista?25c - box Granger Medicioe Co., Chattanooga, Toon. I