r * *?q?": J km 11 Because of oroach of rea lest we may I ily on warm \ so many on o bought and 01 must dispose without dela> have pared oi and are offeri ously lowpric Rarest Be hereabouts, We do not pr them at less t are sailing d; point. It is: well afford to IU "1 (Sacked hulls met convenience < T^UTTING Buckeye Hulls in important little things that f this roughage an improver f This makes T*ADC MARI RIJC" W W COTTONSI V HULI UNTLK5 easier to handle when putting them in ure out when mixing feed. It keeps help think of them as forage?not as t Even though sacked, Buckeye Hulls eld style hulls. It costs us money to s anything that will help you use this ] worth the expense. Other Advai Buckeye Hulls are free of lint Nc which has no food value. Th 2000 pounds of real roughage to Th the ton?not 1500. 1 Buckeye Hulls allow better as- Ev similation of food. Kimbraugh Bros., Indianola, Mint. " We are using Buckeye Hulls an ' with them. We think they or I hulls." (To secure the best results and to develop t thoroughly twelve hours before feec wetting then down night and morning for ti this cannot be done, wet down at least t feed the hulls dry, use only half as much I Book of Mixed F Gives the right formula for every coir South. Tells how much to feed for rr tening, for work. Describes Buckeye using them properly. Send for your o Dipt. K The Buckeye Cot Atlanta Birmingham C run woo Augusta Charlotte Jackson ^ OUR BIG SPE< * rf?rice-a-Week New York V She County Record buthern Ruralist, twice a f Total 1 _ Our price for the three pape t i and h\ Ad Inner HdU illV AV/A1^ ?AVA|I lI summer, w lave stocked u veather goods, ur shelves, and a the way, tha of a great quai r. To do this ii .1 Still 111 VIA C VI ng them to yo :es. If you wan irgains Ever this is your etend that w han they co^ angerously ch an opportunity i overlook. UCF in and economy sacks is just one of the have been done to make nent over the old style. m LS> X s the barn and easier to measthem clean and makes your ?edding. sell for much less than loose ack them but we believe that product to best advantage is itages > trash or dust. ey mix well with other food, ey take less space in the 5arn. ery pound goes farther. , say: d are very much pleased e superior to old style be ensilage odor, wet the halls ling. It is easy te do this by he next feeding. If at any tone hirty minutes. If you prefer te >y bulk as of old style hulls. "cede Free ibination of feeds used in the laintenance, for milk, for fatHulls and gives directions for opy to the nearest mill. ton Oil Co. Dept. K I d Lift I* Rock Memphis Macon Selma :iAL OFFER Vorld $ 1.25 1.00 nonth._ .50 $ 2.75 TS $ 2.00 b Money. | iy in the ape are fearful ip too heavi we nave i with others j it we simply atity of them a a hurry we ?f the profits u at marvelt some of the Offered i opportunity, e are selling \ us, but we ycp tn that yf kyTV/ WMKVW r you cannot ier = - '.m* * ?