Let Germany Have Her Monopoly. The attacks by the British with, aeroplanes on the German city of i Freiburg were justified by the law of military retribution,on account of infamous and barbarous attacks by ^ ? ? ? U /\? DrificK Kaq. Vjeiiiittu suuma< iiics uu uuvisu pita] ships, but the protest of the Archbishop of Canterbury, head of the English church, against them in the British House of Lords is nevertheless gratifying. , We believe that it is the wish of the American people that the imperial German government shall have a monopoly of cruelty and barbarism , in the present conflict. As our eoantry faces it, the thought that no American has thought to degrade himself or his people by the utter- ' ance of a "song of hate" has its consolation. No American wishes harm, for harm's sake,to any German, and, while our people are human, while their passions may be and perhaps will be fired against Germany as the * - M war is prolonged, iney are ior irum indulgence in bitterness now. It is pleasant to know that the people who are our allies are not moved by vengeance, and we delight to reflect i that when the British churchman expressed the hope that Great Britain might refrain from reprisals, though excusable under the customs of war, his expression was characteristic of the British race and of the ideals that it holds. It should be the purpose of Amer, irans, Frenchmen, Italians, Japanese. Britons and Russians not only to compel the German government to obey the laws of nations but to see that it does not drag them down to the acceptance of its practices. Let ? > * nr.-ii? TT __ J u:? .? us nope inai miasm n nuu mo agents, lost though they be to the conventional restraints of honor and decency in war, shall not succeed in making brutes even temporarily of those who battle, not for emperors, but for humanity.? The State. Locals from Dickey Swamp. Salters, R F D, May 21:?Field and garden crops are suffering much from drought. The C E society meeting last night was largely attended bv both members and visitors. There was a feeling of sadness over the approaching departure of the president, Mrs Williams, and the treasurer. Miss Burre88. Mr H H Carter was nominated for president, Mr J L Ferrell vice president and Miss Lulu Montgomery treasurer. Graduating exercises of Mulberry school will take place Friday night, A llio onrl T .nln Mnnt. W11CU H1IB9C9 mile BUU uui u U1VU> ery and Sadie Lewis will receive diplomas. M A Shuler. Esq, of Kingstree will deliver the address. All welcome. The teachers, pupils, patrons and friends of this school enjayed a fish fry on the bank of Black river Saturday. In addition to the feast, the pleasures of the day consisted of autoraobiling, boating and wading. Among those present were: Mesdames E I Montgomery, R D Bradham, Misses Hazel Green, Elouise Hines, Bertha McKnight, Bessie Easier, Sallie Easier, Ida Bradham. Virginia Bradham and Mr Eddie Montgomery. Mr J J Bradham has Durchased an auto. Rev G C Vause will fill Rev Ernest Poston's appointment at St Paul's church Sunday. The public is l invited to hear this able minister. The speed of fighting airplanes has been doubled during the war, while the ascending power of the airplanes has been multiplied ten times. The progess in aviation provoked by the needs of the national defense has given rise to speculation as to what advantages may be derived from it after peace has been restored. Letter and parcel carriers in regions lacking railroad commun ications is one suggestion. Haig doesn't give Hindenberg much time for recreation. The Beauty Secret. Ladies desire that irresi&ible charm?a good complexion. Of course y Vijl they do not wish others f/Z o,r-v( to ^now a heautifier has been used so they t buy a bottle of Magnolia Balm LIQUID FACE POWDER wi<9 use according to simple directions. Improvement is noticed at once. Sootiiinc. cooling and refreshing. Heals Sunburn, stops Tan. Pink. White. Rmr-R-l 75c. at 'Druggiits or by n.uil direct Sample (either color) for 2c. Stamp. Lyon Mfg. Co., 40 South Fifth St., Brooklyn, N.Y. - - " ?? a I WAr so between the ages o have no one depen living, to enlist in Company I, 2d So UNOFFICIALLY KNOWN AS Don't wait to be < now while you can; j June 5, is Your Last Cfi 12 Kingstree Boys Already Be See CONSTANT H. M 1 T70U may be one of f&jfSk) j[ have planned to b this spring. If so, your order immediate Vj&A There is a tremendous fivcpassenger model the factory from all rfllSn it is a foregone con rcggjft production will fall f fW __ f _ 1 .I Bi nen, aiso, rememoer uu materials is steadily becomes more difficul pensive?to secure th brass that are found Right now, you can buj If you delay the mal 10 pay considerably hpcrinnincr if. mav K "*T3?? tj) ? / ? RSgjg* delivery on a Linwcx Stratford "Six-51" seven Fairfield "Six-46" seven Linwood "Six'39" five HreCv Brooklands "Six-51" four Dartmoor "Six-39" a or 3 Limousine "Six-51" seven Sedan MSix'5in seven Sedan "Six-39" five &Ji Town Car "SiX'51" seven kgfc SSfrft Paige-Detroit Motor Ca ? MOTOR SUES.GO., M Clarence Alsbrook, Lo m tm sfTED I iodied Men f 18 and 45 years, who dent upon them for a uth Carolina Infantry 'THE TINM0NSVI11E GUARDS" conscripted. Volunteer ?o with your home boys. iance to Join the Home Boys long to This Company. Enlist Now ILLER, He will enlist you. tijul Cariri/lmmca flli the thousands of people who wjywi ay a Paige Linwood "SiX'39" let us suggest that you place r demand for these beautiful 3. Orders are pouring into ' sections of the country, and jStgTO iclusion that our "Linwood" fewj ir short of the demand. ?vSA it the cost of manufacturing advancing. Each day it It?and consequently more exle steel, aluminum, copper and in a car like the u Lmwood." ra&jra r one of these cars for $1175. vfeSw tter too long,, you may have more. Or, as we said in the f/SE? e impossible to secure early xl at any price. -passenger, $1495 f o.b. Detroit fe&l -passenger, $1375 fob. Detroit -passenger, a b. Detroit -passenger, $1695 f. o. b. Detroit j/rfS -passenger, $1175 fob Detroit -passenger, $2750 f. o. b. Detroit -passenger, $2300 f. o. b Detroit -passenger, $1775 f. a b. Detroit -passenger, $2750 f. o. b. Detroit - m r Company, Detroit, Mich. Sumter, S.C. cal Agt., Kingstree, S. C. ^^^ t i % 1 M Suffer? li /l Airs. J. A. Cox, of Al- t/jj ' L/| derson, W. Va., writes: Lj "My daughter . . . suf- l/ij |/1 fered terribly. She could w\M ( |/| not turn in bed ... the VyJ fc/J doctors gave her up, and Kl L/J we brought her home to lyl ' \/Jk die. She had suffered so W\A mr A mtirh it . lim^_ Hav- w JA Kl lag heard of Cardui, w? Kl wA fotilfor her." fyf CARDUI ^jlbe Womb's Tcnlc^, ^ "In a few days, she be- I / gan to improve," Mrs. f. ( / Cox continues, "and bad / / no trouble at... Cardul / / cured hef, and we stag / y its praises everywhere. / r a We receive many thousands of similar letters / every vear, telling of the / / good Cardui has done for / / women who suffer from / ] y complaints so common to y y their sex. It should do y ^ Sii00"-'00- eT;? ^ iMMl, I Arrival of Passenger Trains at ; Klngstree. The Atlantic Coast Line railroad < has promulgated the following schedule, which became effective Monday May 2y, 191U: North Bound. No 80 - - - 7:25 a m < No 46 - - 11:33 a ra No 78 - - - 6:13 p m South Bound. fNo 83 10:40 a m No 79 - - - 11:03 am No 47 - - - - 6:47 p m 1 No 89 - - - 9:22 p m Daily except Sunday . 4 Stops on signal for Charleston, Savan- 1 nah and Jacksonville passengers. GLASSES! j If you need Glasses, come i to me. Single and double lenses fitted correctly at low- " ?i ?: n^.i l 1__ est prices. oroKen lenses uu* plicated. T. E. BAGGETT, Jeweler | ? Undressed LumberI always have on hand a lot of undressed lumber (board and framing) at <1 my mill near Kingstree. for sale at the . lowest jprice for good material. See or ~ write me for further information, etc. F. H. HODGE, % WHAT IS v i AY.cnc &.MA I LAX-FOS IS AN IMPROVED CASCARA A Digestive Laxative CATHARTIC AND LIVER TONIC Lax-Fos is not a Secret or Patent Medicine but is composed of the following old-fashioned roots and herbs: cascara bark blue flag root rhubarb root black root MAY apple root senna leaves and pepsin In Lax-Fos the Cascara is improved by ihe addition of these digestive ingredi???* woUnoif than ordin&rv CAS cara.and thus the combination acts not I only as a stimulating laxative and cathar- | tic but also as a digestive and liver tonic. I Syrup laxatives are weak, but Lax-Fos combines strength with palatable/ aro- , matic taste and does not gripe or disturb the stomach. One bottle will prove Lax-Fos is invaluable for Constipation, Indigestion or Torpid Liver. Price 50c. For Your Child's Couch. Here's a pleasant cough syrup that every child likes to takes, Dr Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. If your child has a deep hacking cough that worries you give him Dr Bell's PineTar-Honey, the soothing pine balsam relieves the cough, loosens the phlegm and heals the irritated tissues. Get a bottle today at your druggist and start treatment at once. 2oc. Visit Odom & Dennis' Cash Store, at People's Mercantile Co's old stand on Academy street. * V ; . * | Professional Cards. | J MISS EULA HERRING, j K1NGSTREE, S. C. J Trained Nurse, j Prepared to answer emergency calls night or day. 'Phone 115. Dr. D. Zed Rowell^ rv .10 1 lsent&i surgeon i Kelly Buildins; Fir?t Room in Front ] Andrews, South Carolina i DR. 8. CLAUDE McCABE, Dental Surgeon, Office in Hirsch building, orer Kingstree Drug Co's. 8-28-tf. DR. ROBERT J. McCABE, DENTIST, fONGSTREE, , S. C Office in Nexsen Building. 3 doors from Poetoffice. Phone 78. M.D. NESMITH, DENTIST, Lake City, S. C W. L. TAYLOR DENTIST, i Offic* in Ntxscn Baildintf 1 HINGSTREE, - S. C. J 5-21-tf. J I860 191# A. M. SNIDER, SURGEON DENTIST. , Office at Residence, Railroad Avenue. J. DeS. Gilland Attorney *at-Law Second Floor Hiisootc Temple Florence, S. G General practicioner in all State and Federal Courts. BenJ. M'*NNES. M. R.C. V. S. 8. Kater MclNNES. M. D.. V. M. D VETERINARIANS. a One of us will be at Kingstree the Mnn^o? in oonKi mnnth at HpI. er's Stables. 9-28-tf v|v KltlGSTRE?*J Lodge, No. 46 neeta Thursday before full moon each nonth. Visiting brethren are cordially nyited. S P Harper, W m. J D Britton. Sec. 2-27-ly tKlngstree y CAM* NO- 27. %H v'. ijMOLii ?nnm V The Third Mondej* ) Night in eeeh >lj month. Visiting chopper* rot / lially Invited to coma ap end sit on s stump or heng about on th? limb*. P H Stoll, f.M Brown, Clerk. Con. Com Insurance! ' When you want Insurance of any kind, call on us. We write Life Fire Live Stock Plate Glass linnlfk rttiwciii auu ticoiui Bonding a Specialty We are the largest and most experienced agency in Williamsburg county, and are in a position to give you the best service. Kingstree Ins., Real Estate & Loan Co., Agts, PHONE 85, KINOSTDEE, S. C. Pays 25c a Month for Perfect Health For 15 years, E. A. Little, Besscr..er, j Ala. has paid 23c a north to keep in per- ; feet health. Read what he says: "I ifrfiro ts kM my sndArtrmciit of Grange- Liver Regulator. 1 have not qk(1 any other medicine for Mteen yeare, I kr.ow It i? tho beJt for all Urer com; lain:*. and wiil care ary caee of iodigefticn kn<-wn. When I fir?i ctn.ncnced tc taie yoar Granrtr Liver Regulat r th<1 nighty ivcomrwiuled lor sjcjc wj he?da<-he. inaierestion. biuoui.iMO andcll J / stomach and liver conapla:^. our drug- I / gist can supply you?25c a box. : Graster Medicine Co., CiaManoota, Tena. J j i i > .J' a