The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 26, 1917, Image 8

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MR. HASRLDEN COMPLAINS jfj Of the Method of Distributing Seed and ] Working the Roads. I Editor County Record:? Will you please publish a few ^ rambling remarks on different subjects that I think might be for the ^ good of the country. In the first place I want to thank the government for the supply of seed distributed in our storm strick- J ^ en county, which, had it been prop-! erlv handled, would have been a;w great blessing to our community, i b< But it was poorly shared out. In ty /nwilo rrr\t % some cases iwu iu uuc lanmj ^ two shares?father and son. I know : <, this to be the case in two instances. In another, an old blacksmith received one bushel corn, one bushel> M peas and one-half bushel velvet beans fr and he never plants any outside of a tr garden. But that is not the worst, ac One man received seed?one bushel ial corn, one bushel peas and one-half |ac bushel beans. This man, I think, is th worth $15,000.00. In a mile of j b; this man is a widow who farms for of a living and who did not receive a seed. Was this the *vay the gov- j st ernment intended these seed should tli be distributed? I say, No! 1 hi I don't know who is to blame. I to suppose the government employed a man to attend to this business and : la he might have done the best he could, m If he did, put him out and get a bet- sj tea man, for at this time we cannot si afford to have any makeshifts in the tli government's employ. si: I fully endorse President Wilson's n< - - t liL plaD for raising an army ana am j u ready to serve in any place that 1 a] can to make food crops go to the te front. Why, I would do the hum- m blest duty, if it was oDly to hold a ar private's horse. If it broke the m bridle I would grab him by the tail ic if so commanded by my country. I also want to say something about so working our roads. I live on the tr road leading from Hemingway to vi Kingstree. My proposition is this: I w will fix and keep in good condition a n; short section of road near mv house if the neighbors in Hemingway will bring it to my house and the next nearest resident on the road will join in and continue the work to Kingstree. If any and everybody along the road will join me in the ft movement, let us meet and divide ^ the roads and we will have good roads and we can do it before breakfast. Pi Have patience, Mr Editor, just a of few more words and I am tbrough pi for the present. I see in the News and Courier and The County Record complaints from * farmers all over the country about tx larks pulling their corn. Well, I th ? "?* Oftii a marrnntoH npo. L. WCUJW W JVM ? VTWIIMMWV y, ventative. When you plant your Q| corn, about the time you think it is peeping through watch the field. "Get up before the lark." If you tc see the birds have pulled one hill in shell down some corn and when he aj comes back for more he will eat the corn on top of the ground and will not pull a bite. Pulling corn is work and Mr Lark has been associated ai with the white folks so long that he lo will not work if he can make a liv- p ing without it. Well, I will close. I am a poor speller and a bad writer, but I am a good mathematician. I know that tl two and two make four and one and It one make two. Respctfully, t| J P Hasklden. . Hemingway. April 24. ? fl The American steamship Mongolia has the honor of striking the first blow for the United States in this fi war. Thursday it sunk a German C submarine|in British waters. The 4 news has caused great rejoicing. It ? is remarkable that April 19 coramflmnfoJao olon tlio first hlrtrtfiahpH I - in the revolution and the civil war. * o Spring Colds I Are the Worst I They lead to catarrh and J pneumonia. They weaken the c entire system and leave it un- t able to resist the sudden u changes. They interfere with your digestion and lessen your act- ? ivity. Neglected they soon become that dread disease known as systemic catarrh. Don't neglect them. It's costly as well as dangerous. PERUNA * Will Safeguard Yon * Have a box of Peruna Tab- c0 lets with you for the sudden oi cold or exposure. Tone your sys- vc tem irp with a regular course of the el< Slid Peruna, fortify it against m ds. get your digestion up to nor- an mal taka care of yourself, and avoid aE danger. If you are suffering now be- t>i< gin the treatment at once. Give sr Nature the help she needs to throw oa off the catarrhal inflammation, and a| again become well pr Peruna has been helping people ^ for 44 years. Thousands of booses mi rely oo k for coughs, cold and indigestion. It's a good took for the ?. WCu, M WNL tv. fi ij pM11 n. Ta mriBMWw, c C*mkm. CM. ? t-i?ft. ROM ONE SOURCE ONLY fr DID SCOn RECEIVE AID. IFE SAYS AFTER MANY DISAP)INTMENTS HE HAS MET SUCCESS 'tails Interesting?Investment of Six Dollars Brought Greenville Man Great Returns. "The only medicine that ever jlped my husband is Tanlac, and hen he began taking it he had ?en in bad health for about twen-1 -five years and had been doctoring j mself all the time," said Mrs M S ott, of 204 Church St, Sampson, reenville, in a statement she gavej arch 22. "My husban suffered i om kidney, liver and stomachj oubles, and he had spells of stomh trouble so painful that he would j most go wild, and he had head:hes so bad lie could hardly stand j lem. His kidney trouble was very id, and his whole system was out1 order and weakened. "These spells of stomach trouble ' arted like an attack of colic, and j ie pain spread over his back and I ps. He had spells of kidney colic, j o, the doctors told him. "Mr Scott tooksix bottles of Tan- j c, taking the last about eight onths ago. He doesn't have those >ells now,[and he has had only one nee he started taking Tanlac, and lat was the lightest he ever had nee they became severe. He does )t suffer with indigestion now, eiier,and theTanlac gave him a great ^rkPtitp He was relieved of those ^rv..vv. rrible headaches which used to alost drive him crazy. He will tell lybody that Tanlac did him as uch good as did all the other medines he took put together." Tanlac, the master medicine, is >ld by Kingstree Drug Co, Kingsee; Mallard Lumber Co, Greelylle; Farmers' Drug Co, Hemingay; S S Aronson, Lane; R P Hinmt, Suttons; W D Bryan, Bryan. KAISER ASKED TO ABDICATE? ich Is Report-Monarch Turned Pale at the Proposition. Rome,April 24? (Via Paris)?The orriere d'ltalia, the Clerical organ, ?clares that it is able to confirm rejrts, published in the Spanish newsipers.that the immediate following ! the German Emperor is exerting ressure on him to abdicate. The pair says that at a recent meeting of ie Hohenzollern family,one member, )lder than the rest, intimated that _ ie Emperor might save the situation ~ f following the example of Emper' Nicholas. The German monarch is reported > have turned pale,and after observig that the general opinion was gainst him,left the room muttering: "We shall see." The same evening he summoned sother family council. The chancel>r and some of the ministers were resent.but whatever passed remains nknown. Little importance is attached to lis story in Italian political circles, i these quarters it is thought that ie story has a German origin, and i put out with the intention of in uencing opinion. I Just received 1 car Grits, 1 car lay, 1 car Oats, 1 car Flour, 1 cai bra. -19 tf People's Mercantile Co. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury s mercury will surely destroy the sense f smell and completely derange the 'hole system when entering it through le mucous surfaces. Such articles should ever be used except on prescriptions i -om reputable physicians, as the damage I hey will do is ten fold to the good you ! an possibly derive from them. Hall's j atarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. heney & Co.. Toledo. O., contains no lercury, and is taken internally, acting irectly upon the blood and mucous surices of the system. In buying Hall's atarrh Cure be sure you get the genule. It is taken internally and made in Oledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Tesmonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price 75c per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Registration Notice. The office of the Supervisor of Re*tration will be open on the Is1 Mop h ly in each month for the purpose o gistering any persoD who is quali id a> follows: *ar i -i?11 L. t - I vr uu suau uavc urru a rwiucut e State for two years, and of th iunty one year,and of the polling pre net in which the elector offers t< ite four months before the day o eotion, and shall have paid, si ontbs before, any poll tax then do id payable and wbo can both res id write any section of the constiti on of 1896 submitted to him by tl ipervisors of Registration, or wh n show that he owns, and has pa I taxes collectible on during tl* esent year pioperty in this Stat< sessed at three hundred dollars ? ore. 8 E Clarkson, If-re ? To Care a Cold In One Day ike LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stopa thi ugh and Headache and worka off the Cold urgista refund money if it faila to cure. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 25c. """ The Best f , I r ' ' ?_1 The Best Peopled Phone 58, 1 jp ?~~~zii iw 4 gfc ^s^SHQ] i Dainty pumps for dres party, dance or indoor stock for women is diversified than ever don't see the kind you ^ PEOPLES' MERCAN Hampton Ave., - - - r s m ag Hats! Ha A big lot of Ladies' and Childr A lot of Men's and Boys' Straw ] everyday use. Slippers! Slipp< New line of Ladies' and Gen .1 /% i i prices have not greatly anectea. A Large Line of C B. F. PA At R. R. Crossing, ? Corset Ma KABO CC The Live Model lack Lac*. Up to t 522 c We have bee elusive agents b celebrated KAE for a number of it has always gi satisfaction. W< thousands of 1 recommend it as best on the mar Shoes Ma i KING QUALITY S Are the best Shoes made one who has once worn tl tell you that this is true, style and durability. Wh quire? It will pay you mi high-class Shoe than son: article that will not stand time to take changes. 5 Mercai s occasions, lawn f wear. Our shoe m larger and more before. If you vant, ask for them. Tlli COMPANY, [( ts! Hats! en's Hats in various styles. Bats and Caps for dress and ers! Slippers! ts' Slippers that the high Hoice Groceries! p . 1 Kingstree, S. C. ide for tt >RSET Corset ' Front Laci in the exere for the !0 Corsets ! years and iven entire j have sold them and one of the ket. de For th HOES FOR HEN +l> A mtr nic inviicjr. n.nj ie King Quality will They combine ease, at more can you reach better to buy this ie apparently cheaper the test. This is no itile Cc Kings How many ton?200 HOW many pounds of to a ton? If you ? are getting about 1 about one-fourth lint whi If you are buying LIP you are getting 2000 full froci lint and are practical them and see how much Other a Cost much less per ton than ol style hulls. Allow better assimilation of othc food. I Mr. W. C. Otomna. Chorion feeds thirty cows. He cheapest feed and gets 0 Ts secure the best results and to <i thoroughly twelve hoars befc wetting then down night and mora this (snoot be dooe, wet down a feed the bdis dry, use only half a Book of Mi Gives the right formula for ev South. Telia how much to fee tening, for work. Describes B tang them properly. Send foe Devt. r The Backeyt At lamia Birmawkam C A ^ s - ? t. AlfflM vAOfiOfTV #1 ^ vw m nwr^ n r UUK BIU ar hrice-a-Week New Yor he County Record outhern Ruralist, twice Total ur price for the three p le Money! I?B. " ie Money >mpany tree, S. C. ^ " / 1 pounds to a 0 or 1500? ' real roughage are you getting ire buying old style hulls you 500 pounds because they are , ch has no food value. < AM MMM *EYF rONSCED 9 I ILLS \ mass pounds because they are free lly 100 percent roughage. Try farther they go. Advantages d No trash or dust. Sacked?easy to handle. i They mix well with other far* age. N. C. considers Buckeye Hulls the \e best results. lerelop the ensilage odor, wet the htJb ire feeding. It is easy to do this by inf for the next feeding. If at any time I least thirty minutes. If yoa prefer to s nmch by balk as of old style baQs. xed Feeds Free cry combination of feeds used in the d for maintenance, for milk, for fstuck eye Hulls and gives directions for your copy to the nearest mill. s Cotton Oil Co. d**. c rmmtmmd Lktlm Rock Mompkio %cksom Miacom 5cAmi 'ECIAL OFFER , k World $ 1.25 A 1.00 a month .5 <f 2.75 . apers $ 2.00 .j