The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 26, 1917, Image 5

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* r =i What You Need. | Pretty line Spring Goods, : Dress Goods,Ginghams, Percals and Domestics, all at very reasonable prices. Come and see. A beautiful line of Val Laces in match sets, 5c and 10c the yard. [? Real Linen Tor<-hon Laces, match sets, vi i\ Oc. |\ An immense .iue of Lace * J ? aL/M/1/% A^ tV> A ]At Drams, yuur cnuivc vi ivi< only 3c. We defy competition to meet our prices on Negligee Shirts, 50c, 75c and $1.00. Men's Overcoats,and cheap Work Pants $1.00 to $1.50 the pair. The oniy place in town where you can get Bates' Fast-Colored Ginghams at 15c yd. Splendid line Ging hams at 10c yard. Cream and Black Serge Wove 75c to $1.00 the yard. Dainty Embroideries 5c, 10c and 15c the yard. Em broidery! Flouncings 45 in. wide at 60c and 75c. W. E. JENKINSON |j 10C4LH wis M , Mr E C Burgess was in Charleston last week. Mr D I Wilson of Rome visited Georgetown Thursday. Miss Marie Nelson is visiting Mrs T S Richbourg at Dillon. Mrs W T Brazzell of Hemingway has been visiting in Sumter. M- u tr lonrW visitpd his friend. !mi ii in iktiivv . ^ir J J Brand,at Florence this week.' | Mrs C A McCrea of Lake City spent J Ihe week-end here with her sister, i Irs R J Burgess. V Miss Royall Peak, teacher of Boyd j school, was the guest of Mrs P G Gourdin Saturday. v/Miss Miriam Fluitt of Columbia ' spent the first of this week with friends and relatives here. Mrs R B Hughes of Denmark is spending some days with Mrs R K Wallace at 301 Nelson street. Mrs A F Mcintosh has returned to her home in Weldcn, N C, after a pleasant visit to relatives here. Rev B F Allen ofElloree preached j two very able sermons at the First j Baptist church last Sunday, morning and night. ^"Rosebud" failed to sign any other name to "items from Warsaw," consequently we could not print the | same in The Record. Dr John G Clinkscales of Wofford college preached a strong sermon in the Methodist church here Sunday morning and at Lake City at night. m I * K> wn?i iu WILL HAN iFNfoUJOIN 01 CHRISTMA t BANKir f _ Clue I Come in and get a "Chr I FREE and join the club. By creasing your weekly deposit have $127.50 in 50 weeks. In 50 weeks: l-cent club 2-cent club \ 5-cent club \ 10-cent club You can put In $1.00 or $2 . in 50 weeks have $50 or $IC You can start 1 * BANK OF WJ KINGSTREE I Dr W C Hemingway, senior member of the firm of W C Hemingway & Co of Hemingway, was in town today. i Mr N D Lesesne, who has been ! confined to his home for about a week, is convalescing and hopes soon to be back at his post in the Bank of Kingstree. The Mission Study class of the 1 Presbyterian churcti met at the home , of Mrs L C Dove Tuesday afternoon j and held a very instructive and eni joyable session. Three young men from the Greei lyville section have recently enlisted | in the U S naval service. They are: J Pressley Brunson, Edwin Clary and j Robert Barfield. I The annual dinner to the Confederate veterans of the county will be given under the auspices of the Daughters of the Confederacy Memorial day, May 10. Miss Ruby Thorn, who will graduate from St Mary's school, Raleigh, at tne appruHciiujn luiiiiiicn^cuicui., has won the senior debate and been appointed class poetess. The court of common pleas will I convene here Monday, Judge RW Memminger on the bench. About 12 or 15 cases are to be heard. Miss Jennie Lee Stackley of Bennettsville visited her parents, Mr and Mrs Louis Stackley. this week. She made the trip here by auto with Rev and Mrs D A Phillips. Miss Martha Gourdin and Mr P F Wolff, both of Kingstree, were married in Trinity Episcopal church, Columbia, Wednesday of last week by the rector. Rev K G Finlay. The Andrews Building & Loan association. recently incorporated, has mnJa Inono nf 459 nnn Thp aucauv IIIQUU luauo UA Vvwtvvv. ?..V demand for houses in that town considerably exceeds the supply. All employes of the Gulf Oil Refining company. of which Mr J C Kelley is the local representative, will hereafter be triven a bonus equal to 10% of their salaries. Mrs E L Montgomery of Cowards entertained delightfully a few days ago in honor of Miss Metta Gulley, a bride-elect. She was assisted by Miss Olive Montgomery of Kingstree. Mr Wm H Campbell, formerly of Williamsburg and once a candidate for Sheriff of this county, died at a Columbia hospital April 10 and was buried at Greelyville the following Thursday. The stork got busy again last Sunday and paid a visit to the home of Mr and Mrs P H Stoll. where he left1 a darling little black-haired girl,! much to the delight of Masters Phil- j in ?nrl Victor. Mr E Julien Pendergrass.a native of Kingstree and a brother of Mrs Louis Stackley, was [elected a Commissioner of Florence Tuesday. He led his ticket,receiving 435 votes out of a total poll of 699. Mr Charles Tucker motored to Columbia Tuesday morning, accompa- j nied by Mrs David Silverman, Miss Ethel Silverman of Atlanta, Ga, and Mr Dave Lester, going via Manning, Sumter and Darlington. istmas banking uiud dook ' depositing 10 cents and in: 10 cents each week, you will pays $ 12.75 pays $ 25.50 v pays $ 63.75 pays $127.50 .00 or $5.00 each week and >0 or $250. rODAY-START! 1LL1AMSBURG S. G Mr W G Mazyck did not fill his usual appointment at the Episcopal church here April 15, officiating at Lake City instead. He has announced that he will conduct services here next Sunday at the usual hours. The motor boat Mary Lee Swann,! Capt Conrad Constine in command, j left Kingstree this morning: for a cruise in upper Black river. The Swann will call at all landings as far up as Martin's and Brewington lakes. At the recent meeting at Sardinia Miss Maude Logan of Kingstree rei ceived the appointment of secretary of literature for Harmony presbyterial and Mrs J F Cooper of Indiantown was elected county vice presiI dent. Tuesday evening, prior to theopenj ing of theevange isticservices at the i Presbyterian church Wednesday.May : 2, Mr Jas W Jelk. musical director, with Rev J Ernest Thacker.will hold j a song service in the church, at which everyone who possibly can do so is requested to be present. The Ladies' Missionary society of j the Presbyterian church held its ! regular monthly meeting yesterday i afternoon at the church. In addition I to routine business, interesting pa pers were read by Mrs C H Singleton on missions and by Miss Maude Logan on the literature of the Presbyterian church. Mrs Fred Wolff, a bride of this month, was charmingly entertained yesterday afternoon with a miscellaneous shower given by Mesdames | W I Nexsen, C D Jacobs and T E , Arrowsmith and Miss Florence Ja- ( cobs at the home of the latter on , West Main street. The bride's popularity was attested by the numerous gifts received and the large concourse of friends present. The current issue of the Sundayschool Reporter states that there are < 21 banner schools in the State, 3 of which are in this county?the Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday- ; schools of Kingstree and Greelyville Presbyterian Sunday-school. Williamsburg is one of the counties hav- i ing paid us piea^e 10 trie aiaie as- 1 . sociation in full. | The meeting of the Kingstree | Home Demonstaation club for April 1 ; was one of interest and instructiveness. Miss Mamie Jacobs, the newly elected president, presided and also demonstrated the cooking and serv! ing of a new supper dish. She was 1 j assisted in demonstrating by Mrs W ; N Jacobs, Suggestions in cooking ; and serving meats and fish were given by Miss Maude Logan. With Our Advertisers. 1 If you want to make your dollar ! go a long way call on C Tucker. R W Lewis has a change of ad in 1 this paper?"An Appreciation." Queen Quality Shoes for ladies at 1 the Kingstree Dry Goods Co. See ad. The Silverman Department Store 1 is offering ladies' coat suits, dresses 1 and trimmed hats at greatly reduced 1 prices while the stock lasts. Have you started your Christmas savings account at the Bank of Williamsburg? If not. start today by making a small deposit. Watch for weekly ad in The Record. ( This paper carries a page ad by 1 The Southeastern Life Insurance Co 1 which conclusively proves the stabil- 1 ity as well as the increasing popu- j larity of this great State corporation. The Farmers and Merchants Bank of Lake City, one of the livest banking institutions in Eastern South Carolina, has adopted the "Reciprocity" plan and offers every possible assistance in this time of crisis to those who would help the government and show a disposition to do something for themselves as well. Note change of ad in this paper by M H Jacobs. Dr R A Brown, optometrist, will be at the drug store of Drs Gamble &JJacobs on May 1. Attention is called to the new ad in this paper by Messrs Odom & Dennis, propriertors of the Cash Store. Visit Odom & Dennis' Cash Store, at People's Mercantile Co's old stand on Academy street. Parent-Teacher Association. The last meeting of the ParentTeacher association for this session will be held in the school auditorium Monday,May 7,at 5 p. m. Following is the programme: Music Miss Barbee "Domestic Science in the School" Mrs A C Swails Discussion thereof Miss Edwards , ?' I-" Just received 1 car Grits, 1 car Hay, 1 car Oats, 1 car Flour, 1 car Corn. 4-19-tf People's Mercantile Co. Dr R J McCabe, dentist, will be at his Andrews office on Thursday,April 26, to remain one week. 4-19-2t. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Heed Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAX A- ( TIVE BROMO QUININE is better then ordinary Quinine and does not canse nervousness nor 1 ringine in bead. Remember the full name and | look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c. Estimable Lady Called to Her Reward. * Miss Sue M Price, daughter of i the late Rev E H Price, died on Saturday evening at the home of Mrs W H Price on Highmarket street. Miss Price was about 59 >ears of age, and the only surviving member of her immediate family, her father; and onlv brother. Mr W H Price,j having Dassed away some years ago., Miss Price had taught in the pub-1 lie schools of this and other counties of the State since she was 16 years of age. The past school year she j taught the Mculary school, near Kural Hall, and had only closed her school about three weeks age. She was taken ill on Monday afternoon and gradually grew near the end, which came on Saturday at 7:20. The body was taken to Union church and laid to rest by the side of her father and brother, Rev P A Mur-1 ray performing the last sad rites in i of many friends and} relatives of the family. The pall j hearers were Messrs Marvin M Thomas, W H Thomas. J B Hemingway, Willie Hemingway, A F McDonald, McG Carraway. The deceased lady leaves two nieces and three nephews to feel very deeply the loss of a devoted aunt, and many friends in Gesrgef-oa.-n WilUnmsshiiro' Marion and other counties, where she has taught at various times, will regret her I passing ? Georqetoicn Times. To Close Stores Early. The following Kingstree merchants have signed an agreement to close their stores at 6:30 p. m. every day except Saturday,from May 1 to September 1: M H Jacobs, L S Dennis, People's Mercantile Co, Scott-Logan Co,King Hdwe Co, J M Brown, Kingstree Hdwe Co, R W Lewis, S Marcus, Kingstree Dry Goods Co, Mcintosh &Alsbrook.C Tucker,J Motte McGill, Farmers' Supply Co, Williamsburg Hdw'Co, B F Patrick, D Silverman, and W E Jenkinson. Visit CMom & Dennis' Cash Store, at People's Mercantile Co's old stand on Academy street. under tne new law now in eneci, a permit from the Probate Judge must be obtained by anyone desiring to order liquor. To accommodate these persons,Judge P MBrockinton will be in his office at the court louse every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday until further notice. SPECIAL NOTICES Tomato Plants for Sale-I have about 50,000 fine tomato plants for sale ? cheap; Stone variety. II A miller, = Kinestree, 3 <\ For Sale?Small bay mare, perfectly gentle and desirable as driving horse for ladies. Special price to quick buyer. Apply to Dr C D Jacobs, Kingstree, S C. 4-26-tf W R Sanders will be in Kingstree between the 1st and 15th of May, 1917, for the purpose of buying Hogs, Sheep **1" A MftAriA Kctrinrr Kn/ra okrmlH auu vattic, niivviic uadit^ 4uuvuiv* put them up and feed on corn in order to get best prices. See either F W Fairy or C W Baker. 4-5-tf For Rent? 8-room flat on Main St Apply to Dr R J McCabe. 3-15-tf For Sale or Rent?Valuable tract of land, mile and a quarter north of Kingstree, known as the Fulton tract, containing 78 acres, 45 cleared and in good state of cultivation. Apply to R H Kellahan's Executors, Kingstree, S C. 2-1-tf FOR SALE I have an extra nice mare, j sound and gentle for any one to handle; will work anywhere that is intended for a horse to work; , heavy enough to do any kind of J , work and nice enough to drive to any man's buggy or carriage, j and brings splendid colts. Will % sell her cheap for cash, or trade j 1 her for lumber. ' x Chas H Singleton, ; 4-26 Kings u-ee, S C. Junk Wanted. >( All kinds?scrap iron, old metal and rags. ? Bring them to a Kingstree Junk Company Kings tree, S. C. Teachers Examination ' The annual examination of applicants for teachers' certificates will be held at the court house in Kiugstree Saturday, May 5, beginning at 9 a. m. J G McCullough, 4-26*2t Co Supt Education. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's ? The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a , General Ton:c because it contains the well known tonic properties of Q QININB and IRON. It acts on the Live::, Drives ' oat Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. rv j on UQiomuL; THE CASH ! Headquarters Heavy Groceries, Flo Grits, Meat. Corn, .*. Rice, .\ Hay, Cair of Corn Just Our stock of canned goods will always be fo Your Patronag'e Phone 120. Academ L,. S. DENNIS, M WE SHALL HAVE 1 R. A. BR< Our Regular Optometrist He has been visiting our store for mc every three months, representing the < Bv sDecial arrangement we are jrlad tc future he will make his visits about ev< We take pleasure in offering his serv customers and giving his work our per See him on above date if you need g of any kind. He will be glad to examine your eye; advise you as to your eye needs. Gamble & Kingstree, ? IraOTECIWJRl I BY THE JOJVEKSOFACHK A MAN cf family has a big responsibility n serve 1he m orals and education of his \ must sje to it that THEY SHALT. NO er way of helping his dear ones than by addin] t will provide against sickness and misfortr SHOULD HAVE A BAN] BANK OF KIN< ?<? ?4*??>f>?4*?4*?4???4*?4 \ $ ! In Apprecia i Ml . ~~ *Xi * appreciate your busin J | be well worth while to pi ? . Groceries here. I presc 4 g* satisfaction I 9 \ S The Cleanest Sto: t w The Best Go* Sv I The San JLl R. W. LE "Good TKings t Academy Street ^? ? ?>f*?"f*? ? ?*|* "f*?"f*?*f* ? I ?? ? A ennis STORE. ???????? for ur, Meal <&c. \ J Stock Feed Received and pickled und complete Solicited. y and Mill Sts. ianager. MAY 1 I WITH US DWN, 'k and Optician. i?P/?C? j >re than a year, about j. L. Hall Optical Co. > announce that in the iry six weeks. ices to our friends and sonal guarantee. lasses or optical work .i > without charge and Jacobs >. c. iSMnylj X BOOK f i y. He not only must con* wife and loved ones, but he T WANT. Is there a bet* I to his BANK ACCOUNT ?, ine. Every man of family. K ACCOUNT. 3STREE. e??*?*??*f*?41?4! ition. % f iff ess. It will I irenase your | int for vour i 4* 22 1 <rr> 41 f j ods k t 15 le Prices <jji i WIS I o Eat" Phone 143 t *y* 4* 4* *y 4* 1