The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, April 05, 1917, Image 3

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\ *; DROPS HOE FOR CVN. j <! Newark, N J, March -30:? f ( > Andrew Miller, a young farm- T < > er who is <yi his way ted ay to ? ?> join the United Stales marines . ( > A m at Charleston, S C, walked 25 | -i * miles to enlist because -he had J <? no money and was too proud 1 <! to bee a ride. * I \\ "I want to fight," rhe told | L < > the recruiting officer. *'I was f K < I working in a field when a fel- 4 {I low came along and -said the | I ' Germans had declared war on <* TTnif^ Qt otoo onH warp if IIJC U11KCU UVMW0 WXV. ..v.? yy IJ bombarding New Yoiik city. I < > dropped my hoe and didn't < > even wait to get the money 1 ^ \ that was coming to me. I ^ < * don't need a uniform: all I il want is a gun." V < 4 + ? ? ? . Undressed Lumber 1 always have on hand a iot of undressed lumber (board and framing) at my mill near Kinerstree for sale at the towest price for good material. See or write me for further information, etc. F. H. HODGE. lit J J1S 11 ( SI IPi ?1 * K ^ B. ??? Th t m *8 Y? i Yo I H ? m r ? r - Lake City Wants Waterworks. < | The live business?en of Lake City:;* 'are considering: the establishment of; a system of waterworks for that bus* ; town. There is some oppo ition to j the enterprise by tfriose who consider only the cost, but they are fast | coming over when the matter is pre- j ! sented to them felly, showing Che saving that would be effected Rot only in money but an health from the 1 | use of water lree from contanrina- | j tion. In the matter of the real hard<rash j proposition. Lake City h>.s now a }> ?-1 ; sic insurance rate on business risks j of $1.50 and equally ?s high on res i : J -"-J iimnartt' il.f f hf> 1 1 lUfin. tr auu [A iduuoi v,i> ? .? . ! town had a system of waterworks that would give anampie supply for 'fighting fires.the base rate would be only 95 cents p.'r hundred or. uK the ! i property upon which that ra?e is | paid. j As the system could be put i* for | : not over $40,000,according to an experienced engineer, tne debt being W" ^nii %fuz Most Beaut rHIS new Paige Linv months since it was a tion remarkable even ro/?rkf/^e (r\T 11 ycdi couiuiioxi i^wiuo u is new Paige Linwood is easily sold and the most moderate'price motor car < its reception and achievemi u will find the explanatio: Linwood?in the beauty cious roominess, in the e feature that go to make up u will find the explanatk jl responsiveness of the mote ease and security and pleas ie five ^passenger Linwood Paiges, designed by the sai high-grade materials and i Stratford "Six-51" sevep-passe Fairfield "Six-46" seven-passe Linwood "Six'39" five-passe Brooklands "SiX'51" four-passe Dartmoor "Six-39" a or 3-passe Limousine "Six-51" seven-passe Sedan "Six-51" seven-passe: Sedan "Six^" five-passe tmim Cat "si*'? t" seven-Dasse: Paige-Detroit Motor Car < Motor Sal Sumter, S< parried by bonds bearing 4 inter-'" est, an annua! charge of "$1,600. A petition calling for ?n election on the ques>i<>n of issuing such boi.dsi* in circulation. As there is some j i $250,000 insurance carried in Lake City, a saving would be effected that would pay the bonds. Besides, the health and comfort of the community would be greatly enhanced,especially if the proposed municipal sewerage plant also fcecome 'a reality. Sickness is a heavier tax than one imagines, and the records show that pure water and ?eweiage do save j doctor bills. Then, too, Lake city would be a much more pleating and popular town, and if she get the court house; she is after, these things will he a necessity. j Another matter that is to l>e con-, sidered is that much property isnow;1 lost by fire that could be saved, soj that in every way the proposition is! j inviting. ^ >igmBBaBP?aapgggii ill |ii| B ill; 1 h ifulCar injlmerica jood "Six'39"?in the mnounced?has won a dii N for Paige Cars, which year istantaneous popularity. OO fKo tfJJ.Cd.Uy lCCUglUU^U OO tm. : eagerly bought five'pasa Dn the market That has mt in three months. n for this?when you se< of line and design, in the legance and comfort of < luxurious motoring. )n for this in the power >r, in the ease of control, ii ure of driving the Linwoo is a blood'brother of the me engineers, built of the same painstaking workmar nger ' $1495 f. o. b. Detroit nger ? $1375 f. o. b. Detroit nger * $1175 f. o. b. Detroit nger .$1695 f. o. b. Detroit nger * $1175 f. o. b. Detroit nger ' $1750 f. o. b. Detroit nger $2300 f. 0. b. Detroit nger ' $1775 f- o. b. Detroit nger ' $2750 f. o. b. Detroit Company, Detroit, Michigar es Company outh Carolina. r;^. jj* NO ALCOHOL I a. I PREVENTS nr I "* Colds, LaGrippe, Rheumatism tir ? iir A pleasant but effective emulsion, which j rebuilds th>; tissues, revives the system, adds strengi h and stimulates the nervous ( ^ system. It las absolutely no olcohol. and is > In every sersc a tcnic. ly 9LOO PER BOTTLE. _ to Ask Your Druggist Ctl Manu fadured Solely by Tha Ferrol Company I 2-15-tSt Columbia, S. C. HI Piles Cured In o to M Days ^ Tour druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT [ails to cure any case of Itchisc, HI Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days Pbe first application gives Fase and Rest. 50a 1 tijta t< lm u - as 1! ? ii H * fH - Pll I" 3 tine- I ^^3 most :ngei |||j been ||S, e the sm, fcsSa :vefy 5^ h&i and i the 4 IM<> Big 1^1 same ? jflj SI (m XmA $si ? Ms M ? fel 5ST jrV .V*. , i n WS&mkii ( Mother Praises I That Reli Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is a Dependable Family Laxative. Nearly all the sickness incident to; baby's life is due to constipation, inaction of the bowels. At the st indication of irregularity in this lportant function, relief should he forded promptly. A mild laxa,*e should be administered to gentcarry off the congested waste and ive tne stomacn aim ooweis iree perform their alloted tasks. Of the various remedies recomended to relieve constipation, the mbination of simple laxative herhs ith pepsin, as prescribed by Dr W Caldwell and sold in drug stores ider the name of Dr Caldwell's irrup Pepsin, is the most effective. contains no opiate or narcotic rug, is pleasant to the taste, mild * id gentle in action, and quickly a rings the desired relief in an easy, ltural manner. Mrs C J Douglas, Mason, III, rites that she cannot say enough i praise of Dr Caldwell's Syrup epsin as a dependable family lax tive. Little Mary Eya had been adly constipated until they tried >r Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which rought the first natural relief the hild had had in two weeks. f The Negro Migration North. The statement made before the Usiness Men's Organization that 50.000 negroes have left the South )' ~,me North within a year, and iat Newark has received 10,000 of lem and New York 25,000 calls atmtion to the economical and social roblems created by this new aspect f domestic immigration. In effect, a negro population equal ) one-fifth of that of Virginia, or, rorn another point of view, the equi- j nlnnt ^ t f U i?/irt hmnn V., v nnfiro . ^ aicut ui tui cc tinier uic cunic hite and black population of an j' nportant Southern city as Mobile, j 8 as suddenly abandoned its old home ! 8 >r a hazard of new fortunes in a ^ idically different environment far way in the North. That its abrupt jmoval necessarily affects industrial.1 Nations there and here is obvious, j ; is, moreover, not merely a casual;1 ligration. The movement has be- 8 jme continuous and is gaining a t lomentum which may largely in- r rease the North's new negro popu- t ition during the current year be- i ^ ond these figures. It is bound both to influence in- j \ ustrial conditions in the South by j le withdrawal of this form of labor, c Williamsbu Annual F Thursday and Frlda; PROGR^ Thursi 8:00 p. m.?High School Orator Fridi 10:00 a. m.?All Mental Conte Recitation. 11:30 a. m.?Declamation and Ri ary grades. 1:00 p. m.?Parade from Sell Square. On reacliinji schools will line up oi the United States flag ner and receive a she the Mayor of Kingsti 1:30 to 2:45 p. m.? Punch. 2:45 p. m.?Athletic Events. 8:00 p. m.?Announcement of ] Oratorical This will take place in the immediately after the other conti may enter a boy and a girl fron selection may be over five minul ATHLETIC ( Boys* Contests 100-yard dash 220-yard dash 440-yard run Pole vault Broad jump Elementary 50-yard dash 1 100-yard dash ] 220-yard dash ] 440-yard run j High jump Girli Apple ra 50-yard c Baseball s . * 1 ) Remedy eved Her Baby# v^^jEvaDou^l^/ ^ ^ Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is old in drug stores everywhere nd costs only fifty cents a bottle. avoid imitations and ineffectve substitutes be sure to ask for Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. See that , facsimile of Dr Caldwell's signaure and his portrait appear on the rellow carton in which the bottle ie jacked. A trial bottle, free of charge, can >e obtained by writing to Dr W B Caldwell, 455 Washington St, Monti:ello, Illinois. ind in the North by adding to the loating supply. It will presumably ireate problems, but that one af hem, as respects the addition to ^ew York's population of 25,000 legroes, will be the need of charitible provision is hardly worth wor ying about. New York's capacity or assimilating immigration may be ixpected to prove equal to tms new lemand put upon jt. What is happening is merely the ransfor of a bulk of willing and ictive labor, competent within its ines, to a new market. That it will id just itself to the novel conditions md prove self-supporting is rationilly to be expected.?Neto York World. 'enirat Hulls Vs Cottonseed Hulls Ground peanut hulls have been ised for adulterating mixed feed and ire also being sold separate as a dairy eed. In feed value they rank a litle higher than cottonseed hulls. A lumber of farmers who have used he peanut hulls, report that they ike it better than the cottonseed mils. When the ground peanut hulls an be secured at a reasonaoie cost here is no objection to using them n dairy cow sections in place of the :otton8eed hulls. irg County ield Day y, April 12 and 13 <? 1 r LMME Jay ical and Expression Contests. ? ay sts except Declamation and ecitation Coutest for Elementiool Grounds to Courthouse ? the courthouse the several i west side of building, salute , sing the Star-Spangled Ban>rt address of welcome from ree. Honors and A wardingof Prizes Contests school auditorium at 11:30, ?sts are through. Each school 1 the elementary grades. No :es. CONTESTS -High School 220-yard low hurdle Half-mile relay Shot put High jump Baseball throw Schools [20-yard low hurdle 3road jump Half-mile relay Baseball throw a v ice lash throw . S