The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, March 15, 1917, Image 8

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(County Srnirii PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT lutujBtrer, - &. GL ORIGINALLY ??TA?USHED 1885 Guaranteed Circulation ADVERTISING RATE CARD Run of paper, per inch, per ins,.,15c ^ Locals, ltlme, pel* line,-. Tc r- Locals, yearly contract, monthly changes, per line, per time 4c Special or "Want" ads lc a word, minimum 25c. Above rate per inch is for plate matter. Composition on display advertising 5 cents net per inch extra. Special positions 10 to 20% extra. Eight pages; six columns. Length of columns 19% inches, 13 pica - , * , ems wide. THE COUNTY RECORD is represented for foreign advertis?< ing by the American Press Association, general offices at New York and Chicago. '* THE RECORD'S SURVEY. Events Throughout the Stale ^ anfl Elsewhere. The Pee Dee fair will be held at Florence November 6-9. A State Anti-Tuberculosis association was organized in Columbia on Tuesday. (I. * The children of Orangeburg collected 50,000 tin cans on "clean-up" day last week. Adolphus W Green, president of the National Biscuit company, died last week, aged 74. j Rev W T Derieux of Greenville -orgwiffd a new Baptist church at Mt Pleasant Sunday. A company has boon commissioned ^ith $200,000 capital to establish a cotton mill at Cheraw. Daniel C Koper of McCollhasbeen appointed a member of the tariff board by President Wilson. Prospects for an early completion of the electric road between Spartanburg and Atlanta are very bright. Congressman J W Ragsdale will address the Irish-American society at Scranton, Pa, Satuday, St Patrick's Day. A W Fite of Cartersville, Ga, a former judge of the superior court, has been indicted for violation of the prohibition law. Rev Dr Furman H Martin, pastor of the First Baptist church of Florence, is conducting a very successful revival at Shandon. Florence will re-mark its streets with perforated signs, supplanting the old tin markers,which have long since become illegible. Roy Terrill, a Citadel graduate of the class of 1897, has been elected . vice president of the Gulf Coast it/t Lines, with headquarters in New Orleans. David Risley, a native of Georgetown, died in Philadelphia Thursday. He was widely known in publishing circles and in the development of New Jersey seaside resorts. The Governor has reappointed E W Durant, of Georgetown; T H Rainsford, of Edgefield, and Dr A H Williams, of Lake City, as members of the State Board of Fisheries. Tomoa w fiornrd rppalled ambas UUU1VO If - sador of the United States to Germany, with his party of about fifty people arrived in Charleston Tuesday and left on A C L train 86 for Washington. This is a great week in Columbia. The automobile show opened yesterday, the State Teachers' association convenes today and the Second South Carolina regiment will return from the border Saturday. * Varnville was swept by the most destructive fire in its history Saturday, causing a los3 of $75,000. The plucky victims have determined to rebuild, erecting brick structures in place of the frame buildings burnt. The Wesley Bible Class federation of South Carolina Methodist conference will meet at Columbia March 28-30. Prof 0 M Mitchell is executive committeeman from Kingstree district and Senator R D Epps from Sumter, The French Government has awarded a contract to the British-American Tobacco company for 7,000,000,000 cigarettes, to be used by her soldiers. The order, which is considered the largest ever let by a foreign government, will be placed with Petersburg and Richmond factories. Bn+ick noofonaners fall of XJI IblOll UV TT UpMf/V W ?*?V a?.. Bagdad of even greater significance for the effect it is exDected to have on German arms than for its value in restoring British prestige in the eyes of the Mohamedan world. With the capture the terminus of the Berlin to Bagdad railroad is taken from German domination. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It st ?ps th< Cough and Headache and tvurLs off the CciJ Druegists reload money if it fails to cu~c E. W. GftOVE'S signature on each box. 25c. * ... . CONVICTED MEN I HEAR SENTENCES FINE AND IMPRISONMENT FOR 1 GERMAN SAILORS. TAKEN TO CHARLESTON, Florence, March 10?Ei^et officers ,l. r> l:? tt ui me uermaii SLeaiiiMnp juiucuicia, sentenced here today to serve a yeBr ' in the federal penitentiary in Atlanta * for sinking the ship in Charleston ( harbor shortly after the United 8 States broke off diplomatic relations v with Germany, tonight were started 1 for Charleston in custody of the 1 United States marshal. The men after conviction yester- ^ day before Judge Smith, were held by federal deputy marshals while ef- 1 forts were made to furnish $6,000 bond for each, that amount being set ;l by Judge Smith when the defendants ^ gave notice of appeal. The bond was not furnished today. It was expect- 0 ed that arrangements for the bail is would be completed after the prison- c ers reached Charleston. J' The men were sentenced this morn- ^ I ing to pay a fine of $500 each and H ! oosts and one vear in federal Drison ^ in Atlanta, Ga. ^ The convicted men are: Johann P Lubken, chief officer; George Sunke1, third officer; Jonas Edward Jansen, chief engineer; Heinrich Wattenberg, ^ assistant engineer; Johann Wilhelm ^ 1 ? . , ?j Buse, second assistant engineer; Moritz von Thulen, third assistant f engineer; August Neuse,fourth assist- ^ ant engineer; Wilhelm Schwarting, ^ machinist. All are Germans except * Jansen, who is a Dane. tf ? f b Botel Nut Chtwtrt. n i Writing of the disgusting betel t( chewing habit, the United States b ' consul at Siam 6ays: "The green ^ leaf of the betel pepper, smeared n | with red lime; tobacco, catechu and ' the areca nut make up the material a : used in betel chewing. This habit is quite universal among the Siamese, especially among the women. Siam does not produce enough betel ^ nut for home consumption, but imports from India, Singapore and j Java annually about 5,000,000 j pounds." ^ iBH OTTNG ueoDle. this is meant for y I now for the "rainy day," when your pennies now. WORK, IAVE! This picture may change EARNEST THOUGHT for just five on it. Suppose you RESOLVE to be DO THIS. Then? OPEN AN ACCOl BANK OF K I , ' i 'f* 'j* ^ f TL _ OfoJ ine^ T Friends and You are invited to drop into the s1 ing and give us a chance to meet yo You will find our store neat and cl any in town?if not more so. Thep 4a stranglehold on old Mr High Cost of No doubt some of your friends ha^ always oount on getting pleasant, cc , are in our store. It doesn't matter whether you buy 4* worth, you are entitled to good servi tl his letter is simply our way ot we that it won't be long until we know Sincer R. W. I "Good THin 4? Academy Street -it P. S.-Irish Pot\:oe i i ?|? if-sfs *? 3eneral strike i goes on saturday F EIGHT HOUR DAY IS NOT GRANTED BY THE RAIL ROAD COMPANIES. Washington, March 13: ?Com-1 >lete plans of the four railroad motherhoods for a nation-wide j trike to l>e inaugurated next Satur- j lay evening unless the railroads ;rant their eight-hour day demands rere ratified here today by local mion leaders from Southern terri- j ory and hy a similar conference of | epresentatives of the Southwest' leld at St Louis. The brotherhood heads will tell he railroad conference committee in ( sew York Thursday that if an greement is not reached t.his week or establishment of an eight-hour iasis day with time and a half for vertime, strike orders already iaued to local organizations will beome effective. The demands are i ill i i r i isi wnat tney were last ian, wnen 'resident Wilson averted a strike fter the call was out by inducing iongress to pass the Adamson law,: -hich never has been put into effect, ending a decision on its constitu-' onality by the supreme court. There is every indication that the resident is prepared to move again it becomes apparent that the naon, facing the gravest international risis of its history, is about to have s transportation facilities paralyzed. lthough still confined to his bed IJ i iL. n ;j i I l yacoia, yei me rresiueui neurit < sports during the day from Seereiry Wilson on the plans of the rotherhoods. There was no statelent as to what action he was eonsmplating, hut it is understood to e probable that his first step may e an appeal to the employers and j mployes to reach an agreement as j patriotic duty, An Easy Lesson, But? Teacher?Robert, how is it that j 'ou haven't your lesson? It couldn't i lave been so very hard to learn. Bobby?No, please, teacher; it' vasn't because it was so hard to I earn, but because it was so easy to j 'orget.?Boston Transcript. j ? ifouintfie | ou. Don't laugh at fate. Prepare life is not all rosy sunshine. Save WORK, WORK! SAVE, SAVE, your whole life if you give it minutes. Concentrate your nLJid one of the few who will REALLY JNT WITH US. INGSTREE. i^i !^i I Store t I Strangers: f :ore some time when you are pass- 4" u and get acquainted, ean and our stock as complete as j rices will help you to get a firmer T Living. . ] ve already told you that you can "lOonns attention whenever vou ! ~ 1 'five cents worth or five dollars ce and you'll always get it here, lcoming you to this store. Hoping each other better, ely, i .EWIS igs to Eat" i, Phone 143 { 75 Cente per PecK. . * > ^ Y ARE ESPE( ATTEP Fashi OF LADI Thursday & ' Here you will elegant Fads anc by th< er Silverman' Main Stree I Flour, Ri * Buv / and get lowest ] We buy in at small j are headq pies. See CALI Seec Cobbler, 1 a r : uur urocenes <u Phone us your 01 Yours f Peoples J Ol ;iALLY INV1 SfD OUR QRI on SI [ES APPARE Friday, Mar WW?II?II' be shown a jsortment of I Fashions ad ; leaders of Ai ican Styles sDepartmi t, Next to Wee Ne ce, Grits, an? It From I ; the best a prices. i carload lots a >rofits, therefc uarters for th< us before you i ON I S FOR ?011 1 Potatc - - " T4 - iarly Kose, am ilea e Purest and Best; They Si rders and reduce he high < or Cheaper Necessiti ; Mercentil 5k V ?????? Tt TED TO M -AT I , i how ? L ON Gh 15-18 j large and all the opted 4 , j ent Store ^ e Bank i 1 1 Feed t . Js a it the 3 ' * I ind sell j >re we 4 sse sta- 1 buy. J t I j kOC Bliss J :and the Test. , :ost of living. i - ^ ?5?, | j e Co. y -J]