? 1 * |. ' || ATTENTION, PlOW BOYS! I A large line of Overalls at the old price, only $1.00 the x pair. ^ Big line Plow Shoes $2.25 K to $3.50 the pair. Also a nice line of Gents' Fine K Shoes on the popular new j J English last, f A nice and beautiful line of Ladies' High Boots, Black Kid and White Kid, at $4.50 and $5.00 the pair. | Ladies' High Hoots canvas) $2.50 the pair. Children's Shoes from 35c the pair up. Dry Goods of all kinds as cheap as you will find them anywhere. Ginghams, Chev. iots and Domestics of all kinds. A big lot of Men's Hats worth $2.50 to $3.00 each, picked up at a big bargain, and we'll hand them out at $1.00- and $1.25 the hat Come and see; come and look; just a good bargain. That is all. W, E, JENKINSON | IX??#aIvt Da^aahaI j ruicijr lciduuai '' llr F W Fairey was a Charleston viator this week. ^ Mr Locian Kinder of Florence was f in town this week. Mr W 0 Camlin of Bloomingvale was here Saturday. Mr J Percy Hutson is spending some time in Atlanta, Ga. Mrs Rosa Fulton visited her brother near Shltera this week. Mr James Bryan of Trio was in r the city on business Monday. | Only four more days in which to ^Tnake tax returns without penalty. Mr Walter C Wilson of Cades R F D was at the county capital Saturday. Mrs M L Baggett of Lanes spent yesterday !;ere with her son, Mr T E Baggett. The banks will be closed Thursday, Washington's birthday being a legal holiday. P H Stoli, Esq. Solicitor of the llurd circuit, is attending court at r Sumter this week. [ ' Miss Jennie Lee Stackley of Bennettsville spent the week-end with her home folk here. Miss Serena Lee delightfully entertained a pumber of friends at a ? v birthday dinner Saturday. Mr W G Mazyck will officiate at the Episcopal church next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Messrs J B Thompson and P B * Feagin.of the Trio section, had busi 2- t7;_?4. new ill xuu|(eucc i ucouaj. Mr Geo W Weeks of Aiken visited hit daughter, Mr3 I K Gee, Friday and Saturday of last week. Rrr> .5*, AND SNCREAi ' ^ I Come In and get a CLU! K "Christmas Banking Club." MONEY. B Join the club yourself, Ta Bone of your CHILDREN; teacl In 50 weeks: Hi l-cent club /2-cent club | 5-cent club | 10-cent club You can put In $1.00 or $2 50 weeks have $50 or $100 You can start' BANK OF WI | KINGSTREE, 1 /J? * Mr W E Jenkinson spent Sunday in Florence with Mrs Jenkinson,who is convalescing ataninfirmary there. Mrs W W Holliday left this morning for Columbia to visit relatives who are confined in a hospital there.: Next Tuesday will be "pancake" j day, and the day following: will be Ash Wednesday, the beginning ofi i Lent. Ex-Gov Malcolm R Patterson of, i Tennessee will visit Kingstree March , 1 in the interest of national prohib-, ition. Mrs F E Gibson and little son of Spartanburg are visiting the former's parents, Mr and Mrs W M Vause. LeRoy Lee, Esq, purchased the Etheridge property on Black river in Georgetown county at Clerk's sale for $1505. Miss Etta Jacobs leftlast week foiv several weeks' visit to friends in Hartford and Bridgeport, Ct, and New York, N Y. We are pleased to note that Dr A M Snider and Mr Hugh McCutchen have so far recovered from the grip as to be out again. Mr and Mrs A L Reeves of Bishopville spent Sunday in Kingstree with their son, Mr J G Reeves, of the Scott Drug Co. Mr Heyward Brockington, of the University of South Carolina, at Columbia,visited his mother on Railroad avenue this week. Mrs F J Watson returned to her home in Little Rock yesterday morning after a visit of several days to 1 her parents, Mr and Mrs H 0 Britton. The handsome residence of Mr S W Epps on the outskirts of town is . nearing completion, and Mr Epps will move into it in the near future. Laita Observer. Miss Bessie Harper has returned to Aiken to resume her duties as - A. - /I. _ county demonstration a gem, ait r taking a month's course in domestic science at Winthrop college. The Mission Study Class was con, ducted Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mesdames W V Brockington and P G Gourdin. The meeting was led by Miss Maude Logan. Miss Mabel Harper, who spent a month at Winthrop college taking a course in domestic science, was at home last week on a visit to her mother, Mrs Edwin Harper, before entering upon her duties as demonstration agentf or Marion county. A meeting of the subscribers to the stock of the Williamsburg Canning and Pickling Co. is called for tomorrow (Friday) night at 8:00 o'clock at the court house. It is hoped that they will all be present, as business of importance is to be transacted. The Womans Missionary society of the Presbyterian church met at tie hospitable home of Mrs W T Wilkins nn Monday. February 5. The devo tional exercises were led by Mrs Hugh McCutchen. Those present were: Mesdames W T Wilkins, A C Swails, P G Gourdin, M F Heller, L W Gilland, Sue Ervin, Hugh McCutchen, and Miss Maude Logan. 5ii^ FMASm J CLUB? 3ED 5 cent sjjjjjgj m; about it. r> n/N/M/ rnrr J IaIm /sue 1 D DVA/^ rriLt gnu jum vui It is the easy way to HAVE ke out a membership for each h them to SAVE. i pays $ 12.75 pays $ 25.50 jays $ 63.75 ? 107 Kn pU/9 1*1 *ww .00 or $5.00 each week and in or $250. TODAY-START! , [LLIAMSBURG ! Q P Relieves Seriou; of Chro Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Corrects Condition Rial Seemed Hopeless. After suffering from chronic constipation until .>he was so run down she was unable to do any kind of work, M iss H A Frees, 209 Adams St, Dayton, Ohio, obtained a I?ottle of Dr CaldwelFs Syrup Pepsin and used it with such gratifying results that she then continued the treatment and has written to Dr Caldwell that her condition is again normal, and that she wants to recommend Syrup Pepsin to everyone who suffers with constipation. Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, gentle in its action,free from griping or other pain or discomfort. It contains no opiate or narcotic drug, and, while acting readily on the most stubborn case inonh'vo KatcaIq ij q Kurilnfnlv aofo WA iliUVI/t v V WHVI.lj ?C WUW1UVVIJ UM-*V for the tiniest babe, so that it is the ideal family laxative and should be kept on hand in every household for use when needed. Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin costs only fifty cents a bottle and is sold in drug stores everywhere. To avoid Miss Annie McCutchen spent Sunday with her mother. Mr and Mrs J B Alsbrook of Greelyville were in town SundayMr and Mrs R D Mills and Miss Retha Burgess visited the latter's parents. Mr and Mrs R E Burgess,at Mouzon, Sunday. We regret to announce that Mrs D J Eppe is critically ill. She is under the care of a trained nurse day and nicht. and everv attention is be ing given her by medical skill. Dorothy, daughter of Mr and Mrs T E Baggett, met with a painful accident Tuesday afternoon, breaking her left limb above the knee. It is supposed that she was playing with a cow tethered in front of her home on Mill'street and became entangled in the rope, throwing her to the ground. The little girl received immediate medical aid and is now doing well. With Oir Advertisers. Kingstree Dry Goods Co has shoes for everyone. See ad. R W Lewis offers reductions to cash customers on all kinds of good things to eat. Go to People's Mercantile Co for seed potatoes of standard varieties, also groceries of every description. The Sumter Motor Co has appointed Clarence Alsbrnok local agent fcr the Paige car, one of the best autos nn thp iTiarlrpf The Williamsburg Live Stock Co in its change of ad calls attention to its line of horses, mules,vehicles, agricultural implements, etc. L S Dennis,proprietor of the Cash Store,reminds his friends that he has a full stock of choice seed potatoes and all kinds of food for man and beast. Kingstree Manufacturing & Construction Co will do first class mill work for little more than a poor job would cost. Builders should see this firm for laths and lime. We have 200 pounds of Lord Baltimore Linen Writing Paper and Envelopes, 60c value, for 45c. 2-15-tf Scott Drug Co. Selling Goods Cbeap. A few of the nice goods I sell: Cut Glass, Sterling Silver, Silverware, Watches, Jewelry, Clocks, Spectacles, and Imported China. A nice lot of good came in since Xmas. Come in and see my stock. Yours to please, F J Watts, Jeweler. FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! I have a few Ford Touring Cars on hand. This is the first time since last August that I have been able to get enough cars to fill orders or supply the demand. If you want to ride right at the right price, come in and get a Ford. Yours for motor service. Thos McCutchen, Kingstree, S C. ?/ cinema an School Nates. honor roll for january. Grade I?Jody Gamble. Grade II?Francis O'Bryan, Emily Clarkson. Grade III?Mary Esther Mitchum Grade V?Louise Gamble, Mary Clarkson, Annie O'Bryan. Grade VI?Dehon Clarkson. Grade VIII?Moultrie O'Bryan, Edward O'Bryan. Grade X?John Clarkson, Ethel ? ? ? _ i Mitcnum. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Yoar druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Ease snd Rest. 20c 5 Case nic Constipation, ... ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j imitations and ineffective substitub s be sure you get Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. See that a facsimile of Dr Caldwell's signature and bis portrait appear on the yellow carton in which the bottle is packed. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writing to Dr W B Caldwell, 455 Washington St, Monti cello, Illinois. ; KINGSTIEE HIGH Ail I J GIABEDSCHOOL NOTES.^ ] On account of measles in town the first, second and third grades have been dismissed for a period of two weeks,but they started back Monday. Miss Elise Bolton, teacher of the fifth grade, who was called to her home in Greenwood January 11 on account of the death of her brother, is expected back in the near future to resume her duties. Mid-term examinations are over. There will be no final examinations for those making an average of 90 in all branches. A most interesting: event was tne debate !n the Wee Nee Literary society Friday afternoon. The query was: "Resolved, That All Motor Vehicles Should Be Limited to a Speed of Eight Miles an Hour." The judges decided in favor of the negative. HONOR ROLL FOR MONTH ENDING FEBRUARY 2. Grade IV. Grace Kinder ?97 Genevieve Reddick 96 Wilmer Hinds.. 94 Sara Brad ham 94 Grade V. Ola DuBose 96 Daisy Mcintosh . 94 Anna L Singleton 94 Theodosia Cooper -. 92 , Grade VII. m. n.Ti OK ?ja jjuoose so Harold Smith -.. 94 Jack Meadors 94 Dolly McFadden ....... 94 Dawn Reddick 93 Doshia Sexton ?..92 Charlotte Winslow ?.. 91 William Gordon 91 Grade VIII. Madge Blakely _ 98 Nora Kinder -....98 Grade IX. Serena Lee...? ! 98 William Cooper 98 Hampden Montgomery 93 Grade X. Agnes Fulton 95 We have 200 pounds of Lord Baltimore Linen Writing Paper and Envelopes, 60c value, for 45c. 2-15-tf Scott Drug Co. SPECIAL NOTICES for Sale?Good, gentle work horse, cheap for immediate cash sale. Address H, care County Record. 2-15-tf Eggs for Sale?Rhode Island Reds, Barron strain; prize winners; eggs, 15 for $1.50. J H Epps, Kingstree S U. i-io-ot For Sale?One Grant Six Cylinder, 5-passenger touring car; $650. Address The Record. 2-8-2tp For Sale? (150) one hundred and fifty bushels Cleveland Big Boll Cotton Seed from cotton that made one bale per acre in 1916. $1.50, fob, Gourdin. SC. J C Graham. 2-8-3t Cotton Seed for Sale?Against boll weevil, worm and rot and for early ?-~ Kaow vtalH nlnnt SimD UiftlulillK IUIU uvaij ..V.. r. kin's "Ideal" or "Big Boll" North Carolina bred seed. North Carolina farmer grew 1,000 lbs, another 1,200 lbs lint to the acre. Write now for booklet of testimonials and prices on these seed. Arthur L Jones, Lake City, S C. Box 86. 2-8 For Sale or Rent?Valuable tract of land, mile and a quarter north of Kingstree, known as the Fulton tract, containing 78 acres, 45 cleared and in good state of cultivation. Apply to R H Keilahan, Kingstree, S C. 2-1-tf For Sale or Rent?My house and lot on corner of Kelley street and Third avenue in Kingstree. For information address, F K graham, Bamberg, S C. 1-25-tf To Cure a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stop, he ! CouKh and Headache and worka off the Cold. Drueglsta refund money >< Jt c ???' B. W. GROVE'S aifcnature 011 each bo*. 25c. J I m Ymro ^?pie( tkifl is meant for you. I) mow for the "rainy day," when life is your poanioo now. WORE, WOIX KATE! Tkis picture may chaige your XAUTEST TIOUOHT for Just Ire minut mi it. Suppose 70m jlkuujlvj!. ? de one 01 DO THIS. Them? OPEN AN ACCOUNT BANK OP KIN THE WAYSIDEiF LANES, S DEALERS I Drugs jl k Sf f I * STATIONERY mOIl YRINGES I OE EEDS 10\ Prescriptions a S] YOUR PATRONAGE I I I Wedding and Annii This is the month for weddii gifts. These gifts in Silver, Ci ? ?~ ~ nnnA*i>manf TIT (ware ui <% vaiicu assui uncui w store. They are all of best < Clocks and a complete line of hand. IOur Repair Depi Bring me your broken Watcb elry. Repairs made same day r !T E. BAG< JEWELE1 Main Street, Ki |^pglSS}S5Sa{?^^?32i2 I The Cash I L S. DENNIS, Pi ill dg This store is headqua | Heavy He Fancy although we specif I Corn and Sto V - - ? ? ' Pj*??/,?? ? ? WAnT mind bO< WUVVUM?tV J UIU ?* the few who will REALLY WITH US. GSTREE. 'HARMACY c N CIGARS IGARETTFS /iNDY / LET ARTICLES IACCO rS peeialty. S SOLICITED ?????j rersaryGiffs j ig and anniversary ff it Glass and China- M ill be found at my 1 quality. Watches, C Jewelry always on M ailment. 1 es, Clocks and Jew- 1 eceived. J SETT I fl I ngstree, S. C. # >J2QX2m?mQmQ2Z22QmQ2tXi .Store! roprietor. ji rters for jg Groceries j| ilize in m 2291 j|j >cK Feed. | in-rece5v^"an?we ^ iTOES J bier) |j the finest Maine-grown m supply you for less? ' for today. orse and MuleS its, call on us; we can |jg sssjsgjssesssl Printing^ I \