\ \ ' RUSIE'S TERRIFIC SPEED. | fhs Old Pitcher's Fast Balls Terrorized F the Batters. In a recent gathering of old ball players the talk turned on speedy } pitchers. A veteran fielder, now re- t tired, who had hatted against nearly t ail of the noted pitchers in the last " twenty years, named Amos Rusie a as the universal standard of speed j: in shooting the ball across the rub- i her. He said: I "Words fail really to describe the f speed with which Rusie seat the v ball. He was a man of great width, great strength and the ability to c put every ounce of his weight into i t>ha pitch, t'oupletl with this ne a had a aet of dazzling wrres which j ere manufaatured with the same g effort required to produce the speed. <3 Softie men can throw a straight hall v with great force, bu* hate to slow e p in ordwr to develop curves, but \ Rusie drove in a curved ball with all c of his tremendous power. "Facing Rusie to a timid man was c lfke going into battle must be to an i inexperienced soldier. The distance s was shorter then. Rusie had the r whole box to move around in in- ^ stead of being chained to a 6lab, t and he simply drove the ball at you ^ with the force of a cannon. p le. And yet, not many years alter ts discovery by Scnefelder, a nuin>er of artists showed active apireciation of the rich possibilities rhieh it offered them. Here was a supple medium, not ailing for a great amount of techlieal preparation, flexible to the xtist'6 touch, which it reproduced rith absolute fidelity ? an "autographic art," directly expressing inlividual style and temperament rithout intervention of any engravr-translator, a process with a wide ariety of possible effects such a* no ither one reproductive art offers. Crayon, pen, ink, brush and scrapr can be used on the stone, producng chalk drawings which may trike the octave from the lightest, nost delicate gray to the deepest (lack of a rich, velvety texture: ones rubbed in with a sauce of owdcred crayon; washes don* with >en and ink; lights brought out by craping. And all of this to be trinted in black and white or in olor, as preferred. The whole process is based on the I ack of aflinity between grease and rater. The eravon or ink used in [rawing on the stone is of a greasy omposition, as is also the ink need or printing. To print, water is irst applied to the stone, which acepts it only at the places not drawn ipon. On the other hand, when ink s applied to the stone it adheres nly to the portions actually eorerd by the design. The result in Tinting is a faithful facsimile on iaper of the drawing on 6tone. To hviate the necessity of handling he heavy stone, the artist may iraw upon "transfer paper/' from rhich the design is then transferred o the stone. Of course, despite this wide range f possibilities, lithography has its listinct limits to be respected dj he artist ? its character and its imitations must be understood bj tim. The rich means of expression lormant in the stone were utilized n the first half of the nineteenth entury, particularly ia France.? Icribnsr's. A 8urprioo For 8wapg?r. "Yes," said Swagger, "this ia a erkeze ring." "Excuse me/' said Bangs; 'the orrect pronunciation of that word i 'turkwoiie.'n "No; turkeze, excuse me.*, "I say turkwawe." "Well, let's go tq the iewder and sk him." "Right." *111 order to settle a wager," said Iwagger to the jeweler, "would you lind telling me if the correct promnciation of the stone in this ring s turkeze or turkwoise ?" The jeweler took the ring and eumined it carefully. "The correct ronunciation," he said, "ie glaaa." -London Tit-Bits. Waathar Wfaa 8naHa. As weather prophets snails are aluable. As long as they are to be een creeping along in the orthodox lanner fine weather may be confiently looked forward to. If there i rain in the atmosphere the nails lay be seen to seek shelter up the tem6 of trees and shrubs, under ?aves and, in fact, anywhere whithr they can be safely out of the wet inly when all immediate danger of recurrence of rain is orer will Kpt emerpa aerain. ? ~J a a I H?ad?d For It. Thej had lost their way i* their iew and expensive car. "There's a sign, dear," she said to ,er husband, who got out of the car nd flashed his flashlight on the oard. "Are we on the right road?" ah# sked. He read, "T? the poorhowe." "Yes," he answered. "We'p# on he right road and we didn't know t." Tko Magnetic PoIm. The magnetic poles are not staioaary. The northern one is slowr moving westward along the sevntieth parallel and in the oouree f three or four hundred years will robably have encircled the georaphic north pole and returned to bout its present location. Of ouTse the southern magnetic pole rtTlmra a r>OTTP?no?idin? OOtrM ' bout the geographic south poie. j Parmanant Ideal*. To lire in the presence of gTeai ruths and eternai lawi, to be led ! y permanent ideal#?that is what eeps a man patient when the world mores him and calm and unspoiled lien the world praise* him.?Hoore de Balzac. Ifloc I Tiacf Hrorla MATCHLESS GLOS In Pint and Half-I Adjustable Floor Treated V that take up every part polished surface. We ' floors and furniture anc vice and satisfaction. Steele Fu 208 Main Street I Notice I If in the marl Mules.it will pa; have in a fresh nessee Mules ar uary 27. Come Yours 117:11: L VfUUdlUMJUIg Kingstree, "LORD BALTIMORE" for which we ha^ is the best writin cure to feature ; the pound. Special Intr< To further int _ J* we are onenng i< 1 lb (90 sheets) - ?35> 1 box (50) envelopes, 25i SCOTT E &he Re] KINGSTREE, I ft L/lVgllllg IV Charleston, S. C. Cstsbl THE VL,A The Piano that anyone i] prices and easy terms. L< A. H. Hutt, call upon yo possibilities of these instru A. H. Hut I >r on , 75c per gallon S FURNITURE POLE lot Cans, 35c and 25c. Mops and Chemica Ifoolen Dusters icle of dust and leave a cl< have them. They save y< I pay for themselves in s irniture Cc Opposite Court Ho o Farmer: ket for one or mo y you to see us. V load of 25 nice Te rived Saturday, Ja ! and see them. to please, live Stock C - - s. LINEN POUND PAF re the exclusive s? g paper we can i is a "leader" at 3 jductory Sal roduce this pap* or a few days or cj The two for M Irugco sal Store - - South Carol m ?i lusic HOUSI - Florence, S. C. liahed 1819 lYER piano i the family can play. At lo ?t our special representative, M u and explain the wonderfi iments. t, Manager Florence Hous< mamw^BfcTTir wssmxraszaaa l - Il Worn Out? [ II No doubt you are, if | III y?u suffer from any of the g Ml numerous ailments to ? ? HI which an women are sub- I PS ject. Headache, back- i^B ache, sideache, nervous- Sk 2U nest, weak, tired feeling, gr Nfl ^ are some of the symp- *A * n terns, and you must nd f| 11 yourself of them in order | 9 81 to feel well. Thousands 8 | HI of women, who hava IB 11 been benefited by thic 11 ?? D fl seraedy, urge you to fl 5 , s Cardui I our E l Ttaimut Tuie II ;er- 11 Mrs. Sylvaaia Woods, 11 11 wQittoa Mills, Ky., says: 11 HI "Before taking Cardui, II II 1 was, at times, so weak I 11 v P5 001116 hardly walk, and Jl } 0 A the pain in my back and ^ head nearly killed me. After taking three bottles a If of Cardui, the pains dis- I II appeared. Now I feel as I ' II well as lever did. Every I a II suffering woman should I III a I Ft I fl uy v^uyiu. uvi?yw*uw R yj today. E-68 !| Arrival of Passenger Trains i Klngstree. | The Atlantic Coast Line railroat Jp I has promulgated the'following sched r which became effective Monday j}- ; May 29, 1961: North Bound. H" No 80 - - - 7:25 a n *No 46 - - 11:33 an No 78 - - 6:13 p n South Bound. fNo 83 10:40 a n No 79 - - - 11:03 an No 47 - - - - 6:47 p n No 89 - - - 9:22 p n n*Daily except Sunday. ^ 1 airmal rboslnotAn QoVOD WW TOlUp VU OlgllBl 1V1 UUBUbBVUu, I nan and Jacksonville passengers. C? I $100 Reward, $100 B The readers of this paper will be H pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has beer able to cure in all its stages, and that li Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure la the only positive enre now known to the medical ipse fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional PL || disease, requires a constitutional treatLll znent Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ef the system, there. 1 _ by destroying the foundation of the dlsf If-* ease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and asslstini nature in aging Its work. The proprietor! wj- have so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollan for any cas# that It falls to cure. Send lOC for list of tsstlmonlala Address: F. J. CHHNET A CO.. Toledo, O Sold by all Drasflsts. 7to. Take Hall's Family Pllla far eoastlpatlea : rmmm Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted 0 4 A I am non' equipped to do thle work satJsfac/ tcrrily and ian save you from 11.60 to 13.00 on each pair cf glasses. Let me fit you out with 8He Now Kryptok Glass**, reading and distance vision ground in'each glass. If you break your lenses bring them to me. I will duplicate them on short notice. Save t the pieces. IP T. C. BAGGETT Jtwtlir tad Opticiai KiagstrN, S. C. n LMilcRHORN&SOK m CHARLESTON. S.C. W * | Sole Distributors of dl "Rlarlf Roclc Wall Board" I Moisture resisting and special manufacture makes it the best Write us for samples and prices. j i i | Professional CardsT^j MISS EULA HERRING, I KING ST REE, S. C Trained Nurse, Jn Prepared to answer emergency 4 calls night or day. 'Phone 115. Dr. D. Zed Rowell Dental Surgeon Kelly Building; Firit Room in Front Andrews, - South Girolina DR. R. CLAUDE McCABE, j Dental Surgeonft Office in Hirseb building, over Kings1 tree Drug Co's. 8-28-ti DR. ROBERT J. McCABE, ! DENTIST, KINGSTREE, - S. C Office in Nexsen Building, 3 doors.from Poetoffice. Phone 78. j M.D. NESMITH, DENTIST, ! Lake City, S. C. in ? nr a */? nn VV. Li. 1AILV1I ; DENTIST, Ofllt* in Xmiva Baildi&tf 1 KINGSTREE, S. C. , 5-21-tf. I 1806 191# A. M. SNIDER. ! SURGEON DENTIST. f Office at Residence, Railroad Avenue. y J. DeS. Gilland 1 Attorney-at-Law J Second Floor Hasoolc Temple Florence, S. C l General practicioner in all State and j Federal Courts. 1 BenJ. M'?NNES, M. R. C. V. S. 1 B. Kater MclNNE^ M; D.^V. M. D One of us will be atKingstree the , tint Monday in each month, at Heller's Stables. 9-28-tf i JK KINGSTREE ' Lodfi, No. 46 ' A.F.M. f meets Thursday before full moon each > month. Visiting brethren are cordially j inyited. S P HABFER, W M. i J D Britton. Sec. 2-27-ly i r h^. jThh 1 [" * j vifin^K caoppen coi YrSyTS^S?1^ llally Invited 10ooa? iMnf^ffiT npandilton a stamp X^jE v^y or hang abonton tl?* P H Stoll, J M Brown, Clerk. } Con. Com. r. Insurance! When you want Insurance of any kind, call on us. We write life Fire V live Stock Plate Glass V Accident and Health ; Bonding a Specialty \ We are the largest and f most experienced agent y in Williamsburg county, and are in a position to give you the best service. Kinestree Ins., Real Estate & Loan Co., Agts, PNONE 85, KIN6STBEE, S. C. TJacku i I IWill be found at my place I east of Kingstree for ser- I ? m Ji n r\r\ m !vice. lerms T. OLIN EPPS I 10-5-6ra. I . y . - BEBzggagass^a11 n ?" ' 2M H