The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, February 08, 1917, Image 5

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> J V . ATTENTION, PLOW BOYS!*! P* A large line of Overalls at ! f the old price, only $1.00 the 3L pair* fv Big line Plow Shoes $2.25 # to $3.50 the pair. Also a nice line of Gents' Fine 1 Shoes on the popular new | English last. J t II i A nice ana utsiuuiui unc of Ladies' High Boots, Black Kid and White Kid, at $4.50 and $5.00 the pair. Ladies' High Boots (Can- 1 | vas) $2.50 the pair. CMldren's Shoes from 35c . the pair up. Dry Geo Is of all kinds as cheap as you will find them 1 anywhere. Ginghams, Cheviots and Domestics of all \ kinds. A big lot of Men's Hats . worth $2.50 to $3.00 each, picked up at a big bargain, ! 1 and we'll hand them out at < $1.00 and $1.25 the hat. Come and see; come and 1 look; just a good bargain, j That is ail. I W. E. JENKINSON | Purely Personal Mr Walter C Wilson, of the Cades section, was in town Monday. . Mr R C McElveen of Kingstree. R F D 2, was in town Tuesday. Friday night the thermometer went down and the water pipes went up. Mr Henry McFadden of Cades had business at the county capital Monday. Mrs M F Swann returned Sunday rfrom a visit to relatives at Bennettsfrillo Mrs W L Taylor and Miss Agness Erckmann are spending a few days . in Charleston. ' Coroner H J Brown of Cades was a pleasant caller at our office while in the city Monday. If you have not paid your town license, do so at once; 15% penalty on all delinquents. Mr L A Taylor of Johnsonville, proprietor of the Taylor Mercantile company, was in Kingstree Monday. Mr Jesse Nettles, who) has been spending his furlough with his parents here,left for the border Sunday niffKt Mr and Mrs R M Burgess of West Asheville, N C, arrived in town Sunday on a visit to relatives here and < ^ at Mouzon. J Messrs F E Huggins and J M G Eaddy of Hemingway were in Kingstree on business Tuesday and while here called at our office. Mrs S Marcus returned home Tues- 1 day, after spending several weeks at i Northern markets selecting her atock of spring millinery. i I j? KWHATYei WiLLHAV IFYfell JOIN OU CHRISTMAS BANKir _ Clue Come in and get a' 'Christm ^nd join the club. By deposil Jt xour weekly deposit 10 cent 9127.50 in 50 weeks. '.Help your CHILDREN to join. -jBnd PROSPER. In 50 weeks: l-cent club p< 2-cent club p< 5-cent club pc 10-cent club p< You can put in $1.00 or $2.( 50 weeks have $50 or $100 oi You can start T< BANK OF WII * KINGSTREE, ' -i,; J . t Deacon Burgess, of the New Zion neighborhood, took advantage of a sunshiny day and made a piiprrimage to Kingstree Tuesday. Owing to the heating plant of the Baptist church being out of order Sunday nieht, the union service was held at the Methodist church. The Andrews Development com-1 panv has been chartered,with a capital of $100,000. The corporators . are H S Parsons and N W Cook. The recent wet weather has put our roads in an almost impassable condition, and to add to the inconvenience of the traveling public, they are frozen over. Miss Mary Delinney.trained nurse, who has been in attendance upon Hon R H Kellahan, was summoned to Charlotte, N C, Saturday by the illness of her father. Rev W P Meadors, Jr, went to Laurens Tuesday to visit his sister, Mrs McCravey.who is suffering from the effects of being thrown from a carriage.?uaa axanaara. Rev Dr Walter Mitchell will officiate at the Episcopal church here next Sunday at 11a. m. and 7:30 p.m.and at Boyd school at 3:30 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Miss Serena Riser and Mr Richard M Caldwell were married at Ebenezer Lutheran parsonage, Columbia, Monday afternoon. The bride is a sister of Mesdames LeRoy Lee and J W Swittenberg of Kingstree. In accordance with the recommendation of the general synod, the members of the Presbyterian church are observing the three weeks from February 4 to the 25th inst as a selfTUa eatnnnra UCUIttl pcuuu. XIIC OOTIU50 vuvvnu by such self-denial will be donated to the board of foreign missions. We regret to learn that Dr and A M Mts Snider are both confined to their home as a consequence of the recent unusually hard weather. The former has the grip, though he is able to carry on his office practice. The latter is seriously ill and under the care of her physician, (Dr Kelley). She has been confined to her room the past week. The meeting of the fair association which was scheduled to take place Monday, February 5, was not held on account of the weather, a quorum not being present. March 5 has been fixed as the next day of meeting and it is. therefore, urged that all members of the association meet on that day promptly at noon ViAiion IU U1C v;uui V IIUUOV. V The following real property was sold at Sheriff's sales here Monday: One tract of land In Tuple Bay containing 495 acres, bid in by Lee & Shnler.Esqs, attorneys,for $505; two lots in the town of Johnsonville bought by J D O'Bryan. Esq, for $185. The sale by H 0 Britton, Esq, Clerk of Court, in the case of Barr vs Mitchell, was called off. Quite a interesting marriage took place in Kingstree Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock, the contracting parties being Miss Eunice Venters and Mr Clarence Creel, both of Johnsonville. These two young people stole a march on their friends and motored j as Banking Clu^Book FREE ting 10 cents and increasing s each week, you will have It will teach them to SAVE ays $ 12.75 ays $ 25.50 jys $ 63.75 ays $ 127.50 )0 or $5.00 each week and in - $250. DDAY?START! LUAMSBURG S. C. L i '"fa*'' "'A!' _ ? L* : . . " V lit w FEWER PEOPLE I The Public Health Service r< the age of forty years to-day, mortality is increasing from d< Thousands of well-informec learning the true value of SCOTT'S E OF NORWEGIAN fas a powerful blood-c to ward off the headac weakness. SCOTT'S grippe, pneumonia ar its force of medicinal Refuse Alcoholic Extracts 1 Scott A Bo* into Kingstree Sunday and were i married by Rev G T Harmon at the r Methodist church parsonage. The happy couple left on train 78 for i the North on their honeymoon. ; 0 Mr George Smith of Georgetown,' late an electrician in the U S navy,' n is in town this week,the guest of his t, friend, Mr F L Jones, of the Kingstrap Talanhnna fr? ? ?r . Mr F W Fairey was called to Branchville Tuesday on account of the burning of his mother's home there. The house, we understand, was not totally destroyed,but was seriously damaged. C \ Miss Amanda Edwards, county c demonstration agent, returned here ^ last Thursday evening after spend- ^ ing a month at Winthrop college with courses of study relative to her line of work. Born Tuesday evening,February 6, i to Mr and Mrs D J Epps at their t home on Live Oak avenue, a darling ? little daughter. Both mother and * babe are doing well, while "D J" is ? *? * i i ii U smiling an over nis iace ana lemng | his friends of the new addition to his | | family. The Booklovers' club was delight- | fully entertained Saturday afternoon | by Mrs T E Arrowsrrith and Miss Florrie Jacobs at the home of the ? latter. Eleven guests were present. j A book contest was the feature of ? the afternoon's pleasure. The prize, ? a book, was drawn for by Mesdames * E T Kelley and W W Holliday and Miss Essie Blakely, the last-named being the winner. The host of friends of Mr Conrad h Constine, better known to readers of ^ The Record as "Poor Conrad," will e regret to know that he met with a t! painful accident several days ago r while overhauling an old planing ma- g chine at the Hon J J M Graham's place near Cades. Hi9 right arm was badly lacerated by a rapidly revolving bolt. We hope our old friend will " soon have the use of theinjuredmem- J ber again. 1 t I Q The residence of Mr W Ross Chan-!? dler, of Gourdin, was destroyed by I u fire Tuesday morning. The fire ori- j 7 ginated in one of the living rooms, k where Mr and Mrs Chandlers infant j child was asleep. The child was res- j cued by Mr Chandler through an iie-. w roic effort. The little one was badly ^ burned, and Dr W G Gamble was summoned to its relief. We are glad to hear that the child's burns are not * thought to be serious. I n .. - ~ ~ . ! S Mr Li s> Dennis,proprietor or tne j Cash Store," has leased the store i room at the corner of Academy and ?> Mill streets formerly occupied by _ the largely patronized People's Mercantile Co. The interior of the build- n ing is now being overhauled and re- ^ paired, and Mr Dennis expects to c move his business there within the next few weeks. The largerquarters afforded by this store are needed for, g Mr Dennis' growing trade. p S The regular monthly meeting of the board of county commissioners b was held Tuesday at 12 o'clock. n Routine business was transacted, k John Pressley had on file a claim for ? one hupdred and twenty-five dollars b damage to his horse, alleging that his horse was hurt on a bridge, this s< alleged injury happening some s months back, the claim being " brought over from the January 0 meeting of the board. After hear- K ing evidence as to the injury claim- ? ed, the board disallowed the claim. | The residence of Mr Wade 0 Qam- ~ lin Rlnnmincrvalp was dnmacrpd hv n fire Monday. Mr Camlin had started a a fire in his wife's bed room before ^ leaving home for Kingstreeand when there was no one in the room a live coal popped out, causing the floor of ^ the room, and a lot of bedding and ^ other furniture to be burned. Mrs Camlin, who was engaged about her routine duties in other parts of the ^ house, smelled the bedding burning r, and gave the alarm by ringing the ri farm bell. Assistance was promptly ^ rendered, and the rest of the house was saved without damage. Mr Cam- 1c lin was in Kingstree when the fire a i i ! /? 11 i m occurea. ana was nounea Dy a pnone ~ message. _ Dr R J McCabe, Dentist.will be at T his Andrews office February 12, to i c remain one week. 2-l-2t ; e BROWING OLDER sports that more people live to but from forty to sixty years ^generative diseases. 1 men and women to-day are i "Mill .ITIULOIUrc COD LIVER OIL inricher and strength-builder :hes and backaches that mean helps fortify the body against id weakening colds, through nourishment rhat Do Not Contain Cod Liver Oil. ma. BkxxnfiekL N. J. Mrs S J Deery is quite sick with rip. Dr and Mrs I N Boyd and daugher of Salters were Charleston visitrs Tuesday. Presidine Elder D A Phillips will aake an official visitation to Scranon Saturday and Sunday. Send her a Valentine February 14. Scott Drlg Co. Selling Goods Cheap. A few of the nice goods; I sell: )ut Glass, Sterling Silver, Silverware, Watches. Jewelry, Clocks, Spectacles, and Imported China. A lice lot of good came in since Xmas. )ome in and see my stock. Yours to please, F J Watts, Jeweler. rfVTfVffWWTJWriWJVWTTWWTr* PLAY-SINGLE LIFE! Will be given at * Union High School, Friday 1 Evening, February 16 s Everybody come and see 4 what a dreadful time five old 2 maids and five old bachelors ^ have wrangling over their love 5 affairs. 4 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FOKDS! FORDS! FOIKDS! I have a few Ford Touring Cars on and. This is the first time since last Lugust that I have been able to get nough cars to fill orders or supply he demand. If you want to ride ight at the right price, come in and et a Ford. , Yours for motor service. \ Thos McCutchen, i Kingstree.SC. | he Quinine That Does Not Affect The Heii ecause of ita tonic and laxative effect, i.AXA- f i?r, oawjiw yuAiiiii?, i? ucuci miu uruioiijr > uinine and doc* not cause nervouinet* nor ; nginz in head. Remember the full name and < ok for the signature of e. W. grove. 25c. SPECIAL NOTICES ! For Sale?Registered Berkshire Boar j reighing about 500 pounds. For quick < ale, $5". Guaranteed. G W Camlin, rio, SC. It J Strayed?One white female pointer, \ 'ith black spots; fat, with hair a little j 'avy. Kinder will receive reward by i otifving B S Fleming, Greelyville. : C. ltp ] For Sale?One Grant Six Cylinder, 1 passenger touring car; $650. Ad- ] ress The Record. 2-8-2tp j For Sale?Automobile in good run- J ine condition, all new tires. Cheap for f uick sale. Terms arranged with re- j ponslble parties. Address K, care 5 ounty Record. 2-8-tf j For Sale?(150) one hundred and \ fty bushels Cleveland Big Boll Cotton # eed from cotton that made one bale i er acre in 1916. $1.50, fob. Gourdin. j C. J C Graham. 2-8-3t \ ? Cotton Seed for Sale-Against oil weevil, worm and rot and for early * laturing and heavy yield plant Simpin's "Ideal" or "Big Boll" North arolina bred 9eed. North Carolina armer grew 1,000 lbs, another 1,200 lbs nt to the acre. Write now for book>t of testimonials and prices on these eed. Arthur L Jones, Lake City, C, Box 86. 2-8 For Sale or Rent?Valuable tract f land, mile and a ouarter north of [ingstree, known as the Fulton tract, ontaining 78 acres, 45 cleared and in ru-tri atatp of cultivation. AddIv to R [ Kellahan, Kingstree, S C."2-l-tf Eggs for Sale,?E B Thompson's tarred Plymouth Rocks, prize winners t Columbia,Pee Dee and Williamsburg airs. $1.50'per setting. T ? Arrowiiith, Kingstree, B C. l-25-3tp Lost?One black and white pointer og, about 2 years old, answers to name f "Pope." Reward if returned to L D :odgers, Kingstree. S C. 2t Wanted?Salesman and Collector at kingstree, S C, who can furnish a team r automobile. Also furnish satisfactory ?ferences. A liberal contract to the ght man. Apply at The Record Of ICE. l-15-4t For Sale or Rent?My house and it on corner of Kelley street and Third venue in Kingstree. For information ' idress, F K Graham, Bamberg, S C. 1-25-tf To Cure a Cold In One Day 'ake LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stopa the r ough and Headache and worka off the Cold. | c iruggist* refund money if it fail* to cure, i , W. GROVE'S aignature on each box. 25c. I a I I PS YOUHG people, this ic meant for you. mow for tie "raimy day," when life yoar pennies now. WOEX, WO SATE! This picture may change yoi EA&2TEST THOUGHT for just fire mil on it. Suppose yon BESOLVE to bo one HO TIM. Then? OPEN AN ACCOUN BANK OF KI] f U/oririinnr end Ann iu milling aiiu nun This is the month for wed gifts. These gifts in Silver, ware of a varied assortment store. They are all of bes Clocks and a complete line < hand. ' iOur Repair De] Bring me your broken Wat elry. Repairs made same da I T E. BAG 1 JEWEL) I Main Street* -i- 1 iThe CasI I Flour Rice Bui 1 Hog Feed Hors< J Come to see me. I am always ? You will find a good warm room $5 hearted boy to greet you. Don't f IS when in town. I sell cheap. I Q niTlMN | JLi* tJ? L^LjI 111 | Next Door to Hel s Kingstree, ' - I Highest Prices Paid foi CJv*Jv{Ar4*vOv*(Jv*Jv"i#vWv{2v{5v^2^ SPEC We Have fo GoodThinj At Saving I Visit Our We'll Matte it 9a ! The Cleanest Grocery | Call and J R. W. L,] "Good Things j Phone 143 -s^pmm?H Lent thi9 year begins February | Your I 51. Ash Wednesday has not before SuSu !allen on this date since 1855. ri>efir I I /. * - ?~ ? - - - J."v-f-jL ? fouinifie Doi't laugh at fata. Prepare t is not all rosy sunshime. Save EX, WOEK! SAVE, SAVE, ir whole life if you give it lutes. Concentrate your mind of the few who will REALLY i fT WITH US. isrr:s'TT?Tr,.Tn. iversary Gifts j ding and anniversary ff Cut Glass and China- 1 will be found at my m >t quality. Watches, # Df Jewelry always on 1 partment. J ches, Clocks and Jew- * y received. C IQETT I ER I iing'stree, S. C. 1 Iter Cheese! e and Mule Feeds glad to see my friends, 8$ waiting you and a bigail to visit the Cash Store w IS, Prop J ler's Stables ? South Carolinaj| . r ?i n ? turn diiu rcas.^ irir\#nr\#nr\r*>FT>fv,wnr\#,wv>#v^ ?>rt ;iai_ r You >'s to Eat 'rices. Store tisfactory Store in Town $ee. t W I s to Eat" Academy St. ?)J Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days druggist will refund money if PAZO IENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6to 14dayt. st application gives Fase and Rest. iOc. . ?"i*r