The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, February 01, 1917, Image 5

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Purely Personal Saturday will be Thrift day. i i . Mr 0 B Stone of Vox was in town ' I Tuesday. (Mrs M F Heller was in Florence !/ this week. ' I i Three public sales are to be made j1 here Monday. Mr J M Williamson was a Monday i visitor to town. i Mr J C Everett of Salters was in 1 town yesterday. Hon W D Bryan of Bryan spent Monday in town. Mr James Bryan of Trio was in Kinjfstree Monday. Mr Walter C Wilson was at the county capital Tuesday. Mr J B Clarkson of Gourdins was in Kings t ree Tuesday. Mr R E Ervin, of the Indiantown section, was here Tuesday. Mr W H Harmon of Hemingway was in Kiagstree Saturday. Mr R H Pittman was a visitor to thy county capitol Tuesday. Mr B P Cooper of Suttons was a ' caller at our office Monday. Mr J E Barrow of Workman had e business in Kingstree Monday. t Mr H P Brown of Lanes was in r Kingstree on business Monday. j Mr B Miles of Vox was a caller at our office while in town Tuesday. Mrs B A McKnight of Lanes was s : in Kingstree shopping yesterday. c Mr B H Singletary of Lake City c was in Kiingstree yesterday between J trains. Mr A W Rodgers, of the Scranton j neighborhood, visited our office yes- t [ terday. \ Messrs Rhodus, Montgomery and |t Green of Greelyville were in town ? Monday. s Mr T K Smith of Bloomingvale * called at our office while in town Saturday. r c Mr R M Haselden of Andrews was j a pleasant caller at iour ^office Toes- ^ day afternoon. ^ Mrs L Roy Cates has returned I from a visit to her mother.Mrs Bur- t , base, at Conway. Y "Judge" S G McDonald, who pre- * sides over the assizes at Lanes, was * in the city Monday. ? Mr J L Thomas of Cades was a pleasant caller ot our office Saturday while in town. v Mr L M Grayson of Benson was a jj caller at The Record office while in l the city Tuesday. c W W Boddie, Esq. tfho has been I visiting in Kingstree.returned to his o C home in Louisburg, N C. Sunday. r A meeting of the stockholders of the Williamsburg County Fair association is called for next Monday at the court house. We are pleased to note that little Margaret, daughter of Mr and Mrs M L Allen, - has recovered from an } attack of pneumonia. r j The way t IN THE is to jc Christmas B Come in, a Deposit 5 or 10 cents the fir! Keposit 5 or 10 cents each wee ave $63.75 or $127.50. Help your CHILDREN to join; nd SUCCEED. JOIN YOURSI nl?o hnx/e a l-cent club ^^2-cent club which pays $25.5 You can put in $1.00 or $2.0 in 50 weeks have $50 or $100 Come In and get a "Chrisl FREE! You can start TC 11 7T1 D/nxn ur vy u KINGSTREE, % S&L; ' Miss Ruth Mills visited her brother, Mr R D Mills, here Tuesday. Messrs Douglass Johnson, R L ~ockfield, J H Chapman, L A Taylor and Andrew Cox of Jonsonville were n Kingstree Monday. Mrs F K Graham left Saturday ivith her two boys, H A and F K, Jr, for Bamberg, where they expect to Tiake their future home. Mrs L E Heape, who has been visting her children, Mr F W Fairey ind Miss Lizzie Heape, has returned [o her home at Branchville. Kingstree chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will hold its regular neeting Thursday evening,February 3, in the Masonic lodge room. Margaret Gregg Gordon chapter, DA R, will hold its regular monthly neeting at the residence of Mrs D C Scott next Tuesday afternoon. Mrs W E Jenkinson, who has b^Pn juite ill at her home here on Rail oad avenue for several weeks, was aken to Florence yesterday afterloon. The regular union service will be teld on next Sunday evening: at the ^ir8t Baptist church. The Rev P S dcChesney will deliver the sermon. The public is urgred to. attend. Mr and Mrs P G Gourdin returned Saturday from their wedding: trip o New York, Baltimore and Richnond. They are residing with Mrs rourdin's parents, Dr and Mrs W V irockington. Miss Martha Gordon, who has been n New York, where she was called everal months ogo as a nurse in one if the city hospitals during: the epilemic of infantile paralysis, is exacted home tomorrow night. George Garland, the little son of dr and Mrs P S Courtney, fell from he top of a fence last Monday and >roke his arm. We are glad to say hat the little fellow is getting ilong nicely, and we hope for a ipeedy recovery. Their little daugher, Mry Louise, is sufferiug from in attack of measles. ? - . ~ ' * 1? i Dr irby U layior, iormeriy ui i Spartanburg but more recently of tingstree, has returned to Spartan>urg and accepted a position with he K W N Pharmacy of this city. )r Taylor was very popular in Sparanburg when he made his home tere and his friends are extending lim a cordial welcome upon his reurn. He has already #wsumed his luties at the K W H.?Spartanburg 'derate Tomorrow will be ground hog day, 7hen, according to an old supersliion, the little animal will come out of tis hole.knd.if he can see his shadow, le will go back, and six weeks if winter will follow, but if the day >e cloudy or rainy he will remain iut, as winter is over. The jingle eads thus: J-? J* Ua kvitrkf uanaiemas ua>, ii n, ^v. Winter will have another flight; Candlemas day, if there be rain, Winter is gone and will not come again." Dr R J McCabe, Dentist.will be at lis Andr*?7.o office February 10, to em^iu one week. 2-l-2t ' MM?? BANK >in our ankin^ Club sk about it. it week and increase your k and in 50 weeks you will it will teach them to SAVE ELFinklrK nnv/c ?I9 7* and a II VV I IIV1 I ? ?r ?- - ? ? 0. 0 or $5.00 each week and or $250. tmas Banking Club" Book 3DAY--START! LUAMSBURG S. C. BY OUR If you tire easily, are subjei catch colds readily of have rh circulation is Drobablv at fau scorn e OF NORWEGIAIS f which is nature's eas your red corpuscles i sustaining richness. . of! colds and gives No Alcohol in SCO-1 SCOTT A E NEW INDUSTRY FOR KINGSTREE Canning and PlcKUng Factory to be Established Here. A meeting of the subscribers to the capital stock of the proposed canning factory to be located here was held at the court house yester- i day morning at 11 o'clock, a large majority of the subscribers being j present. J D O'Bryan, Esq, was j elected chairman of the meeting and Mr George A McElveen secretary. After so/ne discussion it wss agreed that the capital stock should be $6,000. divided into 240 shares of the par value of $25 per share, 50% of the amount of stock subscribed to be paid in before operations begin. By resolution the name of the enterprise will be the Williamsburg Pickling & Canning company. A board of seyen directors was elected, as follows: H A Miller', J H Miller, G J Graham, L W Gilland, F W Fairey. W E Nesmith and D E McCutchen, this board to elect a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer as soon as practicable. Another meeting of stock subscribers will be held' at an early date, of i which due notice will be given, at | which time the matter ot a location for the buildings will be taken up, also the matter of securing a charter. The meeting was very enthusiastic, and the manner in which our people have taken hold and are pushing the matter points very conclusively to the fact that they are determined to make a success of this enterprise. Parent-Teacher*' Meeting. Parent-Teacher association programme for Monday, February 5, a1. 4 p. m. will be as follows: Violin Solo?Mrs Eugene Montgomery. Importance of Moral Training? Mrs G T Harmon. Round Table Discussion. All parents and friends are invited, particularly ex-teachers. With Oar Advertisers. The Bank of Williamsburg calls your attention in a special ad in this paper to the fact that it is not yet too late to start a Christmas savings account by joining one of its Christmas Banking Clubs. We can commend this as an excellent method of saving up money for Christmas. Try it for yourself and see if you won't agree with us when the time comes to buy Christmas presents. Why not see the Kingstree Manufacturing & Construction Co and I have them make your window and i door screens now,so you'll have them ready for fly time? The People's Mercantile Co has just received acarload of flour,meal, rice and can accommodate you with the best in its line. See ad in this paper. If you need shoes, inspect the fine new stock of the Kingstree Dry Goods Co. See new ad. In his change of ad. Mr S Marcus calls attencion to his attraciive line of spring goods and ladies' ready-towear, just arrived. Live Stock Sale. We invite the attention of our readers to the advertisement in this paper by Mr J M Truluck, announc*-V\a nnKlin qqIo nf Hu^ 1UJ? VIIC OtVWiiu puuuv wm*v v* | stock at Lake City on Wednesday, February 7. Mr Truluck invites everybody who has a hog or cow for sale to bring it to this sale. Buyers from many sections of toe country will be there and will pay good prices. George Warren, the Solicitor for the new Fourteenth circuit, entered upon his duties Monday at Hampton with his hands full, as there were four murder cases. Cleveland Big Boll Cotton Seed for sale, $1.50 per bushel. Highest prices paid for Furs. S S Aronson. Lanes. S C. l-18*4t Riciipl Books, Blank Nolis, Mortgages aid all Legal Blanks in demand, for sale at The Record office. If we have not the form jou wish we can print it on short notice. Send us the news. )OD WE LIVE ct to cold hands or feet?if you leumatic pains?your blood or It and you need mm 1 COD LIVER OIL ily-assimilated food, to increase md charge the blood with life? * * .? . .t Scott's creates warmth to throw resistance to prevent sickness. TS. Every Druggist has it. IOWNE, Blownfiald, N. J. i*ia -n-T-Sii Death of Mrs. G. H. Lovett. Mrs G H Lovett of Indiantown, ! wife of Mr G H Lovett and daugh' ter of Sheriff G J Graham, died at ! her home Saturday morning last at I four o'clock. Mrs Lovett had been : sick only a few hours. Her physic- | ! ians did everythingJpos9ible for her, i but notwithstanding their effortsjshe j ' was claimed by the grim reaper. The funeral and interment took ' place at Indiantown Presbyterian church Sunday ^afternoon at three j o'clock, seryices being conducted by ' the pastor of the deceased,Rev W R Pritchard, in tne presence of a large r number of sorrowing friends and . relatives. fl Mrs Lovett leaves a husband and 1 four children, one boy and three girls. She is also survived by her father and several brothers and sisters. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to the bereaved family in their loss. There will be a hot supper at Earles school house on Friday night, February 9, for benefit of the school. Public is invited. ltp FORDS! FORDS! FORDS! I have a few Ford Touring Cars on hand. This is the first time since last August that I have been able to get enough cars to fill orders or supply il- j 1 if 4. ' trie urmaiiu. 11 yuu want tu nur j right at the right price, come in and I get a Ford. Yours for motor service, Thos McCutchen, Kingstree, S C. special notices Wanted Position as overseer on J farm, or share cropper on one horse farm Address John Taylor, Blooming- " vale, S C. ltp Lost?The latter part of last July, one hound dog about a year old. with J| black body, white legs ar d ring nearly K around neck, tan ears and markings, ? olan white tin tail A reward of $25.00 will be paid for his return to George 6 i* Hammet, Kingstree, SC. 1 For Sale or Rent?Valuable tract n of land, mile and a quarter north of ft Kingstree, known as tne Fulton tract, h containing 78 acres, 45 cleared and in ? good state of cultivation. Apply to R H Kellahan, Kingstree, S C. 2-1-tf pi Wanted ?First class Country But- H tcr; three pounds every week at 35c b pound, cash on delivery. Address b Box 127, Kingstree, S C. p Eggs for Sale,?E 11 Thompson's b Barred Plymouth Rocks, prize winners ? at Columbia,Pee Dee and Williamsburg ft Fairs. $1,50 per setting. T E Arrow- p smith, Kingstree, S C. l-25-3tp ? For Rent?Four gooc unfurnished b rooms, with water and telephone priri- $ lege. Good location. Apply to P 0 S Box 425. l-25-2t b Lost?One black and white pointer & dog.about 2 years old, answers to name tS of "Pope." Reward if returned to L D Rodgers, Kingstree. SC. 2t & For Sale?Try a Coco Door Mat?if 3 you do not think it worth the money return it and we will refund your money, 2 $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00. Kingstree g Furniture Co, Phone Nc-167. l-25-2t ^ Wanted?Salesman and Collector at ? Kingstree, S C, who can furnish a team or automobile. Also furnish satisfactory references. A liberal contract to the right man. Apply at The Record Office. l-15-4t For Sale or Rent?My house and lot on corner of Kelley street and Third 1 avenue in Kingstree. For information address, F K Graham, Bamberg, S C. 1-25-tf Stockholders' Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the T17?1Kafyiakm.flf fftnnftr U'oir QcaA/*i&tinn TT UUaillOMUlg VVUU?J a Wift Muuvvtwv*v?? will be held at noon Monday, February 5, in the court house, for the purpose of electing officers for another year and the laying out of plans for the fair for 1917. All interested, and especially the executive committeemen, are urged to present. G A McElveen, It Secretary. WHAT 18 LAX-FOS IAX-F0S is an improved Cascara (atoule-lixatlw) plsisiit to tiki In LAX-FOS the Cascara is improved by \ the addition oi certain narmiess cncmicals which increase the efficiency of the " Cascara, making it better than ordinary Cascara. LAX-FOS is pleasant to take and does not gripe nor disturb stomach. Adapted to children as well as adults, pi Joat try one bottle for constipation. 50c. g( t t FateHoHsYoi ? Holloa tmManA YWHfG people, tikis is meant for you. Don'' now for the "rainy day," when life is nol your pennies now. WORK, WORK, 1 BATE! This picture may change your whi EARNEST THOUGHT for just fire minutes, on it. Suppose you RESOLVE to be one of the DO THIS. Then? OPEN AN ACCOUNT BANK OF KINGI Wedding and Annivei This is the month for wedding i gifts. These gifts in Silver, Cut C ware of a varied assortment will i store. They are all of best qus Clocks and a complete line of Je^ hand. Our Repair Depar Bring me your broken Watches, elry. Repairs made same day rece T E. BAGG JEWELER Mam Street, King | The Cash | Flour Rice Buttei | Hog Feed Horse an I ? ij Come to see me. I am always glad 3 You will find a good warm room waiti 5 hearted boy to greet you. Don't fail to 1 i when in cown. I sell cheap. |L.S.DENNIS I Next Door to Heller's | Kingstree, - Sou I Highest Prices Paid for Co ? t . S Grocery Spec f Pickled Pigs' Feet g? Fancy Grape Fruit . ^ Fresh Ripe Tomatoe H Fancy English Walnuts g3 Pure Ribbon Cane Syni| a Large Fat Salt Mackere | Heintz' Sweet Mixed Pii T> W T TT IV TT . AV JU "Good Things to I Phone 143 i Congress has appropriated $10,-f piles C 30,000 for the establishment of: Tour dru*tf?t astroads in the various States. | niVnd.B*eding outh Carolina gets $143,615. ( xbefiYttappiia 1 ninifie t laugh at fate. Prepare t all roey sunshine. Save 970RK! SAVE, SAVE, ale life it you give it Concentrate your mind i few who will REALLT with us. STREE. paapii Oifto \ I Ml yUN 16 I and anniversary f ilass and China- J be found at my m ility. Watches, velry always on * 1 tment. 1 Clocks and Jew- 1 lived. 1 ETT J Vt t fstree, S. C. | Storeg * Ch.eesejf d Mule Feed! to see my friends. 88 ng you and a big- Eg zisit the Cash Store w , Prop J ; Stables |? th Carolina jf irn and Peas. J r*A#nr\ nrv#rv>rr> vA ials. ^ i 3? 5s C2 o 3 <"D ? J rt 1 f ckles | W I s Lat" Vcademy St. " ured in 6 to 14 Days will refund money If PAZO Us to cure any case of Itching, or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 day* ition gives Ease and Rest. 30c I. , :