rw ?<" ? " & e . * Fy- * a Sout ' Gentlem am Nam< ' Well, way back in in this bright, ha days, I began to g< have any name. Folks were calling one" and "whatdy; it a bit Then or Chief telephoning ? 1 to meet in his offic I ; Pretty soon they a chaps, short chaps chaps. "Now.tha I Big Chief, "what v My! how they wi S , SOVEREIGN?1 * for I want you a: - / I am gui If you your mo the worl Save FOR t/C* EAIUti GRADED SCHOOL By^' '/ t ??m_ Hlfr ' Tf ' \ iliorRon Beginning Dec 4,1916, and Ending Jan 12,1*17. Grade I. Annie Avant <...90 [ Ruth Wheeler 90 Grade II. Ofis Parsons 90 Grade III. 5h?e* Marshall 91 Thetis Cam'.in 90 Grade IV. Dewey Wheeler 91 Wjfoae Haaelden 90 Grade V. I Myrtle McOants 92 jy Mafaie McC'onnell 92 Wwie Fengin 92 BmFc Marshall 92 ' Ruttr Haseden 91 Delia Feagin 90 t "< Grade VI. | .ucille McConnell 93 [ ames Lemmon 92 Sudie Norton 92 Grade VIII. Tbessie Camlin 93 Grace Parsons 93 Herman Camlin 91 Dorothy Ferry 91 Qapde Parsons 90 * Grade IX. Rufcyreagin .91 j - \ hern an, ed /V 1901, after I had been ; ppy world for several ;t worried like. I didn't < [*me "it" and "the new a-call-it. I didn't like i le day I heard the Big ? ill his department heads e. 11 came filing in. Tall i, fat chaps and skinny it he is here," said the nil you name him?" rangled and wrangled The Folks of the South The Folks of the South K lie best?is none too gc 3 one of my friends, and iranteed by don't like me return i ney back. I have said it A d over for keeping his woi % - \ reign THE GENTLE M> irup of Zfo |^CABLISLE# ?sraOOL# NOTtT^ ^ HONOR ROLL FOR MONTH BEGINNING *! DECEMBER 4, ENDING JANUARY 12. . Grade I. ^ Orving Eaddy L Clyde Flagler E Grade II. * ? dujci ?ji uv;iuuiuu Grade fil. ^ Leon Kelly 93 5 Lonnie Flagler 90 ^ Mildred McClary 90 ^ Grade IV. Hazel Flagler 94 " Pearl Joye 93 N David Kelly ...92 k Mazie Brockinton 91 " Grade V. d Martha Smiley 92 h Grade VI. . Ql Leatha Parson 94. Grade VII. tt_:_ r> qc , uuic Diutmuiuu ft Lucile Nexsen 91 y, A man's trut interest is not always ^ IS; advantajjre-of self-gain. * To Cure a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the I Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. 1 jf Druggi* la refund money if k fails to cure. . E. W. GROV a'S signature on each box. #5c. I( ' N" and wrangled. You know, them argue whether He' or John or Jim before. Fi spoke up and said: "Why not call him 'SOV mother was a Virginian aristocrat of the Carolii from the very best stock. I 1 | j A [ne very sweetest, npest, ginia and Carolina tobac< raised right in 6ne of the c healthiest homes on earth jrner born, a Southerner 1 gentleman?the king of t SOVEREIGN. KNOW good blood. [NOW good tobacco. od a name." So I was it means a whole heap So**. gu ne to your dealer an< l Southern gentleman is k rd, and I have given you Cigar W OP THE 801 CUU Belser School Notes. | H Following are the names of the | T upils on the honor roll, also those I' Landing: the arithmetic examinaon, for the month ending: Jan 12: HONOR ROLL. lae Baker 92 f ouise Baker 91 !thel Hodge 93 c lable Hodge 92 . inth Covington 9li ARITHMETIC EXAMINATION. Q lae Baker 98 !thel Hodge 99 b lable Hodge 99 nnie Covington 99 Those making head marks in spell* ? ig are: Ethel Hodge. Mable Hodge, lae Baker, Louise Baker, David Ba- e er, Annie Covington and Kuth uov- y igton. h Three new pupils have enrolled n uring the past month and hope to b ave their names on the honor roll a ext time. I Found a Sure Tbiog s; I B Wixon, Farmers Mills, N Y, a as used Chamberlain's Tablets for w ears for disorders of the stomach ^ nd liver and says, "Chamberlain's d ablets are the l>est I have ever sed." Obtainable everywhere. si Different minds make difference E i minds, but never makes ail indif- N ;rent world. C f , you have heard d be called Jack nally, one fellow EREIGN? His , his father an las. He comes He comes from , mellowest Vir:o. He is being leanest, whitest, TT _ _ rs ll. . ne is a souinDred, a Southern hem all?a real i named, friend, i when I say? y uic# I get no wn ' mine. ettes JTH r* INGSTBEE EVIDENCE FOB KINGSTREE PEOPLE be Statements ofllngstree Residents Ire Surely Here Reliable Than Those ot litter Strangers Home testimony is real proof. Public statements of Kingstree leople carry real weight. What a friend or neighbor says ompels respect. Mhe word of one whose home is ar away invites your doubts. Here's a Kingstree man's statelent. And it's for Kingstree people's enefit. Such evidence is convincing. That's the kind of proof that hack? Joan's Kidney Pills. S A Nettles, ex-hotel prop, Acadmy St, Kingstree, says: "Several ears ago I hurt my back lifting a eavy piece of iron pipe. After that ly kidneys acted irregularly and my ack pained me severely, i was so ore and lame I conld hardly stoop, "he kidney secretions passed toofree7 at times, and then they were too canty. The least cold I got would Eittle on my kidneys and make me rorse. When s friend recommended loan's Kidney Pills, I used them as irected and they relieved all sympDms of kidney trouble." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't imply ask for a kidney remedy?get loan's Kidney Pills?the same that Ir Nettles had. Foster-Mil burn o. Props, Buffalo, N Y. f A A SPA A SURE lis L. T. Thompi % I ^1 15c lb. Paid I Choice Beef, Mutton i THE PEOPLI H. A, MULE ITcas has a grood ? ? " o? ? waiting fory yonr headqu in town. An to see you , * Best Price Paid i Floiar and Rice a Specials L_. S. C Next Door to 1 t How to "Ca Eat Pure Food (roi We have a full line ol guarantee in every inst effort to get the very fcx i you are looking for a re Floor, Coffee, Tei in fact, anything to eat We have it for you. M. H. J ONE! Kingstree, : ys?????? MiniuiAnurn lonirn uvtHffiMtu Mu men Finds Health In Our Vinol Collinsville, 111.?"I suffered from a nervous breakdown and terrible headaches and was tired all over, totally worn out and discouraged, but as I had a large family I had to work despite my suffering. I saw Vinol advertised and decided to try it, and within two weeks 1 noticed a decided improvement, and now I am a well woman."?Mrs. Aka Beckeb. We guarantee Vinol, our non-secret tonic, to strengthen and build up weak, run-down, overworked mothers, delicate children and feeble old people. Scott Drug Co, K'ngstree, S C. 'I RK PLUG OF MANY MERITS. SPARK. SOOT PROOF. LEAK PROOF. ,L MOTORS. OIL DRIP FEATURE. rodes on "Eklips" Plug are so ? 1 that no oil can accumulate in g gap between the points. * .] For sale*by stree "Garaa'e, ! son, Proprietor j ill Yoir Mr j Best Market Price Paid or Cow Hides. Jm Pork. Sausage Mid Veal. E'S MARKET R, Proprietor. HTTORE i __________ >. \i warm room l 011. Make it arters while i always glad in , qur store. ' r:l :or Corn and Peas ' j. Seed Oats'for Sale Here ) E|N N IS Heller's Stables | BSnaMMEBMHnBBk b" the Grouch X it the Pore Food Store ?????T-??????????X ' t food products that we ca? ance. We make a special 2st the market affords. If sally superior brand in a, Meats, Vegetables 5 S * \ , come right to this store, p ACOBSI STORE South Carolina ? ESTABIJSHED 17M m (6Ra\iUoa Freres Lan?c Fur Manufacturers In tha WarM HIGHEST PR ICES PAID FOR RAW FURS I Ship your furs to us. We pay *11 express tfndi mail charges Write for our price list 453 West 28tli St New York \