lHIIJC Count}) $tfofii.Fir VOL XXXI. KINGSTREE, SOUTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1916. XO. 41 GERMANY PROPOSES f NEUTRALS The United States, Spain a Transmit Germany's Pri Da Qacic nf Pc UB UUOIU Ul i w News dispatches from Berlin say that Germany proposes peace to Allies. The imperial chancellor, Dr von Bethmann-Hnllweg. speaking for the German empire and its allies, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey, announced in the reichstag that he had given to the diplomatic representatives of Spain, the United States and Switzerland, a joint note addressed to Germany's enemies, proposi g to them to *-nter into peice neg riations. Tin' chancellor did not announce the teiuis upon which Germany and her allies will make peace. Nor are they contained in the note he hand ed to the three diplomats ior transmission to the entente powers. The only reference he made to them was that they had the object of "guaranteeing the existence, honor and liberty of evolution" for nations extending the offer and "are according to their firm belief an appropriate basis for the establishment of everlss'ing peace." This reference is contained in the note addressed to the allies. The representatives of Spain, the United | States and Switzerland were selected for the transmission, because these countries represent the entente interests in Germany and the countries of her allies. Simultaneously with the issuance of the note to the allies Germany sent a communication to Pope Benedict, through the German minister ' to the Vatican, Dr Otto von Muehl ?;flr Clar " Derg, nouryiug me iajuuu ui \jcmany's peace move, eulogizing the Holy Father for his efforts in behalf of peace during the last two years and expressing the confidence that Germany's initiative "will find a friendly welcome on the part of His ' Holiness and that the work of peace can count upon the precious support of the Holy See." Throughout the chancellor's peech, and both in the note to the entente and that to the pope, emphasis is laid upon these chief points: That the peice move is made "in full harmony" with each of Germany's allies. That not weakness, but strength, I coupled with solicitude for civilization and humanity, prompt the offer of peace. That if this offer falls upon deaf ears in the entente countries, the responsibility of the terrors that a further prolongation of the struggle are bound to bring is solely that of Germany's enemies. The German ''Hoehnpc pverv U 111 pi I c, IIC urviaivvi, * aHBBMHMBHMM|HH|WMn?IIIMiaa'UM"ar , jgm^ CHRISTMAS IS COMING.AN OUR "MARDWARE" STORE WHICH WILL MAKE CHRIS1 IN OUR STORE A LITTLE ] PRESENTS: COME IN AND SEE. OUR PRESENTS ARE BEST fling Hardw; The Popular 1 k ' . 'EAGE i m URGE ACCEPTANCE nd Switzerland Selected to psal-Terms That May iace Proposition. I responsibility for this before huj manity and history." His closing words were: "We are ready for fighting, and j ready for peace." Based upon information from their ; home governments, the entente dip- j I lomats believe Germany's terms are ; in general about as follows: Restoration of Belgium, with the 1 condition which would practically i leave it under German control and | probably give over the port of Antwerp to Germany. Restoration of the occupied portions of Northern France, but with economic control, which would guarantee to Germany supplies of iron and other raw materials drawn ; from there. Domination of Mesopotamia by Germany and Austria to give them a path to the Persian Gulf and break England's gateway to India and Egypt. To award to Bulgaria ail of Serbia as far south as Nish, which would take from Serbia as much territory as she gained in the Balkan Wars. They expect Germany will demand ; the return of her African colonies or at least propose to exchange | them for the French colonies. Turkey's interests are considered a minor affair and not fully developed in consideration of peace. I The attitude of the Balkan nations; | of the Germanic allies, it was ex-! plained, will be set forth in the, notes that have been dispatched from i Sofia and Constantinople; nothing of I them is known at the Balkan legations here, except that Bulgaria. . II Awrwwit rrut ,Vt a I\jiuuauiy win ca^v-? w k<.v tuuvv. , donia and Dobrudja, which former-! ! ly belonged to her, making the Da- j nube the boundary between Bul-i garia and Rumania and shutting; the latter from the Black sea. Automobile To Be Given Away. If you want an automobile for your child's Xmas FREE, call at Dr Brockington's Drug Store and spend | your money for your Xmas presents. Stationery; Chocolate Candy, the best in holiday boxes; Parfumery, best in fancy bottles; Holly Tissue and Poinsettia Paper, Toilet Sets, etc. ; I give away free with every 5c pur chase a 5c coupon, $1 purchase 20 : coupons, &<\ Call and pv?mine this | beautiful $1?.G0 automobile. FREEj I to the o'.e holding the most ticKets: | on the first day of January, 1917. j i It Dr W V Brockington. j Children, send in your letter to! Santa Claus at once. I Give k Something Useful. I We've got lots of Useful. ea*S "" D ARE NOT YOU COMING TO; TO SEE WHAT "WE" HAVE| "MAS GIFTS? MONEY WILL BUY LOTS OF f: THEY STAND THE TEST. ? are Company, j iardware Store i , CEDAR SWAMP NEWS NOTES. Local, Personal and Rellglou! Chronicles. Cedar Swamp, December 11:? Mrs R W McCutchen, who has beei at McLeod's infirmary for treat * TT ment, has returned nome. tie friends sincerely hope that she ha entirely recovered from the malad: which necessitated an operation. Mr Walter B Brown has purchas ed what is known as the Spann plae from Cooper Bros. This place join the Cedar Swamp church and schoo property and the location make it a valuable piece of real estate Mr Brown is a good citizen and i remembered as one of the tobacci growers who sells at such fane: prices on the Kinjjstree market. Mr Willie Foxworth and famil: have moved back from the Whit* Oak section to the home of Mr T ? Phillips, in this community, aftei being away for two or three years Messrs Rob and Frank Snowden from Cape Charles, Va, and Delmar Delaware, are at home for th< Christmas holidays. They repor quite a pleasant trip through th< country, crossing Chesapeake Ba: at Norfolk, thence to Richmond Petersburg, and by way of Raleigh N C. traveling along the Nationa Highway until they reached Hamlet N C.and thence to Darlington. Flor ence, Kingstree, a distance of si: hundred and forty-four miles in lesi than five days without a mishap ir Mr Snowden's Overland roadster. A merry party, namely, Misse: Jane Ervin, Everette McCullough Mabel Tyler, Georgie Rembert Opena Haddock, Dolerise McNeil Sadie Snowden, and Messrs Thad ant Manly McCullough motored to Salt ers Friday evening to attend th< Christian Endeavor convention a that place. The citizens and school patrons ol this community had a get-togethei meeting at the school building Fri day night, and after discussing mat ters relative to school affairs in gen eral, decided that the patrons shoult supplement the school fund to th< amount of two hundred forty-fiv< dollars by private subscription whicl was quickly subscribed. Our teach ers are indefatigable in their effort as to the advancement of the schoo and optimistic in their plans for th< improvement of the building am sanitary arrangements of the prem ises, and only asK the cooperation 01 those whom this work is intended t( benefit in order to attain success. There will be services at th< Methodist church next Sunday after noon conducted by the new preacher Rev God bold. WES Will Money Take Root? If you want to'see how money wil take root and grow just go to th< Bank of Williamsburg and "plant" i dime in the new Christmas Bankinj Club the.vjustopened toaccommodat the people of this community whc want to start to save money. This dime will grow in fifty weeks before Christmas next year when yoi will feel the need of ready money into $127.50. The littie Christmas Banking Clul book which the Bank of Williamsburj will give you or any of your friends free will show you when to mak< your weekly deposit and how muct you put in in order to get, in fift; weeks, the $i27.50 vVhole families are joining thi Christmas Banking Ciub. It's th< best thing that ever struck town t< show us all how to really save mone; and get ahead. It gets us into tht banking habit?the best habit any one can learn. Money planted in th? bank will surely grow if we let sta; in the bank what we put in, an< keep on adding to it. "Every little bit added to what you've got make: just a little bit more." You can "plant" only a nickle ii the Christmas Banking Club and ii fifty weeks have $63.75. You musl put in ten cents the second week, fif teen cents the third week and so on increasing the amount you deposi only a nickle each week. The big gest sum you put in at one time i only $2.50. You will hardly believ - *-*' >?i. i;ttl mis uniu yuu JUUN IUIU mc inn Christmas Banking Club book whici the Bank of Williamsburg will furnis you and every member of your fam ily free. The "kiddies"can join theone-cen or the two-cent club and in fift weeks have $12.75 or $25.50. Every boy, girl, man and wr man in this community should joi this Chri.-tmas Banking Club. It's good thing. i AUTO i ? Who wants this A . # thp rhilH'? Antnmnhili r x ary 1, 1917. Come ant s x some little boy or girl f 3j or every $1.00 paid oi x Sunday, December 24 SB Come in and see us an j | Kingstr ; | Coffins and Casl J ? . ! CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR INSTITUTE ? i j Inspiring and Delightful Meetr ing Held at Salters. . i The first Christian Endeavor in, stitute of Williamsburg county was Unia of Go]in tho aftornnnn nnrl , , 1IC1U av uauvrio 111 vuv wv t wwm m..v> ? evening of December 9. Fifty deiet gates were registered from the four ; visiting societies?Indiantown, Ce/ dar Swamp, Trio and Mulberry. The , Salters society acted as host and en, tertained in the town hall, giving I the visitors a delightful time. , i It was an inspirational meeting, - led by Mr Bert Corcoran,State Presc! ident of Christian Endeavor. The 31 afternoon session was'given over to II business,after which the guests were invited to the upper floor, where a 3 sumptuous banquet was served. The evening session, led by Miss , Lillian Salters, was addressed by , Miss Janet Jaeger, supervisor of the j Florence district; Mr Glenn Mc Knight, superintendent of the Charloatrtn Mis Ridgeland have returned home after f a visit to their daughter, Mrs Willie ; Prwn, their ,:ttle grandson "Billie" ? accompanying them, j Miss Mae Graham spent the weeky end with Misses Nonie Brown and i Emma Hipp, s Mrs M L Baggett spent several ? days last week with her daughter, :> Mamie, at Chicora college. y On Saturduy afternoon from four ? till six, Mrs Maria Salters and Miss Nonie Brown delightfully entertain'i ed about three dozen of their friends y at the Lanes Hotel at a linen shower i in honor of Mrs Auddie Brown, who ? is soon to move into her new bunga* 3 low on Church street. The color scheme of green and - ?L.'I- oorriu/t nut in il Willie was ucaumuii.T vanivu uuw ... a the artistically arranged ferns, palms t and narcissus in the parlors and hall. As the last quests arrived and all i, were assembled in the west parlar, a t messenger boy came in bearing a telegram for Mrs Brown which read: s "Perishable package by today's exe press, attend to same at once, e (Signed) "Bungalow Fairy." h Just as the reading of the leleh gram was finished, little Elizabeth i- Brown and Moultrie McCullough came in drawing a child's express it wagon, in which was seated little y Madder under a small Japanese umbrella with the packages around her. i- These packages revealed many love n lv and useful articles in the torm oj a towels, tray cloths, centerpieces. etc. Near the close of the afternoon a MOBILE utomobile? We will give a^ e now on exhibition in our ? 1 see us and let us explain 01 absolutely happy. Every c n account between Monda , will give you a chance to id get your chances. ee Hardw lets We Lead dainty salad and sweet course with mints was served. Those assisting Mrs Salters and I Miss Brown were: Mr Frank Baggett, Misses Emma Hipp a ,d Belle Plmvden. j, Live Stock Sale at Lake City. ' | Lake City, December 13: ?The ' auction sale of live stock held here ' on the 7th instant was a success, < , considering that the summer past , ! was very hard on cattle and the furj ther fact that this sale was the first ( 1 thing of the kind undertaken in this j j section. There were several buyers ' from various sections; and the num- ! j ber of people present?those who 1 | had stock to sell, those interested in 1 the venture and those brought by 1 I curiosity?was well up in the thous- \ ands. Some of the hogs * brought -J fancy prices, and a few cows went J off as high as 9 cent9 gross. The | amount of money passed was about k five thousand dollars. The promoj ters of the sale announce that for | the future similar sales will be held at regular intervals. ; The second primary election held ! (Tuesday resulted in selecting the following ticket for the regular election on December 20, to-wit: Mayor, S B Rodgers; Aldermen, ; Ashton H Williams, ward 1; G L 1 Dickson, ward 2; Walter Holland, ward 3; W M Severance, ward 4; ! Hayden J McKenzie and J P Matthews, at large. Damages Awarded. In the case of Haselden, plaintiff, against the Atlantic Coast Line railroad, defendant, for damages sustained by Mr Haselden here on August 16 when a freight train ran! into his automobile, in which he and two of his children were riding J when crossing the railroad at the , Main street crossing, asking twentyfive hundred dollars damages, the jurv found a verdict for the defendant for five hundred dollars. The T plaintiff was represented by Messrs * Kelley & Hinds, and the defendant ] ^ company was represented by L W Gilland and LeRoy Lee, Esqs. This being the last case court adjourned f sine die Friday. JUST BECAUSE OURS IS A NA1 WHY WE CANNOT MAKE YOU COME IN. TRY IT. WE ARE HAPPY OVER BEING A ERAL RESERVE SYSTEM OF BAJ CURITIES TO OUR CENTRAL RES TO AND Ob 1 UUK Munti. SO CAN YOU COME TO US W YOUR MONEY. PUT YOUR MONEY WE PAY 4 PER CENT INTERE: Farmers & Mercliai I "A ?*SOL.lJTKr.Y SA FK" Aalli2t;::S ay Fedarai Reserve Baarc lo At', as ' FREE 1 way absolutely FREE go show window, JANU- ?g jr method in making ash purchase of $1.00 w ly, November 27, and gj win this Automobile. gj are Co. | 5 Others Follow gj ?n~mnniT7iz7m H IN SOCIETY'S REALM. Esteemed Bride-Elect Honoree at Delightful Functions. / - , Mrs W N Jacobs entertained a lumber of friends at a chafing dish uncheon in honor of Miss Jimmie Britton Tuesday morning from 11 :o 1 o'clock. A delightful three:ourse menu was served, during which little Miss Mary Wayne Jacobs, daughter of the hostess, presented Miss Britton with a lovely land embroidered guest towel. Af:er lunch the guests were invited nto the music room, where several /ocal selections were charmingly endered by Miss Selma Thorn in her lsual inimitable manner. Those enjoying Mrs Jacobs' hospitality were: VIrs Belle Blakely, Misses Jimmie Britton, Ora McFall, Emma Cooper, lulmo Tkrnrn onrt Faeip RIaWpIv Mrs N D Lesesne was hostess fa he members of the United Daugh:ers of the Confederacy Friday afernoon from 4:30 to 6:00 o'clock. Vn additional feature to the regular neeting was a handkerchief shower n honor of Miss Jimmie Britton.this >eing her last meeting with this ihapter of the U D C. Immediately tfter the regular business had bee? ransacted, little Miss Margaret Leesne, wearing raincoat and cap, enered the room, carrying a parasol, howered with dozens of lovely crept le chine and linen handkerchiefs. Delicious refreshments, consisting of ruit gelatine, with whipped cream ind cake, were served, buffet style, >y the hostess,, assisted by Miss Emna Cooper. Among those present rere: Mesdames E 0 Taylor of Greeyville, D C Scott, W L Taylor, R B Smith, W G Gamble, Misses Jimmie Jritton, Agness Erckmann, Emma "ooper, Mable and Belle Harper. The Civic league will hold a parcel - ?-?1? Ai?AofAr onrkrutr Q t" KJSl SQlC nuu ujtoui ouppvi m? ^ewis' old store at 5 p. m. Frilav. ltp ?m mm l Milk for sale in any quantity, 10c >er quart. P S COURTNEY. 11-23-tf [TONAL BANK IS NO REASON FEEL AT HOME" WHEN YOU MEMBER BANK OF THE FEDNKS. WE CAN TAKE OUR SE ERVE BANK WHEN WE WANT HEN YOU WANT TO AND GET IN OU R BANK. ST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. its National Bank. r.a kr ntv. s. r. ASminislrjIsr. Cxscutar. Truste? an?J Ragistrar. ?