The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 30, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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Help Nature Do It r ~~\ Don't you see how she is working to pet rid of your colds and catarrh? The effort continues all the time, but in hot weather you catch a fresh cold every day or so, add to the catarrh in your system, and soon it is chronic?systemic. Your digestion suffers, you V* n t*A f WAItklA nf AfMaftk AM/] ua?c t x uuuiC mvu diviuovii auu bowels. Get at the real disease. Clear up catarrh, and the other troubles will disappear. Aid With Peruna Peruna is a pood tonic, with special efficacy in catarrhal conditions. Build up your resistance, mand at the same time treat the catarrh. Supply nature with more vigor. give your body a chance to g*t well, and summer will rot annoy you. The healthy man defies I the weather. Peruna has helped make < mtloss thouN v the last 4vr? vtJZt&'&A Tn- ' : .. rm is very con\r:iier.t for regular administration. the peruna co. COLTTCBUS, OHIO : MRS. SLACK'S LETTER To Mothers of Delicate Children Falmyra, Ta.?"My little girl had a chronic cough and was so thin you could count her ribs, and she had no appetite. Nothing we gave her seemed to help her, until one day Mrs. Neibert asked me to try Yinol, and now she is hungry all the time, her cough is gone, she is stouter and has a more healthy color. I wish every mother who has a delicate child wouid try Yinol."?Mrs. Alfred Slack. We guarantee Vinol, our non-secret tonic, to make delicate children healthy and strong. Scott Drug Co, King>tree. S C. I ^ 1CAN save y< the most popi equal of many p< Jacobs Is distilled of the be purest limestone spr color, wonderful bo You can pay $3.00 "JACOBS' SPECIE SUNBEAM CORN those who prefer a < 4 Quar OR 8 Pini OR 16 X Pin ORDI JACOBS' SPECIA1 anteed to be 100 p find them that way money. CUT PRICE MOONLIGHT BOURB (9 years old) Paul Jones Cream of Kentucky JACOBS QUICK JACKSONV NHE RECORD'S SURVEY. I i Condensed News from All Over the State. I Lee county fair opened yesterday. The Atlantic Coast Line will build i a $20,000 station at Oranpeburp. Governor Manninp will address the St Andrew society in Charleston ! tonipht. The third annual Lancaster fair ; closed Saturday and was the most I successful yet held. Evangelist B F McLendon is slated to begin a series of meetings at 011 anta the first of December. Sumter's first fair last week was a great success and another fair next j year is regarded as a certainty. Nineteen Citadel men have been [appointed to positions in the United States army during the past year. The two Baptist churches of Florence contemplate the erection of a mission charel in the suburb of Magnolia Heights. 1 Capers James of Summerton, a member of the historic James fami! 5y of Indiantown.has been appointed lieutenant in the United States army An agreement is being extensively - J _ ryi i.-C.u Kill sijnea m e/nesienieiu couiuy iu mm no birds for the rest of this year and all of 1917, as a treasure of protection against the boll weevil. I ? j The Florence Chamber of Commerce will furnish seed wheat to all farmers desiring to grow that crop. The chamber is confident that the i city will have a grain elevator and flour mill before next harvest. An election will be ordered shortly on the question of forming a new county out of parts of Anderson and ! Greenville, to be called Williamston. The movement has strong proponents'and opponents, and a hot fight is expected. i mm II Ml W ITI 3u money?save you ilar bottled whiskey on eoples $3.00 whiskey? ' Special V st grain that growS|in Kentucky. Ma ing water. It is fully aged before it'i uquct and mellow flavor, a gallon for whiskey, then won't ge \L. and DEW DROP GIN ? also fine corn, or gin. They all sell at the sai = $122 LR A GALLON 1 SUNBEAM CORN and DEW Dl oint perfect and to be worth $3.00 we will pay express charges both IS ON CASE GOODS ?4 QUAR1 R'fcular Our Cut ON Price Price _ . $4.00 $2.95 if*6?011 V1/? Meadwood (b< 4.00 2.95 Shaw's Malt 4.00 2.95 Finest Manhat LIQUOR C )ER VICE?Right Across IELE Richie Siau of Georgetown has won the national prize of a $50 Ith-1 aca gun offered by Field and Stream \ magazine for the largest bass caught in American waters with rod and reel. Mr Siau had already won the + K * /-*!ino rvri ! The boiler of the Orangeburg steam laundry exploded Tuesday i shortly after noon while the plant was closed for dinner. The two ends traveled through the air in opposite directions for about half a block. A child was slightly hurt, and small damage was done to property. CRYING FOR HELP. Lots of It in Klnflstree, But Daily Graving Less. The kidneys often cry for help. Not another organ in the whole body more delicately constructed, Not one more important to health. The kidneys are the filterers of the blood. When they fail the blood becomes foul and poisonous. There can be no health where there is poisoned blood. Backache is one of the frequent indications of kidney trouble. It is often the kidneys' cry for help. Heed it. Head what Doan's Kidney Pills have done for overworked kidneys. . Proof of merit in the following statement: Mrs H J Olsen. grocer, 817 E Evans St Florence, S C, says: "I had duil pains in my back and loins, and J was so sore and stiff that I could ; hardly get up from bed. I had headaches and dizzy spells, and the ! kindev secretions were unnatural. I ! used Doan's Kidney Pills as directed and they relieved me of the trouble." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy?get Doan's Kidney Pills?the same that Mrs Olspn had. Foster-Miibum Co, Props, Buffalo, N Y. MLS IBPjT 1 "Un big money on "Jac< the market today. At -a saving of $1.10. Whiskey ide of the sweetest and s bottled. It has a rich t the quality you get in > high class liquors for ne price. a Express j Collect I ODAY I ROP GIN are all guar- lj 1 a gallon. If you don't ways and refund your l| rS OR 8 PINTS Regular Our Cut I Price Price 4.00 2.95 ot. in bond) 4.00 2.95 4.00 2.95 tan Cocktail 4.00 2.95 1 I I ^ ? r x T lit! uivirAiN i i ' from Depot FLORIDA Big Orange Crop. The commercial oranged crop of the United States 9hows a probable increase of 2.635.000 boxes this year. An estimate issued today by she Department of Agriculture places the crop at 13,885,000 box-s of which the California production is 17,500,000 boxes, or 2,450,000 more than last year, and that of Florida 6,335,000 boxes or an increase of 185,000 boxes over last year. The Florida trrape fruit crop is estimated at 1,900,000 boxes, a decrease of 100,000 boxes from last year. Do You Have Sour Stomach? If you are troubled with sour stomach you should eat slowly and masticate your food thoroughly, then take one ofChaml>erlain's Tablets immediately after supper. Obtainable everywhere. Virtue's violation sears a cor.1 science, persistence burns it, neglect consumes it. RUB OUT PAIN i willi rrcc. r'- .iniir.cnt. That's j I the surest way to stop them, j [,Th; t.-es' ruobing liniment is( IB!I*?T I MP If* u& IA R b Cx):i j' r'a Aihiznis of Horses, i.iMiss, Cattle, Etc. Qoocl for ;:ou- ov:n s*chcs, Pa'in?, E' Sprr.iis, Cuts, :J ir.'i- , Etc. 25c. 5i.. . . / ' all Dealer.?. Its**7 ' ~ "fI*T vatBi mm m? 3bs' Special," $1.90 it is the SSI ^ ?* ' I ' ^ | JACOBS'SFEC1M| I i PERfEfj: | (] WHISKFV (!. j|1 AiOWUiSTCRWTH45* s 1 j- . l^pSljlQlK#1 f lli \Atyi(fe3 8np(t ' j^j, i ft ^ 'A ^ ? 1 ||j P 1 ] Now Well f a ?2 Ea "TTwrifnrd's Rlaelr.nraiierht fnl I is the best all-round medicine Ejj! lever used," writes J. A. (j? BE Steelman, of Pattonville, Texas. Ed "I suffered terribly with liver Ej troubles, and could get no relief. E| The doctors said I had con- R 9umption. I could not work at B all. Finally I tried jR THEDFORD'S I . BLACK- I DRAUGHT I and to my surprise, 1 got better, and am to-day as well as any Bj man." Thedford's Black- e| Draught is a general, cathartic, M irarrptahlo lii/pr mpHirinP that 1 sH has been regulating irregularis Eg M ties of the liver, stomach and H ', j|i bowels, for over 70 years. Get B| a package today. Insist on the Eg ij genuine?Thedford's. E-70 E ' The sweetest sonps are those heard i when vou were a child. J Arrival 01 rassenger irams hi Kingstree. The Atlantic Coast Line railroad has promulgated the following schedule, which became effective Monday, May 29, 19(>1: North Bound. No 80 - - - 7:25 a m *No 46 - - 11:83 am No 78 ... 6:13 p m South Bound. +No 83 10:40 a m 1 No 79 - - - 11:08 am *No 47 - - - - 6:47 p m No J$9 - - - 9:22 p m Daily except Sundav Stops on signal for Charleston, Savar,-: nah and Jacksonville passer^jers. State of Ohio, oitv of Toledo. ( e I-ucr i Con:.*:*. I Frank .f. n trey ma" cath that he Js senior partner ?>f the li.-t.i of F. J. Cneney & Co.. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will par the sum of ONE | HT'NPREP DOLLARS for each and ev- | ?y case rf Catarrh that cannot be cured i by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CERE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before ine and subscribed in rav presence, tills 6th day of DecemK"*, A. D. 1SS5. (Seal) A. TV. GI.EARON*. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHFNFY & CO . Toledo, O. Sold hv all Pr.itrtricts, 7">c. Take Hail'a Family rills for constipation. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted I am now equipped to do this work satisfac- > torily and can save you from $1.50 to $3.00 on ! each pair of glasses. Let me fit you out with | Tjhc New Kryptok Glasses, reading and distance vision ground in!each I glass. If you break your lenses bring them to me. I I will duplicate them on short notice. Save j the pieces. T. E. B AGGETT Jeweler and Optician - Kingstree, S. C. ! JiAO K Will be found at my place east of Kingstree for service. Terms $10.00. T. OLIN EPPS|S 10-5-6m. i - . : I" ? I Lax-Fos, A Mild, Effective laxative & Liver Tonic Does Not Gripe nor Disturb the Stomach. In addition to other properties, Lax-Fos contains Cascara in acceptable form, a stimulatingLaxative andTonic. Lax-Fos acts effectively and does not gripe nor disturb stomach. At the same time, it aids digestion .arouses the liver and secretions and icstuics tlic tioaltuy functions. 50c. i In the Babel of Voices how is the public to judge whose i? most worthy to be heard ? Keep in mind a few facts and your decision wi^ be easy. We were doing bnsiness 88 years ago. We bare continued in an unbroken line ever since I The experience, the skill, the tried and proved A methods acquired in that long period are enjoyed by few concerns. Pin your faith to the house that Sw has got the qualities to endure. The following Brandt of Whiskey have a confirmed popularity: OLD KENTUCKY SPRINGS 1 1 gal. jof, $3.50 DEERFOOT RYE ! 4 fall qts. 3.75 PINNACLE CORN I 8 pints, 4.00 MOLLY'S MALT J 16 K-pints, 4.00 OLDE PARCHMENT RYE, * W Winker 4 qnirts, 4.7S Express charges prepaid. Remittance to accompany order. State full P. O. address, and nearest expraaa office. Send for full price-list of Wines and Liquors. JAMES OLWELL & CO. ' 181 West Street Established 1828 NEW YOU MISS EULA HERRING, KINGSTREE. S. C. Trained Nurse, Prepared to answer emergency calls night or day. 'Phone 132. Dr. D. Zed Row e ^ uemai ourgeun f Trio, - - South Carolina DR. R. CLAUDE McCABE, Dental Surgeon, Office in Hirsch building, over Kingstree Drug Co's. 8-28-tf DR ROBERT J McCABE7 DENTIST, KINGSTREE, S. C Office in Nexsen Building, 3 doors from rostomce. rnone /?. M. D. NESMITH, DENTIST, f Lake City, S. C W. L. TAYLOR DENTIST, AINGSTREt. - S.C. v-zl-tf. 1888 1918 A. M. SNIDER, SURGEON DENTIST. Office at Residence, Railroad Avenue. J. DeS. Gilland Atlorney-at-Law Second Floor Masonic Temple Florence, S. C. General practicioner in all State and Federal Courts. BenJ. M-'NNES, M. R. C. V. S. B. Kgter MclNNES, M. D.. V. M. D VETERINARIANS. One cf us will be at Kingstree the first Monday in each month, at Hel- ' KINGSTREE t-odge<No> 46 A. F.M. meets Thursday before full moon each month. Visiting brethren are cordially nyited. R K Wallace, W M". J M Ross. Sec. 2-27-ly Kingstree CAMP NO- 27. I/?s#ru? MKRIKVt ( Ifatfwl I r<' Visiting choppers roi liallj-invited to com* w!g*i * Vgg> vy up and sit on a stump At- honor ahont on the limb*. " P H Stoll, J M Brown. Clerk. Con. Com Insurance! When you want Insurance of any kind, call on us. We write Life Fire LiveStock Plate Glass ^ Accident and Health n l* p I Bonding a specialty VVe are the largest and most experienced agency in ' Williamsburg county, and are in a position to give you the best service. Kingstiee Ins., Real Estate I & Loan Cn? Agfs., g PHONE 35. K1NGSTREE. S. C. I