The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 30, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Winter Is Here Again. 1 You want to see us Winter Underwear, Dry Goods and Shoes, k Gents' Fleece Lined Underwear at 50c the garment or 95c the suit, vest and pants. Ladies' Jersey Knit ] Vests zoc, or 4dc ine i suit, vest and pants. Better values in Ladies' Vests, 50c the garment. i Don't fail to see our line of Dress Goods, Ginghams and Outings, all at the old prices. Shoes for the olcj and the young, Shoes for all - at very close prices at our store. Come and give us a chance to show I you. Gents' Clothing ready i w**n Jrt f A YY1 AO O? I iliciUC (Ji mauc tw mv^uo ure. We represent the .best tailoring houses. Our line of Gents' Furnishings cannot fail to please every taste, in style, variety and price. Come and see. Everything in the line of Dry Goods is steadily advancing in the wholesale markets, so you had better supply your wants at once from | W. E. Jenlrinson loeiMf wm !i Mr C H Thomas of Cades was here Wednesday. Three public sales are to be made j here Monday. j Mr B B Mouzon of Mouzons was i here Monday. Mr J R Barrow of Workman was j here Wednesday. Mr A M Reid is spending Thanksgiving at home. Mr S B Poston of Johnsonville! was here Tuesday. Senator E C Epps went to Colura- j bia Tuesday night. Mr J C Everett of Salters spent Wednesday in town. Dr E 0 Taylor of Greelvville was in town Wednesday. Mr Arthur McCollough of Lanes was in town Tuesday. Mr N M Venters of Hemingway was in town Tuesday. Mr J J Snow of Henry spent Wednesday in Kingstree. D ComMa nf Iniltflntnwn lUT IX U uauiuix ui >uu?u..v.~ spent Wednesday in town. Misses Pearl and Lillie Marcus are visiting friends in Charleston. Mr McFaddin Mcintosh of New Zion was in town Wednesday. Capt Jno A Kelley was in Charleston yesterday on legal business. Mr and Mrs S Marcus are spend-1 ing Thanksgiving in Charleston. Mr Hoyte Watson of Latta is visiting his sister, Mrs J Y McGill. Messrs A C and Z H McDaniel of Leo were in Kingstree Wednesday. Mr A E Hill, of the Indiantown section, was a mid-week visitor here. Messrs R 6 Scarborough and S S Aronson of Lanes were in town Mon day. Mr W A McCrea, of the Benson neighborhood.was in Kingstree Monday. R K Wallace, of The Record, was at Andrews on business Saturday. Mr W P Young of Florence is V spending some time here with relatives. Mrs W V Brockington and Miss Ada Brockington spent Tuesday in Sumter. n" ? t r n rtriuwsiiimi, d:i|,ui uonc vn.j was in Kingstree Tuesday on legal business. Mrs W P Young of Florence is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs L Stackley. Miss Agness Erckmann is spendi ing the holidays with relatives in Charleston. \ 1 Mr J M Nettles of Winter Garden, Fla, is visiting his brother, Mr S A Nettles. Hon W D Dryan of Bryan and Mr Jas Bryan of Trio were visitors to town Monday. Mrs W L Taylor and children are spending the Thanksgiving holidays at Greelvville. Mr Wallace Mcintosh is spending Thanksgiving with his parents at Fairmuunt, N C. Miss Anna Footman of Greelyville is visiting Miss Mildred Muldrow in Florence. Mr W J Snowden. of the Hemingway neighborhood, was a caller at our office Tuesday. Mr and Mrs L L Hunter and children of Sumter are visiting Prof and Mrs J W Swittenberg. Mrs W E Nesmith and Miss Amanda Edwards spent the week-end with their parents in Latta. Mr and MrsC M Hinds of Hendersonvillc, N C, are here on a visit to relatives and friends. , Mr and Mrs Roe Weaver of Tampa, Fla, spent Saturday with their uncle, Dr W L Wallace. Miss Mabel Harper is suffering from an attack of la grippe at her home on East Main street. Miss Jennie Lee Epps has been elected second critic of the Carlisle society of Columbia college. 1 i Mr and Mrs A Berger and Miss , Berger of Florence spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs S Marcus. I Master Frederick Salters of Blen- J heim is visiting his grandmother, Mrs M E Salters, at Salters. Miss Quinette Dantzler of Dar- | lington, a former teacher here, is , the guest of Miss Lizzie Heape. Mrs E E Ulmer of Columbia is | spending some weeks with her mo- , | ther, Mrs W D Bryan, at Bryan. i j * The court of common pleas coni venes here Monday, Judge George E j Prince of Anderson on the bench. j Mrs C M Chandler, who has been^ visiting Mrs T M Gilland. returned j to her home in Lake City Monday. I' Mr J E King, manager of the i Chero-cola bottling works, has re- .1 turned to Sumter, his former home. ] Mr and Mrs J B Alsbrook of ' Greelyville spent Thursday wi'h the former's mother, Mrs P A Alsbrook. Miss Gaudia Townsend of Wadmalaw Island is here this week on a visit to her sister, Mrs P S McChes- . ney. j Born,Friday, November 24, to Mr ] end Mrs F E Gibson, at the home of ] Mr and Mrs W M Vause. a son,' | William Bentley. j j Mrs R M Burgess returned to her home in West Asheville, N C, Thurs-;1 day. after visiting her home folk at ' Mouzon. Miss Lillie Mcintosh returned to j her home in Fairmount, N C, Tuesday morning, after a visit of several , weeks with friends and relatives. Miss Cornelia Cockfield of John- 1 sonville entertained the Palladian Literary society of Chicora College 1 | for Women with a piano solo at its ' last meeting. Statements of five of the seven: banks in Willfamsburgcounty appear h in tViic i actio TtlOV shnft' OTfltifvinCT I increases in deposits and decreases | in bills payable. J j Rev D A Phillips, presiding elder ^ of the Kingstree district, and Revs J B Wilson and W P Meadors are attending the Methodist conference at! Florence thiB week. j Miss Leila Flossie Epps delighted ! the students of Coker college last week with an address on Brazil, in which country she has been a missionary for some years. The annual meeting of St A1 ban's Aid society will be held in the chapel Friday afternoon, December 8. at 4:80 o'clock. A full attendance of the members is desired. Born to Mr and Mrs W C Claiborne Saturday, November 25, 1916, a fin? little daughter. Mother and babe doing nicely.while daddy wean the "smile that won't come off." Mrs Oscar Keep is the guest of her sister, Mrs D W Cunningham, in Florence. She also expects to visit her brother, Mr L C Dove, here, "before returning to her home in Jackannvillp. Fla. Mr A R Moseley, special agent for the United States Department of Commerce, reports that Williamsburg county has ginned to November 14,9,218 bales as compared with 18,405 bales to November 14, 1915. Mrs Mamie Hayes and children of Virginia are spending some time with Mrs R K Wallace at 301 Nelson street. Mrs Hayes will be pleasantly remembered as Miss Mamie Sheppard, who taught school a few miles from Kingstiee about four years fgc. I MISS BRITTON "SHOWERED.** Delightful Entertainment to Popular Bride-Elect. ; i Saturday afternoon, from 4:00 to :; 6:30 o'clock, the home of Airs Mar-1 j tha Brockintou, on Railroad avenue,!, was the scene of much gaiety. Miss Lula Brockinton, together with her sister,Mrs A C Swails.entertained at i a miscellaneous shower in honor of i Miss Jimmie Brilton,first bride-elect of the season.. Upon the arrival of the guests, a Thanksgiving contest was engaged in, Mrs R C McCabe winning the first prize, a beautifully embroidered chamois, and Mrs W Ei Jenkinson was awarded the consolation prize, a box of matches. Immediately after the contest, lit- I tie Misses Elizabeth Swailsand Mary Catherine Epps entered the room , ' bearing a clothes basket covered; with white crepe paper decorated! j with red hearts. Upon placing thej 1 basket at Miss Britton's feet, Eliza- I beth announced that, "Ma done sent home de washing," Mary Catherine adding that, "Ma say you better count it so as to be sho' it all dere." Amid much merriment the basket was opened and the lovely contents displayed. There were dainty arti- t cles of every description, dear to the 1 heart nf a u/nman The manv hnnnti- ! ful and useful gifts were an indica- J tion of the love and esteem Miss \ Britton's friends feel toward her. After the "clothes were all count- I ed," delicious refreshments, consisting of salad, sandwiches, olives and saltine9, followed by hot chocolate with whipped cream, were served, { buffet style,by the hostesses,assisted J by Mrs S B McGill and Miss Ada Brockington. Those partaking of Miss Brockinton's and Mrs Swails' hospitality J were: Mesdames R J McCabe, John . D Britton, H E Montgomery, W E " Jenkinson.J Percy Hutson.E C Epps, S P Harper, A C Swails, W W Holliday.S B McGill, E F Martin,R C McCabe, L W Gilland, E C Burgess, L Roy Cates, W E Brockinton; Misses Jimmie Britton, Emma Cooper, Lillian Salters, Lilly Cunningham. Florrie Jacobs, Amanda Edwards, Margaret Ross, Mai Stoll. Essie Blakely, Ada Brockington, Annie Stackle>, Willouise Cunningham, Agness Erck mann, Selma Thorn, belle ana wanei ] Harper,Louise and Irene Epps, Olive 1 Montgomery, Emily Glaze, Lee Gelser, Lula Ferguson and Marian Mc- 1 Fadden. Death of An Infant. J The death angel came into the lome of Mr and Mrs M A Shuler Monday afternoon and took away i :heir little daughter. Sarah Louise, j oorn Friday morning, November 17. R Profound sympathy is felt for the ^ Oereaved parents by their host of Friends. The remains of the little one was' s tenderly laid away in the Williams- a burg cemetery Tuesday morning. TAKE NOTICE, EVERYBODY. 1 For Wedding Presents, Sterling Silver, Cut Glass, Imported China I and hundreds of other nice presents j call on me. The largest stock in t the county to select from, and prices are very low. Yours to please, 11-23-tf F J Watts, Jeweler. \ Sale of Personal Property !< of the Late W. P. Brown, j At 10 o'clock a. m. on the 1 15th of December, 191G i ] I will seli at public auction to the highest bidder all of the personal property of the < late W P Brown at his home ] place near Leo,S C, consisting of liye stock, feed stuff J and farm implements, as ? follows: ' 1 stallion, 1 bay mare, i 1 black horse, < 1 colt, about 18 mo old, 3 cows, 1 1 buggy, also pole and double harness, 1 road cart, Sundry farm implements, < All SWM.T1 rvn f Vl a I : /Ill wx 11 xaiotu vii vitv place this year, about 300 bushels, All other farm products ii the nature of feed stuffs. T. J. G0TTIN6HAM, Agent. take City, S C, Nov 28, 1916. 11-30 21 1 The toMne That Does Not Affect The Head ! Because of its tonic and laxative effect. lAXATIT* BROMO QUININE is betterthan ordinary i Quinine and does not cause nervousness r-.r ringing in head. Remember the full cne and ioolt for the signature of E. W. GROVE. lie. Mother's Troubles Mother's unending work and devotion drains and strains her physical strength and leaves its mark in dimmed eyes and careworn expressions?she ages before her time. Any mother who is weary and languid should start taking HVII1 ENULHOK OF NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL as a strengthening food and bracing tonic to add richness to her blood and build up her nerves before it is too late. Start SCOTTS jLh today?its fame is world-wide, No Alcohol, Jjtf Scott ft Bowse. Bloomfield. JT. J. 16-4 Parent-Teacher Association. The regular monthly meeting of ;he Parent-Teacher association will )e held in the school auditorium Monday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, rhe following programme has been jrepared: Husic. Miss Barbee iliscussipn "Home Work" (a) Teacher's Standpoint * Led by .Mr Welch (b) Parent's Standpoint.. Led by Mrs T E Arrowsmith (c ) Round Table Conference Selection Miss Bolton leading... Miss Cunningham ^ ? Milk for sale in any quantity. 10c >er q uart. P S Courtney. 11-23-tf ANOTHER WOMAN TELLS How Vinol Made Her Strong Beallaville, Ohio.?"I wish all nerrous, weak, run-down women could lave VinoL I was so run-down, weak ind nervous I could not sleep. Everything I ate hurt me, and the medicine [ had taken did m^ no good. I decided to try Vinol, and before long I :ould eat anything I wanted and could sleep all night. Now I am well and strong, and in better health than I have been for years.?Mrs. Anna Miluson, Beallaville, Ohio. We guarantee Vinol for all run-down, fre&k and debilitated conditions. Scott Drug Co, Kingstree, S C. ^PECIALNOtlCES Wanted to Buy?Any one having ;ood marketable hogs, sheep or cattle or sale will do well to see or phone Mr i* W Fairey, at Bank of Kingstree, or Ir C W Baker. Farm Demonstration igent, at once as there is a buyer here or the northern markets. Up Lost?White and black spotted female fvr\rr-? rr\XT KaMCO Cliri uu?. ui^a|/pcaicu nuiw mj uvu^v it Henry. S C. about three weeks ago; ies large and small black spots, answers oname of "Queen." Reward ifreturn d to w J Chandler, Henry, or to The Record office. ltp Lost?Somewhere between Mr Mott ulcClary's and Kingstree. leather grip, :ontaining reports and school register "or Nexsen school. Reward if return>d to Scott Drug < o's. For Salk?Burch's Improved Cotton ?eed. Gathered this year thirty-two )ales from twenty-two acres. $1.50 )er bushel fob Sumter. Stackley & 3URCH, Florence, S C. ll-23-4t Notice. ?Parties who have picks .hovels, mattocks, wheelbarrows and ither tools borrowed from the KingsTee Manufacturing & Construction Co jr Chas H Singleton will confer a great favor by promptly returning same. 11-23-2t For Sale-Hague saw mill outfit vith 20-h p engine and 25-h p boiler. Cajacity 6.000 feet per day. In fairly jood condition; will sell at a bargain for cash. Apply to Brown Bros, 3ryan, S C. U-23-4tp For Sale?Several full-blood Duroc lersey gilts, 7 months old. Price $12.50 ;ach. J G McCullough, Kingstree, Et F D, S C. 11-23-tf For Sale?Ten shares of Kingstree FlnilHino' & Loan association stock.sixth jeries, of date April 7, 191rt. Will sell it par ralue. Apply at The Record >ffice. 11-16-tf For Sale?1,000 Carmeaux and Holier Pigeons,Elmer C Rice strain; wonierful multipliers. Cost $6 and $3 the pair, any number at $1 the pair, or 40c jach far the lot A M Snider, Kingstree, S C. 11-2-tf Pilen Cured ia 6 to 14 Days Tour druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMENT fail* to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days, rhe first application give* Ease and Rest. 50a 1 WE ARE CHRISTMAS As usual, you will find at B. F. Patric next to the Nelson warehou line of Christmas Toys i for the little folk in the count is not so large as in former y< ity on the big markets, but 1 various sizes, shapes and kinc make your selections early sc f*An TT?n 4- "D AO 1 /-J An | "liljj W ll& Li JU U YVCUIL. JJCDIUCO of Doll Carts and Carriages, Tea and Dinner Sets, Picture Balls, Horns, Mechanical Toyi dreds of other things suitable beautiful line of Vases and Fran suitable for gifts for old and ; Bear in mind, please, no Ch: UNCLE SAM will aid yoH in bankin do it SAFELY, PROMPTLY anc service enables many people T! and even in OTHER PARTS of the ST, We invite your DEPOSITS BY MAIL, office or express money order, bank drs Drop ns a card for INFORMATION on h BANK BY MAIL BANK OF WILL I 15c lb. Paid for | Choice Beef, Pc | Mutton an [THE PEOPLE'! I H. A. MILLER, I New G Royal Scarlet Tapioca Royal Scarlet Corn Flakes I Royal Scarlet Oatmeal Royal Scarlet Extracts Royal Scarlet Tea Royal Scarlet Coffee Sunshine Fruit Cake, 4 sizes II R. W. L : "Good Thing: _ Academy St. I Phone 143 "fill fit "I - I 1 ~ f T,m.- - ' ? ?- ' V HEADQUARTERS. II R's Store se, the most complete ind Novelties ;y. His stock of Dolls* sars, owing to the scare le has a lot 01 them m is and advises that you ) as to be sure of getDolls, he has a big line Pony'Carts, Japanese s Books, Guns, Blocks, s and Games and hun2 for the children. A ned Pictures young. ristmas goods charged. rraus ; g your money with us. He'll I ACCURATELY. The postal IROUGHOUT THE COUNTY A.TE to have accounts with us. You may send them by postit, check or registered letter, ow to WITH US. JAMSBURG s Yur Bit I 1 Market Price Paid | Cow Hides. >rk, Sausage d Veal. i MARKET / 'roprietor. vA oods! - - - - 15c - - - - 10c - - - . 15r " JLUV - - lOcfand 25c 20c and 35c - - - - 35c 40c, $1.25, $2.50, $3 E W I S 5 to Eat" | .......... I