I This M? ^ i PI When you visit the gj rect to our booth. Our g| other Toilet Articles, Ste Pq are sure to please you. 'M We will have on ex' ;jg of Eastman Kodaks and A full line of Tissue & poses. i ? Yours J Kingstree D gj The Ston I New .' C Eoll onrl W A OH Will TT Although 01 ening is ov for these gc begun. Thi season are tive indeed < * our line of Hats is one c INew Goods . We are repl< with new c and, if you lected your already, yoi us a call, inj ; and let us gi |. Our goods w S. M 1 THE 810 STORE I|JjCing8tree^^ |New J( Wearaaceiving dailj Bropches, Cameos, 14k V Necklaces and Bracelet W I in the latest patterns. Wedding Presents i Glass in the newest cuts. P?nnor mp vonr Broke I *** "*b *? J I Repairs made same day n I T. E. BAGG Kingsti Real EstateCountry Farms anc If You Want If You Want We can place you in any 4 you want. Address all ( Gourdin & Harj 88S5B3SB88&S88S3? sans Youj Fair next week, come di- J lines of Perfumery and 1 itionery, Confections, etc., j hibition a splendid display ! .Qnnnlips I i Paper for decorating pur- j to please, j tag Company.] s of Quality gg?S3g?8aS85B?a?a?g Arrivals )F inter Goods ir formal opcoQcon /X y 1/X1V OV/UUVil >ods has just e styles this yery attracand, as usual, Gage Bros.' >f the leaders. Arriving Daily eting our line laily arrivals have not se- . fall apparel 1 IT i snouia give spect our line ve you prices, ill please you. arcus ON THE CORNER - - S. C. *1Aroll*17 9-WW^mmMJ r new goods in La Vallieres, Voven Wire Bracelets, also batches. All of these goods n Sterling Silver and Cut n Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, jceived. ETT, Jeweler ee, S. C. -Farm Lands. ? - o_i_i 1 Town LOIS r or sue: t to Buy, See Us t to Sell, See Us section of the County that correspondence to >er, Kingstree, S. C. | County Supen x For Quarter Commei X* (Concl Names. Nature of Claii y; SA. Guerry & Bro, Lumber, " ? S S Mitchum, Roads and brie Xf TC Dukes. Roads and brie vj W A Marshall, Roads and brid : T L Boyd, 150 lbs fodder, ? J Wheeler, Bridges, ^ Blainie McCants, Bridges, J Manson Brown, Sims Reach br X? HJ McFadden, Roads, x; JUWl/a. tT ' J Walter C Wilson, Roads, S SW Jennings, Bridges, ? WL Altman, Roads, > R P Hinnant, Lumber, Xf R B Fitch, Bridges. $; J W Kirby, Bridges, > W P Moore. Roads, Xt J J Cantey. Bridges, ? C T Hayman, Lumber, J R J t ook, Bridges, X* Donald Montgomery, Assistant maki R Z Vause, Chaingang 1. J J P Frierson, Road engineer Xf The Corkins Chem Co, Disinfectant, c ? Drs Kelley & Hemingway, Surgery and bo > H 0 Britton, K salary clerk X? Henry S Gamble, Roads and bnd " JN Hammet. Salary, J N Hammet, Contingent, J J B Montgomery, Auditor s salar J J B Montgomery, Contingent, Co J J B Montgomery, Postage, Donald Montgomery, Auditor s clerk J W Cook, Contingent, J W Cook, Salary. J F Montgomery, Township boar P M Brockinton, Lunatics, H 0 Britton, Contingent, S C Anderson, Repairing toile C E Dunnington, Repairing toile County Record. Supplies, couni J M Godwin, Magistrate and L L Ard, Magistrate and R C McElveen, Magistrate and T P Fulmore, Magistrate anc W S Camlin, Magistrate and J A Goff, Constable s ex S G McDonald, Magistrate am S 0 Eaddy, Magistrate ant t d p.?wu Magistrate anc II u ~?O- 0 W L Altman, Rura police, S W E Allen, Rural police S T S Kelley, Rura police, S G H Stancill, Rural police, S Dr W J Haaelden. Post mortem, Kingstree E L & Co, Court house an Dr WV Brockington, Post mortem, Dr E T Kelley. Autopsy and ei J G McCullough, Postage, J G McCullough, Salary Septeml George J Graham, Jail report Sep George J Graham, Salary for 3d c T Dunk Gamble, Roads and bnd C A Heines, Lumber, T M Browder, Bridges, T P McMillan, Lumber and br J E Green, Roads and bnd W C Cannon. bridges, T E Allen. Mt Hope cause C H Boyd, Lumber for ol< R B Keels, Bridges, A B Spivey, Roads and bnc Harry Plressley, Roads and brid Huggins-Eaddy Co. Camp 3, corn, ? - groce R F Cox, 44 44 lumb< CTBaxley, 44 44 hay. D J Jacobs. 44 44 road \ C P Snowden, Roads and bnc J T Cole, < . Camp 3, hay, A R Eaddy and hands, 444 44 labor, Jdhn M Eaddy, Bridge* B B Chandler, Milage, etc, W C Hemingway & Co, Camp 3, J b Huggins & Sons, Lumber, J L Gowdy, Roads, E Z Howard. Roads and bnc W McDowell Nesmith, Roads and brie J N Coker, Lumber, C K Eaddy, Bridges, J Z McConnell, Chaingang 2. g D F Ward, 44 44 ? J R Boddiford, Lumber, W T Britton, Chaingang 2, James A Scott, Ditching, John M Brown, Chaingangs 1, James A Ferrell. 44 2, Williamsburg Hd Co, " L The King Ha Co, 44 1. J F Williamson, '* 1. T A Johnson, 44 1. W E Brockinton, 44 A P Buffkin, 44 1. W E Jenkinson, 44 she T E Dukes 44 1. J M Johnson. 44 1? Charles WStoll. 44 2. J D Hinds. 44 2 A E McCollough, 44 2, E F McAllister, 44 1. W S Loyd, 27 bushels con I N Uoyd. 11 bushels con H C Elliott Roads, W A Powell, Bridges, Trio Mercantile Co, Chaingang 2, J A McCollough, Chaingang 2, R C Burgess, Roads and brie S W Jennings, Roads and brid Blizzard Hardware Co, Shovels and sp R B Fitch. County commii Blakely-M cCollough Corp,Shovels and sp Hoyle naraware L/O, onoveis miu oj. Bryan & Graham. Shovels and a; Johnsonville Hd Co, Shovels and sj Huggins-Eaddy Hd Co, Shovels and 8| W TTurbeviile, Shovels and spi E R Baxley. Lumber, I. Sv D E McCutchen, Camp 3, hay, W W Barr, Shovels and sp G H Lovett, Shovels and sp E F Gastrins, Shovels and spa Williamsburg Hd Co, Shovels and sp King Hardware Co, Shovels and s; R M Kellahan, Lumber, Good Roads Mch Co, Road plow, fix J P Frierson, Road engineer P G Gourdin, Grading roads Kingstree Hd Co, Shovels and sp E L Powell, Shovels and 8] P B Feagin. Shovels and sp Rogerson & < lemons. Shovels and sp Trio Farm Supply Co, Shovels and 8] D E McCutchen, County commi J Manson Brown, County commit Com Public Works, Court house ai Henry S Gamble, M agistrate ant John Wade (colored), Janitor Septen Conclusion of County Supervisor's rep ber 30. 1916. \ Legal Advertisements, j Trespass Notice. All persons are hereby warned against trespassing in any way whatever upon the lands known as "Old Mets Field Pasture", being a neighborhood pasture, situated in Hope township. Any party or parties violating this notice "will be lorry CI W Acn J I JJI I'.IVVyUWVU QV 1UW. VI ?? / > 10-26-3t Manager of Pasture. I irisor's Report 1 ncing July 1, 1916. tided.) Ti. Amt. Allowed 1 $ 9 36 Iges, 12 23 Iges, 27 83 1 Iges, 5 <>0 * 1 87 t 35 86 1 1 50 r idge. 11 77 < 11 67 ' 27 40 ' 2 00 t 28 24 ? 4 50 , 61 42 J 3 40 2 02 10 95 ? 8 00 18 00 5 GO -] Ing payrolls, 4 50 23 90 j s salary August, 125 00 haingang, 60 00 iard of prisoner, 85 00 c of court, 141 66 t ges, 35 10 c 66 67 t >7 63 y, 50^00 t lumbia, 6 50 c 3 00 c 25 00 r 6 94 50 00 ! d assessors, 2 00 c 11 40 s 16 50 s t, court house, 1 00 ? t, jail, 1 00 4 ty offices, 12 50 j [constable, 97 50 I constable, 87 50 I constable, 87 50 ? 1 constable. 87 50 I constable, 87 50 tra milage, 3 90 1 constable, 87 50 1 constable, 106 25 ' 1 constable, 175 00 eptember, 83 33 eptember, 83 33 2 eptember, 83 33 eptember, 83 33 5 00 id jail September, 6 25 5 00 i camination lunatic, 20 00 1 75 t>er, 83 33 tember, % 80 luarter, 400 00 ges, 29 50 ' 22 19 2 00 idges, 4 42 < ges, 4 00 1 3 38 I iway, 10 25 ; 1 mill bridge, 17 82 i 1 55 1 Iges, 11 02 i Iges, hauling, i 00 ! 51 91 ( tries, 66 64 i er. 15 31 ] * 7 55 i slow, 3 50 Iges, 27 09 69 09 214 25 90 00 i 15 60 12 00 < 65 75 I 7 87 Iges, 16 23 Iges, 9 60 7 04 1 50 [uard, 40 00 uperintendent, 50 00 - 3 28 9 75 18 00 2, 111 83 : 150 56 2, 7 30 11 35 1 5 00 guard, 30 00 76 20 superintendent, 50 00 >es and beans, 17 30 beef. ' 4 30 corn, 55 00 corn and oats, 30 22 hauling, 16 25 i hay, 12 29 i peas, 1 00 i. 29 70 i, 2, 13 75 i 7 50 | 26 00 37 88 22 90 Iges, 48 55 Iges, 32 84 ades, , 8 80 j ssioner, milage and days, 61 80 , ades, 31 80 < lades, 19 50 : >ades, 10 50 ] mdes, , 18 35 jades, 32 44 ides, 30 15 ramp bridges, 6 10 18 13 , ades, 36 29 >ades, 21 58 ides, 5 10 ades, 75 00 qas on ;OUCO, MTU MV 12 96 tures, &c, . 480 29 's salary, 125 00 1 30 00 ades, 194 50 jades, 62 68 i tades, 3 00 i isdes, 34 67 jades. 26 00 ssioner, milage and dys, 116 35 i ssioner, milage and dys: 99 50 , id jail September, 2 43 , i constable, 10'> 25 nber, 17 00 , ort for the 3rd quarter ending SeptemJ N Hammet. i Trfismass Notice. All persons are hereby warned not to enter upon our land or to trespass in any manner upon said land or any other over which we have control. S W Mims, ll-16-3tp R A Mims. VAVV All persons are hereby forbidden to trespass in any form or manner upon my lands situated in Mingo township. Williamsburg county, South Carolina. Any person or persons disregarding this notice will be prosecuted according to law. R H Kellahan. ll-9-3t I Citation Notice. rHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG, By P M Brwkinton, Esq, Probate fudge. * Whereas, W H Carr made suit to me jo grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate and effects of S D Carr, These are, therefore, to cite and adiionish, all and singular, trie kindred ind creditors of the said S D Carr, ieceased, that they be and appear G jef?>re me in the Court of Probate, to to >e held at Kingstr? e, S C, on the 20th lay of November next after publication I ** lereof. at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, he 1\ Iihnii' MiKfl if flfiV thev have. whv I " ;lie said administration should not^be granted. ,n Given under my hand this 8th day of November. Anno Domini, 1916. P M Brockinton, ?> ll-9-'2t Probate Judge. ar be Citation Notice. % rHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, w county of williamsburg. iy P M Brockinton, Esquire, Probate n Judge. Whereas, H 0 Britton, Clerk of Court ? if Williamsburg county,made suit tome :o grant him Letters of Administration if the Estate of and effects of Geo W Davis, These are therefore to cite and adnonish all and singular the kindred and a ireditors of the said Geo W Davis, de Von Ko onH annonr.hpfnrp iCCUCU t UiOW Hivj WV ?M1\| ne, in the Court of Probate, to be held it Kingstree, 8 C, on the 16th day of Sj December next after publication here)f, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to ihow cause, if any they have, why the laid Administration should not be granted. 8t Given under my hand this 1st day of q( November, Anno Domini, 1916. N P M Brocionton. dl 11-2-61 Probate Judge. ???????? D Summons for Belief. H (COMPLAINT SERVED.) fo rHE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLIA, . COUNTY OF WILLIAMSBURG, S Court of Common Pleas. . * Sarah Burgess, James Burgess, Walter j" Hurgess and Sarah Burgess as admin- "1 istratrix of the estate of Albert Btir- , rraaa Plaintiffs. . against j?J Albert Burgess, Eugene Burgees, Lucile Burgess, Freddie Burgess and the n! Wee Nee Bank, a corporation duly a| chartered and existingby andunder the cr laws of the State of South Carolina, . Defendants. To the absent defendents, Albert Bur- _ ?ess and Eugene Burgess: ~ ou are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your answer to the said complaint on the subscriber at their office in Kingstree, S C, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint h< rv 4 J OA A A 1Q1C U, uaiea uctuuer ov, au &l f Kelley & Hinds, Plaintiff's Attorney. { Take Notice: That the complaint in the above entitled action is now on i-' file in the office of the-Clerk of Court of ( Common Pleas for the county of Wil- u liamsburg, in the State aforesaid. J Kelley & Hinds, ll-2-'16, between the legal hours of sale, to ie highest bidder for cash, the followg described tract of land: "All that certain piece, parcel or act of land lying, being and situate in e county of Williamsburg, State of )uth Carolina, containing one hundred id fifty (150) acres, more or less and , . -J tunded as follows, viz: North by lands Pnrtuno SJoaafrma* Faat hw InnHa of r J Morris; South by Black river and est by Black river." Purchaser to pay for papers. -l6-3t George J Graham, Sheriff for Williamsburg county. s?s? ^????? Notice of Sale. * i STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county of williamsburg, Court of Common Pleas. H Silcox and H W Silcox, copartners doing business under the firm name of Silcox & Co, Plaintiffs, vs unuel Bennett, J A Bennett. Stephen Bennett.James Bennett, Martha Royall, Halicue Jackson and Josephene Bennett, Defendants. Pursuant to a judgment in the above ated case, signed by his Honor, Judge eorge E Prince, on the 14th day of ovember, 1916, I will offer for sale at iblic auction before the court house >or in Kingstree, S C, on sales day in ecember, to wit f the 4th day of Deimber.1910, between the legal hours of ile, to the highest bidder for cash, the illowing described tract of land: "All that certain piece, parcel or act of land lying, being and situate in 'enn township,' county of Williamslrg and State of South Carolina, messing and containing twenty-six (26) ves, more or less, end bounded as folws: North by lands of the estate of . idney Lifrage; South by Methodist lurch and A Lawrence; East by Leld's Ferry public road, together with 1 the buildings thereon, said land purlased from Eli McFaddin in 1901." Purchaser to pay for papers. -16-tft George J Graham, Sheriff of Williamsburg county. Notice of Forclosure Sale. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. county of wtjlliamburg. (3ourt of Common Pleas. M Cooper and T M Coeper, surviving partners of Cooper Brothers. Plaintiffs, against Isaac Fulton, Defendant Notice is hereby given that under and y virtue of the decretal order in the aove entitled action made and renderi by His Honor. Judge Geo E Prince, i open court and dated October 25tb, )16 I, the undersigned. Sheriff of Wiln m ?Uii 11 n/\l I #v S auisuuig V.UUUU, win dcii av ^uunv ction to the highest bidder, for cash, efore the court house door in Kingstree, S C, during the legal hours for ile, on Monday, the fourth (4th) day of 'ecember. 1916, the same being salesay, the following described tract of ind, to-wit: That certain piece, parcel, r tract of land containing twelve and ne-half (124) acres, lying, being and tuate in Williamsburg county, boundd as follows: North by lands of Isaac ulton; East by lands of Smart Fulton; ' outh by lands of Allen Cenyers. and /est by lands of Peter Pendergrass, Jr. eing the tract of land sold to the said 3aac Fulton by Henrietta Fulton. Purchaser to pav for papers. l-16-3t George .1 Graham, Sheriff of Williamsburg County, [ingstree, S C, November 15, 1916. Tax Notice. The tax books will be open for collecon of taxes for year 1916 on the 15th ay of October, prox. Tax levy as fol>ws: For State.. 6'.? mills Ordinary County..._ 4 " Roads ~ 3 " Constitutional School 3 " A tax of 50c on dogs. For High School at K'gstree..2 44 " retiring bds 44 44 .2 44 44 44 G'lyville.,4 ' 44 sch bds at Cades . 8 444 44 bds at Hemingway 6 44 4 4 44 4* 4 4 Johnsonville.,7 44 4 4 44 4 4 annexed territo3' Clarendon county, Court ouse and Jail 44 All parties between the ages of 21 nd 60 years,inclusive, are liable, unless icempted by law, to a poll tax of $1.0", Iso to a commutation tax of $2.00. Special levy on all cows, hogs, goats nd sheep in parts of Penn, Anderson nd all of Suttons townships for fence -50 mills. Levy for special school districts is as >llows: Nos 2, 32, 34, 40 and 47-2 mills. No 31?3 mills. Nos 22, 46, 48, 50, 58,,62,60,6, 1,19.29, 43,53,55,56.14, 18, 57, 28. 8, 38. t, 61, 37, 45, 11. 42. 13 and 25-4 mills, Nos 36 and 49?6 mills. Nos 12, 15, 16, 26, 39 and 54-8 mills. No 23-12 mills. Upon all unpaid taxes after Decerner 31 a penalty of \% will be added )r January, 1% for February and 5% > 15th day of March next, after which le books will be closed and executions isuea upon an unpaia taxes. Those who desire to pay their taxes lrough the mail may expedite matters y dropping the Treasurer a card asking ir the amount of their taxes, so as to void sending the wrong amount, also tating the township or townships (if roperty is owned in more than one) nd if possible give school district where roperty is located. After paying taxes xamme your receipts and see il all our property is covered; if not, see bout it at once By following the above suggestions [implications and additional cost nay e avoided. J Wesley Cook. 9-28-tl2-.'il-ltt County Treasurer. ??l I _ ? ? _ n -M- mm ? unamnenain s uougn nemeuy Cures Colds. Croup and Whcwping Cough,