The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, November 16, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Winter Is Here Again. You want to see us Winter Underwear, Dry ^ Goods and Shoes. Gents' Fleece Lined ii tt i ^ fvm underwear at uvt mv garment or 95c the suit, vest and pants. I Ladies' Jersey Knit Vests 25c, or 45c the suit, vest and pants. Better values in Ladies' Vests, 50c the garment. Don't fail to see our line of Dress Goods, Ginghams and Outings, all at the old prices. Shoes for the old and the young, Shoes for all at very close prices at our store. Come and ?~ ?-> aU?wo fn cVinw give US <X tuanvv, vv/ you. Gents' Clothing ready made or made to measure. We represent the best tailoring houses. Our line of Gents* Furnishings cannot fail to please every "taste, in style, variety and price. , Come and see. Everything in the line of Dry Goods is steadily advancing in the wholesale markets, so you had better supply your wants at once from W. ?. Jenkinson lOCAllff wm M Dr L B Johnson of Rome was in Kingstree yesterday. Hon R K Wallace was in Florence on business Tuesday. Mr S L Brown of St George was in Kingstree the first of this week. The Sibley Carnival people left Kingstree Sunday morning for Beaufort. + AC Hinds, Esq, was in Summerton this week, making the trip by auto. Messrs 0 W Cottle and C C Hudnall of Hamlet, N C, visited friends here Sunday. Dr and Mrs C I Rush of Hampton are visiting the former's sister, Mrs W V Brockington. Misses Elizabeth Jones and Esther Haselden of Lake City spent last week with Mrs L D Rodgers. W n nf fhflrlpston J1I ' f VJ iUUttj vn V will officiate at the Episcopal church here Sunday at 11 a.m.and 7:30 p.m. The Hon J Davis Carter of Leo was in Kingstree last week attending the fair. Mr Carter is still loyal to his old county and we are always glad to see him here. A complete list of prize winners at the fair will be published in The Record next week. The list has not been completed by the secretary but will be ready in a few days. The behavior of the big crowds that attended the fair last week was excellent, the police force being seldom called into service. The behavior of the colored people Saturday was exemplary. Have you secured your season ticket for the Chautauqua which opens next Wednesday? If not, do so at once. These tickets are on sale at the Scott Drug Go's store and the Kingstree Drug Co!s store. Rpv and Mrs P PBlalock of Edge field announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Edwardina, to Mr James Blakeley, the marriage to take place November 29. The brideelect is a sister of Mrs W S Boyd of ^ Salters. The unusually warm weather that has prevailed throughout this section came to an abrupt end yesterday, when the cold wave from the West struck us and people turned swiftly from sweltering to shivering. The temperature dropped to 28 last night and considerable ice formed. Mr D W Courtney, one of Cedar Swamp's progressive farmers, presented us two beautiful purple top - turnips a few days ago that weighed Si pounds each. The tops were tender and made a fine salad while the meat of the turnip was nrm, sweet and tender. Give us the old * l! CHAUTAUQUA CEIEBM1 WILL A L . . - i O ? - . i The Hawkeye Glee Club.?Four 1 wiony ' form a splendid vocal quartette, mar : The trios, solos, duets and readings a of their appearances is to lose a rare time purple top every time in pre erence to these big old yellow thinp called "rutabaga." I Mr L H Cromer, Jr. who has bee I with the Kingstree Record for th j past six years, has accepted a pos tion with The Herald. Mr Cromer i a former resident of Clinton and brother of J F Cromer,who was em ployed on The Herald several yeai , ago .?Dillon Herald. [For near) seven years Mr Cromer was a value employe on The Record. He wa always on the job, a man who can b depended upon in a pinch. W ?!-L In kio now nnci'finn ? WISH (11 III WC11 1U IJ?0 uin tsvstjt v.vs... Ed.] I To those who won premiums i the various departments at the fai we wish to state that the premiur : book is being rapidly prepared an checks are in the course of writin and will be mailed out promptly t i each successful exhibitor. While th receipts fall short of last year.owin to the fact that our county was har hit by the storm, and, too, becaus j the association considered it wise t : offer the inside space in the buildin ' to the individual school and conr , munity exhibits, thereby cutting ou revenue something like $200.00, ye ; the premiums are going to be mail ed out in the regular course, an each successsul exhibitor can res assured of his or her premium. Premiums Will be Mailed. The Fair Week dance at the Ke lahan hotel Friday night was greai ly enjoyed by all. Those pr^ser were Misses Myrtle Davis and Belv 'Jones and Messrs Furman Swail: ! Joe Brunson, Marion Commands ! and Chas Stikeleather and Mrs B V Butler of Florence; Mr and Mrs P 1 Arrowsmith and Misses Bertie Tin ! mons and Fiascheit of Lake Citj \ Miss Italene Graham, Heinemanr Mr WD Bryan, Jr, Bryan; Dr an Mrs W G Gamble, Messrs and Me: ! dames J F McFaddin, W N Jacob: I C J Thompson, Misses Cunninghan Logan,Marian and Tyson McFaddir . Messrs D M Richardson. J D O'Bn i an, Zeno Montgomery, L F Swail: Grant VanKeuren, W Burrie Brock ington and Thos M Gilland. To Wed in January. i I Announcement of the engagemer I of their daughter,Miss Ada Belle, t ! Mr Peter Galliard Gourdin, hj j been made by Dr and Mrs Williai j V Brockington. The bride-to-be a graduate of Winthrop. Mr Gou: din is a well known civil enginee: The wedding will take place i January. With Our Advertisers. Read L S Dennis' change of ad o page 8. Read in its ad on page 4 the man attractions offered by the Chautat qua here next week. The Kingstree Furniture Co u vites your inspection of itsbeautifi line of floor coverings. Make your car and furniture loc like new by using Liquid Venee sold by Scott Drug Co. The Kingstree Dry Goods Co | still selling the celebrated Stylepli J clothing at $17. See ad. If you need glasses, see the repr sentative of the old reliable G L Ha Optical Co at Gamble & Jacobs' ne: Thursday. R W Lewis in his new ad direc attention to the ever famous Roy Scarlet goods and delicious Sunshii fruit cake. This cold snap reminds you thi you need winter clothing, and W Jenkinson i3 prepared to supply thi ! need. Read his new ad. I HES WHO PPEAR HERE NEXT WEE rBi ' ny line young men who excel in happy har and wholesome humor. Together the; idolln quarteKe and saxophone quartctt< ire equally enjoyable. To miss either on treat f. LAKE CITY HAPPENINGS. 3 Mack Wheat Being Planted-Ap praacklag Marriage?Persona n e Lake City, November 15:?Mr i- C Fulmore is to be married Thur 13 day of this week at Rocky Moun * N C, the home of the bride. W r ' I?.*1 ivtArn ia fkn aonior momhpr I 'J Jl UIUIV1C to kliV tA UI?/? liiv Mav^. y the firm of H C Fulmore & Cor d pany of this town. 3 The thanks of the writer are give 10 e to Mr B W Baker for some fine sy - up. He also presented to us 3orr of the finest sugar cane we ha> n seen this season, r Dr C D Rollins went to Atlanl n i Sunday night to attend the Southei Medical conference at Atlanta. F or I o ! was accompanied by Mrs Rollins ar e will be away until about Friday, gj Mr Z H Powell, of Norfolk, Vi d president of the Deep River Lur e ber Corporation. is in town th ? week on business. Mr J M Truluck is on a trip 01 r West looking for live stock. He t! expected home the latter part of tt d!week* ;t | Dr A H Williams was in Columb last week on business. Although prices of seed wheat ai I very high, more wheat is bein \., planted in this section than ever bi t- j fore. The outcome of the pa: it i make the farmers feel secure in cm a' tinuing to plant this rop. The yielc 5> have been satisfactory, and tt r| roller mill of Mr Kelley makes firi V j class flour. This mill, which is know ^ as the Lakd*City Roller Mill, tun out twenty-five barrels per day < ' as good flour as can he had any wher ' I Messrs R E McKnight, W A M; ! ers. B B Mvers and R H Graham. J were visitors here Tuesday fro 5' | Scranton They all were on busines i,| r Executive Committee Meetinj ' | J The members of the Executn CommitteeoftheWilliamsburgCoui ty Fair association are called to mei at?'the court house on Tuesday, N vember 21. 'A full attendance urgently requested by the presiden it , Eye Specialist Coming. n A special representative of the is L Hall Optical Co, of Richmond, V r- will be at the drug store of D r. Gamble & Jacobs on Thursday, N n vember 23. Parties needing expe service upon their eyes are inviU to take advantage of this opportu ity. n Card of Appreciation. T ^ ? it. nr.Mi; i (y in uenau 01 me wiuiamsDUi j. County Fair association, we desii to express to the superintendents < the various departments our sii a" cerest appreciation for the very e ficient service rendered during tl recent fair, in conducting the affai >k of your departments. It was done r, a most efficient manner and shou command the approval of the enti jg association. We, who feel the bu Jg den and weight of the work of tl fair, cannot find .words to express each of you our deep appreciatio not only for your valuable servic ; but fur the sacrifices which we b lieve you made to assist us. We a: the ones most anxious to assure yc ** of our great appreciation. We wou i prefer to thank each of you perso leially, but on account of our beir : unable to do this, we use this mec at1 um of reaching you and expressii E our gratitude, at WE Nesmith, Pres. Geo A McElveen, Sec'y. MIlls?Resame Operation. The carding: and spinning departKments of the Equinox cotton mills at I Anderson, which had been shut down since August 31 when a strike was declared, were put in operation Monday with a reduced force. The 53 operatives who appeared for work were jeered by a crowd of about 200, but there was no violence. Five com- anies of c??ast artillery sert there Saturday after Sheriff Ashley had declined to serve writs of ejectment on families living on mill property stood guard near the nulls. The Ladies' Exchange will open in the old Peres store Saturday. November 18. All ladies wishing to join will call and see Mrs M L Allen. Mr R C Marshall of Andrews was a caller at our office today. I hereby notify my friends and patrons that I shall be absent from my office from the 14th to the 22d of this month. A M Snider, D S. Now Lookout. f When a cold hangs on, as often e happens, or when you have hardly gotten over oiie cold before you contract another, lookout, for you are liable to contract some very serious disease." ' This succession of colds weakens the 9ystem and lowers the I vitality, so that you are much more liable to contract chronic catarrh, H pneumonia or consumption. Cure g your cold while you can. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has a great reputation. It is relied upon by lr thousands of people and never dis)f appoints them. Try it. It only costs n. a quarter. Obtainable everywhere. ;n I am now engaged in the Coffin r. and Casket business. Calls promptly answered at all hours, day or night. Phones?Office, 17; residence, 91. | /e 10-12-tf PS Courtney. ta I SCHOOL TEACHER id Wards Off Nervous Break Down Alburtis, Pa.?"I am a teacher in the public schools, and I got into a very ner' vous, run-down condition. I could not n- sleep and had no appetite. I was tired all the time. My sister asked me to try " Vinol. I did so, and within a week my appetite improved and I could sleep all t night and now I feel well and strong." ?Rosa M., Alburtis, Pa. is We guarantee Vinol, which contains beef and cod liver peptones, iron and IJ manganese peptonates, and glycerophosphates for run-down conditions. CnAll n.nri PA L'incrclroA ft P ,v> UWH I/IU^ W, JIVI1150V&VV) v Vt 1 * SPECIAL NOTICES! ?* Lost?Lady's black coat with grey] 3t fur collar. Friday night between fair grounds and Main street. Reward if re- J 1* turned to Mrs Gary E Cox, Cades S C. I Is : ie Lost?One pair of tortoise shell au-! tomobile spectacles at fair grounds Fri- j day afternoon. Thought to have been 'n dropped in administration building. 3S i Finder will please return to this office J , I and receive reward. ltp >f e. I For Sale?One lot containing v. ! acres, located within the town limits of " j Kingstree. near the Hirsch place on j Broad Swamp road, t^ood four-room m [dwelling, barn and stable ;iOxiO feet and s. one tobacco barn. Apply to 11 I" Peni dergrass, Kingstree. S C. ll-16-2tp Salesman Wanted-To sell lubri/e eating oil, grease, specialties and paint. Part or whole time. Commission basis until ability is established. Permanent ?t position and wide field when qualified if o- desired. Man with rig preferred. Riverside Refining Company, Cleveland, j: Ohio. ltp For Sale?Ten shares of Kingstree Building & Loan association stock,sixth series, of date April 7, 191H. Will sell r> at par value. Apply at The Record ? office. 11-16-tf a, rs For Sale?1,000 Carmeaux and Hoo mer Pigeons,Elmer C Rice strain; wonrt derful multipliers. Cost $6 and $3 the , pair; any number at $1 the pair, or 40c each for the lot. A M Snider, Kingsn tree, S C. 11-2-tf Wanted?Fat turkeys and chickens; highest market price paid for same by Spring & Gee, Kingstree, S C. 11-2-tf rg -?? ?a ? re Citation Notice. Df THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. county of williamsburg, f- By P II Bmrkinton, tsq, frobate ie Judge. r8 Whereas, H 0 Britton, Clerk of Court of Williamsburg county, made suit to me in to grant him Letters of Administration Id of the Estate and effects of J L Bennett, re * These are, theret??re, to cite and adr_ tnonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said J L Bennett, ie deceased, that :hey be and appear to before m<'in the Court of Probate, t<> n, '>e held at Kingstne, S C, on the 30th e day of December next after publication * hereof, ar 11 o'clock in the forenoon, e~ ro show cause, if any they have, why re the said administration should not be >U granted. Id Given under my hand this 15th day of November, Anno Domini, 19 6. n* PM Rrockixton, if? 11-16-6:. Probate Judge, li ^ To Cure a Cold In One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. ( E- W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 25c. hphS UNCLE SAM will aid you in banl do it SAFELY, PROMPTLY e Service enables many people and even in OTHER PARTS of the S We invite your DEPOSITS BY MATT office or express money order, bank c Drop us a card for INFORMATION on BANK BY MAI1 BANK OF WIL' j#?WHOCO^ ^3CTg^ ONE D A N SPECIAL RCPRCSEN G. L. Hall Optic Norfolk-Richmond and will be at the store of its Gamble & Jacobs, Thursdap' I Any who are in need of Ey ed to call and take advantage oj ment No charges for examinati charged for glasses. < f ? *!? WWI?? j[ New G II || Royal Scarlet Tapioca II RauqI ^rarlpf fnrn Fi^lfPQ J ( I1VJ U1 W/VU1 IVI VVI AS Mm 1MI1VV 11 Royal Scarlet Oatmeal jj Royal Scarlet Extracts - i Royal Scarlet lea - j Royal Scarlet Coffee | Sunshine Fruit Cake, 4 sizes R. W. L ' GoodT Hinf Academy St. Phone 143 rHere Is the Save IV The table is the of expense in everj it is the aim of eve: keeper to hold tha so far as is consi living. Let us su with anything in pie and Fancy G: problem of the"hig will disappear. T iBritton & I "The Pure Fo I Phone 108, - - WTO US iui. <- ... .^HHIKH^HIH^H^^b^^H^^RS^B *ii TT _ ni ung your money wixn us. neu ind ACCURATELY. The postal THROUGHOUT THE COUNTY STATE to have accounts with us. j. You may send them by postIraft, check or registered letter, how to L WITH US. LIAMSBTJRG COMING! / ONILV TATIVE OF THE :al Company Lynchburg, Va. i authorized dealer, Kingstree, S. C. Nov. 23. eglasses are urgently invit- X f this exceptional engage- I on and only regular prices | tv roods ! - - - - 15c - 10c - - 15c 1 HpHand I ivvi/auu luv/ 20c and 35c - - - 35c -40c, $1.25, $2.50, $3 E W I S >s to Eat" Kingstree, S. C. ?Mf mi?rw- J Place To loney principal source 7 household, and ry thrifty house ,t expense down stent with good pply your larder the way of Staroceries and the ;h cost of living" Vy us and see. : Hutson od Store" Kingstree, S. C.