w w w ww w w ww w w w WwWWWWWwW^ www* J KINGSTKEE HIGH UNO l< J GRADED SCHOOL NOTES. :! ? -? ? -? -?-?-? ?- -? -?- -? The Wee Nee Literary society: held its regular meeting Friday, October 20, with Mr Wilkins in the chair. The query for debate was: j "Resolved, That Pupils Should Be Fnfnrmpd When Demerited". After j a very spirited debate the judges de-: cided in favor of the affirmative. On j account of the inability of one of. the marshals to attend the meeting, j it became necessary to elect another, j Mr Leroy Epps was chosen by a large majority." Misses Dunbar and Cunningham, of the faculty of this school, attended the State fair last week. Their substitutes were Misses Belle Harper and Ada Brockington. The Kingstree girls' basketball team had expected to play the Florence girls Saturday afternoon, but the latter were unable to fill the engagement. However, the girls are still practicing with the boys and hope to have a game at a future date. We were very glad to have Rev P S MeChesney with us Tuesday morning to conduct the chapel exercises. America Repays Debt to Frace. In Harper's Bazar for November is an article that will appeal to everyone who sympathizes with the great distress of the soldiers in the trenches abroad?especially now, on the eve of another winter campaign. This article is from the pen of Mr Francis G Burke Roche, who for many years has been one of the most prominent members of New York and Newport society. When the great war broke out, two years ago, Mr Burke Roche dropped all other occupations to manage the La Fayette Fund. This nronsrp? and sends kits, con CVC1V V J |/i v V ?. ? ? ? ? , taining all kinds of comforts and necessities, to the soldiers in the French armies. Patriotic Americans everywhere, remembering the wonderful aid given us by General La Fayette and thousands of other Frenchmen in the Revolution, have given themselves heart and soul to this work. Among the men and women who are now helping is practically every member of society in New York. Mr Robert Bacon is treasurer. Mr Mr Robert Goelet has donated offices to the fund. Among the branch chairmen are Mrs J C Rathbone, Harvey, Fla; Miss Margaret Rhodes, Dayton, Fla; Mrs Arthur Ryerson, Chicago; Mrs Spencer Penrose, Colora- j do Springs, and Miss Helen Bonfils, Denver, Colo. Mr Burke Roche has written this article exclusively for Harper's Bazar?the leading magazine of society in America, now celebrating its fiftieth anniversary. A copy of the November issue has just reached our office, and everyone who is interested in fashions, fiction, and society, should secure a copy without delay. Do Too Have Soor Stomach? If you are troubled with sour stomach you should eat slowly and masticate your food thoroughly, then take one of Chamberlain's Tablets immediately after supper. Obtainable everywhere. Character In Reading. The Youth's Companion does more than entertain: it affords the reader a mental and moral tonic. Its stories are not only well told, contributed by the best writers of stories, but they maintain the standards, reflect the ideals of the best homes. They do not throw a false glamour over the tawdry things of life. Rather do they depict the courageous, the healthful, the simple?the true life of the greater number with their adventures, their conflicts of tempera ?4. .1 . M, ? AM/] miArtAOOAP merit, uieir lOUUira niiu suttcaoca. In 1917 The Companion will print twelve serials and story groups besides fully 250 single stories and sketches, all for $2.00. The Forecast for 1917, which we will send on request, tells all about the great features of the coming volume. By special arrangement new subscribers for The Youth's Companion can have also McCall's Magazine for 1917?both publications for $2.10. Our two-at-one-price offer includes: 1. The Youth's Companion?52 issues of 1917. 2. All the remaining issues of 1915. 3. The Companion Home Calendar for 1917. 4. McCall's Magazine Dress Pat tern?your choice from your first number of the magazine?if you send a 2-cent stamp with your selection. The Youth's Companion, St Paul St. Boston, Mass. New subscription received at this office. "" Thanksiving thre*' ve?!:s <7 latest possible date. 9 i We've Not Chanj We are sellin in the way of I Dry Goods, I |i at the same old prict have advanced 20 pei l ..J. ..1 a large siock 10 sen goods are first-class, I and prices the lowes Silverman's Dei THE DAYLIE Kingstree, f" Scott Ware State Warehoi Is Now and prepared t and issue rec< anteed by South C i These receipts as security borrowed ; rate of ir OaaH 111a ro ouuii mus * VAm ?6i Our Prices 9 g everything i ? Hi ? i Clothing ind Shoes | ts. although goods ' w w r cent. We have id from, and our styles up-to-date ;t. Come to us. i lartmentStore iHT STORE - South Carolina ihouse Co. A J A J ise no. izi Open o store cotton eipts guarState of irolina can be used for money at a low iterest house Co. / ' * / s/J * I Now Well | |9 "Thedford's Black-Draught p| is the best all-round medicine f?3 lever used," writes J. A. gfl Steelman, of Pattonville, Texas. gft "1 suffered terribly with liver lj| troubles, and could get no relief. H The doctors said I had con- E H i sumption. 1 could not work at B ati. Finally I tried THEDFORO'S I BLACK- I DRAUGHT I aad to my surprise, I got better, H ' aad am to-day as well as any H maa." Thedford's Black- fl B9 LVaugni is a general, lauiarut, , W vegetable liver medicine, that En M has been regulating irregulari- H j ties of the liver, stomach and i? 9 bowels, for over 70 years. Get RS M a package today. Insist on the Ft' gB genuine?Thedford's. E-70 Eg Monument as Winning Post. There are monuments in all sorts of out of the way places, but one, that is really unique is that erected: in a river. It stands in the Parra- j matta river, New South Wale9, a. stream known the world over for the j rowing events that have taken place upon it. This monument, which is j in memory of the world famed row-; er Searle, is also unique from the! fact that it has been used as the winning po&t for many of the races I for the world's championship and is still used as such for local events.? London Strand. Wh??t Tir??. The greatest improvemen :i vehick construction was when some bright blacksmith thought of heating the tires and shrinking them on the wheel. While many claim the | honor, it is not known to whom it ; right!j belongs. Previous to this J event tires were made in short sec tions and held on the felloes with naiis. When starting on a long haul the driver always laid in a good supply of nails to use on the i trip. Arrival of Passenger Trains at Kingstree. The Atlantic Coast Line railroad has promulgated the following schedule, which became effective Monday, May 29, lytji: North Bound. No 80 - - - 7:25 a ro *No 46 - - 11:33 a m No 78 ... 6:13 p m South Bound. tNo 83 10:40 a m ! ' No7y - - - 11:03 am *No 47 - - - - 6:47 p m j No 89 - - - 9:22 p m' Daily except Sundav Stops on signal for Charleston, Savan- j nah and Jacksonville passengers. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, I Lucas County. t ssFrank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing: business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pav the sum of ONE i HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev- | cry case of Catarrh that cannot be cured ! by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. ' Sworn to before me and subscribed in j my presence, this 6th day of December, ' A D 1886 (Seal) ' A. W. GLEASON. Vrttnrv Pnhtie Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally | and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for , testimonials, free. F. J. CHKNTET & CO . Toledo. O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pllla for constipation. 'I Eyes Examined and ! Glasses Fitted I am now equipped to do this work satisfactorily and can save you from 11.50 to $3.00 on | each pair of glasses. Let me fit you out with . CAe New KrrptoK Glasses. reading and distance vision ground irCeach ! glass. If you break your lenses bring them to me. j I will duplicate them on short notice. Save i the pieces. T. E. B AGGETT Jeweler and Optician Kingstree, S. C. ! liJ ??? I Lax-Fos, A Mild, Effective Laxative & Liver Tonic < 1 Does Not Gripe nor Disturb the Stomach. J In addition to other properties, Lax-Fos ! contains Cascara in acceptable form, a . i stimulating Laxative andTonic. Lax-Fos \ ; acts effectively and does not gripe nor . disturb stomach. At the same time, it aids j1 digestion,arouses the liver and secretions ' J and restores the healthy functions. 50c. i 4 In the Babel I of Voices I how is the public to judge whose is most worthy to be heard 7 H Keep in mind a few facts and your decision frill be easy. We were doing business 88 years ago. We bare continued in an unbroken line ever since The experience, the skill, the tried and proved methods acquired in that long period are enjoyed by few concerns. BH Pin your faith to tha housa that jfl| has got tha qualities to andura. W Tha following Brands of Whiskey haTO a coofirm ad popularity: GH OLD KENTUCKY SPRINGS 1 gal. jag, $3^0 DEERFOOT RYE . 4 fall qta. 3.7S H PINNACLE CORN Saints, 4.00 B MOLLY'S MALT 16 K-piata, 4.06 B ni nr parphmfnt >tf . u wwki*. h 4 quits, 4.7S Express charge* prepaid. Remittance to accompany order. Sutc full P. O. address, and near cat express odicr. Seed for full price-list of Wine* and Liquet*. JAMES OLWELL A CO. 181 West Street Established 1828 NEW YOXK Dr. D. Zed Row Dental Surgeon Trio, - South Carolina DR. R. CLAUDE McCABE, Dental Surgeon, Office in Hirsch building, over Kingstree Drug Co's. 8-28-ti DRrROBERT J. McCABE, DENTIST, KINGSTREE, , S. C Office in Nexsen Building, 3 doors from Postoffice. Phone 78. M.D. NESMITH, DENTIST, 1 Lake City, S.C I W. L. TAYLOR I DENTIST, I Office in N?xi*n Building 1 HINGSTREE, - S.C. J 5-21-tf. ~ 1866 1916 A. M. SNIDER. SURGEON DENTIST. , Office at Residence, Railroad Avenue. J. DeS. Gilland Attorney-at-Law Second Floor Masonic Temple Florence, S. C. General practicioner in all State and Federal Courts. BenJ. M-'NNES, M. R.C. V. S. B. Kater MclNNES, M. D.. V. M. D VETERINARIANS. One of us will be at Kingstree the first Monday in each month, at Heller's Stables. 9-28-tf Insurance! When you want Insurance of any kind, call on us. We write \ Life Fire lire Stock Plate Glass Accident and Health Bonding a Specialty We are the largest and most experienced agency in Williamsburg county, and are in a position to give you the best service. Kingstree Ins., Real Estate I & Loan Co., Agfs., I PHONE 85, KIN6STREE, S. C. I KINGSTREE j wSlfe Lodge, No. 46 /^p\A.F.M. neets Thursday before full moon each nonth. Visiting brethren are cordially nyited. R K Wallace, W M. J M Ross. Sec. 2-27-ly CAMP NO- 27. 'fnSMiM^lril The Third Mondaj 11 Bflvhf In aarK W Visiting chopper! coi lially Invited to corn* up and sit on a stamp or bang about on the limbs. . P H Stoll, r M Brown, Clerk. Con. Com No. 66S This is a prescription prepared especially or MALARIA or CHILLS 4. FEVER. rive or six dotes will break any case, and ^ f taken then as a tonic the Fever will not eturn. It acts on the liver better thsii -alomel and does uot gripe or tick