THE BIC FAIR IS NOW GOING^N^OME AND^MEET YOUR FRicMDS, TriEY'RE ALL HERE VOL \ \XI. RIXGSTI1EH, SOIiTH CAROIIX.4,THUKSMAV,.NOVEMBER Xft36~ PRESIDENTIAL RACE NECK AND NECK ??- ? tvwv /^t a nac rv rmni EJICD mm I VliltlOia bbbvaavi ^ OF ITS LEADER-LATEST INDICATIONS FAVOR HUGHES. New York, November 7:?Jus before midnight the election returns still incomplete in: iany States, in dicated the electiol of Hughes an< Fairbanks, but the A ures were ver; close and the DemoV atic manager steadfastly refused to concede a Re publican victory. Though the metropolitan newspa pers that have supported Presiden Wilson conceded his defeat,the Dem ocratic managers insisted that com plete returns from the West wou!< reverse the trend which seemed to b steadily piling up in the Hughes col umn. ! ? "Remember 1892," was the pre diction of the Democratic publicit; HEATERS! M ' ! We have an Coal, Wood and ' only ask you to 1 of Heaters bef 1 i orders. We guar The King Hart l "The Popular IKingstree, - I ??? ?? ??g , 'V * . y? Will Nov. Nov. *y'\ ' is y Let the Peopl J U I ; i The Educational superb. The noted ; entertain with gems information of good < You will see the in Williamsburg Cou Fine Art and Floral admiration; our Hon Show will do credit t f. Sibley's The Carnival Fe; tertaining and upl Merry Go Round a hearts o? the childre Willi bureau, which pointed out that in 1 si j that memorable contest the next ^ I day's revised returns placed Grover 11 Cleveland in the White House. M i Just after 11 o'clock Republican jCI * headquarters absolutely claimed Con- t* necticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, I Maine, Massachusetts, Michj^an.New t j Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, & >, j Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, ^ - j South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, I j West Virginia, Wisconsin and Cali-! y i fornia, with a total of 254 electoral ^ s votes. That was 12 less than the n< i-1266 necessary to an election. e? ! But the statement appended added ai i-; that advices had been received from ft t enough States to make the necessary ( I* i 266. The statement,however,did not j ^ i-1 list them. This was the first official i N 11 indication from the Republicans that j ^ e the result would be ciose. j K The Republican managers realized al that a sudden switch in the States in- j - complete or unheard of might in- jSI y crease the Wilson figures, but were hi HEATERS! | excellent line of Oil Heaters. We ith ook over our stock d; el ore placing your antee satisfaction. " Iware Company :jj j ai Hardware Store" |N 31 - South Carolina : v nBBnnBBBBHHMi * iamsbi > 8 Everybo 9""Ag'ricult e Put Aside Worry ILEE I Feature of the corr ing Fair u speakers engaged for each da of thought and will bring t cheer. most complete exhibits ever s inty. Our Household, Needle^ Departments will command se, Mule, Cattle, Swine and P( ;o Williamsburg County. Superb Shov atures will be the best?mora ifting-shows worth your \ nd Ferris Wheel to gladdei n. amsbur ire the later figures would add to le States they were claiming. At 11:30 o'clock tonight Vance C IcCormick, chairman of the Demoatic national committee, gave out le following statement: "We do not concede Hughes' elecOHM moono PrOQlfipnt ^Vll UU VJJ OIJJ IllCUllO. M. avw^wv?* ?... >n can still win with the votes of le States from which we have heard ithinjj. "We have just heard from our Western headquarters that they do )t concede Illinois. All of the West n States are yet to he heard from, id indications are that they are all ?r Wilson. "We have jriven up New York and le indications are that we have lost ew Jersey. The indications are lat we still hold Massachusetts and ansas. Delaware and Maryland :>pear to oe sare. "We have received nothing from ladow Lawn to indicate thai they ive given up the right." Mr McCormick added that he ould not give out a definite statelent before tomorrow morning unss later reports indicated a decided range in the political situation. The returns from Ohio are insufcient to determine the result in iat State. All of the New England States and ew Jersey as well as Wisconsin and ichigan have been removed from le list of doubtful States. ? Unless there is a landslide for Present Wilson on the Pacific slope the ection of Hughes seems certain. Although President Wilson's secreiry at the summer White House,and hairman McCormick, of the Dem iratic national committee, made aims that the complete returns ould show the re election of Presi?nt Wilson, the trend on the face f the returns was toward Hughes id early in the evening some of the ew York newspapers, which have ipported President Wilson, conded his defeat, although they made ) statement in figures. A great majority for Hughes in ew York was evident early and the i-r*o' Py dy's Day ural Day f and Dull Care WEEK g Cour I Come ] 1 about the Ma 1 family comfor i I/! I ivingsm ? Coffins and Cask 'fcKgJS i I State was conceded by the Democrats. Soon afterward Democratic supporters conceded the loss of all New England, and the incoming ret turns from the Middle West, al; ' though far from complete, showed the Hughes figures growing fast. An early estimate of the Hughes electoral vote without Ohio placed it . A _ 1 at ZU% eleven more man necessary \ for a majority in the Electoral College. The Hughes majorities reported from Indiana and Illinois were regarded by the Republican leaders as : an indication of what might be expected. | New York, November 8:?Shortly after midnight such returns as were complete or so far complete as to be I regarded as indicative gave Presi-1 dent Wilson 232 votes in the Electo- j ral College; Hughes 239 and left 60 votes doubtful in eight States. It requires 266 votes to elect a Presi- j dent. j The Truluck-Cook Co will have a fresh car of high class horses and < mulea here Saturday. If you want I live stock call on this firm. I "When you go to see a business man, go on business and state your business in a businesslike manner.I When you have concluded your business, go about your business and leave him to finish his business, and mind your own business." That's business. "wintv Nov. 10"""E Nov. ll?N* These Few Days kj r i ity Fair n And jestic A-rang T. *11 1 t. itwiiiDring ge Hard ets We L r88 mourn I 4uuK. W*v 9>ut v ARE YOU "BITING" AT ( QUIT IT. MEN WHO COME AROU TIONS LEAVE HOME TO "STUNG" EVERYBODY TY LET US KEEP OUR MON OWN COMMUNITY. THA J WE PAY 4 PER CENT II Farmers & Mer "ABSOLUTELY SAl Authorized by Federal Reserve Beard gwamyssaB&mxsaisaBm Fair Education eg'roes* D ; and Enjoy t< " H E FREE . were fortunate in sec " living pony, and L; :nion fer fr 2 a high class l / of v, are chil : immediately before ramid Building, Hand mmer-SauIt Layouts. if vftu lvnulrl not havi II T VU TT VM?M * jp them at home. e room for all e e dates, Novemb A ' ASSO< I Ask Us I e-ment for your 1 * joy to your wife 8 .ware Co. 1 ,ead; Others Follow ^ ^ ait (tanvt - & ipirfii ^ uxwiat ynanv a/rul t-t^Udt, /ieti&nvU' >j ^Vtit /I 41 /1m. Q /1AA t) I ATTtt/lf yVfV "Iftt/ HWIV9V SET-RICH-QUICK SCHEMES? IF SO, HD PEDDLING "BLUE SKY"PROPOSISELL THEM BECAUSE THEY HAVE IEY KNEW. EY "AT HOME" AND BUILD UP OUR T'S WHAT OUR BANK STANDS FOR. tANk WITH US. NTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. chants National Bank, ^E" LAKE CITY. S. Oto Act u Administritor, Executor, Trustee aaO Registrar. Week I * . -1 tal Day ay 3 the Fullest the YEAR ACTS I h m m mm w*mw uring Little Rex, the mid- \ yle, the water diving dog, Feature Act of five perdren, performing on the you. Tumbling, Wrest- I ^ - ? ^ I i Balancing ana nana 10 This is especially for the s them laugh their sides xhibits. Don't forer 8 to 11, inclusive ; :iation \