I. Il1 Seasonable Bargains It may be a long, long time before you have such an opportunity to buy shoes as cheap as you can now get them for the cash at our big t ^ money raising sale. A big line of ladies' and children's Low and High Cut Shoes, all put out at $1.00 the pair. It will pay you to look this lot of shoes over. Big lot of ladies' Jersey I 1 Knit Underwear, 25c each or 45c the suit. Nice line ladles' Heavy Underwear, 50c the garI i ment or 95c the suit, f Children's Heavy Fleeced Underwear, 25c the gar, ment. Children's Union Suits, 50c each. Children's Dresses, nicely made of good material, 48c and 98c the dress. Men's Work Shirts at the old price of 50c each. Men's Dress Shirts 50c and $1.00. | ' ' ll. - ? -4- Ill snirts are wonn a great deal more, but we let them go at the old price of 50c and $1.00 each. Overalls at the old price of 50c and $1.00. Heavy Cheviot Shirtings well worth 12 l-2c, but they go iir our money raising sale at 10c the yard. Canton Drill Flannel, 10c. . Homespun, 6 l-4c, 8 l-3c and 10c the yard. White, Lisle, Blue, Grey and Brown Outings at the old price, 10c yard. We want your trade and if you will give us a cnance we will make it to your interest to trade with us. W. E. Jenkinson 111 . LOCALS wis ?g Hr W L Wallace has been indis posed this week. Mr T W Boyle of Greelyville was noted in Kingstree Monday. . Mrs M L Baggett of Lanes was a I t Kingstree shopper Tuesday. Mr J E Johnson of Nesmith was ' noted in Kingstree yesterday. ; Mrs M C Stutts is convalescing: from a spell of chills and fever. Mr P R Donnelly of Wando was > in Kingstree on business Tuesday. 1 Drs I N and W S Boyd of Salters were noted in Kingstree Saturday. Mr F P Guerry.of the Zeb section, was in Kingstree Monday un business. v f Mrs J H Epps and little son, J H, Jr, have been visiting relatives at' Cades. Mr J B Wallace, of Cades RFD,1 V was a caller at our office while in ? town Friday. Mrs L T Thompson has been visiting her daughter, Mrs J A Hearsey, at Bennettsville. - Mrs W L Taylor went to Charleston Thursday to see the famous ac- ( tress, Maude Adams. Miss Martha Gourdin will leave tomorrow for Langley to assume her " duties as teacher there. Miss Jimmie Britton is spending this week in Charleston as the guest of Mrs Mabel Snider Thompson. \t2IIam/) Dnbnr Koo OnonnfpH fi 1X1 i 39 HI a U Li uaaLi 11* KJ uwv position as stenographer in the law ^ offices of Messrs Kelley & Hinds. Mrs E E Fluitt spent several days this week with relatives here,returning to Florf nee Tuesday evening. Miss Germain Sandifer of Blackville has accepted a position as saleslady with the Silverman Department store. "Cap" Lanham, the. well known popular "knight of the grip", was in Kingstree calling on customers yaaterday. Dr R J McCabe returned to his Kingstree office yesterday from Andrews and will be here all during this month. ? Mesdames Hugh McCutchen and W G Gamble and Miss Mamie Jacobs went by auto to Florence yesterday to take in the Pee Dee fair. Williamsburg chapter, U D C.will meet at the home of Miss Maud Logan tomorrow (Friday) at 4:30 p. m. A full attendance is desired. Zela and Manie Tisdale, pupils of Nexsen school, Miss Ethel Cromer, teacher, are on the honor roll this month, each with an average of 90. Mr and Mrs M F Heller, Miss Annit Stackley and Messrs T C Jacobs, A C Swails and P U and J fc. Arrow- j smith have been enjo>ing theF!or-i * ence fair v r 1 Mrs W N Jacobs, Misses Pearl I Marcus and Lyllian Alsbrook and [ Messrs D M Richardson and Taylor I autoed to Florence this week to attend the fair. We are pleased to state that P H j Stoll.Esq.who was unable to perforin his duties at the recent term of court I on account of indisposition.is feeling quite well again. The regular monthly union service , will be held at the Baptist church at' 7:80 p. m. Sunday. Rev P S McChes-1 ney will preach the sermon. The public cordially invited. Mrs C H Mouzon informs us that Mrs S E Smith,Mrs Love and daughter are expected to visit at Mouzons this week, and anticipate a visit to Greelyville before going to Georgia. Mr C Irvin Meyer, formerly of Kingstree, died at his home in Charleston yesterday, aged 22 years. Mr Meyer was highly esteemed, and 1 the news of his death is a greafcshock Mrs W I Nexsen and children, Billy and Mary, of Asheville, N C, arrived in town today to visit relatives. Mr Nexsen is making the trip by auto and is expected here tomorrow. ( The diving ponies and dogs, with 1 their owner, Mrs Pontifex, are in 1 Kingstree, where the performances 1 of the dogs and the ponies will be ' one of the free attractions at the 1 Williamsburg County Fair next ] week. i 1 Mr David Silverman wasinCharles ton Tuesday on business and informs us that he found the big: merchants , there complaining about high prices , and the scarcity of goods in many of the popular grades. County Treasurer Cook informs us l that he has written more tax receipts since the opening of the books October 15, to November 1, this year than were written during the ( same period in 1915. Mr Samuel D Carr, manager of ; the Siegling Music house. Florence, , is, we regret to report, critically ill at the home of his brother, MrWH 1 Carr, on Academy street. Mr Carr j was taken suddenly ill yesterday morning. Dr F H McLeod of Florence visited the palient here yester- ' day. ' 1 Mr W 0 Camlin wa3 in town Saturday and informs us that there will be a hot supper for the benefit of the Bloomingvale school pulled off at his place tomorrow (Friday) night. He made our mouth water when he was telling us about the barbecue, turkey,chicken and other good things that are being prepared in the community for the occasion. "The Girl He Couldn't Buy" will be presented at the Thomas opera house here Saturday evening, November 4, by the brilliant young actress Ethel Lorraine, supported by a strong company .including Howard Sloat and Vivian Densmore. The Company is fresh from New York, where it had a long and successful run at the Lexington theater, carries its own scenery and is a laughable production of genuine merit. DEATH OF ESTIMABLE LADY. Mrs. H. H. Kinder Passes Away Suddenly. The people of thus community were saddened Thursday evening by the announcement, of the sudden death of Mrs Mary Kinder, wife of Mr H H Kinder, a highly esteemed citizen and farmer.residing about 9ix miles west of KinR9tree. Mrs Kinder was apparently in her usual good health when, at 6 o'clock Thursday evening, she was stricken while sit i . _ ji _ , ting in her chair engaged in neeaie- i work. Death was due to heart failure, this organ having been affected for several years, though no immediate danger was anticipated by members of her family. Before her marriage to Mr Kinder fifty odd years ago, the deceased was Miss Mary Brunson, daughter of the late Rev Robert Brunson, of the Methodist conference, and a native of Sumter county. She was a most estimable lady and a member of the Presbyterian church. She is survived by her husband, five sons and two daughters, viz: Messrs H F, L P, J C, H U and Virgil Kinder, of this community; Mrs Lemuel Koger of Walterboro and Mrs W H Carr of Kingstree; also one brother, Mr Wesley Brunson of Savannah, Ga. Funeral services took place at the Presbyterian church at 4 p. m. Fri- , day, Rev P S McChesney officiating. . Tntprmpnt was made in the Williams burg cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs L W Gilland, T C Jacobs,RiH Godwin. L J Stackley, E C Burgess and M H Jacobs, special friends of the family. J The deceased was about 70 years i of age and with her husband had re- 1 sided in this community for the past ] 55 years. She was loved by all who , knew her. To Cure a Cold In One Day I Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the 1 Cough and Headache and works off the Cold, i Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 25c. This Simple La A Hot Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Shoul Have a Place in Every Home. Constipation, or inaction of tli bowel.-, a condition that nearlv e\ cryone experiences with more i less frequency, is the direct cause ? much disease. When the bowei r.lMtrorod with rpfu?p from th UCWIIIV V.wWv? ... stomach, foul gases and poisons ar generated, and unless the conge? tion is quickly relieved the syster Incomes weakened and most su? ceptihle to attack. Various remedies to relieve con stipation are prescribed, but man of these contain cathartic or pur gative agents that are harsh an< violent in their action and shock tli system. The most effective remed; is the combination of simple laxa live herbs with pepsin that is soli in drug stores under the name c Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. The HonUohn D Keister of Bran dywine, \V Ya, who has represent ed his district in the State I>egisla ture for six years, writes that h used Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsji and finds it a splendid laxative easy to take and mild, yet positiv in its action, and that it should b in every household for use whei needed. Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is sol< by druggists in all parts of the Uni ted States and costs only fifty cent DELIGHTFUL SOCIAL EVENT. Mra.Jao. D. Brltton EntertainsEngagement Anaonneed. Mrs John D Britton delightful!: entertained a number of friends a tier home on Ashton avenue Frida: afternoon from 4:30 to 6:00 o'clock Upon the arrival of the guests a slo gran contest was engaged in. Th< first prize, a dainty hand-made lace handkerchief, was awarded to Mrs n December 2. 1916, will become " T ?? n. on. Mrs rore (jasper vtbisuu. mc an louncement came as a complete sur prise, for no one suspected the en gagement. Miss Jynmie is the onlj daughter of Mr and Mrs H 0 Brit ton. It is with genuine regret thai lier many friends learn that in the near future she will make her home n another town. Her charming man lers and loving disposition have wor ler a place in the hearts of all. Mi Watson, who for the past two years las been the successful superintend?nt of Little Rock High school, is t graduate of the Citadel in Charlea ton and of the University of South Carolina. He is a member of i prominent Latta family and has i lost of friends throughout the Stats After Margaret "let the cat out if the bag" the guests were usherec nto the dining room. Delicious re freshments, consisting of ambrosis in scalloped orange peel, capped vith whipped cream and marachinc ;herries, together with pound cake, trere served buffet style by Mrs J Percy Hutson.Miss Essie Blakely and Mire Claude J Thompson. The round lining table was laid with a real :luny lace cover,the centerpiece conlisting of a reflector, on which waj placed a bowl of pink roses and lace fern. The entire house was decorat?d with miniature pines, ferns and lamboo.the color scheme of the decirations being pink and green. Among the guests partaking oi llrs Britton's hospitality were Misset Lula Brockinton. Ada Brockington, limmie Britton.Emma Cooper, Essie VIRGINIA FARMER Restored To Health By Vinol Atlee, Va. ? I was weak, run down, 10 appetite, my blood was poor, I could lot sleep nights and was rapidly losing flesh, but I am a farmer and had to irork. Medicines had failed to help me until I took Vinol. After taking three bottles my appetite is fine, I sleep well, my blood is good and I am well again." -Orlando W. Borkey. . Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, is guaranteed to overcome weak, run-down conditions, chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis. Scott Drug Co, Kingstree, S C. ixative isehold Necessity, n IS Wmkl .'al>ottle. It contains no opiate or [J1 narcotic drug, does not gripe, and ,f is recommended as a family laxative, mild enough for the tiniest - bal>e, yet sufficiently powerful to act - easily on the strongest constitution. 1 To avoid imitations and ineffecte i ive substitutes be sure to get Dr n !Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. See that ' , a facsimile of Dr Caldwell's signae ture and nis portrait appear on the e yellow carton in which the bottle is s packed. A trial bottle, free of charge, can 3 be obtained by writing to Dr W B -j Caldwell, 455 Washington St, Mons I ticello Illinois Blakely.Mabel Harper,Belle Harper, Emma Gordon, Margaret Ross, Em ma Weaver, Agness Erckmann, Selma Thorn; Mesdames LeRoy Cates, R C U-n.ko r T TVinmnonn W W Hnlli. I n&cvjou^t v/ v *iivi??powmf ?? tv w?.> ^ day.J Percy Hutson.R J McCabeand t S B McGill. Lost or Strayed?A 9mall bobtail white and brown fox terrier dog. ? Left home of Mrs C W Wolfe Sunj day night. Liberal reward if returnr ed to The Record office and no questions asked. ! Coming to the fair? Yes! 3 and to Watts' Jewelry Store for fine ", goods at low prices. He has the i largest stock in the county to select ^ from. Watch and clock repairing . "1 done right. See fhe longest running " clock on earth, 400 days with one "! winding, in my show window. 1 Yours to please, !? 11-2-tf F J Watts. a S _ [ Notice. r The ladies of the Methodist church will serve hot dinner, consisting of | rice,barbecue, biscuits,biscuits,chicki en, ham, sandwiches and coffee, dur; | ing the county fair. It \ | j I am now engaged in the Coffin - and Casket business. Calls promptly ? answered at all hours, day or night. Phones?Office, 17; residence, 91. j "* A 1 A * * D O Pat ?nmvnv I *i 1U-1Z-II r o \j\ju rw 1rj i. . ???? I SPECIAL NOTICES ?j For Sale?1,000 Carmeaux and Ho, i mer Pigeons,Elmer C Rice strain; wonderful multipliers. Cost $6 and $3 the '! pair; any number at $1 the pair, or 40c i each for the lot A M?Snider, Kings j tree, S C. 11-2- tf 1 Wanted?Fat turkeys and chickens; ? j highest market price paid for same by i! Spring & Gee, Kingstree, S C. 11 -2-tf , j Lost ? One blue-speckled fdmaie 1 hound. Disappeared Saturday mormng, I October 14. Reward for information t II leading to her recovery. R L BasS, j ? Lanes. S C. !0-26-2tp j i! For Sale?Three cows with young I calves for sale. Robert A Dukes, . Greelyville, S C. 10-26-2tp - ? 1 For Rent ? Two furnished rooms; 1 modern conveniences; conveniently lo) cated. Apply at this office. . For Sale?Cow with young calf Apf ply to H E Montgomery, Kingstree, | SC. . 10-12-tf 1 -Citation Notice. j THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, county of williamsburg. ' By P M Brockinton, Esquire, Probate Judge. [ Whereas, H O Britton, Clerk of Court of Williamsburg county,made suit to me to grant him Letters of Administration of the Estate of and effects of Geo W ! Davis, i These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Geo W Davis, de! ceased, that they be and appear before ? me, in the Court of Probate, to be held at Kingstree, S C. on the 16th day of December next after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand this 1st day of November, Anno Domini, 1916. P M Brockinton. U-2-6t Probate Judge. Tresnass Notice. a , All persons are hereby warned not to enter upon our land or to trespass in any manner upon said land or any other over which we have control. I S M Mims, 11-2-3tp D R Mims. ; 1 [OPERA I Saturday Eve I The Play of a 1 "The Girl He direct from the Lexington with the same splendid c brilliant young actress, ETHEL L( and that pair of HOWARD SLOAT ; as "Hip" You Chuckle! You L ! Complete Seen Prices, 50c jSeat^j^al^b^OUai | IIIIW?MM^S ~T I T1? Domestic Is Nowhere M tant Than Inr True domestic econom iting the supply nor in red consists 01 supplying iwxn of nutrition at a minimum Our specialty is grocer lence at prices consistent v We recommend our Flour, Tei Hams anc M. H. J> TWO SI Kingstree, -iMadame.Tc wifh qour fi \ m j / \ \ Y \ / \ HOUSEHOLD expenses mount up. 1 leal, is liable to LACK BTJ45IH] methods in your home by teachii She will enjoy her new rei ibty surprised to note the saving at the START YOUR A BANK ACCOl BANK OF WTL . famous Lord t We recommend you because it h; to be superior to and equal to the av Price 35 Cents; 3 Pel R. W. L "Specialist in Goo< Academy St. Phone 143 Patronize OUR HOUSE I ning, Nov. 4 I housand Laughs Couldn't Buy" Theatre,- New York City, ompany, introducing the DRRAINE laugh-makers VIVIAN DENSMORE as "Kitty" augh! You Scream! ic Production 75c and $1.00 cobs, Telephone No. 102 Economy 1 ^ Lore Imporrhe Kitchen y doesn't consist of limucing the quantify. It j of the highest degree of cost. ies of the highest excelvith safe business. t, Bacon, I Coffee \COBS ORES South Carolina ilkTfiisOver I f i rhe wife, no matter how econonvESS METHODS. Install buinesa lg your wife the simple ABT OF iponsibility and yon will be agraa* end of the month. WIFE WITH JNT TODAY! LIAMSBURG v\ ialwrt Coffee this Coffee to as proven itself any 35c Coffee erage 40c grade iinds - - $1.00 E W I S d Things to Eat" * Kingstree, S. C. * Advertisers