MAY MAKE PAPER FOR THEMSELVES. SOUTH CAROLINA NEWSPAPERS MAY BUILD CO-OPERATIVE FACTORY. At an .informal conference of newspaper editors and publishers held in Columbia last Friday it was decided to call a meeting of the South Caro'ina Press association at which the shortage of news print paper will be considered. The meeting will be held November 10 at 2 p. m., the place of meeting to oe announced. The situation concerning news print paper is considered serious by the editors of the State and steps may be taken looking to relief. A committee was appointed at the conference to confer with officials of the Coker paper mills at Hartsville and J E Kocher, veneer manufacturer of Columbia, to see if either might offer relief. It was brought out that a paper famine is expected. H J McLaurin of Sumter has been invited to appear before the association and outline his plans for the establishment of a paper mill in South Carolina. A mill was recently opened in the State of Louisiana. The editors gave consideration to the organization of a co-operative paper manufacturing company to supply the papers of the State. The plant would cost about $70,000, it was estimated, and this amount, the proponents say, would be saved in two years. R C Wright of Columbia told of his investigation into the paper situation. He said that the paper mills are unable to fill their orders. It is probable that it will be necessary to increase the subscription rates for the county papers. A B Jordan, editor of the Dillon Herald, in a letter to the conference stated that it would be necessary for him to increase the price of his paper from $ I to $1.50 a year. It may also be necessary to increase the advertising rates. Personals Irom Hemingway. Hemingway, October 30: ? Mrs Leo Edwards of Savannah, Ga, is visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs N M Venters. Master James Merriman of Florence is visiting Mrs Eva Merriman. Messrs C L Creel, R N Spiegnei, Obie Cox, M E Poston, W H Haselden, Watts Venters, Czar Haselden, Drs W C Hemingway and H L Baker motored through the country to attend the fair in Columbia. Dr L G Day and Mr K E Creel took in the play at Florence last week. Mrs George Flowers and son are spending some time with Mrs Flowers' parents at Saluda, N C. Work on the new brick store of Messrs Eaddy & Creel Bros is advancing rapidly. Mrs Leo Edwards is having a bungalow built on Jackson street. Mr and Mrs J R Newman had as their guest last week Misses Bodie and Rombo of St Stephens. Misses Cleo Clyburn, Iva Eaddy and Miss Owens and Dr L G Day spent Sunday in Kingstree. Miss Martha Jenkinson spent the week-end in Kingstree. Quite a number from here took in the show in Georgetown Friday * night. Mrs J E Hemingway and Miss Elise Rollins went to Georgetown Saturday, shopping. Mr J E Hemingway has purchased a Chevrolette car. Fords are fast disappearing in our town. The girls' club will soon have the basketball, golf and tennis court on the school grounds ready for use. Mr Willie Hemingway was a pleasant caller in our town Sunday. Mr Willie Baker, of Porter Military academy, spent the week-end at home. Mr C L Creel called on friends at Poston Sunday afternoon. Mr Eugene tfates of City Point, noiiinrr r?n fripnds here last V a, wao cuiiuy., v.. week. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove's The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as e General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUI NINE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drive: out Malaria, Enriches the Blood anc Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. A Letter to Little Boys and Girls. i Children, how many of you are counting the days in which you may make something (just any little thing) to help make our county fair a success? Only a few days more, and we hope each and every child in Williamsburg county under the acre of fourteen years, will have some exhibit for the child's department, and be sure to bring or send it to Mrs D P Frierson. Mr? B E Clark son, or to the secretary, Mr George A McElveen. (giving him your age), on or before Monday, Noveml?er 6, or to the fair ground on Tuesday, November 7, no: later than 4:30 p. m. It matters not whether or not the article you make is mentioned in the list of premiums. If you have made something years, months, or weeks past, and have presented to some friend or loved one. go to them and ask that they kindly lend it, that you may exhibit at the fair, and will later return it to them. Every one is interested in the child's depariment, those articles made by the little fingers. So get busy, little folks, you may win a prize. If not you will have done what you could to make our fair a success, and gladded the hearts of many. Look over the premium list, if you haven't already, and decide what you will make. If you have anything in the line of canned fruit, vegetables, preserves or jeuies, jusi, pick the best of what you have, and only send one specimen of each; more than one article of a kind from the same person will cause confusion. And remember we want the children's department to be the best of all. Mrs B E Clarkson, Asst in Children's Dept. Rheumatism Follows Exposure. In the rain all day is generally followed by painful twinges of rheumatism or neuralgia. Sloan's Liniment will give you quick relief and prevent the twinges from becoming torture. It quickly penetrates without rubbing and soothes the sore and aching joints. For sore, stiff, exhausted muscles that ache and throb from overwork, Sloan's Liniment affords quick relief. Bruises, sprains, strains and other minor injuries to children are quickly soothed by Sloan's Liniment. Get a bottle today at your druggist's, 2oc. That Clerks of Court and Sheriffs of South Carolina are State officers and should take office on the third Tuesday in January, when the Governor is inaugurated, is the opinion of Attorney General Peeples, in answer to an inquiry from York. It has been customary heretofore to regard Sheriffs and Clerks of Court as county officers and they have assumed the duties of their respective offices on the first Tuesday in January after the general election. A Clogged System Must Be ClearedYou will find Dr King's New Life Pills a gentle yet effective laxative for removing impurities from the system. Accumulated waste poisons the blood; dizziness, biliousness and pimply, muddy complexion are the distressing effects. A dose of J)r King's New Life Pills tonight will assure you a free, full howel movement in the morning. At your druggist's, 2oe. The U S S Olympia, the flagship of Comodore Dewey in the battle of Manila Bay in 1898, was placed in commission at the Charleston navy yard Monday where she had been undergoing repairs for some time past. The Olympia will serve as flagship of the Atlantic Cruiser squadron now in the West Indies under . Admiral Pond. Changing Seasons Bring Colds. " Stuff ed-up head," clogged-up nose,tight chest, sore throat are sure signs of cold, and Dr King's New n?c/?r?\7orv is sure lelief. A dose of this combination of antiseptic balsams soothes the irritated membrane, clears the head, loosens the phlegm, you breathe easier and realize your cold is broken up. Treat a cold persistently; half-way measures leave a lingering cough. Take Dr King's New Discovery until your cold is gone. For 47 years the favorite remedy for young and old. At your druggist's, 50c. Magistrate L E Williams, a well 11 known citizen of Charleston, died ; j suddenly Monday morning at his home in that city. J ; | Drives Out Malaria, Builds Up System ' , The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, '> GROVE S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drrret out 1 Malaria, enrichestheblood.andbuildsnpthesys, ' tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c. 19 HOW YOU GET SICK it Sometimes you overload your j I stomach with rich foods. Your ! ( | life may be an active one. and thus you may care for all you eat. But ( : a few days of inactivity show your system does not call for so much. > You awake in the morning tired. . I Your body feels heavy; you know i you are not up to the mark. Your J digestion has not cared for the overload. Part of it remains. It .venerates gas that Inflames the 1 dt-licate linings. They fail to pour out the digestive fluids and neglect 5 to absorb the life-giving elements. . You know something is wrong. ! Your body gets weak, and soon 1 opportunity is offered for some severe illnes. Taken in time, the indigestion . would not become serious. First re- . J move the overload: then soothe the 1 ( sore membranes; then build up the weakened body. It's simple to say, | but not too easy to do. Youneedhelp. A tonic that will quicken digos- . tlon. help remove waste, soothe the < soreness and arouse the system? that's Just what you need. 1 Peruna has an enviable record in this respect Tt has aided many 1 thousands in the last century to overcome just these conditions, and K1S BllMICTO. j , convenkat ; . ^Bfa b a 11 n | I The State Fair of 1916 passed into history last Fraiday night as the most successful from every standpoint of any of the fairs in the fortyeight years of its existence. More people visited the State Fair this year than ever before in its history. The exact figures of the attendaece for the week are not obtainable, but > it is estimated that more than 100,000 people were admitted to the fair grounds during the week. rwTiw?iHi JKmOKM?M Trn V* A t%T II KUi5 UU 1 rAin with gooc! oil liniment. That's the surest way to stop them. [The best rubbing liniment is[ MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Qood for your own A ches, J] * Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At al! Dealers. ' BTESFr'.'w7*1 "'r3*^mi3aS^BK I Mm 11 at Atlanta Round Trip F From Kingst: Tickets will be sold to A Atlantic C Standard Railroz M 1 1 1 || iNOvemoer |g Limited returning until m 11916. Propotionate fares A. C. L. For further sleeping car reservations, W. W. Hollidaj ll-2-2t. King'strc I All Fresh Meats and Vegel THE PEOPLE ii i rn ] h. A. MILLtlf *? t Dots from Dicky Swamp. t (Received too late for last week's issue). ; Salters, Rt 1. October 23:?Rev G ; J Vauss of Cowards filled his ap- i >ointment at St Paul's church Sunlay. It was his fare we! I to this j harge.he having resigned after two ears of faithful service. Rev Eriest Poston of Turbeville succeeds rim. We are glad to state that Mrs J L rVrrell is able to sit up again. He; lister,Miss Annie Evans.and muthei. Mrs Evans, of Abbeviile, are with ler. Miss Beulah Spivy a id Mr J F Prcvafteatteno'i d preaching atKings- ! :ree Sunday. Mr R D Braiiham >rtended the! state F W B conf"r?*raturday. Misses Beulah Spivey and Mary McKnight were the guests of Mrs R r? o.o.iUm TVmrodflv and Fridav U jjiaucaui AUU4WV.-J- ??? v lights. Rosebud. LMTHERHORN&SON % CHARLESTON. S.C. Sole Distributors of "Black Rock Wall Board" Moisture resisting and special manufacture makes it the best Write us for samples and prices. a! fail 1 Cieorgia g: are unty: at hand and we must d make it a grand sucilace your headquarters inything in our line, we * : sell you. We have a *\es, Wagons, Harness, ts, Horse and Cow Hal lig Fair, ive Stock Co. c n I -AH. .. : . iiV, i.