The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 12, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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Keeps Her Chil In Dr Caldwell's Svrup Pepsin the Family Laxative for Many Years. Mrs Aug Doellefeld of Carlyle, 111. recently wrote to Dr Caldwell, at Montieello, 111, that she has used Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin in her home for a number of years, and would not be without it, as with it she has been able to keep her four children in perfect health. DrCaldwell's Syrup Pepsin is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin that acts on the bowels in an easy, natural way, and regulates the action of this most important function . Nearly all the sickness to which children are subject, is traceable to bowel inaction, and a mild, dependable laxative, such as Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin should have a place in every family medicine chest. It is pleasant to the taste and children like it, and take it readily, while it is equally effective for adults. Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is sold in drug stores everywhere for fifty cents a bottle. To avoid imitations and ineffective substitutes be sure * STATE and GENERAL * TOPICS 7K TV 7K 7T rr 7WZ 7WZ Tit 7T 7T 7T HT 7TZ The First National bank of Dillon 1 has been commissioned, with a capital of $25,000. S A Woods, Jr, of Darlington has i been given a commission as secona lieutenant ip the United States marine corps. Cotton sold in Chester this week at 17.30, the highest price since the civil war. Long-staple cotton brought 25&. Rev Maryin Auld, a former pastor of Florence Baptist church, died suddenly in Saluda, N C. Monday, after a short illness. Cotton sold for seventeen cents at Laurens last Saturday, the highest price paid there in twelve years. Cotton seed sold for $53. The Clement Veneer & Lumber! company of Pamplico, capitalized at j $100,000. has been incorporated by ; H F Dargan, W L Clement and oth- j < ers. The court of general sessions convened at Florence Monday. Judge M L Smith presiding. This was his first sitting there, and he made a highly favorable imoression. Rev Albert S Thomas of Cheraw has been called to the rectorate of St Thaddeus' Episcopal church, Aiken. to succeed Rev R C Jeter, who is now army chaplain on the border. \ The engagement of Miss Mary Purdy and Dr Carl Belden Epps, both of Sumter, is announced, the wedding to take place in the fall. The groom-elect is a cousin of Senator E C Epps of Kingstree. Congressman Ragsdale will open \ Aomnoimi fnv Wllonn flnH M fir. Ilia UlUl^OlgU 1V| T? II9VM V.MV. MAW shall at Rockville, Tuesday, speaking with United States Attorney General Gregory. He will stump Maryland, Delaware and New York. Mr and Mrs Andrew P Vinson of Charleston had theii golden wedding anniversary last week. They were married October 4, 1866, at Stateburg by Rev Dr Robert Wilson, formerly minister of the Episcopal church here. The current issue of Dun's gives the number of failures for the first nine months of this yea: and last I throughout the United States. South i Carolina shows the largest proportionate decrease, her number having I shrunk from 255 to 110. In the ca.- if AT Carter of Orangeburg against the Atlantic Coast Line for SGO.OoQ damages, a verdict % for $5,000 w as rendered Saturday. Carter received injuries in the em-! ploy of the railroad company from is said,he will never recoverj Marion aims wunerspoon, one ui Lancaster's most prominent snd highly esteemed citizens, died early Friday morning at his home. He had been in a critical condition for several days, and although the news of his death was not unexpected, it! came as a shock. A tablet in Holy Communion Epis-1 copal church,Charleston,to the mem- j ory of Rev Frederick Ancrum De- i Rosset, who was rector of that church at the time of his death, October 12, 1915, Was blessed Sunday night, Bishop Guerry delivering the sermon. Mr DeRosset had manv warm friends in Kingstree. Col David Gregg Mcintosh, one of the most distinguished lawyers of j Maryland and a famous Confederate soldier, died suddenly last Friday at his home in Towson of acute indigestion. During the civil war Col Mcintosh was c >mmander of the famous Pee Dee Light Artillery an 1 performed excellent service. dren ! Perfect Health, you get Dr Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. See that a facsimile of Dr Caldwell's signature and his portrait appear on the yellow carton in which the hottie is packed. A trial bottle, free of charge, can be obtained by writing to Dr W B Caldwell, 45o Washington St, Monticello, Illinois. Protestant Episcopal churchmen, both clerical and lay, from all parts * - 1 ri. A j i? ot tne unitea stares ana irom mission fields, together with a few from England and Canada.are gathered in St Louis, Mo, for the triennial convention of the church, the supreme legislative body of the Anglican church in the United States, which met there yesterday. The postoffice at Andrews has been advanced from fourth to third class. The postmaster will receive a salary of $1,100 per year. The receipts of a postoffice are always an index to the business of a town, and when the receipts increase rapidly each year it is a clear indication that the town is growing. No one will dispute the fact that Andrews is growing more rapidly, perhaps, than any other town in the State. Her people are hustling and going after business. William Belton Boyle, one of the best Known citizens 01 aumter ana for many years a leading business man,died suddenly Wednesday night at his home in that city while other members of the family had gone to a local entertainment. On their return Mr Boyle was found lying in his bathtub.having died while in the act of bathing before retiring for the night. Death was pronounced due to apoplexy. The deceased was a brother of T W Boyle and father of Mrs J F Haselden, both of Greelyviile. Another daughter, Miss Mar- l tie Boyle, visited in Kingstree last summer and made a host of friends here. The second trial within a week of a Henry J Brown, charged with as- 0 sault and battery with intent to kill c William E Wingate and with carrying concealed weapons,was begun in n the court of general sessions at Charleston Tuesday. The panel of li thirty-two jurors was exhausted in n trying to secure a second jury for the Brown case. Eleven men had been accepted and counsel for the defense agreed to try the case with h that number. This was one of the b eases growing Cut of the riot which $ occurred at the meeting of the Dem- t oeruue Executive committee Octo1^ 1Q1? xuKian Sirlnpv .T Cnhpn. ^ a reporter for the Charleston Even- e ing Post, was shot to death. In the s first trial the jurors failed to agree s upon a verdict. Brown was yesterday found guilty of "carrying a concealed weapon". Sentence has g not yet been passed. b e Fleming-Guess. '' d A wedding of much interest in Columbia and Williamsburg county i was solemnized Wednesday evening, p October 4, when Miss Ellen Fleming a became the bride of Mr B H Guess of Saltejs Depot. The wedding took place at the residence of Mr Charles Fleming, brother of the bride, and was witnessed by relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The ceremony was performed by the Rev Mr Davis uf Salters Depot. | The bride appeared unusually attrac- ( tive in her trousseau of midnight \ blue satin with accessories to match. i\ Pink and white decorations were ' used, that being the color scheme. * After the ceremony a delightfuly * * j I , sweet course was serveu anu uie r bride and bridegroom left for Char- \ leston and other places of interest. ' They will make their home at Salters. This couple have many friends who c wish them happiness. : Pir.j J jr. .1 In 6 to 14 Days Vour flrusraist will refund money if PAZO -r OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Ifchins, * Blind. 31ecdInfor Prr'-rdinr: I'iles :*i ' to 11 days, f The first application s Ease and Rest. ;0c -i r -but Almost every comes in anc sell STYLEF Usually the 5 new custome IJiiVen it you for your clotl be afraid to 1 Styl Clo | Their fashior if he were c clothes. The I quality kind, hand-workm; the best mills All for $17, be to work, out s price as the i For your pers suit is guarai Spec] I Kingstree MRS. M. L. ALLEN Jrges Larger Exhibit In Fancy Work Department at Fair. As the time for the county fair pproaches I wish to ask the coperation of ladies throughout the ounty in the fancy work department. Last year this was one of the argest and most interesting departnents of the fair. This year it lust be even larger. More space as been given over to it and the and work can be displayed to much setter advantage. Then again this epartment must be especially good o help take the place of other delartments in which ladies are intersted, for these of necessity will be mailer. We urge all ladies to send ome hand work, whether they extect it to take a prize or not. It may ;ive an idea for some one else and >e admired by others. We also urge very lady to come to the fair and nvite them to visit the fancy work lepartment. Remember dates of fair?November 8-11. Send wurk a few days rior to beginning of fair and thus id the committee. Mrs M L Allen, Supt of Fancy Work Dept. mrs e jl kellfy. (. Mrs W L Ttylor, J Ass,stantsHow Catarrh is Contracted. Mothers are sometimes so thoughtess as to neglect the colds which heir children contract. The inlammation of the mucous mem>rane, at 'irst acute, becomes chronic ,nd the child has chronic catarrh, a lisease that is seldom cured and hat may prove a life's burden, dany persons who have this loathome disease will remember having iad frequent colds at the time it ras contracted. A little forethought. , bottle of Chamberlain's Cough temedy judiciously used, and all his trouble might have been avoidd Obtainable everywhere. ieceipt Books, Blank Notes, Mortgages ana 11 Legal Blanks in demand, for sale at 'he Record office. If we have not the orm yon wish we can print it cn ?hori etice. vrade in all price ' day we have this experie 1 says: "Are you the p 'LUS CLOTHES in this >uit makes a hit and we r. have been paying aroun les about town, don't try ^ m m m ~ ? T<*A?? vaair OEGlSTlOCO line price the world over." i artist could not do bel lesigning models for hi i fabrics are the good loc Tailoring includes the mship. Good alpaca lini > cause the makers had the t new plan?having one s c i i ? masterpiec s 01 tneir or onal assurance let us say t iteed. Big selection ial styles for young i Dry Goods Con HELD FOR ROBBERY. Jobn Allan Confesses Taktng Llqnor from Express Office. The Southern Express Company's I office was broken into Friday night or early Saturday morning and several gallons of liquor taken therefrom. J H Epps: Chief of Police, suspected two negroes of the robbery and ar; rested them Saturday evening. Later < *' 1 J iL.t 1? j ODe 01 cnem coniesseu uiol nc cuiticu the building and stole the liquor. The two arrested are John Allen and Alex Owens. Allen is being held in the county jaii to await the action of the grand jury on' the P)R year*, the most successful Trappers a have been shipping their entire collecti market prices for your skins by sending th< Greatest Raw Fur Market. Write today for our Free price list and shipping tags. We charge no commission. I DAVID BLUSTEIN&BRO. a J 3 B [ J ^ HHkvWIIIi I They will save in insura can't burn. And in addition 1 proof, fine in appearance and 2 For i cha-s. ii. ssxf;:..Jf points fHS lllr I l|i| ings from I'S y foresight f|p} : uitatone MM i; inization. l]j H hat every BR | lpany. IB charges of house breaking and larce-1. ny, while Owen is held for selling liquor in violation of the prohibition law Saturday night. ( The express office was entered by 1 drawing the staple of the Main \ street door. < The work of rounding up the guilty party in this case so quickly reflects credit on our police department. for a Muddy Complexion. < Take Chamberlain's Tablets and adopt a diet of vegetables and cereals. i Take outdoor exercise daily and < your complexion will be greatly improved within a few months. Try ' it. Obtainable everywhere. WViproBtiBPPpppH i i i k U| ... ind Collectors of Raw Furs in your vicinity s ons to us. You too, can secure the highest :m here?as New York is now the World's Ginseng and Golden Seal vre are the Iugest drains in Ginseng in the United I States and always pay highest prices. Write for price Kst. Fastest Growing Raw Far House in New York 181 West 27th Street, New York nee on your house, for they j they are permanent, weather- K OX, Kingstree, S. C. ""W rirmtwmw % * ] I if, I 'V* Notice of Application [ for Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that on the 4th j lay of November, A D 1916,at 12 o'clock, soon, I will apply to P M Brockinton, Judge of Probate of Williamsburg county, for Letters Dismissory as General juardian of Essie and Rutn Thomas. W 0 Thomas, Guardian. October 2, 1916. 10-5-5t Trespass Notice. All persons are hereby warned agains^^^H trespassing in any way whatever [he lands of the undersigned, situate Johnson township. Any party or pdH^H| :ies violating this notice will be pros^^^^l :uted at law. (Mrs) Mae P Moss. VH JACK i !Will be found at my place east of Kinjcrstree for service. Terms $10.00. , I^TOUN^EPPSj | ForBestResults P Ship Your | Long Staple Cotton | I Whaley & Rivers I Original Promoters of Staple | "M Cotton in the Southeast. RUB-MY-TISM ' j Will cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Eczema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, ^ J used internally or externally. 25c . j * X,