The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, October 12, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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To Ea t Woodrow Wilso % He has put equal above property i and democracy o The Child Laboi Anti-Trust law, 1 Shipping bill, th fk* Torif# Cir\ Vi) Ut* A ?* ? may well stand a ternational polici of the ancient ft cratic ideals. V with justice and i i How to Contribute fc the Wilton Campaigr Fund Sign the Cupw is thb comer end fcll the amount yon give. Then attach y< Money to thie Coupon and mail today to t add war given oa the Coupon. Issue nil checks, money orders a address all contributions to Hen dat PUaaaa P/V Ad organ tnnu, ^owmuui ? uuwu. v? mittee, Democratic National Comm tee, 30 East Forty-second Street, Ni York City. i Woodrow Wilson Campaign Fund LOYALTY COUPON To HXNKY MOKOBNTHAU, Chainr F%mocs Committee, The Democratic National Committee, KaM Forty second Street, New Y< City. As m betiover ia tW prapmin ideal* government represented in the candidacy Woodrow Wilson for president of the Unit Stats*. and to the cad that he aaay take 1 office free-handed, un trammeled, and ot gated to eoaa but the people of the count I wiab to costribttte the sum of $ toward the tsprsisr* of Prasidim Wileo , campaign. I Nanaa Addrsas K. r. D State Pteaaa mcDtkn this paper I" A Letter Dear Sammy: I knew when I tol< that you would wake up. ing. Certainly they are fireworks at night, foot t things too numerous to r year will he worth the tr on the midway. I see by the papers a public safety committer crowd Here that the Ju every precaution to keei hurt. That is a good ide be Queen. The papers v | ber 15. She certainly wi I I am glad you ha^ I come. Tell her I will 1 I Wallin Trio. ? There is Some tali I tion" on the Capitol stej I Jim that if he is coming I Fiddlers' Convention, Ha I C., and to tell all the resi I to get into this to write 1 the particulars. I The last time I at I there was not very much 1 day. They have got the I events this year. If the I they are now they will 1 I celebration two weeks ii I in Columbia has tixea up I Buffalo Bill will b< 1 we will have to see this j I Youi ery True A n's fight is your fight. justice above special pri ights, national honor ab ver all. r law, the Federal Rese Workmen's Compensatic e Federal Trade Comm ? 1 *1 A _ >mmi8MOQ ana ine the ten commandment iss proolaim to the worli lith, America's renewed Poodrow Wilson has g peace with honor. What arc you giving hi *T1 How much does it mea > no longer at the mercy i enterprise have been that the standards of A1 ards of civilization, an land is not torn by th ** orphans, the slow shuff Dd maimed ? America today is no lesi 1776 and 1861, and Wc ^ the champion of libert Lincoln. - Money, however, is the ] cash to run a campaign. Only from the people, tl served, can Woodrow 1 aid. Clean money for c To contribute is your d your privilege. Send i of What one of you would ? home and your count S! Fight, then, against ei ry- greater menace than ar Do not serve notice up that faithful service is i is without gratitude, in Every dollar contributed insurance policy. Don't let it lapse. Even as you have receh erously. Even stint tp ?II on sacrifice. From Bill i IMBOMM i you about the vaudeville I am glad you are com- | pretty. Yes, we will have I vail oramps nnrl lots of other I fUi* V?..V nention. The midway this I ip. I would like to see Jim | 5 that they have appointed | 3. There will be such a big | ibilee people want to take 3 the visitors from getting >a. I do not know who will rill announce it about Octoill have a fine time here. 7Q persuaded Aunt Lou to ;ake her to see the Leach: of a "Fiddlers' Convenps Friday afternoon. Tell to write a postal card to irvest Jubilee, Columbia, S. t of the fellows who want down at once and find out tended the Fair down here . stirring until about Thursi whole week chocked full of y keep on going at the rate 3e holding this Fair week istead of one. Everybody 1 for the show. 2 at the Fair this year and | j show. 11 Cousin, Bill. | i I 4 . merican i i ! i ivilege, human rights ove organized greed, j rve act, the Clayton j \n Rural rrprlits frhp ission, the Seamen's ! ultural Extension act is of America; his ini America's recovery I devotion to demoiven you prosperity m? n to you that business is of panics, that credit and released from captivity, nerica are now the standd that the heart of the e wailing of widows and ling of the blind and the 3 a battle-ground than in odrow Wilson is no less, i y than Washington and j ^ I ^resent weapon, n ia&ej le one master that he has iVilson receive campaign :lean purposes. }uty even as it should be t in now. not fight to defend your ry against foreign foes? lemies within that hold 1 ly foe without. on all future Presidents j folly, since the electorate terest and intelligence. ] i is payment on America's 1 I 1 red generously, give gengive. _ America was built , d i J i Proposed New Connty. I A well attended meeting of our \ citizens was held last Friday night j for the purpose of discussing the new-county movement, which has ( for its object the establishment , of the county seat at Lake City. A number of influential citizens of Lake City and representative men of this place were present. Among those from Lake City who took part , in the deliberation were: Messrs Jno g Morris, J J M Graham, W L Bass 1 and Dr C D Rollins. Messrs SU 1 Poston, C J Rollins. E F Prosser and ^ Mayor Cockfield, of this place, also , participated in the discussion. Our < people are in favor of small counties s and, as far as those present at the \ meeting were concerned, they were all in favor of the movement. [ A committee was appointed to look < into the matter and see how the people in general stood on the matter.? Johmnville Frogresa. COLOS AFFECT THE KIDNEYS. Many Kingstree People Have Found i This to be True. f Are you wretched in bad weather? i Does every cold settle on your j kidneys? Does your back ache and become weak? ' Are urinary passages irregular and distressing? 1 Thocu cvmntnms arp nail?> tn S113 peot kidney weakness. Weakened kidneys need quick help Doan's Kidney Pilis are especially prepared for weakened kidneys. Kingstree people recommend them Mrs S A Nettles, Mill St, Kingstree, says: "I suffered awfully from disordered kidneys. My back was so sore and lame I could hardly do any sweeping or other housework. The kidney secretions passed irregularly, and when I caught cold it settled on my kidneys and made me worse. Finally I got Doan's Kidney Pills at the Kingstree Drug Co's and they relieved me of aJl signs of kidney trouble." ( ? - -"v , 11 3 _i n 9 l Briee ouc, at an aeaiers. .uuii i simply ask for a kidney remedy?get ! Doan's Kidney Pills?the same thai Mrs Nettles had. Foster-Milburn ' Co. Props. Buffalo. N Y. j When renewing your subscription; to The Record don't forget to re-1 mind us of the big magazine offer.; iv" i HUDSON-FOX WORTH NUPTIALS. [ Popular Young Couple Married li at Home of Bride's Sister. Salters, October 9:?The home of Mr and Mrs W T Britton was the o scene of a very pretty wedding Wee'- A nesdav afternoon, the contracting w parties being Mr Cecil Foxworth of ** Norfolk, V7a, and Miss Cassie Lena h i Hudson, youngest daughter of Mr t< and Mrs W H Hudson and sister of I the hostess. The house was tasteful-1 F ly decorated with ferns and South-; o em smilax, white and yellow being | r< the color scheme. At 3 o'cIock the guests began to assemble, and by 4 v o'clock the clouds that had hung low w all the morning began to break, let- w ting in a beautiful ray of sunlight. As the bride entered from an adjoining room on the arm of her maid b of honor,Miss Pearl McCullough, she d was met by the groom with his best si man, Mr F L Richardson. Rev W o I Sinnott then spoke the solemn and impressive words that made them h one. The bride was becomingly at- ri tired in a copt suit of midnight blue, with accessories to match. Af- il ter the ceremony they were ushered J into the parlor, where were display- R ed the presents of the bride, and af- h ter congratulations had been extend- d ed, the happy couple entered an au- K tomobile and were taken to Salters, ff where they boarded the northbound a train for Norfolk.their future home, rr where Mr Foxworth has been engaged in business for a number of b years. tl Mr and Miss Foxworth of Latta a were here last week in attendance lc upon the marriage of their brother, h The Salter3 K of P lodge enjoyed w an oyster stew last Tuesday nieht. si We wish all our brothers could have h been with us. Meeting nights the S first Tuesday in each month. P Mr J C Davis went to Charleston tl last week for an operation on one of bis eyes, which has been beneficial. Mr C Fowler spent Sunday with bis family here. We are always glad to see him. ^ Rev W I Sinnott is attending the meetings of Harmony presbytery p and synod this week in Sumter and d Greenwood. Mr A R Moseley, the champion Jr isherman of Salters, has been catch- gj ng some very fine fish from Black iver the past week. Mr J W Whitfield and family of M Charleston spent a few days last P( veek with friends and relatives here, Look Out. q ? b< CbaogiDQ Seasons Bring Colds. a] "Stuffed-up head," clogged-up ^ lose,tight chest, sore throat are sure signs of cold, and Dr King's New Discovery is sure lelief. A dose of ,his combination of antiseptic bal:ams soothes the irritated membrane, dears the head, loosens the phlegm, rou breathe easier and realize your * ;old is broken up. Treat a cold periistently; half-way measures leave a ingering cough. Take Dr King's ^ S'ew Discovery until youf cold is h .rone. For 47 years the favorite rem- it idy for young and old. At your * Iruggist's, oOc. t, V BANK DEPOSITS LARGER. ti 81 total In State Institutions Increased Thirty Per Cent. Deposits in the State, private and iranch banks in South Carolina are greater than they ever were before it this season of the year, according :o a statement given out last Saturlay by Ivy M Mauldin, the State oank examiner. The condition of the 317 State banks and branches in South Carolina at close of business September 12 ndicates a decided increase in business over that of one year ago. Loans show an increase of over $4,300,000, while the bunks have borrowed $2,500,000 less than in 1915. Cash reserve also shows an increase of over $4,000,000. The greatest increase, however, is in deposits, which show a total increase of $11,000,000 over last year, or a gain of over 30 per cent. De spite the fact that the total capital of State banks in South Carolina has decreased in the past few years, due to some banks nationalizing, total deposits are higher than they have pver been at this season of the year. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Neat! Because of its tonic and laxative effect. LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE is better thru ordi;. >i / Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor rip":"C in liead. Remember the full name and I ior the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c. j LINES FBOtf LAKE CITY. 11 nflrmary Projected--Serious III-; ness ol Mr. Jones?Personal. Lake City, October 10: ?Dr Mims! f Branchvilie came to Lake City ' londay night on business. Mrs Mims c fas formerly Miss Mary Rushton, rho lived here several years with er father, the late Rev J E Rushm. j v* Criminal court is in session at Q lorence this week, and many of j; ur DeoDle are there, either as ju-it.l ors, witnesses, or otherwise. j ^ Mr Robert Singleton, of Johnson- \ l( ille, was in town Tuesday on his i ji 'ay to Florence to see the officer si 'ho issues marriage licenses, so Jj Judge" Baldwin tells us. a Monday of last week Mr Hayden fj ought the place where Dr J D Eady now lives, on Main street oppo- ei :te the Methodist church. This is d ne of the best residences in town. | n Having worked up the tobacco on 1 e and, the Imperial Tobacco Corpo- j t< ation closed down some days ago. j If Mr B Wallace Jones, Sr, is very' v, 1 at a hospital in Charleston. Mri t< nnoc or.H Mica PanoB Tnnoo r\f *1 UliVC UtiU XVXIOW1 X UI14J U w x , L J Richmond, a daughter, are with! a im. Mr B Wallace Jone3, Jr, went t< own Sunday and returned Monday, d [e says, we understand, that his 0 ather has not typhoid fever, as was; g t first thought, but some other! n lalady. ! d Mr C D Rollins is contemplating e( uilding an infirmary here, and with i h tiis end in view has been looking round several days for a suitable t< >t upon which to build. So far he jt as not been successful in finding a] 'hat he wants. There are several c] jitable lots, but they are in the \? ands of parties who will not sell, uch an institution as Dr Rollins q roposes would be quite a benefit to n \e town and community. B A Clogged System Must Be Cleared. You will find Dr King's New Life n ills a gentle yet effective laxative >r removing impurities from the rstem. Accumulated waste poisons w le blood; dizziness, biliousness and imply, muddy complexion are the 01 istressing effects. A dose of Dr dng's New Life Pills tonight will ?sure you a free, full bowel movelent in the morning. At your drug- w ist's, 2oc. di ii w "The Choice" is a new book by rc Irs Montayne Perry which will ap- fi ?ar in Today's Magazine this year. he author is one of the most popur magazine writers and "The p hoice" is her masterpiece. This Dok will sell for $1.25 after it has j Dpeared in Today's. For further irticulars see our big magazine ub offer, open to all new or old ibscribers to The Record. r( WOMAN ALL RUN DOWN I Wade Strong and Well By Vinol w Waynesboro, Pa.?"I was all run dowu ti fter a hard spell of bronchitis so it wa? ard for me to keep about. I had pains 1 my chest and took cold easily. A w ieiid asked me to try Vinol. I did, and ^ ; built me up so I am strong and well nd I am able to do my housework which ai had not done for three months before rr iking Vinol."?Mrs. Y. li. IIobbocgh, t'avnesboro, Pa. pi Vinol creates an appetite, aids diges ion, makes pure blood and creates trcngth. Your money back if it fails, ai Scott Drug Co, Kingstree, S C. pi Here Is the Save IV The table is the of expense in ever it is the aim of eve keeper to hold th< so far as is cons: living. Let us si with anything in pie and Fancy G problem of the"hij will disappear. Britton I<kThe Pure F< Phone 108, - , * t -V EDGEFIELD FARMER SLAIN BY NEIGHBOR. HAS TURNER FIRED WHEN HE SAW SOMEONE IN WINDOW OF HIS HOME. HE SAYS. Edgefield, October 6:?Bud Berry nas shot and instantly killed by barley L Turner last night, about 2 o'clock at the home of the latter, hree miles from this place. Berry ras shot twice with a shotgun, one >ad taking effect in the left breast jst over the heart, the other in the :de. The parties were neeghbors, ving within a mile of each other nd both prominent farmers with amilies. No one was present when the tragdy occurred except Turner and the ead man, and the former's statelent made at the inquest was to the ffect that some hours after going 3 bed he heard a noise at a window >ading to his daughter's room; that e got up, secured his gun and went d the place; that upon reaching here he saw someone, not knowing t the time who it was,.either trying 5 get in or coming out of the win ow; that he hailed him twice withut reply, whereupon he raised his un and fired, the first shot being iade while Berry was in the winow, the other after he fell or jump- i d to the ground, and Turner said e thought he was making for him. Neigbors soon reached the scene j find Berry's body on the ground. ; is said, with his night clothes on nd in his stocking feet, his outer lothes, shoes arid pistol haviDg been lid just under the edge of the house. Turner, with whom The News and ourier correspondent talked this lorning, said that at first he thought errv wad Irvine tn hrpnlc intn hi? ouse, but now he is convinced that lis was not his purpose. Mr Turer came to town early this morning nd surrendered to the Sheriff and ill likely be tried at the approachig term of court, which convenes a next Monday. Both parties have large connecons and this morning the streets ere full of relatives and friends iscussing and deploring the affair, hich has shocked the entire comlunity. Mr Berry was buried at [armony Methodist church this af?rnoon. ? ? ?- ^ . ? IRST TO ORGANIZE IN COUNT*. ohnsonvllle Men Meet and Form Loan Association. Johnsonville, October 7:?At a jpresentative meeting of the farm's of this section here this after ion a national farm loan associaon was formed with 2-5 members ho agreed to borrow from the Naonal Land bank when established lore than $60,000. The following ere named as directors: J W King, G Eaddy, F A Taylor, C J Rollins id R L Cockfield, M D, with J W ing, president: A G Eaddy, vice resident, R H McElveen, secretary easurer; Jno M Eaddy, S J Marsh id F A Taylor constitute the apraising committee. ! Place To I loney I i principal source I -- L ortr] I y nouseiiuiu, auu \ :ry thrifty houseit expense down istent with good , lpply your larder I the way of StaIroceries and the gh cost of living" fry us and see. c Hutson 3od Store" Kingstres, S. C. nm^Maaaa?BM '*9 9 j