GAME OF SWEEP AND SHELL, r Rowing Is the Oldest of All Our Inter- 1 collegiate Sports. Intercollegiate rowing antedates all sports in which our American universities engage. Students of Yale and Harvard lirst met in competition on Center harbor. Lake Winnepesaukee, on Aug. 3, 185*2. In the sixties and seventies aquatics reigned without a rival. In neither | popularity nor scope was baseball, ; football or any other sport to be j compared with it. flowing is still the most impor- ; tant major sport in seats of learn ing where adequate facilities exist, ' important not alone in its tradition and present prestige, but in the part it is playing in the general campaign of eliminating from the undergraduate body the fashion of taking athletics by proxy. Originally a sport in which the few came to row and the many to cheer, rowing today calls to the inept and to the mediocre as well as to the man qualified to sit in a university shell. As a muscle builder no sport eqt > the game of sweep and shell, ai.d it holds poetry and pleasure as wen .:s physical benefit for its devotees. At Harvard, Cornell, Yale, Princeton, Pennsylvania, Syracuse, Annapolis, Columbia, Wisconsin, Iceland Stanford, California and Washington definite advances in aquatics | have been marked qach year, and at all the interests of the nnnvarsity oarsmen have been observed in varying degree as the support of gcner ous alumni has permitted. Following the lead of such schools as St. Paul's, (.1 rot on, Exeter and Middlesex, preparatory institutions throughout the country have done much to interest tiieir students in rowing for its own sake, with the result that each year seats of higher learning receive large groups of boys who care for the sport not so much for the opportunities it may offer them to beat some one else as for the physical improvement and mental pleasure they derive therefrom. ? Lawrence Perry in Scribner'6. Hopi Courtship. When a Hopi maiden decides which of the eligible young men of the tribe she wishes to marry she goes and sits in his house and grinds corn until he is sufficiently impressed by her industry to marry her. After the ceremony, which Is an elaborate one, the couple go to I live in the wife's house. If she (. tires of her husband she can obtain . a divorce by merely throwing his saddle out of the house. After marriage the house, fields and all their property except the herds belong to / the wife. The Hopis are indulgent parents. The right of the children to do as they please is never questioned. Retort Royal. King Edward VII. was never at a loss for a quick, suitable answer. One day he was coming around a street corner on one of his periodical walks in London when he collided with a very stout person, who, being nearsighted, did not recognize the king, took him by the lapel of his coat and gave him a tongue lashing. "Do you know, sir," finished the irate man, "that I am a member of the London council ?" "In that case I beg your pardon," replied the king, "for I am only the king of Great Britain." The World'* Southernmost City. The capital of the territory of Magellan, belonging to Chile, is Punta Arenas, the southernmost city in the world, with a population of about 12,000, good wharfs and stores, paved streets and extensive traffic. All vessels ?roine through C W w the strait stop at Punta Arenas, and much wool is shipped from there. It is n free port, has a wireless telegraph station, is a station for the Chilean navy and does a large business in the coaling of steamers. It is, in fact, a crossroad station between the east and the west. Her Poor Memory. To Mrs. Hopkinson, a very quarrelsome old lady, her pastor said: "You must never cherisji an enmity, madam, against your neighbor. If your neighbor injures you, forget it." "So I do forget it, doctor," said Mrs. Hopkinson piously, "but the trouble is, I've got a powerful bad memory, and I keep forgetting I've forgotten."?Exchange. A Bull For a God. The ancient Egyptians believed that the spirit of their greatest god, Osiris, dwelt among them in the ' form of a pure white bull marked j by a certain sign. Herodotus men-1 tions two of these signs?a black j eagle on the back and a black fore-1 head with a square of white in its center. These creatures when found j \ were worshiped during life and j mummified after death. Sea Announ I o: 1 mv*ii* o *i._ Millinery, ouus, Waists ai We will continue to Fall Goods daily all next in popuiar priced goods it best^values. Remember that at S right goods at the lowest Silverman's Dei Main Street, Next Dot Kingstree, # " Scott Wan State Wareho Is Now and prepared t and issue rec ! \ anteed by South C These receipts as security u borrowed A nf i i iaiw ui 11 Scott Ware md rpmpnt f , Dresses,Coats id Skirts show new arrivals of wppk in the above lines i snappy styles and the ilverman's you get the prices. partmenlSlore jr to Woe Nee Bank - South Carolina i| ihouse Co. use No. 121 r Open :o store cotton :eipts guar= 5tate of 12 arumm > can be used for money at a low J _ - A merest ihouse Co. i 'husband rescued despairing wife After Four Years of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs. Bullock Gave Up in Despair. Husband Came to Rescue. Catron, Ky.?In an interesting letter i from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock writes as follows: "I suffered for four ! years, with womanly troubles, and during this ume, i couia oniy sit up lor a mue while, and could not walk anywhere at all. At times, 1 would have severe pains In my left side. The doctor was called in, and his treatment relieved me for a while, but I was soon confined to my bed again. After that, nothing seemed to do me any good. I had gotten so weak I could not stand, and*! gave up in despair. At last, my husband got me a bottle of Cardui, the woman's tonic, and 1 commenced taking it From the very first dose, 1 could tell it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing my work." If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don't give up in despair. Try Cardui, the woman's tonic. It has helped more than a million women, in its 50 years of wonderful success, and should surely help you, too. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He will recommend it. Begin taking Cardui today. Write to: Chattanooja Medicine Co.. Ladies' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga, Tenn., for Sjrcial Instructions on your case and 64-page book. "Home Treatment for Women," sent in niain wrapper. ?66-8 Blacksmiths as Dentists. Before dentistry had made much progress the blacksmith combined his labors at the forge with opera iions with the forceps. His "patients" would go to the forge and submit to a rough and ready operation with the most suitable blacksmith's tools available. "'Years ago the blacksmith's forge was the recognized dentistry, and even now one often meets aged folk in out of the way places who can recall having teeth extracted in the village smithy," says an English writer. An Odd Blunder. When the British admiralty built the splendid naval barracks at Chatham it fitted up one of the largest rooms in fine style for court martials and had "Court Martial" ini scribed on n big brass plate on the I door. When it was about to be used for the first time the discovery was made that the regulations require all naval court martials to be held en the water. \ Arrival of Passenger Trains at KIngstree. The Atlantic Coast Line railroad has promulgated the'following schedule, which became effective Monday, May 29, 1915: North Bound. No 80 - - - 7:25 a m *No 46 - - 11:38 a m No 78 - - - 6:13 p m South Bound. tNo 83 10:40 a m No 79 - - - 11:03 am *No 47 - - - - 6:47 p m No 89 - - - 9:22 p m *Daily exceDt Sundav +Stops on signal for Charleston, Savannah and Jacksonville passengers. $100 Reward, $100 The readers or mis paper win uo pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, renuir-s a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease. and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing tts work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Addr. w.: F. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, O. Sold by nil Druggists. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted I am now equipped to do this work satisfactorily and can save you from $1.50 to $3.00 on each pair of glasses. Let me fit you out with &/>e New KryptoK Glasses. reading and distance vision ground in/jach glass. If you break your lenses bring them to me. I will duplicate them on short notice. Save the pieces. T. E. BAGGETT Jeweler and Optician Kingslree, S. C. j I M?1?????I Lax-Fos, A Mild, Effective Laxative & Liver Tonic i Does Not Gripe nor Disturb the Stomach. ; In addition to other properties, Lax-Fos ; contains Cascara in acceptable form, a stimulating Laxative andTonic. Lax-Fos acts effectively and does not gripe nor j disturb stomach. At the same time, it aids digestion,arouses the liver and secretions ' and restores the healthy functions. 50c. I In the Babel j of Voices I how is the public to judge whose is most worthy to be heard? i Keep in mind a few facts ard your decision will v I be easy. We were doing business S3 years ago. We hare continued in an unbroken line ever since * Tfce experience, the skill, the tried and proved methods acquired in that long period are enjoyed I L. ..... 1 UJ Itn WVU Pin your faith to the house that 1 has got the qualities to endure. j The followinc Brands of Whiikc-y have a con- 1 i firmed popularity: j ! OLD KENTUCKY SPRINGS] 1 gal. jug, $3.50 ' i DEERF00T RYE 4 fall qts. 3.75 PINNACLE CORN i 8 pints, 4.00 MOLLY'S MALT J 16 &-pints, 4.00 0LDE PARCHMENT RYE, a Scptrb Wink* 4 quarts, 4.75 Express charges prrraid. Remittance to accompany ' order. State full P. O. address, and nearest express office. Send for f uli price-list of Wines and Liquors JAMES OLWELL & CO. 181 Wert Street Established 1828 NEW YORE Dr. D. Zed Rowell Dental Surgeon Trio, - - South Carolina DR. R. CLAUDE McCABET Dental Surgeon, Office in Hirsch building, over Kings' tree Drug Co's. 8-28-tf DR. ROBERT J. McCABE," DENTIST, fCINGSTREE, S. C Office in Nexsen Building, 3 dcors from I. Postoffice. Phone 78. M.D. NESMITH, DENTIST, Lake City, S. C W. L. TAYLOR DENTIST, Office in Nexsen Building KINGSTREE, - S. C. ; 5-21-tf. _ M 1866 1916 A. M. SNIDER, SURGEON DENTIST. Office at Residence, Railroad Avenue. J. DeS. Gilland Attorney-at-Law Second Floor Masonic Temple Florence, S. C. General practicioner in all State and * : Federal Courts. Benj. M'?NNES, M. R.C. V. S. B. Kater MclNNES, M. D.. V. M. D VETERINARIANS. One of us will be at Kingstree the ^ ; first Monday in each month, at Heller's Stables. 9-28-tf Insurance! When you want Insurance of any kind, call on us. We write Life Fire Live Stock Plate Glass a ? 1 IV 1.1 i Accident and Health ; Bonding a Specialty I We are the largest and i most experienced agency in Williamsburg county, and are in a position to give you ; the best service. ! Kingstree Ins., Real Estate & Loan Co., Agts., PHONE 85, KIN6STAEE, S. C. vfv. KINfiKTRFF / / \ v '' ?% w w a mm ! #?' Lodge, No. 46 ! A F M / iXv<-. \ r*lvlmeets Thursday before full moon each I month. Visiting brethren are cordially nyited. R K Wallace, W M. J M Ross. Sec. 2-27-ly Kingstree \\ r.AMP NO. ST. IKOPLAI UXITIlfOa I Th?1 ^1hl[dMon^my "^B I! Visiting choppers coi VVJ^vTSfKv&v liallf invited to come 1^9T~ UP and sit on a stump \o? or hang about on the limbs. P H Stoll, J M Brown, Clerk. Con.Com ! ?T ft fx No. w? This is a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS 6. FEVER. Five or six dotes will break any caee, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than "V Calomel end docftnot gripe or sickeo. 25c 5 <*.