The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, September 28, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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f We Fear Not to Quote Our Prices, for We Know ? They Are Right. A line of full cut Overalls best imported dyes, only Si. 00 the pair. Men's all-wool Pants, very ff/\>??n onrl yi cnj i^anci us, tp?uiiu HOO the pair.. Ladies, it will pay you to see the new line of Middy Blouses at 50c and $1.00. Some wonderful bargains to close out in Children's Dresses. Also a full line of Children's and Misses' Fall and Winter Dresses at 50c and $1.00 the garment. A nice line of Sun and Hats, 15c and 20c values, at 10c eac'i. Men's 50c Negligee Shirts will close at 40c. Colgate's Talcum Powder, Dental and Shaving Creams and Toilet Soaps. ti? n vi? II |W. t. JenioDson | NEWS How about your registration certificate? Sheriff Geo J Graham spent Tuesday in Florence. Mr and Mrs R W Lewis spent Sunday at Lanes. Solicitor Stoll attended court in Manning this week. Mr B W Butler of Florence was in Kingstree yesterday. Register before the books close s Saturday, October 7. v The year 1916 will be three-fourths gone at noon Sunday. A slight rain fell this morning,the first in about two weeks. Mrs E E Fluitt went to Florence Monday to visit relatives. **?. r* p Pioi-ir nf T.aWp flitiv was a Ilifc V A% ViUin V* ? ? caller at our office Monday. Mr W E Thompson of Georgetown waa a Kingstree visitor Sunday. Mr H L Oliver of Georgetown is * in Kingstree today on business. Miss Miriam Fluitt will complete 1 her business course at Florence this ^ week. Rev W R Pritchett, of the Hemingway section, was in town yesterterday. ; " I Mr and Mrs C L Porter of Rocky Mount, N C, visited relatives here this week. Miss Belle Hurt, late of Kingstree but now of Cheraw, has entered Coker college. Misses Ella Epps and Annie Wingate of Mouzon were in town shopping Monday. Mr Willie Miller spent a few days last week at St Stephens with his sister, Mrs C E Funk. Mrs Woods of Savannah, Ga, is spending several days with Mrs C R Thomas on Mill street. Union services will be held at the Methodist church Sunday night, Rey A E Riemer preacher. Miaa Anna McClarv motored to Lane Tuesday afternoon to spend several days with friends. Mrs A L Carter and children are visiting the former's parent3, Mr and Mrs H A Miller, this week. Mrs P M Young and little daughter of Marion are visiting the former's sister-in-law,Mrs J PFrierson. Remember you can't vote in the general election unless you have your registration certificate at the polls. Miss Marian McFaddin left Kingstree Saturday to enter upon her duties as a teacher in Old Johnsonville school. A number of our citizens are spending this week in Florida, taking advantage of the cheap excursion Tuesday. t Dr M L Brockington has returned to Florence after spending some time with relatives in Williamsburg, recuperating. . Mr W T Wilkins, Jr, who lefl Kingstree some days ago for Cambridge, Mass,has been admitted into Harvard university. Little Wallace,the youngest son of w j ? 1 t n?4? ,-ji MX ana airs A j_i career, ?a quite 111 at the home of his grandparents, Mi and Mrs H A Miller. Mr and Mrs L W Gilland and Mi T M Gilland motored to Columbia , last week to attend the funeral o: Mrs Annie Josephine Howe. II ^ Misses Virginia Hutcheson of Flc ence and Mary Lee Holliday of La] are guests this week of Mrs W 1 Holliday on Academy street. i Madam rumor has it that a pop Iar Kingstreean couple will emba | upon the matrimonial sea some tin next month ?the ?utn, we near. The Jewish stores are clo sed fi today and tomorrow,being new yea They will also be closed Saturday October 7. the day of atonement. Services will be held at the Epicopal church Sunday at 11 a. m. an 8 p. m. Mr W G Mazvck of Charles ton, a preacher of much ability, wi officiate. Miss Helen Goldstein, who ha been spending the summer with he sister,Mrs David Silverman,returne to her home in Wilmington, N C yesterday. Mr H J Brown of Cades was ii Kingstree Tuesday, where he %r trained for a trip to Florida to visi his daughters, Mesdames H C Ste vens and B H Lakeland Mr Geo A McElveen, this weel purchased, through Mr F W Faire> the local dealer, a Hudson super si> This is, perhaps, the finest and high est-priced car handled in this sectior Mrs Henry Allen is visiting he . sister, Mrs J D Gilland. She will b< I joined later by Mr Allen, U S N,wh is stationed m rnnaaeipnia. navin, recently been promoted. ? Flvrent Times. Miss Lyllian Alsbrook will leavi today for Virginia and North Caro lina and will attend the marriage o her brother, Mr Joseph B Alsbrook to Miss Lucy Peoples, at Townes ville.N C, October 11, before she re turns home. Margaret Gregg Gordon chapter D A R,will hold its first meeting ol the current year next Tuesday a I the home of Mrs L C Montgomery Delegates to conference will be elect ed, and a paper by Miss Mamie Mc 1 Lees entitled "Women of the Revo lution" will be read. Mr R D Mills, of the Bank o Kingstree, and Mr C C Burgess, o j the Kingstree Hardware Co, return ed home last Saturday after a tei days sojourn at Glenn Springs. Botl seem to have retained tneir usua vigorous appearance and say the; feel as well as they look. Mr S K Brockington, whp repre sented the Florence union at theses sion of the Southern Labor congress 1 at Memphis, Tenn, last week, speni ! Sundav in Kingstree and returned t< Florence that evening with Mrs Brockington and little daughter. While away, Mr Brockington als* visited Atlanta and Chattanooga. Mrs C A Mouzon and Mr S I Mouzon were in Kingstree Monday looking after the removal of a mon ument furnished by the Unite< States Government to mark th< grave of the latter's grandfather Capt Henry Mouzon of Revolution ary fame. The monument will b erected in the family burying groun< at Mouzon. Mr LDRodgers.who was engage* in tick eradication work during the summer, is now with the Truluck Cook Co, successors to the J M Tru luck Livestock Co. MJack" is a livi wire, and as he won't mind it at al when a musty-eyed old mule plant his hoof on the aforesaid "Jack's' , head, we venture the prediction tha he'll make good in his new position The entertainment given at thi , Thomas opera house Friday nigh under the auspices of the Daughter of the Confederacy, and participate* in chieflv bv the little children, girl | and boys, of the town proved quit 1 a success both from a financial am social view point. Each one of th< . little actors and actresses playei their role well, and the net proceed amounted to about $25.00. Parent-Teacher Association. The Parent-Teacher associatio will meet Monday afternoon at | o'clock. It is hoped that a larg ! number will be present. Followini ' is the programme: Vocal Solo Miss Barbe Reading.. Miss Dunba Instrumental Solo_. ..Miss Claude Jone Prefatory Remarks The Presiden Discussion of Medical Inspection i School Business ! Adjournment 5:45 p. nr Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and D1 arrhoea Remedy. This is a medicine that ever}* fam ilv should be provided with. Coli I and diarrhoea often come on sud denly and it is of the greatest im ; portance that they be treated prom pi ly. Consider the suffering that mm , be endured until a physician arrive or medicine can be obtained. Chan; , berlain's Colic, Cholera and Dial rhoea Remedy has a reputation see ond to none for the quick relief tha r it affords. Obtainable everywhere Plies Cured in 6 to 14 Days 1 Your druggist will refund money If PAZ e OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itchin,1 1 Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 day The first application gives Ease and Rest 50 ? MILLINERY OPENINGS IN KIN6STREE. u rk BEAUTIFUL DISPLAYS ATTRACT ie LARGE AND ADMIRING NUMBERS OF PURCHASERS. rjr Tuesday The Record man made his r little semi-annual inspection trip. / He selected a time of the day when he thought he could do the job most advantageously?that is, while the *" ladies were at home taking an after" noon siesta and resting up from the ' iaugue causea Dy ineir lour 01 in" spection, which began early in the morning. s When we went into the three big r department stores to look over, try d on, take off and fondle the pretty J, velvet things, there were no ladies present to hear us express an opinion, criticise our views upon the various shapes or turn up their noses because of our bad taste in making a selection for our "other half". This semi-annual inspection trip " always causes us more than a little k embarrassment, because, in the first \ place, we know so little about the n things we go in to inspect, and what i- we think catchy or fascinating most i. anyone else would call hideous. r Then, again, when we go to our desk ? to write about the things we have 0 inspected, to tell a plain, simple, ^ truthful story about them, we are e seized by an inevitable fear of offending some good friend because we did not say enough in praise of B the "little milliner's" artistic display * or the merits of her goods. f We love peace,though we did fight the Spaniards at Santiago, and if there is any possible way of keeping y in the good graces of these little la dies who come here season after season to deck out our wives and f daughters with the latest and best t things in headgear,we mean to do it. Early in the afternoon we started > on our little fall tour of inspection .. by dropping into the popular store of the Kingstree Dry Goods Co, where Miss Frances Johnson had . prepared and well arranged on the ? balcony a festival of pretty things for the ladies of Kingstree and sur- j rounding country. Her department J 1 wa3 attractively decorated with 1 ferns and pot plants,while a victrola in a cosy corner rendered musical ^ selections which lent a charm and sweetness to the occasion. Misses - Retha Burgess and Hattie Bagnell, - salesladies, greeted their friends and i patrons on the main floor and in t their usual polite and gracious mand ner entertained them by showing > ! ram onrt Koantiflll 1 inPS nf firpss . j Roods, neckwear and such other ac)} cessories as are required to put the 'average lady "in style" for the sea^ son. , At Mr Marcus' store we, as usual, found a handsome display of the j celebrated Gage Bros hats in shapes: , and sizes ranging from the close-fitting turban to the wide-brimmed sailor or "Berne", "Tarns" and sports hats of the "Molly 0" type. j The ornaments characteristic of the prevailing fall styles are attractively shown on the Gage hats to be gold and silver and cabochons of velvet or plush which usually harmonize in " color with the material of the hat. * The hats seen at Mr Marcus' store, e as those shown by the other millin' ers, are made up of hatter's plush, 8 felt or velvet,the last-named material predominating in black. Mrs t Marcus is doing her own millinery ' I work this season, and if our judge ment serves us aright, she is an adt ept in the art. s At Silverman's store our eves d again feasted on similar oddities s in women's headgear to those "ina snected" at the other stores. We 1 were convinced that the same styles g are prevalent the world oyer, for d here the same creations in velvet, s plush and felt were the leaders. Miss Bethea, the milliner in charge, had her display attractively arranged, while the ornamental touches given in the way of trimming to !? many of the shapes were expressive 0 of excellent taste and skill. Misses e Goldstein and Sullivan, Mr Silverg man's salesladies, had a nice line of dress goods, ladies' tready-to-wear | garments, etc, to show visitors to the is store. t Now, as to our own views about n the season's hat styles for the gentler sex, we hope we are not alone in thp nnininn that thev aDDear to be the most sensible and seasonable 1- we have seen in years. Further, we believe that, no matter how ugly the "shape" or "form" may be, there is some sweet-faced, mild-mannered ,c little woman who can transform it into a thing of beauty by merely putting it on her head. Likewise we think that the line of coat suits carried by the above s named dealers is simple and prettier than for several seasons past,and we ' are satisfied that the prices charged '* for them by these home dealers are ^ less than they can be bought for in " larger towns or cities. To Cure a Cold In One Day O Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stop* the E> Cough and Headache and worka off the Cold. * Druggists refund money it it fails to cure. 6 E. W. GROVE'S sigv*ture on each box. 25c. GINNERY DESTROYED BY FIRE. A. M. Gordon & Son Sustain ! I Heavy Loss at Gonrdtns. The ginnery and saw mill of Mr A M Gordon & Son at Gourdins, along with forty-four bales of cot,! ton and thirty tons of seed, were almost totally destroyed by fire eariv Monday morning, entailing a loss of S10 000 with onlv SI.500 insurance. Mr Gordon & Son are among the largest farmers in the Gourdins section and have operated a ginnery i for number of years, but the plant i just destroyed was practically new, ! this being its second season in operation. The thirty tons of seed and | all of the cotton with the exception of a few bales belonged to the Messrs Gordon and their loss is; ; heavy, as only a portion of the seed , was saved. It is believed that the origin of j the fire was of an incendiary nature.! When it was discovered the entire! ! interior of the gin house was aflame, i ? ? To Be Married. The editor and other friends of the popular couple have received the following invitation: Mr and Mrs Lewis Jackson Peoples request the honor of vour presence at the marriage of their daughter Lucie Catharine to Mr Joseph Brockinton Alsbrook on Wednesday, October the eleventh at high noon Holy Trinity Church Towne8ville, North Carolina Notice, Chautauqua Guarantors! The following: gentlemen who signed a contract with the Radcliffe Attractions as guarantors for the I return of the chautauqua here this year are requested to get together as soon as possible for the purpose ! of deciding upon a place of holding and appointing committees to look after the sale of tickets, etc. The dates for holding the chautauqua here have been fixed by the company for November 7, 8 and 9. The last two dates are days upon which the county fair will be holding. The guarantors are as follows: Messrs VV E Nesmith.W M Vause, N D Lesesne, W T Wilkins, Hugh ? t r? ir r? Mc^utcnen, li ^ iriuu^nuicij, j vi Epps, B E Clarkson, J Wesley Cook, W R Scott, W B Brockington. John D Britton, Louis W Gilland, S B McGill, Thos McCutcheo, Jno F McFaddin, L S Dennis, W F Tolley, J M McGill, C C Burgess, W H Carr, W H Welch. Tanlac, "the master medicine."on sale at Scott's Drug Store. SPECIAL NOTICES For Sale, Cheap?Side-board, iron bed, springs and mattress, gasoline stove, coal heater, pictures, &c. Inquire, H C Crawford. It Lost?Between my home, and KingNTcGill hardware store on Thursday, 21st inst, one silk scarf with large white ladie's head (Cameo) scarf pin with black border. Liberal reward. A M Snider, Dentist. 9-28-2t Lost?Two setter dogs, male and female. Male, white with large black spots; female, white with black ears and few 9mall black spots on black spots on back. Disappeared from my home Friday, September 22; were seen at Cooper Brothers' on Saturday. Reward will be paid for information leading to recovery of these dogs. W R Pritchett, Hemingway, S C. Rt 1. 1 tp For Sale?One young cow with first calf and one with second calf; calves four and five weeks old, respectively. Price $40.00 each. W T Wilkins, Kingstree, S C. 9-28-tf For Sat-E?Two Floor Showcases,one 8feet and the other 4 feet; one Iron Safe and Beds. Apply to T J Pendergrass, Kingstree, S C. 9-21-2tp For Rent?Two furnished rooms; modern conveniences; conveniently located. Apply at this office. Notice of Teachers' Examination. The regular examination for teachers will be held in the court house Friday, October 6, beginning at 9 a. m. and closing at 4 p. m. J G McCullough, Suptof Education for Williamsburg county. 9-21-3t (Look Here!I A new Shoe Shop just open- I ed up in Kingstree, next 1 door to Kellahan Hotel. All I work guaranteed. Give us I a call and be convinced. I Prices Reasonable j ' ? *? I fj f n&ui) * a w|#> The Quinine Hurt Does Not Affect The Head . .ecause of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXATTVB BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and look for the signature of ?. W. GROVE. 25c. i t Kingstree Automobile Accessorie Headquarters for Tires, Tube Greases of All Kinds; Also 1 e nri 111 o pairs tor 1 nos. ivi<x.utc I Ford 56 inch Tread Cars Mac i Tread, Only 1 i All kinds of Repairing, Vulcs trie Work I L. T. Thompsoi ^ ? ^ n inat<ci.1<Bw,ww?>fgapy???ioci Domestic I Is Nowhere Moi tant Than In Th True domestic economy iting; the supply nor in reduc consists of supplying foods o of nutrition at a minimum o] Oar'specialty is groceriei lence at prices consistent wit We recommend our Flour, Tea, Hams and M. H. J A TWO ST< Kingstree, a ???? Madame,Tai wifhuour fk %tHUm //jJ \ * 1 I HOUSEHOLD expenses mount np. The ical, is liable to LACE BUSINESS methods in your home by teaching BANKING. She will enjoy her new respo] ably surprised to note the saving at the end START YOUR W A BANK ACCOUN BANK OF WILL SATURDAY IS 25c can Apricots, best Three 10c packages Corn Flak 20c Pineapple Chunks One oound Soscue Coffee Eight cakes Tar Soap Seven cakes Goblin Soap Seven packages Washing Powc R. W. LI Phone 143 - "C 11 = Thrice-a-Week New York Wi The County Record Southern Ruralist, twice a m< Total Our price for the three paper; % Garage s of All Kinds _ e .i_ di l s, oparK nugs; wns ana for Genuine Ford Rehen, Ford Agent le Into 60 inch, or Wide $15.00 mizing and Auto Elec)one. i, Proprietor ft Economy re Importe Kitchen doesn't consist of liming the quantity. It f the highest degree f cost. 3 of the highest excelto safe business. Bacon, Coffee .COBS 3RES / South Carolina jj kTfiis Over isband i wife, no matter how eeenomr S METHODS. Install business! your wife the simple AST 07 asibility and you will be sgrs^ I of the month. IFE WITH fT TODAY! IAMSBURG \ Sunshine Saltines are crisp and flaky ? salted just enough to be tasty with salad, or olives, or soup. ? SPECIALS :es. 25c ts 15cts 25cts 25cts 25cts ler 25cts iWIS iood Things to Eat" ?11 >rld $ 1.25 1.00 ' onth .50 $ 2.75 i $ 2.00 . i 1 cm