I ] 9 J I I i UN6STIEE BI6IAND GUDED SCHOOL NOTES J The Kingstree school will begin work again Monday morning, Sep-> 1 to _* ft ~>~1 ? ?!? Tkam ttti 11 leiuuer io, at c u uutn. xuoc *?? ? | be exercises appropriate to the occa* sion, and it is hoped that all patrons and friends of the school will be present. Pupils promoted under a condition are expected to come prepared to stand examinations Monday morning The following teachers have been secured, and the outlook for a successful session is bright: 1st Grade?Miss Agness Erckmann. 2d, 3d and 4th Grades?Misses Lizzie Heape and Lula Moore Logan 5th Grade?Miss Elise Bolton. 6th Grade?Miss Susan Dunbar. 7th Grade?Miss Lois Chappell. High School?Miss Louise Cunningham, Mr Jas Anderson and Prof J W Swittenberg. Music?Miss Maude Barker. WHIRLWIND CAMPAIGN! By Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist Church. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church of Kingstree district will begin a whirlwind campaign for new members and new organizations, Sunday, October 22. All ministers of the district are re quested to present the woman's missionary work in their churches on that day, and to urge the women who have not yet done so to take up this work. Monday, October 23, will be a day of fasting and prayer, that God may grant success to the campaign workers. The active work v;!l begin on Tuesday r.nd continue as many days as are needed for carrying out the plan. Each auxiliary is urged to work the following committees: A. Membership. To win new members. B. Organization. To organize so-1 cieties in the churches assigned to [' your society. 1 C. Publicity. To advertise the 1 campaign, and report new members and auxiliaries to conference and district secretaries. D. Prayer. To pray for the campaign workers as they go out. The goal for the district is forty new societies. ossie Epps, .I, s^yv DR i K ine^Ck}thcoods C eenMillios a Twelve 1 >m August 1st. $15,297 s in White ister Brown oward, who repress as made the greate lis State, with sales 'S. ve merchant in ev< ;e Mr. Howard at Shoe C MAK St. Louis, IV /orld s i.oo 1.00 nonth .50 $ 2.50 | ps S 2.00 IN THE RECORD. i J P! to Fit the le Be the "open sesame" to success, once establishes wilil dispose in, once you see the wonderful ist recent style thought in suits by ingenious features in these i fall fashions. ompany , Dollars" 21 Months Per . 1915. to A11011 ,618^11 House, Ma: i Shoes Did I ents the Brown Sh< st record eyer made 5 for this year of ne 3ry town to handk Spartanburg. He ^ompanj ERS Io.,U. S. A. JOB PRir L# I Af lie w UVI uo Prompt Service faction Gu \ I I \ ' y / ^ \ | Hi \ < J '4 i 1 > I 4 _ . I lipneils I' iod st 1st, 1916 sine and t oe Company in i by any travelarly a quarter ; Brown's Five will see you at 7, Inc., _ \ . iriNG do it for you! 5 and Satis- * arantee.