ISPLI * C Of the progrej ^ quaters of South PI cessful continual ? Goo< JOHN G. CLINKSCALES: Dr Jno G Clinkscales, former candidate for Governor of South Carolina and professor at Wofford College says: "My regular summer work for Wofford college in particular, and m 1 - - ? ? 1 tolron lor education in general, UOO me over many counties, and I feel Siite sure, after watching closely e trend of things, that Governor Manning will succeed himself. In my judgment the Governor is gaining ground every day. The open, manly, straight way in which he has met his opponents and his persistent fight all along for good, clean government are gripping the attention of the people as the election day approaches. "Many good men who would personally prefer one of the other candidates are beginning to feel as does Dr McCain; that to vote at this time for any other would be evidence of a failure to appreciate an honest effort on the part of the chief executive to give South Carolina clean government. "I am glad to find, too, that the people will allow no more elimination, such as we had two years ago. 'Every tub must stand on its now bottom,' they say. "Governor Manning has had no easy task. His has not been a bed of roses. In discharging his duty he has necessarily offended many people. That was to be expected. He nas done well, and I believe the people will give him a second term as Governor, as he deserves." i I [ "The public evil is ended; the pubfic good is begun." Governor Manning's opening speech at Spartanburg. . And shall the public good not be continued by his re-election? Vote F li FOK JULIUS A Ballot fo ^ An I Fede I Feder f Social I An. Atne Faithful A CHARACTER, INI If you be VOTE 1 And if foi - MAN VOTE J BMiMav-Tissia L a ^ w - - - - V/III cure Rheuraatfc:*, l\" u- pa ^ rol.ia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic jn Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old rfi Se es, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec- p< seraa, etc. Aatiseptia A? ><>;? ?, Si used internally or externally. 25c to LNDII >sive administratioi Carolina. They re :ion of the great wc 1 JL W V x XXXM ARE YOU The Piedmont Thomas F McDow, a prominent attorney of York, says: "I am supporting Governor Manning for re-election: "Because he is a man of ability, purity of character and a patriot who is devoted to the best interests of South Carolina. "Because he has been strong enough to advocate measures in the interest of the masses of the people against the powerful protest of former friends of wealth, power and influence. "Because on all occasions and everywhere he has conducted himself so as to reflect credit upon the high office to which the people of South Carolina have elected him. "Because during his administration there has been no unseemly quarrel between the Governor and the General Assembly and the Governor and the Judiciary. He has received the respect of every department of government and has treated the other deDartments of govern ment with that respect and courtesy to which they are entitled from the Executive. "Because, in my opinion, he has made one of the best Governors the State has had since 1876, and on his merits and by established custom he is entitled to a second term. ' 'For these reasons I am supporting Governor Manning, notwithstanding the fact that personally I have the highest respect and regard for Mr Cooper." or Man: CONGR] > S. Mcl r Mdnnes is a I Democracy Clean Politics nple Preparedness :ral Aid for Drainag al Aid for Good Koa and Economic Jus irican Merchant M ttention to Public B rEGRITY, HONESTY :lieve in these prin FOR M c a want to cast a vote i WHO WILL FOR Mc wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Rooert L Pierson, superintendent j we the Hardaway Ccrtracting com- 1 iny's big force of w *rkmen erect- wo g the great dam across Catawba Ne yerat Nitrolee for the Southern hai >wer company, was shot to death wa inday morning by a crowd of in- j Joi xicated negroes. Three negroes kill ) Er n of Governor iV present the com irk so well begu entand "FORI Mr Voter, it is up to you. 1 You know where Manning standi IMPROVEMENT HAS BEEN highways are now safe to trave and your homes are protected, f law throughout South Carolina, upheld the sanctity of the law a has been shed and criminals coui the State and retrogression che Blue Ridge to the seaboard the i "Mannincr H? Former Coo Mr David R Coker, of Hai men and farmers of South Carol "After talking with many ten days, I am convinced that R Darlington county in the first ] total vote. Many who voted fo that they ought to show their tration and their gratitude to hi bu9iness-like course as Governoi "Mr Manning not only pre track gambling and general la\ ability to do so. He not only dt and the contempt for law forme can enforce the law and comma 1 L!- ??fr\r? tKo lir pressed nis s^nipoiuj v..? ?. the institution for their care am its kind. His administration ha He deserves to be our next Gov and the Pee Dee section will do ning a ESS: NNES {allot for :e ds tice iarine usiness and ABILITY ciples INNES "or the WIN INNES re also severely wounded, .^ve neprroes, three men and tu men, were taken from the jail i wberry, Fla, early Saturday ar iced bv a mob and another nesri s shot and killed by a posse nei lesville, Fla, as the result of tt ing Friday of Constable S JDOR tanning constantly iposite thought of th n during his presen Manning ar OOP GOVEI The issue has been squarely drawn. 3. CONDITIONS HAVE CHANGED. NOTED ON ALL SIDES. The public j 1; your persons are freed from peril, 1 or there is a vast respect for the "There's a reason." Manning has nd the decrees of the courts. Light 1 rt the dark. Progress is throughout 1 AnH frnm the foothills of the 1 cry wells up: 1 is Made Good!" i I rtsville, one of the leading business , lina, says: representative men during the past ] : I Manning will get a big vote from primary?possibly a majority of the r other candidates two years ago feel approval of Mr Manning's adminis? ni-ntrroooiuo htlmftnp ftnH Ill 1V/1 1119 pivgivarfnv, r. >mised to check blind tigerism, race vlessness, but has demonstrated his jplored the lack of law enforcement rlv prevalent, but has shown that he md respect for it. He not only exifortunate insane, but has reorganized i placed it on a par with the best of ,s been efficient, economical and clean, ernor and I feel sure that Darlington their part to re-elect him." nd Goo< I Such JL-1 I luuaucu enjoyment as you never thought could be is yours tc command quick as you buy some Prince Albert and fire-up a pipe or a home-made cigarette! Prince Albert gives you every tobacco satisfaction your smokeappetite ever hankered for. That's because it's made by a patented process that cuts out bite and parch! Prin been sold without co nrofpr criirp* nuc f T V WAV4 WV W has a flavor as different And that isn't strange, eit Me Bay Prince Albert every- rett where tobacco is sold in . taopyred bags, 5c; tidy red AID ti.w, 10c; handsome pound OUt and half-pound tin humidors?and?that corking fine COTi pound crystal-glass humi- Pfi I dor with sponge-moist ener top that keepa the tobacco p im such clever trim?always! A* Wynne and the shooting of Dr L G ro Harris by Boisey Long, a negro. The it lynched negroes were accused of id aiding Long to escape. Long wa3 o captured by negroes of the same xr name near Jonesville Sunday night le and is now being held at some unG known place to await trial. SEME are coming to hii e State and foretel t term. e synonym INMENT? ; Hi ?ni The Coast J R Goodwin Rhett of Charleston, ?| President of Chamber of Commerce o^ Df United States, says: "I am glad to say that Governor d< Manning ought to be extremely ^ gratified at the splendid reception A w given him here and is to be congratulated upon the fine address he ti la made. I think the people of the State realize that he has fulfilled his G p promises to an unusual degree and a1 therefore those who voted for him c( * st two years ago because of these C( nwmiflfla miorVifr tn hp?flnH I be VitllOVO VWgKW VV w?mm-mm ? lieve with few exceptions are?immensely gratified and will use every d< effort to see that his work is in dorsed and acknowledged and that di he be given an opportunity of doing tj still more for the people of the S 6< State. I think each day he is grow- p, ing stronger in the regard, esteem 01 g and affection of the public." Mr Rhett is one of the best P: u known business men in South Cai?- g, olina. In addition to his other connections he is President of the Uni- h; ted States Chamber of Commerce. ^ Mr Rhett has traveled extensively p over the State and the above state- " ti ment from him is significant and in- g - ~ or dicates the great strength ot (iov- g ernor Manning with the people. b d Govei I Ijfflpr- On ?h t of thi you w ce Albert has always joS/ upons or premiums. dity I the national joy moke as it is delightful. You nevei her. n who think they can't smok e can smoke and will sm< ert. nd smokers who have n< certairuy have a big surprise ling their way as soon as tl nee Albert tobacco will tell its c J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO O Speaker Champ Clark opened the Democratic campaign in Maine Saturday by ui ."in j the voters at Brunswick and Augusta to support the Democratic national ticket because, ' he said, in "three and a half years it j has placed on the statute books)more ; constructive, remedial legislation ! i :nts m from the four 1 for him a sue ous! D. A. GEER: D A Geer, a large farmer and erchant of Belton, says: "Being in intimate touch with the >litical situation in the Piedmont, 1 > rmly believe that Governor Manng s strength in this section of le State is growing daily regardss of wild claims to the contrary, t no time has his chance for reection been brighter. Should he it be nominated in the first primary far all'his competitors, I am satis?d that he will repeat his splendid ictory of two years ago when he jfeated Mr Richards, by an overhelming majority, in the second rimary. So far as my own county, nderson, is concerned, I believe he ill run a strong second in the first rimary. The other Piedmont counes will give him a surprisingly rcra \rr\ta anrl T am aaticnpH that lose persons now claiming that overnor Manning is weak in the iedmont will be greatly surprised t his strength when the vote is >unted. Why shouldn't he run ;rong in the Piedmont? He has jrtainly proven himself worthy. "Governor Manning's hard but nceasing fight for law and order id his success in restoring confijnce in the forces making tor civic ghteousness in South Carolina, his irnest advocacy of social and inastrial justice, his successful efforts >r better educational facilities for le white boys and girls of the tate, the economic measures passi under his administration for imroving the conditions surrounding ur rural population, and the reoranization of the State Hospital for le Insane, with its modern, imroved methods of treatment for the nfortunate inmates and the large iving in dollars and cents as a realts of the economies practiced lere by the new administration, ave caused me to give my undivied support to Governor Manning, believe that the majority of the eople of South Carolina agree with le that his progressive administraion should be continued so that the reat work that he has so well beun for law, order, education, and umanity shall be carried forward y him to a successful conclusion." nmenl 9B& I ^* * > V?>?J . iip^'tep#?pj i Copvii rht ml f ;.: yftA i vi T R J. Ueynolda |J v *)? &. \ , J p 7 ft: 1< J f] :ssrat l-i&W / 1 si II read: "Pro- \ ^ ?* / J VI ' *sst.?d T^'r ' \ft.vS/ I J 11SJI, wmcn V T T, ?d? thrf men 07 5 'I t pipe* %Kere . t *?t-J (j {'N poked beloret -w n stoiy I |-J 0., Winston-Salem. N. C. U* than the Republicans didjin 20." According to reports,thirteen persons were killed and property valued at approximately $2,000,000 was destroyed in the storm which struck Corpus Christi Friday night and swept through ten adjacent counties iri omit'h tovoj