The county record. [volume] (Kingstree, S.C.) 1885-1975, August 17, 1916, Page FOUR, Image 4

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Oft)? (Jointly Errnrb. KINQSTftEE. 8. 0> Entered at the postoffice at Kingitree, 8< second class mail matter. TELEPHONE NO. 83. TERMS~ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One copy, one year $1 2!5 One copy, six months 76 One copy, three months-..-.... .. 50 One copy, one year in advance.... 1 00 Obituaries. Tributes of Respect, Resolutions of Thanks, Cards of Thanks all ntfcf* readinc notices.not NBW8, will be charged for "at the rate of one cent a word for each insertion. All changes of advertisements and all communications must be in this office before TUESDAY NOON in order* to appear in the ensuing issue. All communications must be signed by the writer, not for publication unless desired, but to protect this newspaper. ADVERTISING RATES: Advertisements to be run in Speda) olumnjone cent a word each* mum price 25 cents, to be paid for id advance. Legal advertisements, $1.00 per inch Brst insertion, 50 cents per inch each subsequent insertion. Rates on long term advertisements Sry reasonable.. For rates apply at Is office. In remitting checks or money orders aake payable to THE COUNTY RECORD. THURSDAY. AUG. 17. 1916. COUNTY CANDIDATES AT TRIO TUESDAY. (Continued From Page One). taught school. He strongly advocated the improvement of rural schools and the enlightenment of children. Too much was being done for higher education to the neglect of elementary schools. He realizes that the office of Superintendent of Education is a man's size job, but means to fill it,if elected, in a competent manner. He believes in only competent teachers and intends to give rural schools most of his attention,while the whole of his services shall be devoted to the office, which he regards as tne most important in the gift of the people. Mr McElveen received applause. Mr J G McCullough, offering for re-election to the office of Superintendent of Education, following Mr McElveen, said it was delightful to come with beautiful words, but the man of works has done more. He gave an outline of the work accomplished during his tenure of office. He had attended many schools and tra\ekd over 1,600 miles attending educational meetings. Last year there were in the county sixteen schools that ran less than six months, but there would not be more than five this year, Mr McCullough said, and that he always kept an eye open for the small schools and improved them whenever circumstances would nai-mit Hp tnkpc hi<J hat nff to nr man when it comes to better qualifications for school supervision work FOR TREASURER. Candidates for the offcce of County Treasurer spoke next,Mr W Dodd Daniel being the first speaker. He pointed out that' he was not a politician,but a farmer; was competent tc fill the office, and if elected, would give the people of Williamsburg the best service of which he was capable. It was a pleasure to be with the people of Trio and he would appreciate their support at the primary. Mr W E Snowden was the next speaker in the race for Treasurer. He regretted that limit of time prevented him from making a live, interesting literary address.and would confine himself to a business talk. On account of che great calamity wrought by the storm, people going to have a hard time paying their taxes and .vould want to know to whom they were paying their money. He assured them that he was capable and well qualified to fill this responsible office,and if elected, the people could feel assured that their business was in the hands of one who knows how to take care of it, and he thought it would be a sad thing"if Williamsburg couldn't elect a man to fill the office as acceptably as the present incumbent." Mr K H Smith saia tnai ne was no stranger, had been before them two years ago. He thought it was evident that there is a desire for a change in this important office, as evidenced by the number of candidates in the race from various parts of the county. He thanked the audience for their support two years ago anu asked for a continuance with a few more votes added. He was assured of an increase of votes wherever he had been in the county. Mr J W Cook, offering for re-election, said he was back on the job again. He thanked the voters foi j what they did for him 14 years ago | had been doing for him since anc for what they were going to do for him two w^eks hence. He though; every well established household re quired a "daddy" and a cook; they i had these at the court house?"Dad i dy" Montgomery and J Wesley Cook 1 He had made a good cook,had never burned anyone's bread and didn't | intend even to scorch it. Referring i to tax executions, he said it was i matter over which he had absolute ly no control, that'frequently execu tions were issued on account of er rors made by people in making ta> returns. He was applauded. Mr C J Rollins was the last candi date for Treasurer to speak. lie saic i woe t.lo.jcjrT tn l.o with tht> i?ifi lit UttO fJl V. Uk \,\4 VKM w " 1 vta -zens of Trio, told them he was mak ing the race on his merits and i1 j elected would endeavor to rendei i the best service of which he was ca j pable. j Judge P M Brockinton, offering for re-election to the office of Pro ' bate Judge,with no opposition,made ta very pleasing little address, thank i ing the people for their support anc ! expressing his deep appreciation o: the confidence they had placed ii , him. Mr J J B Montgomery was callec and presented "the next County Au ditor", for he has no opposition. He said he had been working for th( people of the county for 25 years it various capacities,and may be for 21 more. Said he had never made an] promises but did his duty as he sav it. He was the youngest old man ir the county and challenged anyone that didn't believe it. He referrec to the system of making tax return! as being the cause of so many exe cutions being issued, and said that i was not the fault of the Treasurer He closed by thanking the people foi what they did for him 14 years ag< and for what they are going to d< , right on. Mr J N Hammet, offering for Su pervisor, was not present. FOR CLERK OF COURT. Mr H 0 Britton, for re-election t< ' the office of Clerk of Court, told th< audience he was again seeking th< , office on his record. He was not wel t and would not attempt to make i speech. It was his sixty-eighth birth i day. Mr J 0 Carroway was glad to havi I as a running mate one of Williams burg's honored sons and had not i word of criticism to offer agains him; he had been yourefficient Clerl of Court for ten years. Mr Carra . way said he was seeking the offici I on his own platform of fitness an< f ability. He had been asked why hi . quit preaching. He had not quit, hi i said, and would never refuse to tel |. the story of Jesus and His love, an< that he bears the endorsement o the South Carolina conference. Hi i had preached for 14 years at a sala . ry at no time amounting to ovei $500; he had stood behind the plow and been his own plowman for tw< years in order to earn bread witt which to feed the little olive branch es with which God had blessed hii home. He needed the office anc would appreciate their support, h< i toid the audience. F^R HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ! Hon R K Wallace was the first o; the candidates called, but not beinj ! present, Hon S A Grt:ha.n was" lh; ' fir t of the Legislative aspirants t< appear un the stand, he mere^ aui nouncing that he stood for re-elec I ! tion on his record. Mr S 0 Ladds'.who aspires to rep resent the people of the eastern sec tion of the county in the Legislature said he believed there was something 'serious ahead, a situation that call: for deep and serious thought, foi backbone and brains in the Legisla tive halls. He has these qualifiea| tions.he told the crowd, or he woul< j not offer for the office. He also be j lieves we have too many laws on tht statute books; they are confusing: he said, and he would vote againsl every bill brought up unless he knew its passage was absolutely necessary i He believes in education and thinks . it wroug to educate the classes anc | not the masses. It was wrong to rob I the taxpayers of their money without letting a portion of it come back ;ts them; believes in biennial sessions i | > of the Legislature and is unalterably " opposed to woman suffrage. Mr J W Kennedy was the next I speaker and told the audience that , it W8s the "thesis" of his ambition to go to the State Legislature; to be i the mouthpiece of the people of Wil{liamsburg county, and that he had , worked as hard as any man for white supremacy. He had no new bills to propose as their representative, and 1 declared that he had never failed to : concentrate an influence in Legisla- 1 i tive halls. Thinks the man who ouns 1 1 only one hen and a brood of chicks 1 dt serves the best protection the law j 1 can give him. He promised if elect- 1 : ed to post himself upon the finances of the county so as to enlighten an < j enquirer in an instant. He expa- i I! tinted on the bonded indebtedness!; | of the county and exclaimed with j1 -; emphasis that "relief must come." \ i F His idea of :he tobacco warehouse'! * | r business was to have a sworn weigh-. er and an expert grader, who will i! sort the tobacco into grades one,:' r two, three, etc, and see to it that if J Mr A gets 20c a pound for his grade: ? 2 Mr B gets the same. -1 Mr D E McCutchen was the last1 1 legislative candidates called. He was f sorry he had not met more of the t Trio people, but told his hearers i that since the storm he had not been ! 1 able to get into their community. - Had been very busy as one of their : ; county commissioners, especially i 6ince the relief work had been taken : 1 up in the county by the federal > government. Mr McCutchen said he j was no politician, was only a plain i i farmer citizen of the county and if ' 1 elected would giye people the best J services in him. He received ap- I 1 plause. ] 3 CANDIDATES FOR SHERIFF. There are eight candidates for this 1 office and they were all on hand Tuesday cocked and primed. They | r are a bunch of good fellows and 3 there seems to exist not the least 3 tinge of bitterness between them because of any real or presumable advantage one may have over the j other. Mr W E Allen was the first of the d big eight to be called by the chair2 man. He simply announced his fanirl if urns imnnssihle to 1 i make a speech, but he would make a a good Sheriff. Mr H U Kinder said he was no orator; that when he should have 2 been learning to make speeches he - was between the plow handles on i his father's farm. He regards the t oifice of Sheriff as one of much im1 portance and promised that if elect ed he would do everything in his 2 power to fill it creditably, and proi posed to maintain at his own exe i pense a pack of well trained blood e hounds for the free use of the peo1 pie of the county whenever their ser1 vices mierht be needed. He said the f present Sheriff was "a splendid gen2 tleman, but he is your old Sheriff - and I am going to be your young r Sheriff"; that he started running for r tho thrpp vears aco and was!1 ) going to be in the second primary. 1 He thanked the people for the sup- ( - port given him four years ago, and s concluded by telling the preacher1 beer story and asked that if they 1 ? couldn't help Kinder not to help the | bear, as he had worked hard for the office and wanted to be Sheriff bef cause he needed the job. ] r Mr J H Epps was next ?pe- ker. I . He gave a brief ten of his career; l ) j lie was born and raised at Cades, J iiuu *.aa nciu i.?e p. > ? nuiiaUs until - it was decided there were too many of them on their father's farm and he had to get out and seek other - employment. He had worked with , road engineers on public highways. : was elected to tne Morence ponce force and later to the office of chief I 01 police at Kingstree, to which po j sition he had been elected for a sec j oni term and feels peculiarly fitted 1 j for the office of Sheriff, to obtain -1 which he asked the support of the j audience. , j Mr Geo J Graham, who has filled tj the office under the auditorium of r j the court house for nearly sixteen . years, told the crowd that if they 5 saw fit to elect him for four more i 1 years he would serve them to the J i seat of his ability and would not isk for their suffrage again. He ?aid he could Dot make them any promises, as Mr Kinder had done, with reference to the pack of train?d blood hounds, because he regard?d them as a farce, although he had ilways kept two hounds at the coun:y jail but put little confidence in them. The Sheriff said he had served :he people of the county in many *ajs, that he was the only living nan arrested for connection with ;he Klu Klux clan. He wouldn't promise to keep hotel or open house it Kingstree for his friends when they came to town as Mr Epps had promised, nor could he afford to pay from $100 to $150 for blood hounds, jut he would <}o his best to uphold the law at all times. Mr J Y McGill announced his candidacy and said "If you think I can 3erve you as your next Sheriff I ask you to give me your support." He was no speaker and did r.ot think it required a speech-making man to make a good Sheriff. Mr W T Wilkins announced himself as a candidate for Sheriff; told the audience that he was competent to fill the position and would appreciate their support. Mr W E Brockinton thanked the people of Trio for the support they MMtAn Uirw rvrAirinno nn m notrrnc uau J^IVCIi 111(11 ill yi t V 1UUO v.Oiiipai^uo pnd told them that it was his highest ambition to make them the best Sheriff they had ever had. Mr W T Rowell, who had so efficiently and patiently presided over the meeting, and in many other forms shown his big heartedness towards the forty odd candidates on the ground, did not intend to make a speech, but bis friends insisted, whereupon he told them that he was 36 years old and they had known him all of his life. He had no political record but wanted a chance to make one and thanked them for what they were going to do for him on the 29th of August. Said his office would be at Kingstree and he'd be on the job, "and when you come up there, come to see Tom." The county candidates are speakin at Greelyville today. They will be at Cades next Tuesday. Just the Thing for Diarrhoea. "About two years ago I had a severe attack of diarrhoea which lasted over a week," writes \V C Jones, Buford, N D. "I became so weak that I could not stand upright. A druggist recommended Chaml?er' * ? /-il- .1 I nt 1 inin'S uoiic, ^noiera aim Loarrnoea Remedy. The first dose relieved me and w ithin two days I was as well as ever." Many druggists recommend this remedy liecause they know that it is reliable. Obtainable everywhere. ? J? No matter how troubled the waters may be, if you look you can always find a stone upon which to step or a harbor in which safety may be found. Life holds more joy than sorrows for those who cultivate an open mind. Cure for Cholera Morbus. 'When our little boy, now seven years old, was a baby he was cured of cholera morbus by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," writes Mrs Sidney Simmons, Fair Haven, N V. "Since then other members of my family have used * i e i' 1 tins valuable medicine ior couc anu bowel troubles with good satisfaction and I gladly endorse it as a remedy [)f exceptional merit." Obtainable everywhere. The loafer, the kicker and the bluffer are three of a kind, and the breed is not conducive to the welfare of any community. If they cou'd see themselves as others see them they would not be seen at all. Good Locks are Easy Magnolia Balm. Look as good as your city cousins. No matter if you do Tan or Freckle Magnolia v/ill surely clear your skin instantly. Heals Sunburn, too. Ju3tput a little on your face and rub it off again before dry. Simple and sure to please. Try a bottle to-day and begin the improvement at once. White. Pink and Rose-Red Colors. 75 cents at Druggists or by mail direct. SAMPLE FREE. LYON MFG. CO.. 40 So. 5th St.. Erocklyn. N Y. rar? Candidates Cards. For Congress. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Congress from the Sixth district oi South Carolina, subject to the rules oi the Democratic party. James D Evans. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to Congress from the Sixth Congressional district, subject tc the rules of the Democratic primary. J W Ragsdale. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Congress from the" Sixth Congressional district, subject to the rules oi the the Democratic primary. Julius S McInnes. For House of Representatives. The friends of S A Graham herebj announce his candidacy for re-electior to the House of Representatives from Williamsburg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. The friends of Mr D E McCutcher hereby announce his candidacy for the House of Representatives from Williamsburg county,subject to the rules ol the Democratic primary. In announcing myself for the House of Representatives it answers the cal of many. Will say, here I am. I promise you honest and diligent service, always to be at my post ready to care for your welfare, local and State. Should you elect me it will hoist me tc the zenith of my ambition. I now tip my hat to one and all until we meet al campaign meetings, there I will answei any questions propounded relative tc j your interest. Respectfully, J w Kennedy. I hereby announce myself a candidate j to represent the people of Williamsburg j county in the Legislature,subject to the I Democratic primary. S 0 Eaddy. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the House ?>f Representatives, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. Soliciting youi support, I am respectfully, R K Wallace. For Clerk of Court. Feeling that I possess the necessarj qualifications to discharge the duties belonging to the office, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerli of Court of Williamsburg county, subSet to the rules and regulations of the emocratic primary. J 0 CARRAWAY. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk o1 Court of Williamsburg county, subjeci to the rules of the Democratic primary, H 0 Britton. For Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Treasurer ol Williamsburg county, sutyect to the Democratic primary. C J rollins, To the Democratic Voters of Williams burg county:?I hereby announce myoolf o /.onHiHat-a far the nflfira nf Traas, urer of Williamsburg county, and wil abide by the rules of the Democrats primary. W Dodd Daniel. I hereby announce myself a candidal for the office of Treasurer of illiams burg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. R b Smith. I hereby announce myself a candidate for reappointment to the office of Coun ty Treasurer of Williamsburg county subject to the rules of the Democrats primary. J Wesley Cook. To the Voters of Williamsburg County Bj this means I announce myself i candidate for the office of Treasurer oi Williamsburg county. I will abide bj the rules of the Democratic primary, pd WE Snowden. For Sheriff. I hereby announce myself a candidal for the office of Sheriff of Williamsburg county, subject to the rules of the Dem ocratic primary. * W T Rowell. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Williamsburg ennntv suhieet h? the rules of the Dem ocratic primary. W E Allen I hereby announce myself a candidal for the office of Sheriff in the coming primary, subject to the rules of the Democratic party. w T Wilkins. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Williamsburg county,subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. Your suffrage respect fully solicited. Jas H Epps. To the Democratic Voters of Williamsburg County:? I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Sherifl and will abide by the rules of the Democratic primary. George J Graham. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff and respectfully solicit your vote. I pledge myself tc abide by the rules of the Democratic primary and if elected will do my utmost to perform the duties of the office satisfactorily. Respectfully. 11 U Kinder. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff oi Williamburg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. pd WE Brockinton. To the Citizens of Williamsburg County: Having been solicited by a number of my friends to enter the race, and feel ing that I am, in every respect, capable of performing every duty belonging to this office, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. I heartily appreciate what my friends have done for me in the past, and I wish to thank them in advance for their support in the ensuing election. Yours for service, pd J Y McGill. tor Judge of Probate. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Probate Judge of Williamsburg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. As in the past, so will it be in the future, your consideration will be appreciated. P McLure Brockinton. For Supervisor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Supervisor of Williamsburg county, subject to the rules of Democratic primary. J N Hammet. For Couofy Superintendent of Education I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to the office of County Superintendent of Education, subject to f rules and regulations of the Democratic r primary. J Graham Mc< "ullough. * I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Superintendent of Educa- m tion for Williamsburg county, subject Jn , to the rules of the Democratic primary. Jackson V McElveen. ' For Magistrate. at lanes I hereby announce myself a candidate ' for re-election to the office of Magis; trate at Lanes, pledging myself to aDide hv the results nf the nemivratir nri mary. S G McDonald. I hereby announce myself a candidate i for the office of Magistrate of Lanes district, pledging myself to abide the ' result of the Democratic primary, i J G Lifrage. 1 at hemingway. ? I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Magistrate of the Hem,: ingway district, pledging myself to > abide by the rules of the Democratic ! I primary. C S Davis. f I I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Magistrate at Heming? | way, subject to the rules ol'the Demoj | cratic primary. W T Lee. . | I hereby announce myself a candidate . i for Magistrate at Hemingway and >' respectfully solicit your support, pledg: ing myself to abide by the rules of the , Democratic primary. ) GH Stancill. t at hkbron. I hereby announce myself a candidate ) for Magistrate at Hebron in response to the call of my friends. Soliciting your support, lam, Respectfully. Chas W FlLYAW. To the Citizens of Hebron District:? Having been solicited by a number of my tnends to enter the race, 1 hereby t announce myself a candidate for the | office of Magistrate at Hebron,pledging j myself to abide by the rules of the Dem[ ocratic primary. R E McElveen. I hereby announce mysels a candidate for Magistrate at Hebron, subject to the rules the Democratic primary. Your support respectfully solicited. W Holzy Baker, I hereby announce myself a candidate ; for Magistrate at Hebron, subject to ' the rules of the Democratic primary. J W Stewart. ? I hereby announce myself a candidate for Magistrate at Hebron, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. J L Gowdy# , | f at greelyville. t I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Magistrate at Greelyville, subject to the rules of the Demo- v cratic primar,. M M Bradshaw i The friends of Mr H S Gamble here- { by announce him a candidate for the office of Magistrate at Greelyville, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. at trio. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Magistrate at Trio, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. J W Lockuear. I hereby announce myself a candidate for reappointment to the office of Magistrate at Trio, subject ts the rules of . tVio rjomnprntir> nrimnrv > W S ('amlin. I hereby announce myself a candidate 1 for Magistrate for Trio district, subject - to the rules of the Democratic primary. J S tartt. - AT MORRISVIl LE. * I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Magistrate atMor risville, asking my friends and the vot| ers to assist me in my undertaking and ^ promising to serve the public to the 1 best of my knowledge and ability, subject to the rules and regulations of the Democratic primary election. Lawson R Cribb. I hereby announce myself a candidate ' for reappointment as Magistrate at > Morrisville, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. J M Godwin. i AT KINGSTREE. ' I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Magistrate at Kingstree. pledging myself to abide by , the rules of the 1 >emocratic primary. r Very respectfully. \ S A Nettles. I herebv announce mvself a candidate for reappointment to the office of Magistrate at Kingstree, pledging myself to abide the rules of the Democratic primary. J B Gamble. Far Coroner. I hereby announce myself a candidate . for the office of Coroner of Williams- \ \ burg county, subject to the rules of the I Democratic primary. I respectfully solicit your support. H J Brown. . To the Voters of Williamsburg County: I hereby announce myself a candidate , for the office of Coroner of Williams burg county, subject to the rules of the | Democratic primary. I will appreciate , your vote. Yours to serve, J I Morris. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Coroner of Williamsburg county, subject to the .ales of the Democratic primary. J L Blakeley, Trio. S C. To the Voters of illiamsburg County: I hereby announce myself a candidate : for Coroner of Williamsburg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. I will appreciate your support. George W Ward.. I hereby announce myself a candidate ! date for Coroner of Williamsburg coun ly, pieaging myseu to amae by the rules of the Democratic primary. T .J Spring. I hereby announce myself a candidate for.Coroner of Williamsburg eounty, pledging myself to abide by the rules of the Democratic primary. w I Tisdale. The friends of Mr Julius J Hanna I hereby announce him a candidate for ! ..c n ? -A? mil! 1 LUC unite ui vui<?ll?-r in '? liliamsourg county,subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. p I hereby announce myself a candidate for Coroner of Williamsburg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. H M Burrows. I hereby announce myself a candidate u for the office of Coroner of Willioms- J burg county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. Respectfully. Eddie D Epps.